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The Originals
#202 : Les Parents terribles


Diffusion US : 13 octobre 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 3 avril 2016 sur Série Club 

Alors que les tensions entre Elijah & Hayley se développent, Klaus intervient et l'encourage à reprendre son poste au sein de sa meute de loup-garou. Toujours sous le contrôle de Davina, Mikael s'impatiente alors qu'elle tente de découvrir un sort qui permettrait de protéger ses proches.

Elijah se tourne vers Marcel pour les aider à traquer une pièce essentielle de l'information, mais il est contraint de se souvenir une période du passé quand ils étaient dans de meilleures conditions.

Pendant ce temps, Davina et Kaleb se retrouvent dans une situation dangereuse lorsque des visiteurs inattendus apparaissent.

Enfin, Klaus devient suspicieux après qu'une rencontre avec Cassie ne se passe pas comme il l'avait prévu.

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4.14 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Alive & Kicking

Titre VF
Les Parents terribles

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Première diffusion en France


Trailer 2x02

Trailer 2x02


Trailer 2x02 Version Longue

Trailer 2x02 Version Longue


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Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) & Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) & Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) & Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) & Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) & Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) & Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 13.10.2014 à 20:00
1.29m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par Michelle Paradise & Michael Narducci
Réalisé par : Jeffrey Hunt

Résumé long 2x02

(Petite note : Trois originaux sont dans un corps différent, Esther dans le corps de Cassie, Finn dans celui de Vincent, Kol dans celui de Kaleb ; les deux prénoms, le corps hôte, et l’originel, peuvent figurer dans un même paragraphe, quand l’interlocuteur ignore qu’il fait face à un Mikaelson.)


Flashback : Espagne, Cadix, 1702

Deux cavaliers quittent la ville en feu. Ce sont Klaus et Eljah, ils arrivent dans une demeure jonchée de cadavres. Elijah est consterné, car la folie meurtrière de Kol a conduit leur père jusqu’à eux. Kol finit par se montrer. Ses frères veulent partir avant que leur père ne les retrouve, mais Kol estime que Mikael n’en a pas après lui, et veut rester. Klaus et Elijah ne lui laissent pas le choix et le daguent.


Kol parcourt le quartier français sous la forme de Kaleb, il joue avec ses pouvoirs de sorciers en souriant. Il repère Davina et l’observe.

Elijah est dans la cour, il remarque un cadavre. Il suit les empreintes de sang jusqu’à la salle de bain où il découvre un autre corps de femme, et Hayley prenant un bain. Elle avoue qu’elle est allée au chaudron avec Klaus et y a croisé des sorcières. Il espérait qu’elle ait plus de moral que Klaus, elle met ça sur le compte de sa nature hybride.

Elijah confronte son frère au sujet d’Hayley, il lui reproche de l’inciter à la violence plutôt que de l’aider. Klaus trouve que les exigences de son frère concernant Hayley ne sont pas en accord avec la réalité, elle est un loup hybride. Il est plutôt fier qu’elle embrasse ainsi sa situation, mais Elijah veut qu’elle retrouve un lien avec son humanité, et demande à Klaus d’amener Hayley dans le bayou, qu’elle puisse y chercher les siens, des loups.

Marcel recrute toujours des vampires potentiels, à l’extérieur de son repère. Elijah arrive, il entend Marcel parler de l’envie de sang, et se remémore un instant. C’était en 1821, à la Nouvelle-Orléans, Marcel était encore enfant, Elijah lui apprenait à jouer du piano. L’entente entre les deux avait suscité la jalousie de Klaus. Il avait ôté la dague de Kol car il se sentait seul. Elijah avait retrouvé Kol en train se nourrir, il y avait déjà plusieurs cadavres sur le sol.

Retour au présent, Marcel est étonné de la présence de l’originel. Il lui fait part de son inquiétude concernant le grand nombre de loups à obtenir une bague de lune avec une sorcière, et pense qu’Elijah devrait rejoindre la communauté de vampires. Elijah accepte seulement de fermer les yeux sur le recrutement de Marcel, si le vampire l’aide à retrouver le pieu en chêne blanc en faisant appel à Davina.

Davina est au grenier, elle tente de comprendre les sorts d’Esther alors que Mikael est sarcastique quant à ses chances de réussite. Elle reçoit un sms de Kaleb qui l’invite à prendre un café. Elle s’en va. Kaleb est à l’église, il remarque le départ de la sorcière, et se dirige vers le grenier.

Il retrouve sa mère et son frère Finn dans le cimetière, et fait part de sa découverte, Davina cache quelque chose, il n’a pu entrer dans le grenier. Esther veut savoir de quoi il s’agit et demande à son fils d’inviter Davina à dîner. De nombreux loups attendent Esther au cimetière, espérant une bague de lune, elle estime qu’ils sont leurs amis. Elle veut constituer une armée pour s’attaquer à Klaus et Elijah, toutes les sorcières s’attellent à la confection de bagues.

Klaus et Hayley sont au bayou, Hayley estime que les loups ne l’accepteront pas maintenant qu’elle est une hybride, mais Klaus assure qu’il s’agit toujours de sa meute, et qu’elle est toujours leur reine, il lui fait confiance pour les retrouver grâce à son instinct. Hayley doute d’elle, elle pense être un désastre, elle avoue qu’elle ne fait que penser à sa fille. Klaus lui confie qu’il ressent la même chose, et l’incite à continuer ses recherches. Elle commence à suivre une piste.

Marcel fait le point avec Elijah dans une rue, il a rendez-vous avec la sorcière, mais souhaite qu’Elijah reste à l’écart. Elijah se remémore une partie d’échec entre Kol et Klaus en 1821. Il avait rejoint ses frères et avait pointé le comportement meurtrier de Kol, qui faisait beaucoup de victimes. Il avait reproché à son frère d’avoir libérer Kol parce qu’il enviait sa relation avec Marcel. Il pensait que le jeune garçon n’était plus en sécurité avec eux à cause de Kol. Klaus s’était montré intransigeant sur la présence du garçon, Kol avait été outré qu’il puisse faire passer Marcel avant lui.

Davina rejoint Marcel à son repère, ils se prennent dans les bras. Il lui avoue la raison pour laquelle il l’a fait venir, elle se montre réticente à faire un sort de localisation sur le pieu. Elijah arrive et tente d’en faire une alliée, mais elle s’en va. Marcel reproche à l’originel son intervention, Elijah explique qu’il avait besoin de voir Davina pour être certain de son intuition, c’est elle qui a le pieu.

Klaus et Hayley ont trouvé les loups et les observent. Ils ont repéré que Jackson a disparu et qu’Oliver se comporte comme l’Alpha. Klaus encourage la louve à aller leurs parler. Elle se met au milieu du groupe et explique qu’elle veut prendre le rôle de leader pour réunifier la meute, mais Oliver lui reproche ce qu’elle est devenue, et prétend que les loups préfèrent suivre Cassie, la sorcière qui leurs confectionnent des bagues, plutôt qu’elle. Klaus s’en prend au loup, mais Hayley défend Oliver. Klaus décide de la laisser seule avec eux, il estime qu’ils doivent lui montrer plus de respect. Il veut retrouver la fameuse sorcière qui fabrique des bagues sans son autorisation.

Marcel et Elijah discutent dans la rue, le premier pense que le pieu est en sécurité avec Davina, mais Elijah n’est pas de cet avis, et refuse d’attendre pour le récupérer. L’originel se remémore un souvenir de 1821. Kol avait contraint des hommes à jouer une pièce de théâtre, en se tuant les uns les autres, sous les yeux du jeune Marcel. Elijah arrive, il est stupéfait, d’autant que Kol lui apprend qu’il a fait boire son sang à Marcel pour le transformer. Klaus intervient, et dague Kol.

Au grenier, Mikael est toujours excéder de ne pouvoir agir. Davina reçoit un nouveau message de Kaleb qui l’invite à dîner pour se faire rattraper. Elle sourit.

Klaus arrive au cimetière, il est encerclé par un grand nombre de loups, mais Cassie intervient. Elle l’invite à boire une infusion. Elle lui présente ses excuses pour son enfant. Il s’interroge sur son alliance avec les loups, elle estime que ça rééquilibre les forces. Klaus trouve ce plan audacieux pour une adolescente. Elle évoque les vampires, des fléaux sans humanité selon elle. Elle pense que les loups et sorcières doivent être unis pour se protéger des vampires qui les envient et veulent les détruire pour ce qu’ils ont, un clan, une meute. Klaus lui fait des menaces voilées sous forme de conseils, sur les ennemis qu’elle pourrait se faire, mais Cassie estime avoir pris ses précautions.

Kaleb et Davina dînent. Ils s’entendent bien, il lui avoue qu’il est aussi un sorcier, et qu’il a aussi du mal avec l’autorité. La sorcière reçoit un appel de Marcel et lui répond à l’extérieur. Finn profite de son absence pour presser Kol de découvrir son secret, il décide d’accélérer les choses à sa façon. Davina assure à Marcel qu’elle n’a pas le pieu, il insiste pour savoir où elle se trouve, pour discuter. Elle lui dit qu’elle est au Rousseau mais lui demande de ne pas venir.

Davina désire quitter le restaurant avec Kol, mais ils sont encerclés par des loups qui commencent à les attaquer. Davina utilise son bracelet pour faire appel à Mikael, qui arrive dans l’instant et commence à tuer les loups. L’un d’eux s’en prend à Davina, et casse son bracelet, Mikael attaque aussitôt la sorcière, mais Elijah intervient et le propulse. Il est ébahi de voir son père. Ils commencent à se battre, Mikael prend le dessus, et tente de lui enfoncer le pieu dans la poitrine. Marcel vient sauver Davina, elle lui demande de récupérer le bracelet par terre. Il observe Elijah, et fonce ramener l’objet à Davina. Mikael le ressent et revient vers la sorcière pour la tuer, mais elle a récupéré son contrôle. Elle lui ordonne de partir, il s’exécute. Marcel regarde Davina interloqué, mais elle s’en va sans rien dire. Kol a tout observé de la scène, il croise le regard d’Elijah qui ne le reconnaît pas.

Klaus évoque la tisane servie par Cassie, la camomille, cela lui rappelle sa mère. Il lui explique qu’elle était folle, elle voyait les vampires comme une malédiction, mais c’était elle, le monstre selon lui, car elle c’est elle qui a transformé ses enfants en vampires, et pourtant elle les blâme pour ce qu’ils sont. Cassie fait semblant de compatir, mais Klaus la confronte sur tous les détails qu’il a notés, et qui lui font croire qu’elle est en communication avec Esther. Il comprend alors par son attitude qu’elle est Esther. les loups interviennent, elle l’invite à partir, et pense qu’il n’a nul intérêt à les tuer, alors qu’il espère un jour en faire sa meute. Esther lui promet qu’ils se reparleront, et s’en va.

Elijah et Klaus se font part de leurs découvertes au manoir, leurs deux parents sont en vie. Klaus est déterminé à les tuer tous les deux.

Hayley a décidé d’installer les loups du bayou au manoir. Klaus accepte. Elle lui explique qu’Oliver a accepté de jouer l’espion pour elle auprès de Cassie, Klaus est satisfait.

Elijah les observent du balcon, il se souvient qu’en 1821 il avait confié à Kol dagué qu’élever Marcel influençait positivement Klaus, et que pour ça Kol et lui-même devait faire des sacrifices. Il avait commencé à se montrer froid et arrogant envers Marcel, pour que celui-ci cherche plutôt la compagnie de Klaus. Son souvenir s’évanouit. Il descend et explique à Hayley qu’il comprend qu’elle doive être avec les siens mais estime que vivre avec des loups, c’est un peu trop pour lui, et s’en va.

A la serre, Kol attrape Finn par le col, énervé que les loups s’en soient pris à lui. Esther intervient, elle avoue que c’est elle qui en a donné l’ordre, pour que ce soit crédible auprès de Davina. Kol est toujours en colère d’avoir été blessé à la tête, mais sa mère estime que Davina se sentira redevable envers son fils de ce fait. Kol est excédé de n’être qu’un pion, mais Esther commence à le faire saigner par magie, et le prévient qu’il est revenu et demeure par sa volonté. Il finit par céder. Elle lui demande des informations sur l’arme utilisée par Davina pour éliminer les loups, il prétend avoir été assommé durant l’attaque et n’avoir rien pu voir.

Dans la rue, Marcel observe Gia jouer au violon, Elijah le rejoint. Davina est introuvable, Elijah pense qu’elle cache Mikael le temps qu’il récupère de ses morsures. Marcel n’est pas étonné. Elijah estime que Marcel peut être de mèche avec Davina et le menace à ce sujet, mais Marcel n’en a que faire, car il a déjà les sorciers et les loups sur le dos, et maintenant Mikael, le chasseur de vampires. Il fait comprendre à l’originel que s’il veut son aide pour retrouver Davina, il doit être du côté des vampires. Elijah refuse d’être dans un camp, mais Marcel explique qu’ils sont une extension de ce qu’est l’originel, il n’est pas à sa place avec Klaus et les loups. Il s’approche de Gia, Il avoue qu’il a lui donné son sang, et lui brise la nuque. Il veut que Elijah soit son mentor au réveil de la recrue vampire, et s’en va.

Le script VF de cet épisode est à écrire, si vous êtes interessé pour le faire, laissez un message dans le forum Aide/Volontariat. Merci =)


[In the distance, a fire rages in a village, while two men on horseback flee from the threat. Inside a cottage, dozens of dead bodies are strewn around the floor, and blood is everywhere. Suddenly, Klaus and Elijah arrive]

Klaus: [angry] Kol!

( Elijah and Klaus enter the home and are disgusted by the scene )

Elijah: [sighs] All of my efforts to keep this family concealed. Yet, debauchery like this has led Father directly to us.

Klaus: [shouts] Kol? Show yourself! This is no time for games.

( After a moment, Kol (in his original body) stumbles back into the cottage, still feeding on a woman as she whimpers in fear. Once he's fed on her to death, he drops her body carelessly to the floor )

Kol: [smiles and gestures toward them] Come, come, brother! It's always time for games!

( Kol takes a swig from a nearby mug of alcohol and lifts it toward them in a toast )

Elijah: We must leave. Mikael is very nearly upon us.

Kol: [sits down and props his feet on the table] If Mikael were upon us, I imagine Niklaus would be quite dead.

Klaus: [angry] I barely escaped! Father left the head of my horse on a pike in the town square!

Kol: [mocks him] He killed poor Theo? What a beast. But, then, Father's always hated you most. Surely he'll chase you if you flee, leaving me here. Perhaps I'll make myself mayor?

Elijah: [unamused] Rebekah and Finn have already boarded the ship. It is imperative that we remain together.

Kol: [rises to his feet and walks toward Klaus] Rebekah does what she's told because she fears Nik. And Finn is in no position to argue, given the dagger in his heart. [smiles] I'll take my chances here!

( Kol turns to walk away, but Elijah is blocking his path. He then turns back around to find Klaus blocking the other way. Kol's eyes widen in alarm once he realizes what they're intending )

Klaus: I find it amusing that you think you have a choice.

( Klaus pulls out the dagger and holds it up to Kol's chest, while Elijah holds Kol down from behind )

Kol: [furious] No! I swear to you, the day will come when I'm not so easily subdued! And, on that day, I will make you suffer!

Klaus: Perhaps! But, today is not that day.

( Klaus shoves the dagger into Kol's heart, and Kol screams as he begins to desiccate )




( Kol, in Kaleb's body, smirks as he walks down the streets of the Quarter. He spots a pretty girl in a sundress walking down the street while she talks on her phone, and uses magic to create a wind gust that blows her skirt up. When he crosses the street, he steals an apple from a fruit stand, and when the owner protests, he uses magic again to knock all the apples onto the sidewalk so he's too distracted to make a scene. He stops when he sees Davina walk out of a coffee shop and hail a cab, and he starts to eat his apple while he watches her )





( Elijah returns home to find a puddle of blood on the floor of the courtyard. When he examines the puddle, he sees a trail of paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints that lead to a dead woman's body, propped up against the fountain. More footprints lead Elijah to the bathroom, where Hayley is taking a bubble bath. Another body is propped up against the wall next to the tub )

Hayley: Come to check up on me?

Elijah: You've had an eventful evening. Hayley: I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!

Elijah: [sarcastically] So, would you like me to remove your leftovers?

( Elijah steps over the body and into the bathroom, and Hayley rolls her eyes before standing up in the tub, naked and covered in bubbles. Elijah, unamused, reaches for a towel and hands it to Hayley, though he doesn't avert his eyes )

Hayley: Oh, don't judge, Elijah! What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done.

Elijah: I would hope that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus.

Hayley: I'm a hybrid now, and I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. And, the witches who tried to kill my baby are worth nothing more than food. Excuse me.

[Hayley scoots past Elijah and returns to her room to change]

( Elsewhere in the compound, Elijah goes to talk to Klaus about Hayley )

Elijah: [incredulous] You took her on a witch hunt?

Klaus: I simply wanted to persuade those witches to locate the white oak stake for me. When they proved unable to do so, I let Hayley have her fun.

Elijah: She grows more savage by the day! Can you not see that she is falling apart?

Klaus: Perhaps the problem is your high standards? Hayley is one of us now. Being a vampire only exaggerates what you truly are, and wolves are wild things. She knows she can never live up to the pretty little picture you paint of her in your head. Your judgment only hurts her more.

Elijah: I am trying to help her, and I asked you to help her, brother.

Klaus: [angrily rises to his feet] I am helping! You should have seen her last night! Covered in witches' blood and smiling from ear to ear! She is embracing this. A little less criticism from you, and Hayley will be just fine.

Elijah: Niklaus! The mother of your child deserves much better than just fine! [the two glare at each other] You'll take her to the Bayou. Find any remaining wolves. Perhaps her people can reach her. Now, more than every, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity. Some degree of dignity.

( Elijah angrily storms out of the room, leaving Klaus to consider his advice )




( The streets of the neighborhood are packed with musicians playing instruments as oters sell merchandise in stalls. Marcel talks to a group of potential vampire recruits which Gia plays the bongo drums nearby. Elijah arrives in the middle of Marcel's speech and listens to him from afar )

Marcel: Gia's proven herself. She knows what she's getting into. So, she's going to be the first one that I turn. Everybody else? First, I need to be sure that you can handle moving up a notch on the food chain. The emotional ups and downs, the solitude, and bloodlust. Imagine hearing the sound of a heart beating, beating, beating, and wanting more than anything to feed. That's what it's like to be a vampire. It's not for everybody. Some folks, well... let's just say it brings out the worst in them.

( Elijah begins thinking about the past before being transported into a flashback )



( Elijah stands by a piano and watches as Marcel tries to work his way through a song )

Marcel: I can't do it! Elijah: Now, you once said the same thing of your reading, and now you devour everything from sonnets to scriptures. So, devote yourself to your music, and soon you shall be Johann Sebastian Bach.

Marcel: But I want to play like you.

( Elijah smiles at him proudly, which Marcel returns before they hear the sound of clapping from the doorway. It's Klaus )

Klaus: Well, isn't this nice? My older brother and my ward, getting along like two peas in a pod.

Elijah: [uncomfortable, turns to Marcel] We shall continue at another time. Why don't you resume your Hamlet? Act one, scene three today. Off you go!

( Klaus waves at Marcel and stumbles drunkenly as he joins Elijah in the room )

Elijah: Congratulations, you've been drinking.

Klaus: Only to remedy the lifeless monotony that has overcome this household. You know, Rebekah's still pouting over the Governor's son.

Elijah: [annoyed] When you threw him to his death, did you imagine a different outcome?

Klaus: You monopolize young Marcellus with schooling. [pours himself a drink and sighs] He and I used to have such fun. If only there was someone with whom I could share a bit of roguery. [Elijah leaves the room, so Klaus calls out after him] Oh, yes! That's right. [he pulls out a white -oak -ash dagger] There is!

Elijah: You didn't!

( Klaus shrugs and laughs maniacally, and follows Elijah as he races down to the courtyard of the compound, where Kol has just finished viciously feeding on all of the servants )

Kol: [clears his throat and claps] Bravo! That was delectable. But, make no mistake, Nik - I'm still cross that you daggered me. But, as far as apologies go, it's a start.

Elijah: [angrily turns to Klaus] So, this is your idea of fun?

Klaus: Well, you and Marcellus have grown thick as thieves... why should I be alone?




( Marcel notices Elijah nearby and approaches him )

Marcel: Elijah. Didn't expect to see you on this side of the river.

Elijah: Didn't expect to see you assembling a new vampire community. I guess we're both full of surprises.

Marcel: My community was fine until Klaus had the brilliant idea to make moonlight rings. Now that Harvest girl's making more, offering them to the wolves in exchange for their allegiance. And the wolves are just kneeling at her feet. The Quarter's become a dangerous place, and you? You're the last true vampire left! You ask me, you're better off joining my community! Maybe that's why you're here?

Elijah: [smiles and shakes his head] Hmm, no. I came to make you an offer: find me the white oak stake, and I'll let this little social experiment continue.

Marcel: Aw, even if I wanted to help, I don't have a clue where the stake is.

Elijah: Yes, but you do have an ally in Davina. She can find it. Thing is, I'd speak to her myself, but I feel the conversation might become a little unpleasant.

Marcel: You don't go anywhere near her.

Elijah: Then, it's settled! You'll deal with the matter personally.

( Elijah pats Marcel patronizingly on the shoulder and walks away )





[In the attic, Davina is studying Esther's grimoire and taking notes in her own notebook while Mikael restlessly paces around the room]

Mikael: [bored] How frustrating. A novice trying to interpret the work of a master.

Davina: It's a simple de -linking spell!

Mikael: Simple? You're trying to erase the link between Klaus and every single vampire he's sired.

Davina: No. All I care about is Marcel and Josh. You kill Klaus? They die, too. I can fix that. I have Esther's grimoire, it's just a matter of time.

Mikael: Perhaps I can help you solve the riddle.

Davina: Unless you trick me into a spell that will free you from my control.

Mikael: You know, for somebody who despises Klaus so much, you certainly share his paranoia. The sooner you perform the spell, the sooner I'll be free to kill the bastard.

( Davina's phone beeps. She checks it and finds a text message from Kaleb/Kol, which reads, "Coffee? Now -ish?" Davina smiles and leaves the room, heading down the stairs and through the main room of the church. After Davina leaves the building, Kaleb/Kol sneaks through the church and up to her room )





( Kaleb/Kol, Cassie/Esther, and Vincent/Finn walk through the cemetery, where the men give their reports to their mother )

Kaleb/Kol: Well, you right to be suspicious. Davina's hiding something in that attic. The door was locked with a rather complex spell.

Cassie/Esther: Could be a weapon, or a source of power. I prefer not to leave anything to chance. Better we know what she has and whose side she's on. So, you'll take her to dinner.

Kaleb/Kol: [confused] Well, I just stood her up for coffee. She probably hates me by now.

Vincent/Finn: Just do what you're told, Kol.

Kaleb/Kol: Oh, of course! Finn the sycophant speaks up! Are you gonna grovel at your mother's heels for eternity, or what?

Cassie/Esther: Stop it, both of you. There's enough conflict to come.

( They arrive to the lyceé, where a crowd of disheveled -looking werewolves are waiting for them )

Kaleb/Kol: Look at this pack of freeloaders!

Cassie/Esther: [smiles] Nonsense! These are our friends. Wolves in need of a gift only I can provide - moonlight rings.

( They all move inside, where a witch is chipping away at a large stone to break off pieces of black kyanite. Other witches are polishing and setting the stones into rings )

Cassie/Esther: The witches have been working day and night. Soon, we will have enough rings for an army. And, when we do, we will pay your brothers a visit.

( Vincent/Finn and Kaleb/Kol look around at all of the rings being made. Cassie/Esther plucks a stone from a nearby bowl and looks at it )

Cassie/Esther: We will teach them the unfortunate error of their vampire ways.





( Klaus and Hayley have arrived at the werewolf encampments and are looking around for any wolves who may still be around )

Hayley: I told you, this place is deserted.

Klaus: No, their scent is fresh. They're hiding. [searches through empty tents] Which means, somewhere nearby we will find the remnants of your pack.

Hayley: ...And then what? It's not exactly like they're going to welcome us. If there's one thing these people hate more than vampires, it's hybrids.

Klaus: What they hate is their lack of power. Hence the willingnness of their brethren to deal with that witch in exchange for rings! But, she hasn't gotten to your lot yet, so, we need to get to them first and ensure they align with us.

Hayley: [skeptical] Awesome. All we gotta do is find them.

Klaus: A task I leave to you. Go on! [Hayley looks at him in confusion] Well, you're a hybrid now, with heightened senses unlike anything under the sun... besides me.

[Hayley rolls her eyes and dramatically sniffs the air. She seems to smell something, and closes her eyes for a moment to focus. Klaus watches in interest]

Hayley: [opens her eyes and frowns] This is stupid. Klaus: Your people need a leader! You are their queen!

Hayley: I am a mess! I cry all day, I feed all night. All I can think about is how much I miss my daughter.

Klaus: Do you think you're alone in that pain?

Hayley: Have you even thought about her once?

Klaus: [angry] I have not stopped thinking about her! When it pains me, I seek comfort in the idea of what I will do to those who would harm her.

( Klaus gestures toward an overturned chair, over which what looks like a man's jacket lays. Hayley rolls her eyes and reluctantly sniffs the sleeve to get a scent )

Klaus: Concentrate.

[Hayley follows the scent and eventually finds the direction in which it leads. She starts walking toward it, and Klaus smiles proudly]





( Elijah watches two older gentlemen playing chess outside on the side of a street until Marcel returns to join him )

Marcel: Davina's on her way. By the time she gets here, you need to be gone.

Elijah: I'm not going anywhere until I know the whereabouts of the stake.

Marcel: You think she's just going to cooperate with you standing here? First thing I learned living with your family - wherever you people go, threats and bloodshed are soon to follow. So, just stay out of sight, alright? Try not to kill anyone.

( Marcel leaves to go meet Davina, leaving Elijah to continue watching the chess players. The sight launches Elijah into another flashback )





( Klaus and Kol are playing chess while Elijah paces around angrily )

Elijah: Forty -six. An entire tenement. FORTY -SIX bodies drained!

Kol: Nonsense! [beat] It was at least sixty! [smirks] Ah, they neglected to check the attic!

Klaus: [laughs] Ah! Kol: Why do people always run to the attic? I mean, it makes no sense!

Elijah: [annoyed] It is difficult enough to keep our presence in the city a secret without the two of you doing absolutely everything in your power to draw attention to us.

Klaus: I'm surprised you have the time to concern yourself with us, given the hours you spend doting on Marcellus.

Elijah: Is that what all this is about? You envy my bond with Marcellus? Niklaus, you brought that child into this home! He's no longer safe here. I cannot allow him to remain.

Klaus: [furious] You would punish the boy for Kol's antics? I would just as soon put him in a box!

Kol: [offended] You'd choose that little whelp over your own family?

Klaus: That little whelp is our family! [turns to Elijah] Marcellus stays.





( Elijah pulls himself out of his thoughts and sighs )

( Elsewhere, Marcel is waiting for Davina in a nearby alley when she finally arrives. When they see each other, they both smile )

Marcel: Hey! Long time, little D!

Davina: I got your message! What's going on?

Marcel: [holds out his arms] Come on, I don't get a hug? ( The two embrace for a long moment )

Davina: It's good to see you, Marcel.

Marcel: It's good to see you, too! I appreciate you coming all the way out here... How's school? Make any new friends?

Davina: I dunno. This one guy asked me out... but then, he stood me up.

Marcel: [disbelieving] He stood you up?

Davina: [laughs] Mmhmm.

Marcel: Say the word, and he's dead! [They laugh] Okay, I hate to ask for a favor, but... I need a locator spell. Something's missing... a white oak stake that's powerful enough to kill an Original.

Davina: [horrified] Did one of them put you up to this?

Marcel: D, if that stake is used on Klaus, every vampire he's sired dies, too.

Davina: I know. But, what if I do find it? I mean, I -I'm not just gonna give it to Klaus! He and Elijah are both brutal, sadistic monsters!

Elijah: [appears out of nowhere] I do wish I could disagree with you. Tragically, however, you're quite right.

( Davina glares at Marcel, and Marcel shakes his head in annoyance that Elijah showed up )

Elijah: Although, you and I both have excellent reason to find that weapon. I want to protect my family, and you want to protect your friends. We'd do well to forget our grievances and join forces.

Davina: [fiurious] No.

Marcel: [worried] Davina, just...

Davina: No! No, I'm -I'm done listening. [turns to Elijah] For a long time, you and your family have had all the power. You manipulate and kill anyone who gets in your way. That time's over. From now on, you can know what it is to be afraid

( Davina storms away, leaving an angry Marcel and a trouble Elijah to process what just happened )

Marcel: I asked you to stay out of sight!

Elijah: I needed to speak to her face -to -face.

Marcel: Why? So that you could piss her off?

Elijah: I wanted to see for myself. She cares for you, and yet, how cavalier she was at the jeopardy that you now face.

Marcel: [confused] What are you saying?

Elijah: She knows the stake will not be used because she knows precisely where it is. She's had it all along.





[Hayley and Klaus watch the werewolves from the woods. Oliver and the rest of the Crescents are gathering up their belongings while Klaus and Hayley determine how to proceed]

Hayley: So, Jackson is MIA and Oliver seems to think he's the alpha. They're not going to listen to me.

Klaus: The birthmark on your shoulder did not disappear when you became a hybrid. Go on, talk to them.

( Nervous, Hayley slowly makes her way toward the group of Crescents, as Klaus follows behind her. They all turn to face her and defensively form a circle around them )

Oliver: The hell you two want? Klaus: Hold your tongue, or I'll tear it from your gaping mouth.

Hayley: [shoots Klaus a look] We didn't come here to fight, Oliver. Our pack has been divided by people who want us to be their slaves. What we need right now is a leader. Someone who will reunite us and make us strong again. Someone who will fight for our pack. If you let me, I can be that person. Oliver: You think we can trust you? You're not one of us! Hell, you're not even a wolf, you're a blood - sucking vampire parasite!

( Klaus rolls his eyes dramatically )

Hayley: You want to say that again and see what happens, Oliver?

Oliver: You tough girl, you're gonna attack me? In front of all them? You'll just give them another reason to say yes to Cassie and her moonlight rings. Yeah, they would rather follow a witch than you. Me? Hell, I'd rather die than follow you.

[Furious, Klaus vamp -speeds over to Oliver and knocks him flat on his back and stomps on his chest with his boot]

Klaus: Well, at least you didn't drag this out.

Hayley: Hey! Let him go, Klaus!

Klaus: You need to learn about the art of politics, love. You gain support by killing your detractors!

Hayley: They may not like me very much, but these people, including Oliver, are my family. Let him go, now.

( Klaus looks around at all of the wolves who are watching intently and smiles before releasing Oliver )

Klaus: You see? There's your queen. Powerful, fearless, and, unlike me, merciful. [to Hayley] These people need to show you more respect. How you handle them now is up to you. [turns to leave]

Hayley: [confused] Where are you going?

Klaus: I'm going to find the witch. Seems I need to educate her as to what she may or may not do in my city.





( Marcel and Elijah walk down the streets of New Orleans )

Marcel: The stake is safe. Davina won't use it on Klaus if it would kill me.

Elijah: Of course, she has no reason whatsoever not to use it on me.

Marcel: [smiles] I guess you better behave!

Elijah: And, how long before someone else should make this discovery? What if it falls into enemy hands?

Marcel: Huh. I'll get her to give the stake back! Alright? Just give me some time.

Elijah: Unfortunately, Marcel, unlike these wretched souls that you recruit here, your promises do little to inspire my faith. One way or another, Davina will comply. Marcel: [sighs in frustration] Look. Hey, do you ever wonder why your family has so many enemies? It's because you make stupid moves like this! It really makes me wonder how the hell I ever survived you people.





( Kol is hanging out with Marcel in the courtyard of the compound, and has organized (and presumably compelled) a group of men to act out Shakespeare for him. Marcel's lips are coated in blood )

Marcel: Please, let me go! Mr. Kol, I don't -I don't like this.

Kol: Don't be absurd! Shakespeare should be experienced in the flesh! In truth, these aren't the finest actors, but we are in the colonies. [shrugs] Here! [gestures to the stage] Where were we? Actor 1: In venom to thy work!

( The actor takes a sword and runs another actor through with it. Marcel gasps in shock as the man falls dead to the floor )

Actor 2: Exchange forgiveness with me, noble harlot...

Kol: [stands up and shouts before walking toward

Actor 2: No! [sighs] How many times must I tell you? [grabs the top of the actor's head] It's Hamlet, not harlot. ( Kol snaps the actor's neck and drops his body to the floor )

Kol: Sometimes, I don't know why I bother. ( Elijah rushes into the courtyard, breathless )

Elijah: What have you done?

Kol: I was just introducing Marcellus to the theater. I thought you'd be pleased? ( Klaus enters the courtyard and checks on Marcel )

Elijah: Is there no limit to your violent imagination, brother?

Kol: If the lad is going to be a vampire, he'll have to learn somehow, won't he? Come, I've already fed him my blood. All you have to do is snuff him, and voila. One of us. Well, that's what you want, isn't it?

( Elijah grabs Kol in a choke -hold and shoves him backwards, where Klaus grabs Kol's arms )

Klaus: Let him go, Elijah. ( Elijah reluctantly lets him go )

Kol: Thank you, Nik. At least someone knows the meaning of family.

Klaus: I told you before, [turns Kol around to face him] Marcellus is family.

( Klaus daggers Kol once again while Elijah holds him down )





( Elijah and Marcel are still in an alley near Marcel's loft )

Elijah: I don't fault you for your suspicion, nor Davina for her contempt. That does not alter our present dilemma. She has that stake. I want it back. ( Elijah leaves )




( Davina is back in the attic, lounging on the couch while she continues to study Esther's grimoire and her own notes while Mikael watches )

Davina: Stare all you want, but as long as I have this bracelet, I own you.

Mikael: You foolish little girl. You imprison me here, you refuse my help, but all the while that hybrid monstrosity roams this city, free to pray on everyone you care about. Those few that remain.

( Davina ignores him. Her phone beeps, and when she answers it, she finds a missed call and a text from Kaleb/Kol again. "Can I make it up to you over dinner?" Davina smiles )





( Klaus has arrived to confront the werewolves who are working with Cassie )

Klaus: What happened to decorum? Does no one greet their guests anymore?

( Klaus walks around the cemetery and the werewolves come out of hiding and surround him )

Klaus: Well, that's more like it. Although, I am rather disappointed at how many of my once -formidable brethren have been neutered by a 16 -year -old girl. Where is she? Where is this witch who dares craft moonlight rings without my permission?

( Klaus looks around to find Cassie, and is startled when he finally heards a voice call out to him )

Cassie/Esther: Niklaus.

( Cassie/Esther walks through the crowd of werewolves to face Klaus )

Cassie/Esther: I've been expecting you.

( They move inside one of the crypts. Klaus sits at one of the tables while Cassie/Esther makes tea )

Cassie/Esther:  I must offer my condolences on the tragic loss of your child.

Klaus: [unamused] Wasn't it your coven who threatened her life?

( Cassie/Esther sets a cup of tea in front of him before pouring one for herself )

Klaus: Is that tea your idea of a peace offering?

Cassie/Esther: Chamomile has lots of healing properties. Did you know that it is also a flowering plant?

Klaus: I did. The plants grew wild near my boyhood home. But, neither the tea, nor your botanical musings explain the reason why you've taken it upon yourself to forge new moonlight rings.

Cassie/Esther: I assumed that was obvious. An alliance between the wolves and the witches would restore balance to our home.

Klaus: [suspicious] Well, that's a lofty goal for a teenage girl.

Cassie/Esther: Long ago, the witches and the wolves were at peace. Then came the vampires. A plague made flesh, a curse on this earth. You have no humanity, and so you punish those who do. Witches have a coven, werewolves have a pack, and so we are a constant reminder of everything that you have forsaken. Creatures such as you will always hate the living, and so we will always have to defend ourselves. The rings level the playing field. If we are united, nothing can stand against us.

Klaus: [tries to keep his cool] It's an ambitious strategy. But allow me to offer a few words of advice, if I may be so bold? New Orleans is a vicious place, and your enemies are everywhere. Behind your back, before your eyes. You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you, some of whom you may never see coming.

Cassie/Esther: [sips her tea calmly] I've already begun to take precautions. In fact, I'm taking them as we speak.

( Klaus stares at her, confused and a little nervous )




( Davina is sitting at a table with Kaleb/Kol, and the two are getting to know each other )

Kaleb/Kol: My family? Oh, no. They're all crazy as loons. How about your family?

Davina: [uncomfortable] Not much to say. Only child. My dad was distant, which is a lot better than my mom.

Kaleb/Kol: Mommy issues, eh? Bet she's a control freak, right? [Davina nods] Yeah, same as mine. She's the reason I stopped practicing magic for so long.

Davina: [shocked] You're a witch?

Kaleb/Kol: Don't look so surprised, love. I didn't just ask you out because you're gorgeous. No, we're, uh... we're kindred souls.

Davina: [confused] What do you mean?

Kaleb/Kol: I know your story, Davina. I mean, you're practically famous. You're the Harvest girl who told them all to shove it. [beat] I'm a lot like you. Don't really believe in rules and authority. Your courage, it should be celebrated.

( Davina smiles at him, and the two stare at each other for a moment until Davina's phone rings, interrupting their conversation. It's Marcel )

Davina: I'm so sorry, he'll just keep calling until I answer. I'll make it quick.

( Davina leaves to take the call. Vincent/Finn waits until she's out of earshot before he approaches Kaleb/Kol )

Vincent/Finn: You're stalling.

Kaleb/Kol: [rolls his eyes and sighs] No, that's not creepy at all, watching me on me own date.

Vincent/Finn: [annoyed] Stop complimenting her and find out what she's hiding.

Kaleb/Kol: I'm wooing her, Vincent. It requires charm, and personality - something you'd know nothing about.

Vincent/Finn: Our mother wants answers, and if you can't get them, we'll do this my way.

Kaleb/Kol: [confused] Oh, what are you gonna do? You gonna bore her until she can't help but tell you everything?

Vincent/Finn: If you want to find out if someone has a weapon, you provoke them into using it.

( Outside, Davina has answered Marcel's call. Marcel is in a car with Elijah, driving to the French Quarter )

Davina: I never said I had it.

Marcel: [sighs] The thing is, Elijah thinks you do. Matter of fact, he's convinced.

Davina: Well, let Elijah think what he wants.

Marcel: You're not safe, D. Anyone who's ever wanted to kill an Original is gonna be coming after you.

Davina: Fine. Let them try.

Marcel: [exasperated] D, come on! Just tell me where you are. [Davina is silent] Hey, we can talk about this!

Davina: [angry] I'm at Rousseau's. Don't bother coming. I'm leaving now.

( Davina hangs up on him and re -enters Rousseau's. Elijah gives Marcel a look and starts to drive faster toward the Quarter )

[Back inside, Davina pushes through a crowd of peopel to find Kaleb, looking confused as everyone files out of the restaurant]

Davina: Kaleb? What's happening?

Kaleb/Kol: [annoyed] Some fellow just announced they were closing for a private party.

Davina: [anxious] We should leave now.

( A man with a group of fellow werewolves approaches them )

Werewolf 1: And what's your rush, sweetheart? Why don't you stay and party with us?

Davina: [angry] Get out of our way. Now.

( When the werewolf doesn't move, she hits him with a pain infliction spell that brings him to his knees His fellow werewolf friends surround Davina and Kaleb/Kol, who immediately begin to panic )

Kaleb/Kol: Can you do that with the rest of them, or...?

Davina: ...Not all at once.

( The werewolf rises to his feet and shoves Davina across the room. Kaleb/Kol tries to shove him back but he's thrown against the wall behind the bar, and shatters several bottles when he makes impact. The wolves start to descend upon Davina with their fangs out, so she twists the bracelet around her wrist and starts to chant a spell )

( At St. Anne's Church, Mikael senses something from the attic, and is surprised to find that he can walk through the door )

[Back at Rousseau's, Davina has been grabbed by another werewolf, who shoves her against the bar and turns her head so he can bite her in the neck. Before he can do so, Mikael arrives and throws the werewolf across the bar]

Mikael: Let go of her! You filthy dogs.

( As Mikael lunges for the werewolves and begins to fight them, Kaleb/Kol hides behind the bar and becomes fearful when he realizes his father is alive. Mikael snaps a werewolf's neck before ripping the hearts out of several others. Across the room Davina has been grabbed by a different werewolf, and in the struggle, she loses her bracelet. Mikael notices, and smirks )

Mikael: Well, now. What an interesting turn of events.

( Mikael picks her up off the floor and vamps-out )

Mikael: I'm going to enjoy this, girl.

[He's about to feed on Davina when Elijah arrives and shoves Mikael off of her, not realizing right away who Mikael was. When he finally sees Mikael's face, Elijah is completely shocked]

Elijah: Father?

Mikael: Hello, son. I'd hoped to see your brother first, but we have some unfinished business as well.

( Elijah attacks his father, and the two begin to fight. Mikael pulls the white oak stake out of the waistband of his pants and aims it for Elijah's heart while Elijah desperately tries to push his arms away. Meanwhile, Marcel arrives and immediately rushes to check on Davina )

Marcel: We're getting out of here.

Davina: [frantic] No! Marcel, I need my bracelet. I can use it to control him.

( Marcel sees the bracelet nearby beside a dead body, and he quickly rushes to grab it while Elijah continues to struggle with Mikael. Mikael gets the upper hand and impales the tip of the stake in Elijah's chest )

Elijah: [screams] AAAH!

( Marcel gets the bracelet and tosses it to Davina. Mikael notices what's happening and vamp speeds away from Elijah to attack Davina instead, but she manages to put on the bracelet and use it to stop him )

Davina: STOP! Go back, NOW.

[Behind the bar, Kaleb/Kol is still gaping in complete shock at this turn of events. Mikael sighs and reluctantly vamp speeds back to the church. Elijah, who is still gasping as he heals from Mikael's attack, stares at Davina in horror. Marcel stares at her as well, disappointed, but Davina just shakes her head at both of them and leaves. Elijah finally notices Kaleb/Kol behind the bar and gives him a look]

Elijah: Something to say?

Kaleb/Kol: [still stunned, maintains his cover] Not me, mate. Not a bloody thing.




( Klaus and Cassie/Esther continue to have tea and talk in one of the crypts )

Klaus: [sips tea] Chamomile. It's the same tea my mother made. How I loathed it.

Cassie: [amused] Would you have preferred mint?

Klaus: You know, she was insane, my mother. [Cassie raises her eyebrows at him] No, it's true. She believed we were abominations. "A curse on this earth, stretched out over generations," is how she put it. But, she was the true monster. She changed her children, stole our innocence, made us vampires, condemned us to an eternity of bloodlust, and then acted as if we were to blame.

Cassie: [clearly annoyed] She sounds awful. Are you building to a question, Niklaus?

Klaus: [pauses] You use my full name, as though we are familiars. I find it insulting. [beat] Before she died, a witch revealed that your coven was under my mother's influence. [smiles] Does she speak to you now?

Cassie: [smiles back] She doesn't have to - I know exactly what she would say. She would tell you to go to your room for being so rude.

( Klaus loses his temper and slams his hand over Cassie's, and stares Cassie/Esther in the eye. He seems to have made a revelation, but before he can say anything, a group of werewolves come in and surround Cassie/Esther threateningly )

Cassie/Esther: It's okay. Niklaus was just leaving.

Klaus: [still angry] I will happily kill them all!

Cassie/Esther: Then, you will have murdered members of the very pack you still hope to someday lead. Besides, there's no need for bloodshed. We can always resume this discussion another day. [pauses] Goodnight, Niklaus. We will speak again soon.





( Elijah has just arrived home, and joins Klaus in the wine cellar to discuss the day's events. Elijah is clearly upset and anxious, but Klaus is too distracted to notice right away )

Klaus: It is worse than we thought. [he breaks the neck off of a bottle of wine] I met the witch, Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voice her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girl's eyes, and, I swear to you, Elijah, she's just just guided by our mother. She is our mother.

Elijah: [stunned] What is happening?

Klaus: I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes.

Elijah: [tries to interrupt him] Niklaus...

Klaus: What? What could possibly be more important than the return of our mother?

Elijah: [sighs] ...Our father. I saw him standing there in the flesh, as you do now. He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina. He holds the stake. If she chooses to release him...

Klaus: [determined] Well, then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there? Which of our parents do we kill first?

( Klaus and Elijah move to the courtyard, where Hayley is leading in the Crescent wolves who aren't aligned with Cassie/Esther )

Hayley: [to the pack] Take any of the rooms on the first floor.

Klaus: Are we running a kennel now?

Hayley: I'll handle them.

Klaus: Our family is under siege. It is not the time for guests.

Hayley: If they're not with us, they're with the witches. You asked me to step up. This is me stepping up.

Klaus: [smiles] Well, it seems I'm a good influence on you after all.

( Elijah watches the two of them from afar, which transports him into a flashback )





( Elijah speaks in voiceover to the daggered Kol while he dresses him and puts him in his coffin )

Elijah: [voiceover] I see a change in him. For the first time in centuries, he acted solely for the benefit of another. I believe that young Marcellus, with whom he can identify and even nurture, holds the key to our brother's troubled soul. Unfortunately, Kol, your wretched behavior will only serve to distract him from this auspicious path. Now, you might well consider me a hypocrite to betray you as I have. For his sake, you must sleep. Even I must make certain sacrifices, if, indeed, we are to preserve the precious bond between Niklaus and that child.

( Later, Elijah returns to his room to finish dressing, and finds Marcel reading Hamlet in a chair )

Marcel: [excited] Elijah! I did it! I memorized the whole passage. I could perform it for you?

Elijah: [sarcastic] Could you, now? Marcellus, have you ever considered you might not be the center of the given universe? [pauses] Niklaus!

Marcel: [hurt and confused] Are you angry with me?

Elijah: Bored would be a more accurate description. Niklaus, please! ( Klaus finally arrives in the bedroom )

Klaus: What? What is it?

Elijah: [sighs] Remove him. You brought him here. He's your burden to bear, if, indeed, we are to accommodate this little scavenger.

Klaus: [looks at Marcel sympathetically] Come now, little warrior. Let's have another go at The Bard, shall we?

( Klaus takes Marcel and leads him out of the room. Elijah, clearly not happy about having to be so rude to Marcel, sighs )




( Elijah continues to watch as Klaus and Hayley discuss the Crescent wolves )

Klaus: I don't see Oliver amongst them. Am I to assume you finished him off?

Hayley: We made a deal. He'll pledge his loyalty to Cassie, report back, and tell me everything that he learns.

Klaus: [smiles] Well done!

( Klaus turns to leave. Elijah, up on the balcony, thinks about what to do. Hayley leads several werewolf girls to her bedroom as Elijah descends the stairs to leave )

Hayley: You girls can just go through here.

Elijah: Well, you two have your hands full.

Hayley: [confused] Were you just leaving?

Elijah: To be perfectly honest with you, the presence of all of them here, it's... it's a little much. No, perhaps it's for the best. You should be with your kind.




( Kaleb/Kol arrives at the house and angrily yells at Vincent/Finn while he grabs him by the shirt and shoves him against the wall )

Kaleb/Kol: What the bloody hell was that, huh?

Vincent/Finn: You need to calm down. Kaleb/Kol: You almost got me killed! Those wolves didn't just go after Davina, they almost attacked me!

( Cassie/Esther enters the room and joins them )

Cassie/Esther: I'm aware. I gave the order. The attack had to look convincing.

Kaleb/Kol: [lets go of Vincent and points to the bruises and cuts on his forehead from being thrown into a shelf of liquor bottles] Look at my head! This isn't gonna heal for weeks! I haven't had a scar in a thousand years!

Cassie/Esther: You'll live! And, more importantly, Davina will feel indebted to you. She will seek you out to apologize for what she perceives as an attack she caused, as I planned.

Kaleb/Kol: Well, I've had enough of your plans! You stick me in this body, you force me to sneak around like some common toady. If this is the grand new life that you planned for me, then you can have it back!

( Cassie/Esther thrusts her hand forward and casts a pain affliction spell on him. Kaleb/Kol falls to his knees in pain, and his nose starts to bleed )

Cassie/Esther: You are here by my grace, and you will remain by my grace. Have I made myself clear?

Kaleb/Kol: [groans in pain] Yes.

( Cassie/Esther stops the spell, and Kaleb/Kol falls forward to catch his breath. After a moment, she feels guilty and kneels in front of him before taking his face in her hands )

Cassie/Esther: Your brother was in the attic during the attack. Finn, tell him what you saw.

Vincent/Finn: The door was open. The room was empty.

Cassie/Esther: [stands] So, how did Davina tear apart a pack of vicious wolves? She must have had this weapon with her. What was it? A dark object? A book of spells?

Kaleb/Kol: [lies] Well, I wish I knew. [points to his head] I was knocked out during the attack. I never saw a thing.





( Marcel and Elijah have met in the alley where Gia is performing on her violin )

Marcel: Let me guess, Davina's nowhere to be found. She wasn't in the attic, wasn't anywhere near the lyceé.

Elijah: I have people looking all over this city. She is gone. No doubt to protect Mikael while he recovers from the wounds he sustained.

Marcel: She's scared, what do you expect?

Elijah: If I discover that you had even the slightest suspicion that she brought Father back...

Marcel: Yeah, what? You gonna threaten me? My people? I mean, get in line. The witches hate us, the wolves can kill us any time they like. I can't even go into the Quarter without risking my damn life, and I used to run the Quarter. And now, Mikael's back - the vampire who hunts vampires. You really think that works in my favor? [pauses] You want my help finding Davina? I need to know where you stand. Now, Klaus is on Team Wolf. What are you?

Elijah: I don't do teams.

Marcel: I'm sorry, but that's not an option. See, you're an Original. Every vampire that's ever been sired is an extension of you and your family. Now, you can walk away from that, and side with Klaus and the wolves. But you're not one of them, and you never will be. You want allies, right? Look around! This is ground zero for a new vampire community. Now, you may think that you're better than us, but we're all you got.

Elijah: [amused] And why would I play benefactor to a collection of lost children?

Marcel: [rolls his eyes] That's right. You never were any good with children. But, like it or not, vampires exist because of you.

( Marcel walks over to Gia and nods at her. She nods at him back, and he grabs her shoulders comfortingly )

Marcel: And these folks are gonna need your help. ( Marcel snaps Gia's neck and carefully lowers her body to the floor )

Marcel: Her name's Gia. I fed her my blood a few hours ago. When she wakes up, she's gonna need a mentor. I hope that you do better with her than you did with me.

Kikavu ?

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natas  (27.07.2017 à 15:05)

pas trop mal !

Hop est tout chou...

Je me souviens tellement pas de ce qui a amener la haine Haley/Klaus, mais j'espère que c'est réparable. (enfait je n'ai presque aucun souvenir de la saison 2...) et j'espère qu'un jour elle sera en couple avec Elijah !

Mais bon j'ai surtout hâte d'arrivé à la saison 4 qui a de bonne critique...



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Alternative Awards : À vos nominés
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Activité récente
Legacies | Diffusion FR des deux derniers épisodes

Legacies | Diffusion FR des deux derniers épisodes
Les héros de Legacies font leurs adieux ce mardi 8 novembre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.17 et du 4.18

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.17 et du 4.18
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 1er novembre 2022. En effet, la...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.15 et du 4.16

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.15 et du 4.16
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 25 octobre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.13 et du 4.14

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.13 et du 4.14
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 18 ocotbre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.11 et du 4.12

Legacies | Diffusion FR du 4.11 et du 4.12
Les héros de Legacies font leur retour ce mardi 11 ocotbre 2022. En effet, la chaîne SyFy diffusera...


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !