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The Originals
#203 : L'Invitation


Diffusion US : 20 octobre 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 3 avril 2016 sur Série Club 

Lorsque Klaus et Elijah reçoivent une mystérieuse invitation à dîner de leur mère Esther, qui continue d’habiter le corps de Cassie, ils se préparent au pire.

Avec l’aide d’une sorcière nommée Lenore, Klaus, Elijah et Hayley tentent de garder une longueur d’avance sur Esther, mais les choses prennent une tournure inattendue.

Elijah se retrouve à contrecœur à devoir faire équipe avec Gia, une vampire fraîchement transformée.

Hayley est confrontée à une proposition alléchante concernant son nouveau statut d’hybride après une rencontre surprenante.

Enfin, Esther révèle un secret choquant à propos de l’enfance de Klaus et dévoile son plan ultime pour ses enfants.

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4.2 - 5 votes

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Every Mother & Son

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Trailer 2x03

Trailer 2x03


Trailer 2x03 Version Longue

Trailer 2x03 Version Longue


Extrait #1

Extrait #1


Extrait #2

Extrait #2


Extrait #3

Extrait #3


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Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Vincent Griffith/Finn Mikaelson (Yusuf Gatewood)

Vincent Griffith/Finn Mikaelson (Yusuf Gatewood)

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 20.10.2014 à 20:00
1.27m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Christopher Hollier
Réalisé par : Dermott Downs

Résumé long 2x03

(Petite note : Trois originaux sont dans un corps différent, Esther dans le corps de Cassie, Finn dans celui de Vincent, Kol dans celui de Kaleb ; les deux prénoms, le corps hôte, et l’originel, peuvent figurer dans un même paragraphe, quand l’interlocuteur ignore qu’il fait face à un Mikaelson.)


Hayley, Klaus et Elijah découvrent un grand buffet dans la cour du manoir, et sont étonnés. Ils découvrent une carte, elle provient d’Esther. Elle invite ses fils à un dîner le soir même.

Dans la chambre, Klaus tient l’invitation, il est contrarié. Hayley veut l’aider à tuer Esther, car elle s’en est prise à Hope. Elijah pense que la tâche va être ardue, car elle peut changer de corps. Il pense qu’ils ont peu de temps pour comprendre ses intentions.

Elijah vient au repère d’Elijah, Gia est présente, mais Elijah refuse de la prendre en charge. Il souhaite connaître la sorcière qui l’aide en l’absence de Davina, Marcel pense que Gia peut l’y conduire, l’originel est mécontent, mais finit par accepter.

Oliver est au bar, il a rendez-vous avec Cassie. Finn arrive, sous la forme de Vincent. Oliver doute de la légitimité de Vincent, ce dernier lui donne une bague de lune comme preuve. Le loup n’est pas enthousiaste de parler à un intermédiaire, Vincent s’en prend à lui par magie pour lui faire passer le message. Il relâche la pression, mais estime que cette bague a un coût, l‘obéissance du loup. Il part. Oliver prévient Hayley.

Hayley apprend à Klaus qu’Esther s’est alliée à un sorcier. L’hybride veut comprendre pourquoi Esther déteste Niklaus. Il lui raconte qu’au départ ils étaient sept enfants, mais que deux sont morts, ce qui a anéanti sa mère. Elle a fait de sa famille restante des êtres immortels par amour pour eux. Son secret concernant Klaus, enfant d’un père loup, dont la meute était responsable du frère cadet de Klaus, Henrik, a alors été découvert. Mikael a tué le père de Klaus, que sa mère aimait toujours. Hayley comprend mieux la folie d’Esther, elle-même a du mal à supporter l’absence de Hope. Klaus explique que ses frères ont cru qu’elle ne détestait pas réellement ses enfants, mais qu’elle se détestait elle-même pour ce qu’ils étaient devenus, mais Klaus doute de ça. Il avoue à la louve qu’il veut simplement sa mort. Hayley veut l’aider.

Gia amène Elijah auprès de la sorcière, il se montre assez froid avec elle, qui fait avec. Ils entrent dans une petite épicerie, la femme au comptoir identifie l’originel, et lui demande de partir. Il assure qu’il fera rétablir les avantages fiscaux sur sa boutique si elle l’aide. Elle accepte de l’écouter. Il veut connaître le prochain corps dans lequel Esther sautera. Elle explique que le sort sacrificiel de la marque de l’âme est la réponse, elle a besoin de deux ingrédients, un objet enchanté par la sorcière et un python. Elijah charge Gia de récupérer le reptile et s’en va rapidement, la vampire est consternée, d’autant qu’ il ne lui donne aucun conseil sur l’utilisation de la contrainte. Elle quitte à son tour la boutique. Un autre client entre, il s’agit de Finn.

Klaus est au repère de Marcel, il lui demande s’il a toujours le collier qu’il lui avait donné quand il était enfant. Marcel le lui rend aussitôt. Klaus observe le pendentif, un oiseau en métal confectionné par sa mère censé protéger l’enfant de son père. Klaus enfant s’était interrogé sur le fait qu’il était le seul à en posséder un, sa mère avait répondu qu’il était quelqu’un de spécial. Elle lui avait promettre de toujours le porter, et s’était montrée très inquiète a plusieurs occasions où l’objet avait été ôté du cou de Niklaus.

Esther et Finn sont au cimetière, ils estiment que Kol, à la recherche de Davina, ne pourra les joindre à temps pour le repas. Esther pense que c’est aussi bien que son identité reste encore secrète. Finn explique que Klaus et Elijah ont bougé toute la journée après avoir reçu l’invitation, Esther lui demande de charger Oliver de faire parler Lénore, la sorcière à laquelle Elijah a rendu visite. Elle compte sur Finn pour le dîner.

C’est le soir. Oliver a prévenu Hayley qu’il était chargé de torturer Lénore. La louve explique à Elijah et Klaus qu’elle part la libérer, ils sont sceptiques mais elle leur demande de lui faire confiance. Klaus lui confie le collier de sa mère, et Elijah lui demande de trouver Gia chez Marcel, pour le second ingrédient. Elle s’en va.

Gia a retrouvé Marcel au repère, elle est excédée, elle avoue qu’elle n’a pas réussi à contraindre, et a volé le serpent. Elle comprend que Marcel attend quelque chose d’Elijah, mais se demande en quoi elle est le moyen de l’obtenir. Il veut reformer la communauté de vampires, et qu’Elijah les considère comme une famille, car il souhaite avoir un originel à leurs côtés. Gia doute qu’Elijah puisse s’attacher à elle, mais Marcel pense qu’il finira par vouloir l’aider.

Klaus et Elijah patientent autour de la table à manger, ils attendent leur mère. Vincent entre et se montre acerbe d’emblée, en pointant leurs défauts respectifs. Elijah est circonspect, et demande l’identité du jeune homme, Vincent est surpris qu’il ne l’ait pas reconnu. Klaus comprend qu’il est Finn, Elijah est stupéfait. Finn les invite à s’asseoir.

Hayley libère Lénore dans le mausolée, mais Oliver estime que ça le met en danger, sa couverture va tomber. Hayley a une solution déplaisante pour Oliver, faire croire que les sorcières ont organisées son évasion, et frapper le loup pour rendre ça convaincant. Il accepte à regret.

A table, Finn souhaite fêter son retour chez les vivants, lui qui a aussi passé neuf cent ans dans une boîte. Il ironise sur ce qu’il a manqué de la vie de ses frères. Klaus lui reproche d’avoir voulu aider sa mère à tous les tuer. Elijah est étonné qu’un autre couvert soit disposé, en plus de celui d’Esther, Finn révèle que Kol est le dernier invité. Il assure que ce dernier a accepté de s’allier avec leur mère, et que le changement est inévitable. Klaus tente de viser Finn avec un couteau, mais Finn le fait dévier. Il estime qu’ils ont beaucoup à se dire.

Au mausolée, Hayley aide Lénore à se relever, et se présente à elle. Elle lui demande si elle est toujours d’accord pour effectuer le sort, Lénore lui répond que c’est le cas, après ce qu’elle vient de subir par cette sorcière.

Les frères Mikaelson sont toujours attablés, Finn veut comprendre pourquoi Klaus l’a laissé 900 ans dagué, et reproche à Elijah d’être de son côté. Les deux ironisent sur le fait qu’il est ennuyeux, du fait qu’il est le lèche-botte de leur mère, et a toujours rejeté leur vampirisme, comme leur père. Elijah réclame leur mère, elle fait son entrée sous l’apparence de Cassie, Elijah l’observe stupéfait.

Hayley et Lénore sont à la boutique de la sorcière pour préparer le sort. Lénore présente ses condoléances pour l’enfant d’Hayley. Elle récupère le talisman, et explique que la prochaine personne dont prendre possession Esther sera marquée à la main. Hayley lui demande si elle a appris quelque chose sur les intentions d’Esther tandis qu’elle était captive, la sorcière lui répond que seul l’amour inspire autant de cruauté. Elle sacrifie le serpent sous les yeux d’Hayley.

A table, Esther assure à ses fils que chacune de ses actions était vouée à les protéger. Elle leur rappelle le jour où elle avait retrouvé Klaus blessé après un duel avec son père. Elle avait pris soin de lui, alors qu’il lui avait avoué que son père avait voulu prendre son collier, et qu’il s’était battu pour le récupérer. Il lui avait expliqué que Mikael l’avait poignardé de rage tandis que Klaus brandissait le talisman, Esther en avait été soulagé. Klaus réalise alors que le pendentif n’avait pas été envoûté dans le but de le protéger, mais de l’affaiblir. Esther confirme, elle voulait empêcher qu’il active sa malédiction. Klaus est fou de rage, car il a passé son enfance à subir et chercher la reconnaissance d’un père qui s’en prenait à lui car il le trouvait faible. Elijah est aussi sous le choc de la révélation. Klaus reproche à sa mère d’être la responsable du monstre qu’il est. Elle s’évanouit. Elijah comprend qu’elle a quitté le corps de Cassie. Klaus et Elijah s’en prennent à Finn pour savoir où elle est allée, mais il les maîtrise par magie et s’en va.

A l’épicerie de Lénore, la sorcière cesse de réciter son incantation, elle est prise de vertiges. Hayley lui demande si elle va bien, elle lui répond que c’est le cas, mais Hayley découvre une marque sur le dos de sa main, et comprend qu’elle fait face à Esther.

Cassie est réveillée, Klaus l’interroge brutalement pour savoir où est leur mère, mais Elijah réalise qu’elle ne sait rien, elle est perdue et terrorisée. Klaus ne comprend pas quel était le but de sa mère dans cette soirée si c’était pour disparaître à la fin, Elijah se demande alors si elle ne souhaitait pas empoisonner l’esprit de quelqu’un d’autre.

Le portable d’Hayley sonne, Esther l’autorise à répondre, l’hybride a juste le temps de dire à Elijah où elle se trouve. Elle dit à Esther que ses fils vont venir la chercher, la sorcière lui répond que c’était le but depuis le début. Esther compatit sur la perte de son enfant, et assure savoir ce que c’est. Elle souhaite lui offrir la possibilité de lui trouver un nouveau corps, elle ne sera plus un hybride, et pourra réaliser son rêve, fonder une famille et avoir de nouveaux enfants.

Klaus et Elijah arrivent, Esther établit une barrière de protection. Elle réitère que ses intentions sont pacifiques, elle veut guérir sa famille, mais ils ne la croient pas. Elle autorise Hayley à partir, la louve s’en va. Elle révèle qu’elle veut leur permettre une nouvelle vie sans la malédiction de vampire qu’elle leurs a infligé, et estime qu’Hayley pourra leur parler de sa proposition. Klaus lui assure qu’il n’acceptera jamais rien d’elle, mais elle pense le contraire. Elle disparaît, tandis que les vitres explosent et libèrent de nombreux oiseaux.

Au manoir, les frères sont excédés par le comportement de leur mère. Hayley explique que la sorcière les tient pour responsables de ce qui leurs est arrivé à elle et l’enfant. Klaus espère qu’elle n’a pas l’intention d’accepter l’offre d’Esther, Hayley avoue que la proposition est tentante. Elle ironise sur le fait qu’il faille qu’elle soit en danger pour qu’Elijah lui parle, et les laisse. Elijah veut la suivre, mais Klaus a besoin de se confier à lui sur la révélation du soir, sa mère l’a rendu faible. Elijah affirme que son frère ne l’a jamais été, il a toujours résisté face aux ennemis, y compris son père. Il lui fait confiance pour protéger sa famille de sa mère. Klaus estime qu’Elijah est un sage conseiller, il le prend par l’épaule, puis le laisse, Elijah reste songeur.

Dans un bar, Gia écoute un artiste chanté une ballade, Elijah la rejoint. Elle lui avoue que depuis qu’elle a été transformée, elle n’est plus capable de jouer, et ne sait pourquoi. Elijah lui explique que les sens d’un vampire sont altérés, ils ressentent les choses différemment. Il lui propose de l’aider à réapprendre. Gia lui demande pourquoi, il lui répond que si quelqu’un avait la chose pour ses frères et sœurs quand ils sont devenus vampires, l’histoire aurait peut-être été différente.

Les vampires passent une soirée tranquille au repère de Marcel. Gia retrouve Marcel et lui dit qu’il avait raison, Elijah a vu en elle quelque chose à réparer et veut l’aider. Marcel est satisfait, il pense que l’originel va tous les aider.

A la serre, Finn pense que ses frères ne vont pas facilement abandonner le combat, Esther est déterminée à les faire adhérer à sa proposition par tous les moyens. Elle veut leurs enlever tout ce à quoi ils tiennent, elle a déjà les loups, et veut maintenant à Marcel et ses vampires. Elle pense que lorsqu’elle aura fini de leur ôter toute joie, par désespoir ils viendront la supplier, et elle les aidera par amour pour eux.

Le script VF de cet épisode est à écrire, si vous êtes interessé pour le faire, laissez un message dans le forum Aide/Volontariat. Merci =)


( Esther (still in Cassie's body) lights candles while she prepares a breakfast. A starling chirps in a cage nearby while Cassie begins cracking eggs into a bowl, mixing berries and herbs, and writing an invitation in fine calligraphy. She smiles as she looks at her work, and puts the invitation onto a silver platter with a lid )




[In the courtyard, Hayley is munching on an array of fruit and other breakfast food when Klaus comes down the stairs to join her]

Hayley: So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?

Klaus: [approaches her] It's certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this... [gestures to the food on the table]

Hayley: Hmm. Well, then, I guess we have Elijah to thank. ( Elijah joins them in the courtyard )

Elijah: [confused] This wasn't my doing...

Hayley: [frowns] Then, where did this all come from?

( The silver lid on the platter starts to rattle, startling Hayley and Elijah. Klaus looks uneasy when he lifts the platter, which releases two starlings that fly up toward the ceiling, causing the three to reflexively duck. They all look puzzled and nervous )

Hayley: What the hell was that?

( Klaus reaches for the invitation and opens it. It reads, "Dinner, Your Home, 8PM" )

Klaus: An invitation from our mother.

( Klaus and Elijah stare at each other in concern )





( Esther (in her original body) ladles out food for her children, who are all very young and who have all gathered around the table for breakfast )

Esther: Now, children, it's very hot! Rebekah, Kol, be careful! [Finn joins them at the table as they all sit down]

Esther: Where's Niklaus?

( The children all stay silent. Elijah gives Finn a knowing look )

Esther: Elijah? Finn? Where's your brother?

Finn: [hesitates] He's in the woods, Mother. [Elijah glares at him] Hiding.

( Esther walks out into the woods, where she finds Klaus hiding behind a tree )

Esther: [sighs] What are you doing here?

Klaus: Father says he's to take me hunting later. But I'm no good. Not with him. He gets angry at me.

( Esther looks at him with sympathy and kneels so she can look him in the eye )

Esther: I understand. Do you know what I do when I'm afraid? I listen to the starlings. [In the background, Finn can be seen eavesdropping on them]

Esther: When I was a little girl, my mother taught one of them a tune. And, since they mimic each others' songs, it spread, until every starling in the forest sang it. [Klaus looks up at the birds in the trees] When we made this our home, I brought these same birds to these woods. Whenever you heard one sing, Niklaus, remember I'm with you. Always and forever.

( Esther takes Klaus' hand and pulls him to his feet. Finn watches from afar and gulps sadly )




( Klaus stares at the invitation while he stands on the balcony overlooking the French Quarter. He eventually turns to head back into his bedroom, where Hayley is laying flat on Klaus' bed )

Hayley: It is times like this I'm really glad I never knew my mother.

Klaus: We have enough enemies here. And now, the war for our home is to be fought against my own family.

Hayley: Your wretched mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart. I will happily add to the body count. ( Klaus smiles at Hayley, as Elijah enters the room )

Elijah: You will do no such thing. Esther's a master in the art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a new host. Klaus: Well, her last invitation was an assassination attempt on all her children. I think we can assume her intentions are decidedly foul.

Elijah: [shrugs] Well, then. We have... [checks watch] this afternoon to prepare for the worst. ( Elijah leaves. Hayley rolls her eyes, which makes Klaus smile )

Klaus: The bloom is off the rose, I see. [he  follows Elijah out]

Hayley: [mutters] Shut up.





( Marcel and Gia are sorting through books at his loft when Elijah arrives to talk )

Marcel: I wondered when you'd show up. Your pupil's waiting. it's not like you to shirk your responsibilities.

Elijah: [sighs] As you well know, she is not my... burden to bear. You turned her, you teach her.

[Gia turns toward him, looking hurt. Marcel isn't impressed]

Marcel: Why'd you come?

Elijah: I'm looking for a cooperative witch.

Marcel: I don't know where Davina is, and given the fact that she's got your father on a leash, I wouldn't put her in the, uh, "cooperative" category -

Elijah: [interrupts him] - Not Davina. Perhaps another witch? On another leash?

Marcel: What makes you think I got another witch?

Elijah: Perhaps the daylight ring on your new librarian? [He points to Gia, who tries to pretend like she's not offended]

Marcel: [smiles] Good point! My memory's a little shaky. Lucky for you, though, I know someone who can help! Gia?

( Marcel gestures to Gia, who sighs and reluctantly walks over to him. Marcel puts his arm around her and turns back to Elijah )

Marcel: [to Gia] Why don't you take Elijah to meet our friend Lenore?

Elijah: [sighs] If this is your idea of a joke, I can assure you I am not amused.

Marcel: Well, there's nothing funny about what's going on. Mikael's back, witches causing chaos. It just seems like you could use all the friends that you can get.

( Elijah rolls his eyes and heads straight for the door )





( Oliver is sitting at the bar, drinking a pint of beer, when Vincent/Finn arrives and sits next to him )

Vincent/Finn: You're Oliver, correct?

Oliver: [annoyed] Do I know you?

Vincent/Finn: No. But, I am, in fact, the person you're meeting with this afternoon.

Oliver: [rolls his eyes] Look, uh, I'm here to meet Cassie. I don't know who you are, friend, but you certainly are no teenage girl that has magic powers. [sips his beer]

Vincent/Finn: [laughs] What a keen observation, friend. [his tone goes from friendly to cold] My name is Vincent, and, if you speak to me, you are, in fact, speaking to Cassie. [pulls out a new moonlight ring] I offer this as proof.

( Oliver stares at the ring and becomes nervous, but he does take the ring and puts his on )

Oliver: So, if I decide I don't want to answer to number two in the chain of command?

( Vincent/Finn looks at him boredly and blows on his thumb and index finger before he starts rubbing them together, causing Oliver's muscles to seize up in pain )

Vincent/Finn: I'll make an example of you to show your pack what happens when Cassie's requests are denied. [Oliver continues to groan in pain] Or, we can start again.

( Vincent/Finn nods and rubs his fingers the other direction, which undoes the spell. Oliver gasps in relief. Vincent/Finn stands and leans over Oliver's head )

Vincent/Finn: That ring comes at a price, and you'll begin paying for it today.

( Vincent/Finn leaves the restaurant. When he's gone, Oliver pulls out his phone and dials a number )





( Klaus is in the dining room, where he is making arrangements for the evening's dinner with a group of (presumably compelled) caterers. One of the caterers gives him a choice of two different bottles of wine )

Klaus: Skip the salad course. Let's not make this dreadful evening any longer than it needs to be.

[He choices a wine and dismisses the caterer, just as Hayley enters the dining room]

Hayley: So, I guess letting Oliver live paid off. He just informed me your mother has a partner -in -crime - another witch.

Klaus: Building alliances in her quest to destroy us, I imagine.

Hayley: Why does she hate you so much, Klaus? She had six kids, it's not like she doesn't have the maternal gene.

Klaus: Seven, actually. And, I think at one time, she loved us very much. [he folds napkins on the table] One died before I was born.

Hayley: I didn't know that.

Klaus: Years later, my brother Henrik was killed by the werewolves in our village. The loss of another child pushed my mother over the edge. So, she used her magic to turn us into immortals. I think that's when she loved us the most. But, it was her undoing. It triggered a sequence of events that led to the reveal of her long -held secret. My birth father was the werewolf whose pack killed my little brother. Of course, when Mikael found out, he murdered my real father, and so, my mother lost her lover, too.

Hayley: [stunned] Wow. No wonder she's crazy. I'm out of my mind having just given away Hope... I can't imagine if she'd actually died.

Klaus: [teary -eyed] You know, my siblings used to tell each other she didn't hate us. She hated herself for what we've become. I think they believed that even after she tried to kill us all.

Hayley: [quietly] What did you believe?

Klaus: I don't know. I just knew I wanted her dead. ( The two stare at each other for a long moment )

Hayley: Well, every good story needs a wicked witch. [winks with a small smile] It'll be all the more satisfying when we melt her. ( Klaus smiles at her, and she smiles back )





[Gia and Elijah are on their way to see Lenore, while Gia unsuccessfully tries to make conversation]

Gia: So, you're not much of a talker, huh? [Elijah just looks at her] No problem. Last guy I hung out with, he wouldn't shut up, so... guess I'm due for a change -

Elijah: [cuts her off] The task is to lead me to someone. Let's just... do that, shall we?

( Elijah walks in front of Gia, and Gia, unimpressed, rushes to catch up )

Gia: You wanna walk in silence? Cool. But, [sighs] you're going the wrong way.

Elijah: [stops in annoyance] Marcel believes I can instruct you. First lesson - do your best not to waste my time.

[Gia glares at him and turns in the opposite direction as she leads Elijah toward Lenore's shop]


( Lenore is at the front check out desk, where she is grinding herbs in a mortar and pestle. Soon, Elijah and Gia arrive to speak with her )

Lenore: Go away, I'm busy.

Elijah: Yes, blatantly practicing magic, I see.

Lenore: Herbal remedies for a neighbor who lost her insurance. But, my guess is an Original ain't here to talk neighborhood gossip.

Elijah: I have a favor to ask you.

Lenore: Quarter's crawling with witches, go ask one of them.

Elijah: [sighs and looks around] I don't typically ask favors of my enemies.

Lenore: So, you come across the river to bother me?

Elijah: It's unfortunate, isn't it? Bureacracy has not been kind to your community. Those tax incentives on local businesses have been stalling for months. Of course, a persuasive person could potentially remove any red tape.

Lenore: [interested] I'm listening.

Elijah: A certain someone - let's say a witch -  has a troublesome tendency of jumping into other bodies. [smiles] When she does so again, I would like to know into whom she jumps. [he drops a coin into her coin jar]

Lenore: Soul -branding. It's a sacrificial spell. I'm gonna need an item that's been spelled by the witch in question, and a python.

Elijah: [smiles] I shall retrieve the enchanted item. My partner will take care of the python. [turns to leave the store]

Gia: Ew, what?

Elijah: Second lesson of the day - acquisition through mind compulsion.

( Elijah leaves. Gia is flustered )

Gia: [calls after him] How the hell do I do mind compulsion?

[Gia leaves in a huff. Once she's gone, Vincent/Finn enters the store]

Lenore: [doesn't look up] Can I help you?

( Vincent/Finn approaches the front counter, and Lenore finally looks up to see who it is )

Vincent/Finn: [smiles] I'm most certain that you can.





( Marcel is pouring a drink for himself when Klaus arrives ) Marcel: Let me guess, you need a favor?

Klaus: I'm paying this one, I promise. There was a necklace I gave you a long time ago. It was a leather strap with a metal bird on the end.

Marcel: [turns to a shelf and grabs a small wooden box] Yeah, you gave it to me when I turned eleven.

Klaus: You remember?

Marcel: [walks toward Klaus] Mikael's back, Elijah's babbling on about family drama, and you're here looking for antique jewelry.

( Marcel holds out the open box to Klaus, who takes the necklace inside it. The sight of it transports him to another flashback to his childhood )




( Esther is making the necklace when she calls Klaus in to see her )

Esther: Come here, Klaus. ( Esther dips the metal bird on the necklace into a pot before laying it on a small pile of sand surrounded by black stones on her table )

Esther: Birds are sacred to the Vikings. It's how we find land. It's how your father and I found our home here. [she puts the necklace around Klaus' neck] Here. If ever you are lost, or scared, or in need of me, just clasp the bird, and I will come.

Klaus: D -do the others get one?

Esther: [hesitates] I love all my children. [she takes Klaus' hand] But you, Niklaus? You're the most special, which is why I give this to you, and you alone. Promise me you will wear it always.

Klaus: I promise.

( Later, the village holds a bonfire, and Esther and Klaus join a group of villagers in dancing around the fire while others play music on their instruments )

Esther: Your father may teach you to hunt, but I will teach you to win the heart of the prettiest girl in the village!

( The two spin around happily and laugh, while Finn stares sadly from afar, holding a flute in his hand. Suddenly, Esther notices that Klaus isn't wearing his necklace )

Esther: [frowns] Where's your starling necklace?

Klaus: [feels his neck and realizes it's gone] It must have fallen off!

( Klaus starts to desperately look around, as Finn slowly makes his way over to them )

Esther: You need to find it now! Immediately!

Finn: It's all right, Mother. I found it.

[Finn pulls the necklace out of his pocket and hands it to her. Esther takes it from him and puts it around Klaus' neck]

Esther: [to Klaus] You owe a great thank you to your brother, don't you? [Klaus remains silent] Don't you?

Klaus: [reluctant] Thank you, Finn.

[Finn smiles kindly at Klaus, and Esther caresses his cheek with her hand]





( Klaus and Marcel are still in the middle of talking when Klaus comes out of his flashback )

Marcel: Do I even want to know why you're asking for a necklace that your mother gave you?

Klaus: [smiles weakly] Believe me, Marcel - you want no part in the latest chapter of our sprawling family saga. [They both look at the necklace] Thank you for holding onto this. ( Klaus leaves )





( Vincent/Finn and Cassie/Esther are both walking through the cemetery as Finn updates her on their plan )

Finn: I've heard from Kol. He's still looking for the young witch. I imagine he'll find her soon enough.

Esther: Shame he'll miss dinner. Although, it is best that his new identity remains unknown. This new witch you've brought me, Lenore. She seems rather stubborn.

Finn: Mother, I'd be happy to open her up to new possibilities.

Esther: Have Oliver handle her. Your means of persuasion will be needed for dinner. Have we received any response to our invitation?

Finn: I imagine your message had quite the effect - both he and Elijah have been on the move all day.

Esther: Of course. Ever boys. Be sure you're ready for them this evening.

Finn: I've handled everything exactly as you've instructed.

Esther: I'd expect nothing less from you, Finn.

( Esther reaches up and caresses his cheek, just as she did in the flashback. Finn nods at her and moves into one of the crypts, where Lenore is chained up. Oliver is waiting for him inside as well )

Oliver: [appalled] You torture your own?

Vincent/Finn: No! I persuade.

( Vincent/Finn opens a small satchel that holds various tools used for torture. Lenore looks exhausted and scared, and already has several wounds on her face and head )

Vincent/Finn: [to Oliver] I'd like you to do the same. [he walks over to Lenore] She had some visitors earlier today. [he brushes her hair from her face, and she groans and backs away] I'd like to know what they wanted.

( Oliver looks horrified as Vincent heads toward the door. He grabs a large hourglass and turns it over )

Vincent/Finn: Don't dally.





[Hayley is updating Klaus and Elijah]

Hayley: Marcel's witch is being held captive in the Quarter.

Klaus: Oh, perfect. Mother's a step ahead, as usual.

Hayley: Oliver's with her. I'll go, and I'll get her to do the spell. But, I need the necklace.

Elijah: I don't like this whatso...

Hayley: [cuts him off] No. You don't get to ignore me for days and then suddenly act like you're concerned, Elijah. Just, for once, please, will you trust me that I'll do something and it will get done?

( Elijah looks as though he's about to speak, but shuts his mouth at the last moment. Klaus sighs and pulls the necklace out of his pocket and hands it to her. She takes it )

Hayley: Thank you. [Hayley gets ready to leave, but Elijah stops her]

Elijah: Wait. Hayley: [interrupts] I don't car -

Elijah: [cuts her off] No, there's something else. A disciple of Marcel's was instructed to fetch another ingredient. Ask for Gia.

Hayley: [hesitates] Okay.

( She leaves. Once she's gone, Klaus walks toward Elijah )

Klaus: What's going on with you two?

Elijah: Nothing. She's stronger, that's all that matters.





[Gia has just returned to Marcel's apartment]

Gia: A snake? That was my big lesson of the day. Snake -fetching.

Marcel: [laughs] Hold on - you compelled yourself a snake?

Gia: No! I stole the damn thing! Captain Condescension didn't feel the need to cover the mind -control chapter in today's lesson.

Marcel: Did you even try?

Gia: I don't even know where to start trying, Marcel. [she walks toward him] Why Elijah? [Marcel just looks at her] I'm not stupid. You want something from him, I just can't guess the reason why you'd think I'm the way to get it.

Marcel: [licks his lips] Actually, I want something for him, and it's the same thing I want for you.

Gia: Which is what?

Marcel: This. Us! Our new community! Look, I learned my lesson the hard way. You can't make your way in this town unless you got an Original looking out for you. Klaus is so fixated on those wolves, and Elijah's so wrapped up in centuries of his family's old crap that he can't see it. But, we need him. We need him to see us as family, too.

Gia: [in tears] I couldn't even get my own family to care about me. How am I supposed to win him over?

Marcel: [walks toward her] I've known that man two hundred years. He's cranky. [laughs] He's fussy. And, he can ride your last nerve. But, he has an Achilles heel, okay? He can't help but fix what's broken. You don't need to be anything other than what you already are. Someone who needs his help.





( Elijah and Klaus are both wearing fancy suits and preparing for dinner with their mother in the dining room )

Klaus: [annoyed] Are these outfits really necessary?

Elijah: Appearance is a way of showing respect, Niklaus. Mother will be more likely to surrender her true intentions.

Klaus: Well, I doubt her guard will drop just 'cause I'm dressed like a bloody lawyer.

Elijah: [lighting candles] We need every advantage we can get, Niklaus.

Klaus: You always did excel in diplomacy. Just know, if she tries anything, I'll tear her new body to pieces.

( Vincent/Finn enters the room )

Vincent/Finn: [laughs dramatically] You two haven't changed a bit! [to Elijah] Linens and silk to disguise your pathetic self -loathing. [to Klaus] And you - despite the arrogant facade, you're still the same paranoid little boy, full of hate and fear.

( Klaus' face turns from amused to offended. Elijah looks at him in confusion before turning to Vincent/Finn ) Elijah: [approaches him] Forgive me, I don't believe I've had the pleasure.

Vincent/Finn: [feigns offense] Oh, you mean you don't recognize me? So much for the unbreakable bonds of family, huh? Always and forever indeed.

( Klaus begins to scowl when he realizes what is going on. Elijah is still confused )

Klaus: [angry] It's been a long time, Finn.

Finn: [smirks] Now that the introductions are out of the way, let's eat!




[Hayley has just arrived to the crypt where Oliver is waiting with Lenore, who is still chained up. The python Gia stole has wrapped itself around the hourglass, which is still 3/4 the way full. Hayley breaks the chains binding Lenore]

Oliver: They worked her over pretty good.

Hayley: We need to get her out of here.

Oliver: Huh? Then what? They'll know that I let her go! Look, you asked me to infiltrate Cassie's coven, I'm not gonna blow my cover for some has -been, hippie witch! [Lenore groans and side -eyes him] No offense!

Hayley: [looks around] I guess we could always make it look like you got jumped? Tell Cassie that Lenore got rescued by her people?

Oliver: [sarcastic] Let me guess, you, uh, wanna beat the hell out of me? Make it look convincing?

Hayley: Well, I can't say I wouldn't enjoy it! ( Oliver laughs weakly and sighs ) Oliver: Okay, just... just not the face, okay?




( Elijah pours Finn a glass of wine )

Finn: [wafts the wine] What an aromatic bordot.

Klaus: Well, it was a challenge to find a good pairing. What wine goes well with treachery?

Finn: Don't pout, brother. Tonight is meant to be a happy occasion!

[Finn whispers something in one of the servers' ears, which makes Klaus suspicious]

Elijah: What exactly are we celebrating?

Finn: Why, my return, of course! Remember, I spent nine hundred years - right? - lying daggered in a box. I'm rather enjoying this new body. Strolling about your lovely city that, uh, you've made your home. But, do tell me - what'd I miss? Regale me with your contributions to society! Medicine? Philosophy? Art? [Klaus rolls his eyes] Or, have you two merely cut a path of destruction across time?

Klaus: The last time we met, you were helping our mother try to annilate the lot of us! Let's not throw stones in glass houses.

Elijah: Are we expecting another guest?

Finn: Mother will sit at the head. And, as for the seat across from me, that's reserved for another of our clan. Care to wager an educated guess? How about a paranoid one?

Klaus: Well, there's no way Kol would listen to anything other than his ego.

Finn: And yet, our mother has made such a compelling argument that even he, the wildest of us Mikaelsons, has seen the error of his ways and accepted his new form, with vigor! Change, dear brothers, is inevitable.

Klaus: You would dare face us as a mortal? The only thing inevitable is your death.

[He flings a knife at Finn, but he deflects it with magic, and it ultimately embeds itself into the chair at the head of the table]

Finn: Oh! [he removes the knife from the chair and holds it] I suppose the honor of carving should go to the oldest. We have much to discuss.





( Oliver is laying unconscious on the floor of the crypt, and Lenore is checking him over. The hourglass is now almost half -empty )

Hayley: He'll be okay, I promise.

Lenore: What's your dog in this fight? You're not a Mikaelson.

Hayley: [hesitates] I sort of am... in spirit.

Lenore: [shocked] The werewolf mother?

Hayley: Turned witch -rescuer, apparently. Listen, can we do this spell, or not?

Lenore: After what that bitch and her lackey did to me? I'll do any spell that you want!

( Lenore walks out of the crypt, and Hayley follows her )





( Elijah and Klaus are still having dinner with Finn in the dining room )

Finn: I'm rather enjoying my evening.

Klaus: [frustrated] Well, I'd rather enjoy you getting to the point.

Finn: I had nine hundred years to learn to be patient. Although, I am curious why you kept me daggered in a box for so long.

Klaus: You were daggered from being am ever -simpering sycophant. Did Mother bring you back from the dead so you could wash her knickers? [smirks]

Finn: [furious] She raised me because I was treated unfairly! Cheated of all but the smallest portion of my life! Elijah, I can understand such cruelty coming from him, but I always thought of you as being the compassionate one! What did I do to deserve you turning your back on me? Were you afraid of Niklaus? Are you still? Or perhaps jealousy is what kept me locked in a box? You coveted the duties of the eldest brother, in which case you had near -on a millenium to fix the problems of this family, and instead, produced nine centuries of failure.

[Finn realizes his anger has gotten the best of him and pinches the bridge of his nose with his thumb]

Elijah: You might reside - somewhat parasitically, I might add - in another body, but I assure you, in nine hundred years, your tedious sentiments remain quite the same. You see, Finn, like Father, you've always despised our supernatural existence. Father, of course, slaughtered and consumed his own, whereas you became pretentious and dull. Much like this meal. I will not ask you again - where is Mother?

[In the background, Klaus is giggling at Elijah's insults. Suddenly, Cassie/Esther arrives]

Esther: [to Elijah] Oh, my darling son. [Finn immediately rises to his feet] I've missed you, too.





[Hayley and Lenore have arrived to the shop and prepare to start the spell in her back room]

Hayley: [hands her the bag with the ingredients] So, will this take long?

Lenore: You want me to soul -brand the resurrected spirit of a thousand -year -old witch? It's best I take my time and do it right. [she looks up at Hayley] For what it's worth, I'm sorry. No one should ever have to lose a child.

Hayley: [sad] No, no one should. ( Lenore lights a bundle of sage and wafts the smoke around the room )

Lenore: You have the talisman?

Hayley: Oh. [digs the necklace out of her pocket] So, how does this work? You brand Esther with the spell, and then what?

Lenore: [sets the necklace over the rim of a cauldron] The next time she jumps into a body, she'll be marked with a distinctive symbol on the back of her hand. [pulls the python out of the bag] This way, you'll always know who she is.

Hayley: We still don't know why she's here. When Esther held you captive, did she give you any idea why she's doing all this? ( Lenore puts the python around her neck for a moment )

Lenore: Love!

Hayley: [rolls her eyes] How hard did they hit you?

Lenore: [removes the python from her neck] What besides love can inspire such pain and cruelty? And Esther? [she takes a knife and guts the snake with it, before disemboweling it and squeezing the entrails in the cauldron] Her love is very, very strong.




( The dinner continues on )

Klaus: Why don't you say what you came here to say, so this wretched night can end?

Esther: It pains me that you and Elijah look at me with such disdain. I wish you could see that my every action has been to protect you!

Klaus: You actually believe that, don't you? I knew you were a liar, but now I see you're utterly delusional.

Esther: If you can forget the hatred that you cling to and remember all the times I've mended and healed you. [Klaus laughs sarcastically] Elijah, do you recall the day Niklaus challenged your father to a duel? Did I leave your brother to die alone? What did I say, when you came to me and asked me to help him?

Elijah: [sighs] That you would rather die than to see any of your children suffer.





( Klaus is older, now, and his pained cries can be heard in the forest. Esther rushes to him, where she finds him stuck to a tree with Mikael's sword impaling his shoulder )

Esther: Tell me what happened!

Klaus: [gasping in pain] I challenged him.

Esther: [applying pressure to his shoulder] What were you thinking?

Klaus: I thought if I could just best him, just once, he would see that I am worthy.

Esther: [panicked] You need to hold still!

( She struggles, but eventually removes the sword from his shoulder, and pulls some moss from the tree to pack his wounds )

Klaus: AHHHHH!

Esther: Niklaus, calm down! Everything is going to be fine.

Klaus: He laughed at my challenge. He said he would take this from me. [holds up his starling necklace] As a prize after defeating me. [Esther gulps anxiously] We began to fight, and he knocked me down. He cut the bird from my neck, and I grew so angry, I hit him. Again, and again. I cut him!

Esther: [terrified] What happened next?

Klaus: The look on his face, I'd never seen it before. And I was so proud. Mother, I held this up [holds up the necklace] to show him I kept my prize. And then, he - Why would he - ?

Esther: Your father, in his rage, struck you with his sword?

Klaus: I wouldn't let him take this from me. It was your gift to me!

Esther: [whispers] You're a good boy, Niklaus. You did the right thing.





( Klaus returns from his flashback and has a realization )

Klaus: [horrified] The necklace.

( Klaus flashes back to when Esther first made the necklace, and she cast a spell on it )

Klaus: It wasn't spelled to protect me. It made me weak.

Esther: I sought to protect you from yourself! If you had killed your father in that duel, or anyone else in the course of your life, you would have activated your curse!

Klaus: [slams his hand angrily against the table] You ruined me! You left me to suffer at the hands of a father who valued only strength!

Esther: I kept you from becoming a beast for as long as I possibly could!

Klaus: [shouts] Oh, you lied to me! To hide your own transgressions because of your own fear! [he slams the table again and stands to his feet] My whole life, I sought the approval I was denied by the man I thought was my father! You turned me into the weakling he hated. [Elijah rises to his feet and paces anxiously, while Esther gulps and looks guilty. Klaus glares at Esther] Look at me! You rant and you rave about the monster I have become, but you, Mother - you are the author of everything I am.

( Esther looks flustered, and suddenly begins gasping for breath. Finn looks mildly alarmed as Cassie/Esther faints and slumps over in her seat. Elijah manages to catch her before her head hits the table, and he looks at his brothers in shock )





( At the cemetery, the hourglass Finn turned over has nearly run out ) ( At Lenore's shop, Hayley watches as Lenore continues to cast the soul branding spell )

( At the compound, the boys are panicked about Esther's condition )

Elijah: She's gone.

( Elijah goes to attack Finn, but he uses his magic to push Elijah away, which throws him over the table and into the nearby wall. Klaus vamp speeds toward Finn and grabs him by the lapels )

Klaus: [shouts] Where is she? [Finn blows on his fingers and rubs them together, using the same muscle -seizing spell he used on Oliver earlier. Klaus falls to the floor in pain while Finn adjusts his jacket and looks around frantically]

( At the cemetery, the hourglass has just run out ) ( At Lenore's store, Lenore finishes her spell and falls forward, leaning against the cauldron to keep her from hitting the table. Hayley looks at her in concern as Lenore comes too and looks around the room, confused )

Hayley: ... Are you okay?

Lenore: [still confused] Yes.

Hayley: [stands] You sure?

Lenore: [stands up straight] Just getting my bearings...

[Hayley notices a brand on the back of Lenore's right hand in the shape of a triskelion, which startles her so much she jumps backwards and yelps]

Hayley: The mark...

[Esther looks down and takes in her new body] It's you, isn't it? Esther. ( Lenore/Esther smirks )





[In the dining room, Klaus and Elijah have recovered from Finn's attack, but at some point, Finn managed to get away. Klaus and Elijah decide to question Cassie]

Klaus: [furious] Where's our mother?

Cassie: [terrified] Where am I? What's happening?

( Klaus loses his temper and grabs Cassie in a choke -hold. She gasps for air and struggles against his grip )

Elijah: [steps in] Leave her. She's a puppet. Niklaus, look at her! She has absolutely no idea.

( Klaus reluctantly lets go of her. Cassie becomes more confused )

Cassie: What are you talking about? Who are you?

Klaus: Shut up! Stop talking right now.

( Cassie gulps nervously and stops talking. Elijah pats Klaus on the shoulder comfortingly before Klaus begins to pace around )

Klaus: Our mother orchestrated this entire evening just to torture us, and then simply vanishes. [walks back to Cassie and looks at her] Why?

Elijah: [horrified] What if we are not the only minds she was hoping to poison tonight?





[Hayley's phone rings in her pocket, and she pulls it out to check it as Lenore/Esther washes the snake's blood from her hands. Hayley looks up at Esther anxiously]

Esther: [nods] Go ahead. You can answer it.

Hayley: [answers phone]

Elijah? I'm at Lenore's shop...

( Esther thrusts her arm forward and uses her magic to kill Hayley's phone )

Esther: That'll be enough!

Hayley: [scared and angry] They're gonna come for me.

Esther: My darling, that's been the idea all along.





( Klaus and Elijah are determinedly rushing out of the house so they can go rescue Hayley )

Elijah: Why would she want Hayley?

Klaus: To kill her, to punish us, to learn the truth about the child, for one of any number of reasons. All of which will be rendered moot when I send her screaming back to hell.





( Lenore/Esther and Hayley are still waiting for Elijah and Klaus to arrive )

Esther: It's so lovely to finally meet you. Tell me, do my sons ever acknowledge the good you bring into their lives? After all, it was you who gave them hope. [Hayley looks at her suspiciously] The promise of a child shows us all the possibilities of a future that could be. Children are meant to save us from the worst parts of who we are. A truth that makes my own circumstances all the more tragic, wouldn't you say?

Hayley: [rolls her eyes] I don't pity you, Esther.

Esther: It's a terrible thing, for a mother to fail her child. [she picks up the starling necklace and looks at it] As you well know. [Hayley looks guilty] But now, I offer you freedom. The gift of a new body. Freedom from being a hybrid. [Hayley looks interested, but tries to hide it] I have the ability to return to you all that you have lost, Hayley. To make it so that you could have a family of your own. [smiles] More children of your own. Wouldn't that be nice?

( Klaus and Elijah finally arrive and interrupt their conversation )

Klaus: [rushes toward Hayley] I assume you've had the misfortune of speaking to my mother?

( Esther picks up a handful of some powdery substance and throws it towards Klaus, creating a magical barrier to keep him from coming any closer to her )

Klaus: [annoyed] You hide behind your spells like a coward!

Esther: I did not come here to wage war!

( Esther picks up another handful of the substance and throws it sideways toward Elijah, who has just tried to catch her off -guard, so that he can't come closer either )

Elijah: Everything you do is an act of war. If you touch her, so help me...

Esther: [interrupts] Hayley is free to go. I've spoken my piece, she knows why I'm here. I have come to heal our family, Elijah.

Klaus: Well, that's a grand sentiment, coming from you. [turns back to Hayley] Go. Now.

( As Hayley turns to leave, Esther threateningly explodes a lightbulb with magic )

Esther: My intent was never to harm! Only to heal, as I have already healed your brothers Finn and Kol. For you, I will undo everything that has been done, thereby giving you a new life! [Another lightbulb explodes] One without the vampire curse I inflicted upon you.

( Esther starts waving her hand above a cauldron, and the earth begins to shake, rattling all of the inventory on the shelves of the store )

Esther: Ask Hayley to share with you my loving proposition.

Klaus: [angry] You're a fool if you think we'll accept anything that you offer!

Esther: Oh, you are wrong, Niklaus! [The earth continues to rumble below them as more lightbulbs explode, and Esther holds her arms open wide] There will come a time, my darlings, that you will beg for it!

( The glass in the windows shatters inward, and Klaus and Elijah raise their arms over their faces to shield them from the debris. Esther lifts her arms over her head as hundreds of starlings burst their way through the windows and descend upon the store )





( Elijah, Klaus, and Hayley are in the courtyard, processing all that they've learned this evening )

Klaus: Of course she used those damn birds to make her offer!

Elijah: [cuts him off] Besides the offer of rebirth, what else did she say?

Hayley: I don't know, she rambled a lot. She blamed the two of you for what happened to Hope, to me.

Klaus: [stops pacing and stares at her] Well, I hope you're not thinking of taking her offer?

[Hayley, looking guilty, can't meet Klaus or Elijah's eyes]

Klaus: HAYLEY. I'm talking to you!

Hayley: [stands] What do you want me to say, Klaus? I lost my daughter. So, yeah, when your mother offers to wipe the slate clean, excuse me if I'm tempted. [turns to Elijah] By the way, thanks for your help tonight, Elijah. I'm sorry that it takes me being in danger for you to even talk to me.

[Hayley storms off. Elijah looks as though he's about to stop her, but Klaus calls out to him]

Klaus: Leave her. I need you with me. [pauses] Our mother, Elijah, the woman who brought us into the world, made us what we are, and the whole time, she lied to me! She made me weak.

Elijah: You were never weak, Niklaus. You are, you have always been, the most fierce of us all. In a thousand years, I have never seen anyone successfully stand against you. Not even our wicked father. Not one of the countless devoted to your destruction. You'll protect our home, even in the face of an adversary such as our mother, because that, brother... that is what you do.

Klaus: [looks grateful and comforted and grips Elijah's shoulder in thanks] You remain ever the wise counsel, brother. The rest of the family could learn something from you.

( Elijah seems shocked at this kindness as Klaus leaves the room )





( Across the river, Gia is at the bar, watching a man on stage play blues guitar, when Elijah arrives and joins her )

Elijah: [to the bartender] Bourbon, neat.

Gia: What? You need another python?

Elijah: [smiles] One can never have too many. [to the bartender] Thank you. [to Gia] Are you playing tonight?

Gia: I don't think so.

Elijah: It's a shame. You're rather good!

Gia: Ever since I turned, I haven't been able to play. I don't know why.

Elijah: [steps closer to her] It's different for us. Cadence, rhythm, harmony... our experience of the senses is altered. We move faster, we hear things with a greater acuity. Silences are at once longer and more profound. [touches his ear] Sound is simply different to our ears. And then, there is the emotion. For a vampire, it is extremely heightened. [pauses] Sometimes it's difficult to express.

( Elijah takes a sip of his bourbon. Gia stares at him in confusion )

Gia: Yeah, that's, uh... that's exactly it.

Elijah: Your music, the joy you felt when playing... you can learn again. [takes another drink] I can help you.

Gia: Why?

Elijah: Because if someone had done the same thing for myself and my siblings, I'm quite certain history would have unfolded differently.

( Elijah smiles at her, and after a moment, Gia gives him a small smile in return )





( Marcel is sitting on his couch, having a drink, as the remaining vampires across the river congregate in groups. Some are drinking alcohol and talking, others are feeding on humans. Gia returns to the loft and approaches Marcel )

Marcel: Where were you?

Gia: I saw Elijah. You were right. He found something that he wanted to fix. He's gonna help me.

( She sits next to Marcel on the couch, and the two take in the party atmosphere )

Marcel: He's gonna help us all.





( Vincent/Finn and Lenore/Esther are having a heated discussion in the greenhouse. Esther opens a cage that holds two starlings )

Finn: Now, you must have known they wouldn't give in without a fight.

Esther: Of course! Tonight was not an ultimatum, it was an invitation. I just want to get them thinking. After all, only those who know they are lost will ask to be found.

Finn: They're defiant by nature, and they've grown very strong. How do you expect to show them the error of their ways?

Esther: [laughs] I will systematically destroy everything they hold dear. [cut to Niklaus, sitting alone in the compound's courtyard] I've already taken the wolves from Niklaus and made them our own. It is time, now, to focus on the prodigal son, Marcel, and his small nest of vampires across the river. [cut to Marcel, who has handed Gia a drink and introduced her to her fellow vampires] Now that we have cleansed the Quarter of his kind, perhaps it's time to turn our attention to the outskirts of our beautiful home. We will take their pride, their joy, their love. [cut to Hayley, who sits quietly in her bedroom, and looks over to see the empty rocking chair in the nursery] We will lay it all to ruin. [cut to the courtyard, where Elijah has returned and joined Klaus] And, when they are at their lowest point, in their deepest despair, they will have no choice but to beg me to release them from their pain. [she smirks] And, because I love them, I will.

Kikavu ?

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Linstead77  (08.08.2017 à 01:33)

Tout d'abord, je dis bravo à Joseph pour cet épisode il a été excellent! 

Ensuite entre Esther qui a en partie ruiner la vie de Klaus et qui continue, Hailey qui va peut être changer de corps, et Finn toujours aussi lèche-bottes en passant par le lien magique entre Elijah et Klaus et pour finir le "plan" de Marcel qui prend forme petit à petit, c'était dans l'ensemble, un bon épisode ! 

En espérant qu'Hailey ne change pas de corps, je l'aime bien en tant qu'hybride. 


Merci aux 4 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.15 et du 4.16

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.15 et du 4.16
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 25 octobre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.13 et du 4.14

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.13 et du 4.14
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 18 ocotbre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.11 et du 4.12

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.11 et du 4.12
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 11 ocotbre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !