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The Originals
#114 : Un secret bien gardé


Diffusion US : 25 février 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 30 janvier 2015 sur NT1

LE PASSE DE REBEKAH LA RATTRAPE - Lorsque Rebekah se retrouve enfermée dans le sanatorium où elle a travaillé en 1919, elle réalise qu'une sorcière du nom de Genevieve est de retour


4.33 - 6 votes

Titre VO
Long Way Back from Hell

Titre VF
Un secret bien gardé

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Première diffusion en France


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Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci

Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci


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Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt) et Geneviève (Elyse Levesque) en 1919

Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt) et Geneviève (Elyse Levesque) en 1919

Rebekah en pleine hallucination

Rebekah en pleine hallucination

Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt) hallucinant à cause des morsures de loup-garous

Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt) hallucinant à cause des morsures de loup-garous

Rebekah (Claire Holt) regardant son frère qui veut la poignarder avec le couteau de papa Tunde pour se venger

Rebekah (Claire Holt) regardant son frère qui veut la poignarder avec le couteau de papa Tunde pour se venger

Rebekah Mikaelson, soignant des patients

Rebekah Mikaelson, soignant des patients

Rebekah avec Geneviève

Rebekah avec Geneviève

Rebekah parlant avec Geneviève

Rebekah parlant avec Geneviève

Rebekah (Claire Holt), Geneviève (Elyse Levesque) et Clara (Teri Wyble)

Rebekah (Claire Holt), Geneviève (Elyse Levesque) et Clara (Teri Wyble)

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, au comptoir d'un bar

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, au comptoir d'un bar

Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt)

Rebekah Mikaelson (Claire Holt)

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, levant son verre

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, levant son verre

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, en compagnie de Geneviève

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, en compagnie de Geneviève

Rebekah et Geneviève à table lors d'un flashback remontant de 1919

Rebekah et Geneviève à table lors d'un flashback remontant de 1919

Rebekah et Geneviève

Rebekah et Geneviève

La sorcière Geneviève mettant un peu de musique dans un hôpital abandonné

La sorcière Geneviève mettant un peu de musique dans un hôpital abandonné

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, dans hôpital délabré

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, dans hôpital délabré

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) face à sa sœur Rebekah

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) face à sa sœur Rebekah


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 30.01.2015 à 21:40
0.23m / 1.0% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 25.02.2014 à 20:00
1.83m / 0.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Ashley Lyle & Bart Nickerson
Réalisé par : Matt Hastings

Invités : 

  • Elyse Levesque ... Genevieve
  • Shannon Kane ... Sabine/Celeste
  • Todd Stashwick ... Kieran
  • Yasmine Al-Bustami ... Monique Deveraux
  • Teri Wyble ... Clara Summerlin

Résumé long 1x14

Rebekah se trouve dans un hôpital délabré, elle est en proie à des délires à cause des morsures de loup garous. Elle tente de s’échapper, mais Geneviève la rattrape.

Elijah rejoint Monique au cimetière, il apprend avec stupeur que sa tante Sophie est morte. Il veut savoir où se trouve son frère et sa sœur, elle répond qu’elle a un message de la part de Céleste pour lui. Elle use de sa magie, Il flanche puis s’aperçoit que des inscriptions sont apparues sur ses bras. Camille lui confie qu’il doit résoudre une énigme pour les retrouver.

A l’hôpital Geneviève s’occupe de Bekah. elle prépare une mixture à base d’herbes, de son propre sang, et du sang empoisonné de Rebekah, alors que celle-ci est clouée sur un lit et la menace. Cette dernière lui rappelle qu’à une époque toutes deux étaient amies. Rebekah revit leur premier échange en 1919. Elles étaient infirmières au sanatorium, Geneviève s’était étonnée de voir un vampire originel, mais le courant était passé entre elles. Rebekah l’avait invitée avec son amie à une soirée jazz. Rebekah revient à elle, elle est seule, ses liens sont défaits, elle se lève péniblement.

Elijah revient au manoir et fait le point avec Marcel sur les forces déployées pour retrouver Rebekah et Klaus. Elijah rejoint son bureau suivi de Marcel et appelle Hayley, il leurs montre ses bras et son torse couvert de noms. Il demande à Hayley de les noter. Il pense que ce sont les noms de femmes que Céleste a habité durant deux siècles. Elijah est excédé de devoir résoudre une énigme alors que son frère et sa sœur souffrent. Marcel reconnaît un nom, Annie Lafleur, une sorcière qui a fui son clan il y a un an, il décide de découvrir pourquoi.

Marcel et Elijah apprennent qu’Annie était soupçonnée de magie noire par ses consœurs et a été mise à l’écart. Elle s’est donnée la mort, à l’endroit où Elijah et Céleste ont eu leur premier baiser. Il en conclut que Céleste s’est lassée du corps d’Annie et est passé dans celui de Sabine à ce moment et s’en confie à Hayley. Elijah est consterné que toutes ces vies aient été volées pour la vengeance de Céleste. Hayley lui parle d’un autre nom de la liste, Brynne Deveraux. Sophie lui avait confié que la lignée Deveraux était responsable de la malédiction sur les loups, elle veut savoir si Marcel connaissait cette sorcière. Hayley se demande si ce n’est pas Céleste dans le corps de Brynne qui a lancé la malédiction, et dans ce cas, elle peut aussi la briser. Hayley se sent coupable du choix que lui a imposé Céleste, entre sa famille et elle, il lui répond qu’il n’y avait pas de choix, la priorité reste elle et l’enfant de son frère.

Geneviève s’approche de Klaus, elle lui explique qu’elle veut l’aider, et lui ôte le poignard de sa poitrine sous ses hurlements. Klaus revient à lui, mais s’étonne de ne pas guérir plus vite, Geneviève lui explique que la lame contenait beaucoup de magie noire. Klaus comprend qu’elle est une sorcière revenue de la mort avec la moisson pour obtenir vengeance, et s’étonne de sa gentillesse. Elle explique que c‘est contre Rebekah, qu’elle accuse de trahison, qu’elle en a. Elle lui fait boire la mixture préparée plutôt, pour qu’il partage les hallucinations de Rebekah et explore son passé.

Rebekah parcourt un couloir avec peine, elle croit apercevoir son frère, et des personnes malades. Elle entre dans une pièce et revit un souvenir avec Marcel. Ils s’embrassent. Il lui demande si elle a demandé à Geneviève de faire le sort. Il pense qu’elle devient hésitante car elle est devenue amie avec elle, ou encore qu’elle a changé d’avis. Elle le rassure, elle est prête à tout pour vivre avec lui. Geneviève les surprend, elle s’en va, Rebekah qui revient dans la réalité tente de la rattraper en vain, pour s’excuser.

Klaus a tout vu des flashbacks, il ironise face à Geneviève, il était déjà au courant du béguin de Bekah concernant Marcel. Geneviève lui rappelle qu’il les a punit pour ça. Elle continue de lui parler en se montrant séductrice, Klaus reste serein sur le fait qu’elle ne parviendra pas à le monter contre sa sœur.

Rebekah arpente toujours les couloirs péniblement, Geneviève la rejoint et se moque de son état physique. Elle lui explique son plan, celui de permettre à Klaus de vivre avec elle son passé et sa fameuse trahison, Rebekah la supplie d’arrêter, mais Geneviève la fait souffrir par magie.

Marcel et Elijah obtiennent un registre de la communauté en faisant pression sur un responsable de la mairie. Elijah en profite pour demander à Marcel s’il connaissait Brynne, ce dernier confirme que c’est elle qui a effectué cette malédiction contre les loups à sa demande, et commence à évoquer Hayley, et sa réunion dans la plantation avec les loups maudits. Il s’interroge sur ce rapprochement, Elijah lui fait comprendre de la laisser à l’écart. Il finit par tomber sur un nom, Clara Summerlin, une sorcière qui contrairement aux autres ne s’est pas donnée la mort. Ce nom ne dit rien à aucun d’entre eux, Elijah pense qu’elle est morte de la grippe en 1919. Elijah ressent une gêne, les inscriptions disparaissent. Les deux hommes comprennent qu’ils ont résolu l’énigme, mais restent perplexes.

Geneviève force Bekah a replongé dans ses souvenirs tandis que celle-ci essaie de lutter, en vain. Elle se revoit avec Clara et Geneviève au concert de jazz. Geneviève et Rebekah discutent de la famille de cette dernière, elle évoque des querelles, et prétend vouloir resserrer les liens familiaux en invitant Mikael, son père, et demande de l’aide à Geneviève pour le retrouver, et de garder ça secret. Klaus voit toute la scène. Il revient à lui face à Geneviève, et pense qu’elle le manipule et que tout est faux. Geneviève n’a pas de doutes sur le fait qu’il va admettre que c’est la vérité, et le laisse.

Au manoir, Elijah confirme discrètement à Hayley ses soupçons sur la sorcière Deveraux, mais Marcel arrive et demande des infos sur Clara. Elijah lui apprend que c’était une infirmière du sanatorium de la ville. Sa photo ne dit rien à Elijah, il détecte un changement d’attitude chez Marcel, et l’incite à parler. Celui-ci lui répond qu’il doit lui avouer quelque chose qu’il ne va pas du tout apprécier. Elijah est excédé quand il apprend leur trahison, alors que toutes ces années il se demandait comment Mikael avait retrouvé leurs traces. Il s’en prend à Marcel, Hayley tente de le calmer. Marcel lui explique que Bekah et lui s’aimaient, mais Klaus refusait leur amour. Elijah lâche Marcel, et les deux hommes établissent qu’il leurs faut à tout prix agir au plus vite avant que Klaus n’apprenne la vérité, car sa colère sera sans fin.

Geneviève refait vivre la nuit du sort à Klaus, où elle contacté Mikael pour lui faire parvenir la preuve que Klaus était la Nouvelle-Orléans, alors que Rebekah et Marcel se tenaient derrière elle. Klaus comprend qu’ils sont bien coupables de la venue de Mikael. Il hurle le nom de sa sœur.

Rebekah arrive devant la porte du sanatorium, mais Céleste l’interpelle. Elle lui explique que son objectif est de briser la promesse familiale, « pour toujours et à jamais », en les montant les uns contre les autres. Rebekah est furieuse et promet de la tuer, Céleste lui répond qu’elle l’a déjà fait une fois, et lui avoue qu’elle était Clara, l’amie de Geneviève. Elle lui refait vivre un autre souvenir de 1919, Rebekah paniquée prend Geneviève à part et la supplie d’inverser le sort, Geneviève comprend qu’elle n’était qu’un pion. Elle veut révéler la vérité à Klaus, mais Rebekah l’en empêche et l’expose au virus, Clara les rejoint et subit le même sort. Toutes deux sont gardées par Rebekah en quarantaine et meurent. Céleste explique que contrairement à Geneviève, elle avait pu sauter dans un autre corps. Elle laisse Rebekah désœuvrée.

Klaus a vu le souvenir, Geneviève est à ses côtés, elle tente de le réconforter alors qu’il a le visage fermé, et l’encourage à prendre sa revanche. Elle lui laisse boire son sang, lui défait ses liens, et lui confie la lame maudite de papa Tunde. Il la saisit et la menace avec un bref instant, avant de quitter la pièce en hurlant le prénom de sa sœur. Geneviève est satisfaite.

Marcel et Elijah arrivent au sanatorium et décident de se séparer. Peu de temps après, Céleste en sort, et se fait assommer par Hayley par derrière, elle kidnappe la sorcière.

Klaus finit par retrouver sa sœur, elle ne cherche pas à s’excuser et se soumet à son sort, Klaus est consterné par son attitude, finalement elle tente de fuir. Ils commencent à se battre, Marcel intervient, Klaus veut le tuer sous les yeux de sa sœur, qui prend l’entière responsabilité de ce qu’il s’est passé pour épargner Marcel. Klaus se reproche d’elle, il lui reproche de ne pas voir eu la même loyauté pour lui, et s’apprête à la poignarder. Seulement Elijah intervient et retourne le couteau contre son frère. Alors que Klaus agonise de douleur, en regarde Elijah, ce dernier presse Marcel et Rebekah de s’enfuir, ce qu’ils font.

[Rebekah]Previously on "The Originals"

[klaus] Our community is under attack. They're declaring war on us.

[Rebekah] All his life, there's only ever been one man he has truly feared My father Mikael. All we need is a witch who could help us find him.

[Elijah] Celeste.

[Celeste]How did you know?

[Elijah] If you have come here seeking revenge...

[Celeste]Oh, I'll have my revenge, starting with Klaus. He is gonna know, pain and torment, like he's never felt before. Then that leaves Rebekah, your tragic sister. She's about to find herself in quite the predicament. Genevieve knows where your sister is, Bastiana has Klaus tucked away someplace safe. I guess always isn't forever after all.




(Rebekah is in a abbandonned hospital, she's hallucinated, she's run into the building)

Rebekah : Who's there? How the hell did I get here?

(She's dagger by a stake)

Rebekah : Genevieve.

Genevieve : Rebekah. Tell me you're not leaving already. I thought we might reminisce.

(in Lafeyette Cemeterry, Sophie's funeral)

(Elijah appears)

Elijah : My siblings have been taken. Where are they?

Monique : You're interrupting my aunt Sophie's consecration.

Elijah : How did this happen?

Monique : Aunt Sophie was a casualty of war.

Elijah : Monique, I recommend you give me what I want, unless, of course, you'd like me to level this place and everything in it.

Monique : That won't be necessary. I have a message for you from Celeste. (she's do magic, and names appears on Elijah's body) To find what you're looking for, follow the path she left behind.


(in the abbandonned sanatorium) (Genevieve singing and make something strange)


Rebekah : What the hell are you doing, you ruthless bitch?

Genevieve : Poor Rebekah. You should rest. You're looking a little peaked.

(she's remove the stake off Rebekah's body)

Genevieve : Of course, that's to be expected, given the rather impressive amount of werewolf venom in your system. How did you like that wolf-boy, by the way? I thought he seemed like your type trashy and willing.

Rebekah : If I weren't so bloody sick, I'dd rip your head off.

Genevieve : But you are sick. And comforting the sick always was a talent of mine. I take care of my friends. We were friends, weren't we? Of course we were.




(in a sanatorium, with sick people, 1910')

Rebekah : There, there. Unidentified sick man. That can't be good. You, Red, Here.

Genevieve : Try to take a sip of this. Just like magic. But then again, what would you expect from a practicing witch?

Genevieve : It's a simple herbal remedy. Won't stop the inevitable, but it should ease his pain and quiet his lungs. For a while, at least.

Rebekah : You're quite good at this, miss What is your name, again?

Genevieve : Genevieve.

Rebekah : Lovely. Perhaps you could give me some pointers.

Genevieve : Certainly. Though it is a bit odd. A vampire serving as nurse.

Rebekah : Please, darling, I'm an original vampire. If my city is under attack from this nasty influenza, it is my duty to lend a hand. Besides, if this entire lot dies, who'd be left to eat?

Genevieve : You're wicked.

Rebekah : You know, I think you and I are going to be fast friends. What say you join me at this swell, little jazz joint I've discovered on basin street tonight? We can toast to the health of New Orleans.

Genevieve : Oh I don't know.

Rebekah : You. You should come, too. After playing angels of mercy all day, I'd say we all deserve some fun.




(Rebekah scream)


(At the abbatoir, Elijah appears)

Elijah : Anything?

Marcel : They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere. Daywalkers are working every contact we got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the treme. Word is out. Anyone trying to earn favor with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them.

Elijah : Good. I need a pen and paper.

Marcel : Hey ! Am I taking orders from you now? Or are we in this together?

Elijah : Pen and paper, Marcel. Now.

Marcel : Look, I want her back just as much as you do, you know. Both of them.

Elijah : Hayley!

Hayley : Elijah ! You're back.Did you find any thing... What is happening?

Elijah : I need you to make a list of these names. Please.

Hayley : Ok. (Hayley looks Elijah's body, it's full of names) Sabine? Elijah, what is this?

Elijah : I believe they represent the names of the women that Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries.

Marcel : It's called a devinette. It's old school. Kind of a riddle. Witches use them to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears.

Hayley : Why? What's the point?

Elijah : Celeste forced me to make a choice between yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Niklaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. The solution lies somewhere in these names.

Marcel : The name next to Sabine Annie LaFleur. She's a witch that was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out.


(In the sanatorium, Klaus is on a table, Genevieve comes)


Genevieve : You poor thing. (she take à knife) Don't worry. I'm here to help.

(She cut Klaus and remove Papa tundé's blade, he scream)


(Elijah and Marcel are with a men, talking)

Men : Annie was a good girl. Witches done her wrong, shunning her like that, saying that she's doing dark magic. There's no way. But they had proof. So, she just quit. And I can't really blame her for that. Because once you've been shunned, what's the point of going on, you know?


(Hayley on the phone with Elijah)

Hayley : She killed herself?

Elijah : Yes. Drowned herself in the Mississippi, to be precise. Celeste had clearly tired of the body and was ready to take Sabine's.

Hayley : How do you know that?

Elijah : She leapt to her death from the very location Celeste and I had our first kiss.

Hayley : Poetic, I guess, in a creepy, vendetta kind of way.

Elijah : All these names, these lives, stolen that Celeste might take her revenge. I suppose we have no choice but to see where they take us. Hayley, I have to go. I'll call you back.

Hayley : Elijah, wait.

Elijah : What is it?

Hayley : Ask Marcel if he knows anything about a name on that list Brynne Deveraux. Sophie said that it was her family's bloodline that put the curse on the crescent wolves, but Celeste said that she was the only one that could break it. If Brynne Deveraux was actually Celeste when she cast the spell, then maybe Celeste can still break it.

Elijah : I'll see what he knows.

Hayley : Elijah, I'm really sorry that you're going through this. If I had known that Celeste had made you choose who to help...

Elijah : You were going to die in that fire, Hayley, along with my brother's child. There was no choice.


(In the sanatorium)


Klaus : My wound isn't healing.

Genevieve : The amount of dark magic contained in that blade? It's gonna take a little while.

Klaus : You're one of them, aren't you? The witches back from the dead, seeking vengeance. Why show me kindness?

Genevieve : You never did anything to me. And the truth is, seeing you like this, I can't help but pity you.

Klaus : Then betray the others and stand with me. I will reward you in ways you cannot possibly fathom.

Genevieve : Klaus Mikaelson offering a deal to little ol' me? I should be flattered. But first we need to have a talk... about your sister.

Klaus : Rebekah is of no concern to you. If you mean to harm her...

Genevieve : Ah, the protective brother ! A shame that loyalty isn't reciprocated. But then, I'm no stranger to Rebekah's treachery. Something you and I have in common.Here, drink. I'm just trying to help you, heal you. Get you to see the truth that's been right in front of you for almost a century. (Klaus drink the potion, Genevieve put her hand is his mouth, Klaus suffocate)Your sister had an unfortunate run-in with some wolves last night. I imagine you're tasting the venom in her blood. It's the only way I can show you what you need to see.


(Rebekah run in the sanatorium)

Genevieve : In her weakened state, I'll be able to guide her down memory Lane. That's how I'm going to have my revenge.

(Rebekah run again)

Genevieve : By showing you her betrayal.

(Rebekah run in the sanatorium and see Klaus appears in front of her)

Rebekah : Niklaus !!!

(She saw children sicks in the sanatorium's room)



(Rebekah & Marcel kissing in the sanatorium, he touch her)

Rebekah : Marcel. Have some respect.

Marcel : Yeah, I don't think they mind.

(The room is full of dead people)

Marcel : Did you ask Genevieve about doing the spell?

Rebekah : I will. When the time is right.

Marcel : Rebekah. You've been hanging around that witch for weeks, waiting for the time to be right. She wasn't supposed to become your sidekick. One little spell and we could finally be together for real. What are you waiting for?

Rebekah : She's a sweet girl, is all. If you must know, I feel badly for using her.

Marcel : Then we'll find another witch, one you don't have to fake a friendship with... Unless you've changed your mind.

Rebekah : I want to wake up with you in our home, in the bed that we share. I want to walk down the street with you by my side so that everyone knows that you are mine and I am yours. I don't want to be afraid of what my brother will do to me for loving you. If this is the only way to get it, then... No, my mind hasn't changed.

(They kissing, and Genevieve comes)

Genevieve : Oh! I didn't know anyone was in here. I'm so sorry.

Rebekah : Genevieve!!!!


Rebekah : ...Genevieve... Wait... I'm sorry.


Klaus : So, this is your great betrayal. My sister and Marcel. They've been sneaking around behind my back for the better part of two centuries.

Genevieve : Yes. Against all your warnings. You'd disciplined them for it before, had you not? Harshly, I understand.

Klaus : I had my reasons.

Genevieve : Oh, you don't have to convince me. As far as I'm concerned, you only needed one: That it suited you. Have you ever read the old testament, Nik? You see God wasn't powerful because he was right. He was right because he was powerful.

Klaus : I don't know what you're playing at, but if the sum total of your plan to turn me against my sister was this revelation, this will have been a wholly ineffective endeavor.

Genevieve : You poor thing. After 1,000 years, dishonesty from your family has come to be expected. I wish that was the sum total of their treachery. Unfortunately, it's not.


(In a bar, Elijah & Marcel appears, Marcel put a men down)


Men : W..what do you want from me?

Elijah : Well, I assume you're familiar with this pigsty, quite appropriately known as the pit. See, awkwardly enough, only weeks ago, a group of human beings just like yourself slaughtered many of the companions of the vampires that you see assembled before you here.

Marcel : You run the records room at city hall. We're told the former mayor kept a detailed record of the supernatural community. A ledger of names of witches, werewolves, and vampires. Specifically, their death records. We need it.

Men : I-I don't know where it is.

Elijah : I think we both know that's a fib. Anyone feeling hungry?

Men : Oh! Ok. W..wait. They moved the records. After the mayor died. They're at the sacristy of St. Anne's church.

Elijah : See? There. Wasn't so difficult, now, was it?


(In the sanatorium, Rebekah walks, she saw two little boys, they screaming)


Genevieve : Aah! Rough day? Oh, Beck's. Those bites are looking nasty.

Rebekah : Why make me relive the past? We both know how it ends.

Genevieve : You and I both know. But I thought your brother might like to hear our story. So, I linked your mind to his. You're gonna show him everything.

Rebekah : No. No, please don't do that to me. I'll do anything.

Genevieve : It's too late, friend.

(Genevieve making magic, Rebekah scream and put down)


St. Anne Church, Elijah and Marcel read books.


Elijah : Aah! Marcel, here's another name from our list. Brynne Deveraux. Says here she drowned herself some 20 years ago. Do you recognize the name?

Marcel : Brynne? Yeah, we used to hang out. Knock around a bit.

Elijah : You can spare me the details, please.

Marcel : She used to do some spells for me now and then. Girl had power. Cursed a whole pack of werewolves just because they were pissing me off. Speaking of... What do you think Klaus is gonna do when he finds out that you left him to suffer... while you saved Hayley and her wolf friends?

Elijah : Let's avoid discussing matters that are not your concern, shall we, Marcellus?

Marcel : Oh, come on, Elijah. I got guys all over this city. You honestly think that I don't know that the crescent wolves had a little family reunion out at the plantation last night? Thanks for letting the house burn, by the way. Good riddance. But my question is, what's Hayley doing with that bunch?

Elijah : Marcel, I'm aware of your history with the city's wolves, and I assume you understand that if you lay a finger upon Hayley, it will be the last thing you do on this earth.

Marcel : I see I hit a nerve. And just when we were getting along.

Elijah : We were right. Every name upon my flesh signifies a witch who died by her own hand. All but one.

Marcel : Clara Summerlin.Ring any bells?

Elijah : None.

Marcel : Ok, well, if she didn't off herself, then how'd she die?

Elijah : Influenza. Epidemic of 1919. (the names on Elijah's body deasepear) I suppose we have our answer. Only I have no idea what it means.


(in sanatorium, Genevieve put music on a old grammophone)


Rebekah : No. No! Please!

Genevieve : Your sister's tryst with Marcel was only the beginning. You see, the burden of your condemnation had become too great. And as a result, your deepest fear came to pass. That their love for each other would overshadow their love for you, turn it into hate. They conspired to rid themselves of you for good.

(Rebekah run and broke the grammophone, she's hallucinated, she saw memories of her past, with Genevieve and Clara)

FLASHBACK, in a bar

Clara : Ok, next round's on me.

Genevieve : Clara Summerlin, no. I'll be soused.

Rebekah : Get it while you can. It's the last real gin in the city.

Genevieve : You're nothing like I thought you'd be when I first met you. I was brought up to think your kind were well...

Rebekah : An abomination of nature?

Genevieve : You're anything bug not just you, your whole family is so... Elegant.

Rebekah : Yes, I agree. Elijah is quite peerless.

Genevieve : I don't know. I mean, he's nice and all, but if I had to go for one Mikaelson boy...

Rebekah: Klaus? Genevieve, who'd have thought a saintly, little witch like you would go for the bad boys? I knew we were destined to be friends.

Clara at the bar : More gin, please. (a men spill his glasses on her)

Elijah : Please. Allow me. Keep it. It's yours.

(Klaus see the memories)

Rebekah : Well, there's a load of us Mikaelsons. If you like bad boys, you'd love my brother Kol.

Genevieve : And where is this mystery brother of yours?

Rebekah : It's complicated. Like all siblings, we've had our ups and downs. Family feuds. In fact, I was thinking of reaching out to someone we haven't seen in a very long while. I was hoping that maybe you could help me contact them. But it would have to be a surprise. No one could know.

Genevieve : Of course. Do you want me to find your brother Kol?

Rebekah : Actually, I'd like you to find Mikael. Our father.

PRESENT (Klaus is angry)

Klaus : Enough of your lies!

Genevieve : Don't dismember the messenger. Part of you must have known. Suspected, at least. Your father came to New Orleans in 1919 to kill you, did he not? And as the city burned, he nearly succeeded.

Klaus : My family and I have done some terrible things to each other over the years, but Rebekah would not call my father. No matter how angry she was.

Genevieve : It's sweet of you to believe that. To believe in her. But by the time we're done here, you'll know just how wrong you are.


At the abbatoir :


Hayley : Hey, look, I found

Elijah : You were right about the Deveraux witch.

Marcel : Find anything about Clara the mystery witch?

Hayley : Not much. She was a nurse at the Fleur-de-lis sanitorium. Recognize her? Top row, second from the right.

Elijah : No. I don't. Marcel? Marcel?? Do I need to remind you that Niklaus and Rebekah are somewhere suffering horribly? If you know something, talk.

Marcel : The sanitorium. That's where you'll find then.

Hayley : Are you sure? How do you know?

Marcel : I just know.

Elijah : How do you know?

Marcel : If I'm right You need to know exactly what we're walking into. We did something, Rebekah and I. I think the witches are trying to use it against her. It's something... that.... you're not gonna like.


In sanatorium


Genevieve : Are you ready to see more proof?

(She put him again in Rebekah's memories)

(Rebekah see Klaus in her memories : No.)

Genevieve :What do you see?

Klaus :My father's blade. It went missing when I was a boy. He beat me half to death, so sure I had stolen it. Rebekah was so kind to me in the weeks after the beating. I should have known she was the culprit. She never could stand weapons were things not meant for girls.

(in flashback)

Genevieve : Prends ce messages, les cendres sur le vent. (she make a spell for bring back Mikael)


Rebekah : No! Klaus!

Klaus : My sister... Rebekah... REBEKAH!!!!!!!


At the abbatoir :


Elijah : For the better part of a century, I have wondered how father found us, what foolish mistake that we had made to destroy our time in the one place that we could finally call home. Did you know, I even blamed myself for a time, marcellus? (Elijah catch Marcel's throat)

Hayley : Elijah !!!

Elijah : Niklaus treated you like a son. Rebekah...

Marcel : I loved her. I still love her. All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen. But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?

Elijah : When Niklaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage. I will not let my sister suffer that wrath.

Marcel : Then we need to get to them before he learns the truth.


In sanatorium :


Celeste : Just give it up, Rebekah. It's inevitable at this point.

Rebekah : Sabine.

Celeste : I prefer Celeste, actually. All these names I've had over the years and I still prefer the first. Perhaps it was the way it sounded on Elijah's lips, like a declaration of love. Oh, he was a good liar. All of you are.

Rebekah : Say what you want about me, but Elijah is a good man.

Celeste : Still defending him, even until the bitter end. Good. I'm counting on that familial love. It'll be the ruin of you all. Now that Klaus knows what you've done, he'll never stop until he's had his revenge. He'll kill Marcel. Do something horrible to you. Elijah will never forgive him. Your betrayal will ultimately pit brother against brother. And the fabled Mikaelson bond will crumble.

Rebekah : I'll kill you, you bitch.

Celeste : You already did. Though at the time, I wore a different face.

FLASHBACK, sanatorium, 1919'

Rebekah : Genevieve, we need to talk. Privately.

Clara : I'll be fine here. You go ahead. You should wash up anyway. Hey. Incinerate that as soon as you can. (Celeste is in fact Clara)


Rebekah : You were the other one. Clara. You should have minded your own business. I suspected my friend was being exploited. It was my business.


Genevieve : Call it off? Are you mad?

Rebekah : I was wrong. It was stupid and and impulsive, and it will ruin us, Genevieve. Not just Klaus but Elijah, too. I risked tearing our family apart for my own selfish happiness. I'm begging you, please, don't bring Mikael here. If Klaus finds out what we have done, what you have done.

Genevieve : Klaus will kill me. He'll kill my entire family.

Rebekah : Which is exactly why I need you to undo it.

Genevieve : It doesn't work that way. There is no undoing it. Mikael is coming. The only hope now Is tell Klaus the truth. Confess what we've done.

Rebekah : That is not an option. He will dagger me and leave me in a box for centuries. You will not say a word.

Genevieve : You used me. This whole time. Our friendship. All you wanted was a favor, and now you want to take it back? Well, you can't. And I will not suffer because I was foolish enough to trust you.

Rebekah : It was a mistake. I know that now. But that one mistake will destroy us.
(Genevieve do a spell)

Genevieve : You brought this on yourself. I will not be destroyed along with you.

Rebekah : I'm so sorry, Genevieve. (she infect her with a tissue full of blood) But if you tell Niklaus you summoned Mikael, you're dead either way.

Clara/Celeste : Genevieve, is everything all right?


Celeste : So, you infected me, too. Compelled the orderlies to keep us in quarantine until we died.
(in the flashback, Genevieve & Clara died of influenza) (Klaus see that, and look Genevieve)

Celeste : Fortunately, I just took another body. Genevieve wasn't so lucky. Well, now that she's back You're the one who's luck's run out.

Genevieve (to Klaus) : I'm sorry. I know how much this hurts. To see what she did. To see who she really is. But you needed to know. You needed to see it. And now that you have, you can take your revenge. Our revenge. Please. Go ahead. You'll need your strength for what comes next. (he drinks Genevieve's blood.)(She remove the chains, Klaus take the knife and put him under Genevieve throat, after, he remove it, and go)

Klaus : Rebekah! Rebekah! !!!


(Marcel & Elijah arrival to the sanatorium)


Elijah : We should divide the building. I'll start at one end, you at the other.

Rebekah : Nick. Nick, it isn't true.

Klaus : I want to believe you, sister. But your face tells a different story.(Rebekah run) You cannot hide from me, Rebekah! Nor can you run. This ends now.

Hayley: (hit Celeste behind her back) Hey, there, witch bitch. You and I are gonna have a little chat.

Klaus : Rebekah!!!! (she run and try to hide)Tired of running?

Rebekah : I know how much you enjoy the chase. I'd sooner deny you the pleasure.

Klaus : Well, then I'll take my pleasures in other ways. No more "daggered in a box" for you. Trust me, sister, you'll long for what the dagger offered. This... will be far less merciful. How to describe exactly what this blade does?

Rebekah : You don't have to do this, Nick.

Klaus : After I plunge this into your heart, you will be immobilized, imprispred in a state of raw, inescapable anguish. Time loses all meaning. It's not unlike a living hell, which I find rather fitting given your treachery.

Rebekah : Then do it. If that's what you really want.

Klaus : Are we skipping the part where you beg for mercy? For forgiveness? Because I was really looking forward to that.

Rebekah : I'll pass. I know better than to think it would do me any good.

Klaus : That's it, then? You concede? Like a lamb to the slaughter. What would your father think of you now?

(Rebekah try to escape, but Klaus don't her go)

Rebekah : Uhh! Aah! (she take's iron bar and hit Klaus's face) (he put her on the ground, Marcel appears)

Klaus : Just the man I wanted to see. Rebekah's punishment won't be complete until she watches you die.

Rebekah : Nick, it was my idea to summon Mikael. If you're gonna hurt anyone, it should be me.

Klaus : Such loyalty to your beloved. You know... If you had offered me even a fraction of the same, I wouldn't have to do this.

(Klaus take Papa Tundé blade's and get ready to put in Rebekah's body, Elijah come and put the blade in Klaus body)
(Klaus screaming.)

Elijah : (to Marcel & Rebekah) : Go. Both of you. Run as far and as fast as you can. Run!!!

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !