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The Originals
#211 : L'Armée des damnés


Diffusion US : 26 janvier 2015 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 24 avril 2016 sur Série Club

Plus puissant que jamais, Vincent crée un sort qui lui permet de piéger ses frères.

Réalisant que Kaleb est en difficulté, Davina n’a pas d’autre choix que de faire équipe avec les originels pour aider.

Marcel doit tenter de calmer sa meute de vampires, tout en se rappelant ses jours en tant que soldat pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, quand ses qualités de leader furent également mises à l’épreuve.

Hayley est en plein conflit quand elle apprend que Jackson et elle doivent participer à des rituels extrêmes et non conventionnels avant leur mariage, qui les mettront tous les deux dans une position dangereuse.

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4.25 - 4 votes

Titre VO
Brotherhood of the Damned

Titre VF
L'Armée des damnés

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


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Promo (VO) Version Longue


Inside 2x11

Inside 2x11


Sneak Peek #1

Sneak Peek #1


Sneak Peek #2

Sneak Peek #2


Sneak Peek #3

Sneak Peek #3


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Marcel Gerard (Charles Michael Davis) se rappel du passé

Marcel Gerard (Charles Michael Davis) se rappel du passé

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) & Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan) & Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Vincent Griffith/Finn Mikaelson (Yusuf Gatewood) & Kaleb Westphall/Kol Mikaelson (Daniel Sharman)

Vincent Griffith/Finn Mikaelson (Yusuf Gatewood) & Kaleb Westphall/Kol Mikaelson (Daniel Sharman)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) parle avec une jeune femme

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) parle avec une jeune femme


Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Lundi 26.01.2015 à 20:00
1.74m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Kyle Arrington & Diane Ademu-John
Réalisé par : Sylvain White

Résumé long 2x11

Klaus et Marcel font le point au téléphone. Klaus demande au vampire de garder en sécurité Kol, tandis qu’il va demander de l’aide à Davina, pour lever le sort qui retient Kol et les vampires au manoir. Marcel lui apprend qu’il s’est fait mordre par un loup durant l’attaque, Klaus lui promet de le faire sortir pour lui donner son sang rapidement. Marcel raccroche, il commence à avoir des hallucinations, et revit des souvenirs de 1916, il avait alors quitté le manoir pour s’engager dans l’armée et combattre les allemands en Europe. Klaus avait été mécontent de le voir partir, et lui avait reproché d’abandonner sa famille. Marcel revient à lui et observe ses vampires dans la cour.

Il est retourné à l’intérieur, il observe sa blessure. Kol le rejoint, ils font le point sur la procession au cœur de la ville. Kol pense qu’il peut compter sur Marcel pour le protéger, pour Rebekah et Davina. Marcel est agacé, il rejoint ses vampires, mais il croit voir Joe dans la cour, un de ses amis vampires mort par les Guerrerra, en uniforme de soldat. Il se revoit avec lui dans les tranchées, à subir les bombardements allemands. Joe avait compris que Marcel n’était pas humain. La situation était critique pour les hommes avec lui, mais Marcel les défendait. Joe lui avait conseillé de prendre la tête de la troupe. Gia l’appelle, il sort de sa rêverie et se retrouve dans la cours face aux vampires, il assure qu’il va bien et quitte la cour.

Klaus est avec Davina à l’église, elle lui explique que Finn bloque ses sorts de localisation. Elle est énervée par les remarques de Klaus tandis qu’elle prépare un autre sort, et lui reproche sa façon de traiter Kol, mais il reste en colère contre lui car il l’a dupé concernant Rebekah. Davina parvient à avoir des flashes de Finn, elle apprend à Klaus que son frère se trouve au cimetière, qu’il prépare un sort de représentation, et qu’il a canalisé ses parents pour gagner en puissance. Alors qu’il quitte l’église, Klaus s’effondre sous les yeux de Davina. Au même moment, on voit Finn exécuter son sort.

Cami et Elijah sont toujours dans la maison de vacances des Mikaelson, la jeune femme pousse Elijah à se confier sur la porte rouge. Il lui explique que c’est un endroit qu’il a matérialisé dans son esprit pour y cacher à lui-même ses nombreuses victimes, la première d’entre elle était Tatia, son premier grand amour. Il avoue que même Klaus ignore qu’il est responsable de la mort de la jeune femme, et pense qu’il serait incapable de le pardonner s’il venait à le découvrir, il préfère lui cacher la vérité. A cet instant, il s’écroule, victime lui aussi du sort de Finn, Cami est inquiète.

Au manoir, Gia et Josh font le point sur Marcel, ils ont du mal à comprendre son attitude, car ils sont tous affamés. Kol se montre, Gia veut l’attaquer, mais il se défend par magie, Marcel intervient. Alors que Kol veut s’en prendre à Gia par vengeance, il s’évanouit à son tour avec le sort de Finn. Josh, Marcel et Gia sont circonspects.

Klaus, Elijah et Kol se voient dans une maison en bois dont les poutres sur lesquelles sont accrochées des représentations d’animaux. Finn arrive rapidement, il a réuni leurs esprits par magie, chaque tête d’animal représente l’un des Mikaelson, le renard pour Kol, le sanglier pour Finn, le loup pour Klaus et le cerf pour Elijah. Quand Klaus cherche à l’attaquer, Il explique qu’il est intouchable, car il contrôle le sort.

Au bayou, Aiden confie sa récolte des bagues de lune sur les autres loups à Jackson et Hayley, satisfaits. Jackson lui apprend que le mariage aura lieu dans dix jours, et lui demande de faire passer le mot aux autres loups, tandis que le couple va préparer la cérémonie avec la grand-mère de Jackson.

A l’église, Davina donne des claques à Klaus pour tenter de le réveiller, en vain. Elle prend un appel d’Elijah sur le portable de Klaus. En réalité c’est Cami qui appelle, quand elle lui parle de l’état d’Elijah, Davina comprend que le sort de représentation de Finn a piégé Klaus et Elijah. Elle pense que Kol est aussi en danger, mais ne sait que faire pour arrêter Finn.

Dans la représentation de la maison de chasse, Finn avoue qu’il veut profiter que Klaus se retrouve sans pouvoirs pour lui prendre la Nouvelle-Orléans. Il explique qu’il compte délivrer ses frères en fin de soirée, après qu’il ait libéré Marcel et ses vampires affamés dans les rues bondées de la ville. Kol s’inquiète pour son corps coincé avec des vampires, mais Finn s’en moque et commence à le faire saigner du nez par magie.

Au même moment au manoir, Gia et Josh sont tentés par le sang de Kol. Marcel les fait résister, mais il a à nouveau une vision de Joe dans la pièce, puis se revoit dans les tranchées. Il était devenu caporal. Joe avait compris qu’il était un vampire et lui offrait son sang, mais Marcel refusait de se nourrir sur ses amis. Il avait été appelé au quartier général, et s’était retrouvé face à Klaus qui l’avait enjoint de revenir à la Nouvelle-Orléans. Marcel avait refusé car il considérait ses hommes comme sa famille. Il revient à lui, Gia et Josh se rendent compte de sa morsure, et Marcel leur ordonne de ne rien dire aux autres vampires, ils sont consternés.

La procession se poursuit dans les rues, Gia a du mal à contrôler sa faim, et reproche à Marcel de protéger Kol. Elle se montre amère car elle ne sait plus si elle peut lui faire confiance alors qu’il est en train de mourir, elle quitte la pièce. Marcel se rend au balcon et observe ses vampires affamés dans la cour, il est rejoint par une vision de Joe qui se montre pessimiste avec lui.

Dans la maison de représentation de Finn, les frères reprochent à Kol d’avoir piégé Rebekah. Finn décide de le renvoyer dans son corps au manoir. Kol se réveille, il est inquiété par les vampires présents, mais Marcel intervient et l’emmène en super vitesse dans une autre pièce. Kol prévient le vampire du plan de Finn de relâcher les vampires à la nuit tombée dans les rues bondées de la ville. Marcel comprend que le secret de l’existence des vampires peut être compromis s’ils cèdent à leur faim sur les humains de la parade. Kol est perplexe, mais Marcel rétorque qu’il est certain qu’ils vont tous s’en sortir vivants.

Hayley et Jackson discutent en marchant dans la forêt, ils finissent par rejoindre Mary, la grand-mère du jeune homme. Celle-ci est assez pressée de préparer les rituels prénuptiaux. Hayley l’interroge à ce sujet, et apprend qu’il y a un rite de divulgation obligatoire, durant lequel les futurs mariés doivent se confier tous leurs secrets, sinon l’union de leurs âmes durant le mariage ne fonctionnera pas. Hayley leur avoue qu’elle ne peut le faire, et fait demi-tour.

Finn évoque leurs parents à Elijah et Klaus, toujours coincés dans la maison de représentation. Il se demande pourquoi Klaus a tué son père biologique alors qu’il rêvait de le connaître. Il réalise aussi que son frère n’est pas hors de lui, alors qu’il est sur le point de lui prendre la ville avec les vampires, et que malgré les malheurs de Rebekah et d’Elijah ces derniers temps, il n’est pas intervenu. Finn pense donc que Klaus lui cache quelque chose. Klaus reste muet, puis finit par détourner la conversation sur son père biologique qui l’a déçu, mais il ne parvient à convaincre à Finn, qui est déterminé à le faire parler.

Jackson rattrape Hayley dans les bois, il veut lui faire changer d’avis, et lui assure qu’il a aussi des secrets enfouis. Il veut commencer les rituels étape par étape, et si elle veut arrêter à l’une d’entre elles, il acceptera. Il lui assure qu’il révélera ses secrets le premier, et promet de l’aider pour vaincre les siens. Elle finit par prendre la main qu’il lui tend.

Marcel rejoint ses vampires dans la cours, Gia lui demande des explications. Marcel se remémore la guerre, ses hommes étaient sur le point de mourir dans les tranchées. Il avait voulu les soigner mais Jo lui avait demandé de les transformer en vampire, pour qu’ils aient une chance de l’emporter. Marcel revient à lui dans la cours, il s’excuse auprès des vampires et leur assure qu’il peut les aider à vaincre leur colère et leur faim s’ils le laissent les guider. Gia révèle aux autres vampires que Marcel a été mordu par un loup. Marcel assure qu’il ne va pas en mourir, car il a un flacon du sang de Klaus qui l’attend chez lui, avec assez de sang pour tous les satisfaire. Il estime que s’ils se nourrissent à l’extérieur, ils vont perdre leur maison, la Nouvelle-Orléans, et il pense être capable de les ramener au repère des vampires. Kol les observe, Marcel constate que la barrière est tombée, et demande à ses vampires de le suivre, les vampires sortent dans la rue.

A la maison de la représentation, Finn se moque de la non réaction de Klaus alors qu’il est en train de perdre la ville. Elijah intervient, il réfléchit sur les représentations choisies par Finn, et sur le fait que si elles se révèlent inexactes, l’enchantement de cette pièce s’effondre. Finn reste confiant, mais Elijah affirme que le noble cerf censé le représenter est un mensonge de sa part, il avoue à Klaus le meurtre de Tatia. Finn pense que son aveu ne change rien, sa confession prouve toujours sa noblesse, et la maison reste intacte. Klaus estime en revanche qu’Elijah n’est plus un noble cerf, et que Finn s’est également trompé sur sa propre représentation, en effet il décide de pardonner à Elijah son crime, une chose dont Finn le pensait incapable. Il considère que Finn a fait une erreur en estimant que ses frères ne pouvaient changer et en sous-estimant les liens qui les unissent. A ce moment-là, les têtes de cerf et de loup brûlent sous le regard abasourdi de Finn. Elijah et Klaus s’apprêtent à attaquer Finn, mais d’un geste de main il les ramène dans leur corps.

Elijah se réveille à la maison de campagne sous les yeux de Cami. Klaus reprend connaissance à l’église, Davina lui demande des nouvelles de Kol. Il lui apprend que les habitants de la ville sont en danger et lui demande de le suivre, elle se montre pressée.

Marcel et ses vampires marchent difficilement dans la rue parmi les passants, en tentant de résister à leur faim. Sous le regard circonspect des gens, tous tiennent bons. Marcel se donne du courage en repensant à ses hommes à la guerre, quand il leurs faisait un discours avant de reprendre la bataille, alors qu’il les avait transformés en vampires. Il se revoit combattre avec eux, tandis qu’il soutient Josh et Gia dans la rue, mais Il finit par s’effondrer.

Klaus et Davina arrivent dans la rue, ils ne repèrent aucun vampire, et décident de se séparer. Davina aperçoit Kol, et court vers lui. Tous deux sourient, ils s’embrassent.

Marcel se réveille à son repère, Gia lui souhaite un bon retour. Elle lui explique qu’ils l’ont ramené, et que les autres vampires sont en train de boire son stock de sang, il se rend compte qu’ils lui ont soigné sa blessure de loup avec le sang de Klaus. Elle s’excuse pour son comportement, mais Marcel ne lui en tient pas rigueur. Finn arrive à ce moment-là, il applaudit la scène et avoue qu’il a attaqué ses vampires en bas. Il explique qu’il pense que les Mikaelson lui cachent un secret, et veut obtenir la vérité de Marcel. Marcel tente de se défendre, mais Finn l’attaque par magie.

Klaus fait le point avec Elijah au téléphone, tandis que Cami s’occupe de Hope. Klaus explique qu’Elijah doit rester là où il se trouve, la ville est sauve, même s’il constate au repère de Marcel qu’il a disparu avec tous ses vampires. Il estime qu’avec son frère ils doivent rester concentrés sur leurs ennemis communs. Ils raccrochent. Aiden arrive au repère, Klaus l’enjoint à enquêter auprès des loups pour déterminer ce que Finn a fait de Marcel et ses vampires. Aiden lui apprend que Jackson et Hayley préparent leur mariage, Klaus comprend qu’Hayley compte faire le rituel de vérité avec Jackson. Il décide de retrouver le couple au bayou pour avoir une discussion avec Hayley.

Le script VF de cet épisode est à écrire, si vous êtes interessé pour le faire, laissez un message dans le forum Aide/Volontariat. Merci =)


[A woman covers all of the statues inside the church with red satin sheets. Outside, everyone is wearing white and/or red clothing; children run through the street carrying flags, while adults mingle on the sidewalks. A parade of parishioners march up the main street in white and red robes, some of whom are carrying their own statues covered in red sheets. Among the crowd is Klaus, who is rushing down the street while he talks to Marcel, who is anxiously pacing around the compound, on his cell phone]

Klaus: I've searched the entire French Quarter-- Finn has vanished. I can't remove the barrier that has you trapped until I have my hand around his throat.

MARCEL: [sighs in exhaustion] I was hoping you had a Plan B.

Klaus: Davina. She doesn't know it yet, but she's going to help me break his spell. Your job? Keep Kol alive. At least until we learn Rebekah's whereabouts.

[Marcel rolls up his left shirtsleeve and looks down at his forearm, where he has a large, nasty-looking werewolf bite. He winces quietly and sighs again as he flashes back to the previous day, when he was restraining one of the werewolf leaders, Jerick, who ended up biting him in the struggle]

Klaus: [impatiently] Are you listening to me?

MARCEL: [distracted] Yeah. Uh, that all sounds fine and good, but listen... when I was getting the werewolves out, I got bit.

[Klaus stops in his tracks and closes his eyes as he sighs, clearly stressed by this revelation]

Klaus: I will get you my blood. I will get you out of that house, Marcellus. [Marcel nods in understanding] Whatever it takes.

[The two hang up. Marcel looks over at the Mikaelson seal on one of the walls, which has a dragon eating an animal underneath the M. As he stares at it, his vision starts to blur, and the werewolf venom causes him to be transported into a flashback]



[Marcel is standing in his Army uniform as he stares at the same golden Mikaelson seal on the wall. Suddenly, Klaus begins to shout at him]

Klaus: You are not leaving this bloody house, Marcel!

[Marcel pulls out a folded letter and hands it to Klaus]

MARCEL: My enlistment papers say otherwise.

[Klaus, visibly furious, takes the papers and skims them while Marcel elaborates]

MARCEL: 369th Regiment. They call them the "Harlem Hell Fighters." Boat leaves tomorrow.

[Klaus continues to read the papers for a moment before responding]

Klaus: Is this lunacy because I forbid you to be with Rebekah?

[Marcel snatches the papers from his hands]

Klaus: So, now you're going off to fight the Germans? Fine. Go. But remember, Marcel-- this is your home! I am your family! And if you haven't learned that in the century since I took you in, then learn it now! Family are not just people who coddle you, who grant you your every whim. They are people who fight for you! Who you fight for! And if this family endeavors to stop you from making a tragic error of the heart, then by all means, express your discontent! But what you do not do is abandon us!

[Marcel, who has been unable to look Klaus in the eye during his speech, gives him a hard look. He silently reaches down to pick up his bag and slings it over his shoulder as he starts to head for the door]

Klaus: [furiously] Fine. Go! You'll be back! [He lowers his voice once Marcel has left] The prodigal son always returns home.




[In the present day, Marcel snaps out of his flashback and pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly affected by the werewolf venom in his veins. He suddenly notices the sounds of his fellow vampires, who are groaning from hunger and who are all congregated in the courtyard, waiting for instructions. He looks down at them from the balcony, and Gia and Josh look back up at him in concern]

MARCEL: Yeah, I'm home, alright. Last place I wanna be.




[After the break, Marcel is sitting on a couch in one of the studies downstairs, checking on his werewolf bite, and when Kol enters the room to join him, he quickly covers it up. The sound of church bells ring loudly throughout the compound]

KOL: What's with the church bells? It sounds like the preamble to me own bloody funeral.

MARCEL: It's Carillon Eve. The locals shroud the eyes of angels so the dead can walk among us for a night without judgment. The bells wake the dead and guide them to eternal rest. [His tone becomes sarcastic] So, whether you live or die today, you can join the festivities.

KOL: [laughs humorlessly] Oh, Marcel. You're gonna make certain that I live. I'm the only one that knows how to find Rebekah!

MARCEL: That's because you underestimate how hungry I am, and how much I'd like to appease my hungry friends right outside that door.

[Kol sits down on the couch across from Marcel and casually stretches his legs out in front of him]

KOL: And just what would Davina say about that? Because-- I'm not one to kiss and tell, obviously-- but, uh, I think she likes me!

MARCEL: Watch your mouth. [He stands and gets in Kol's face] Before I drain every vein of yours myself.

[Kol gives Marcel a curious look before Marcel storms out of the room and joins the vampires in the courtyard, shutting the door so that Kol stays inside the room and away from them. Suddenly, his vision starts to blur again, and everyone in the room disappears as Marcel becomes extremely woozy. The furniture changes to that of the mid-to-late 1910s, and Marcel hallucinates a familiar face-- Joe Dalton, his vampire friend who was killed by the Guerreras in Rebirth, and who is now standing in front of him while wearing a World War I Army uniform]

MARCEL: [whispers] Joe?

JOE: [smiles] Hey, Corporal.



[Marcel, Joe, and the rest of the Harlem Hell Fighters are deep in the trenches as shots are fired in their direction. The soldiers are all covered in dirt and soot, and are quickly reloading their rifles. Joe is crouched next to Marcel, and notices his daylight ring on his right hand]

JOE: You're a bit of a mystery, son.

[Marcel seems a bit alarmed and tries to play it cool]

MARCEL: I'm just another soldier like you, brother.

JOE: Yeah? Not just like me. See, I've been watching you.

[Marcel continues to stare at him warily, not sure where the conversation is going]

JOE: Yeah. Now, I see you take bullets to the gut, then next minute, I see you pulling guys into the trench like nothing ever happened. It's some mystery. With a mystery comes theories. I got two. One, you've got guardian angels patching you up every time you get shot.

[Marcel cocks his gun, ready to get back in the fight and change the subject]

JOE: Two, you're something else all together.

[Suddenly, their leader approaches them in the trench, interrupting Joe and Marcel's conversation]

MAJOR: Listen up, men! Headquarters said there aren't enough gas masks for the whole unit.

JOE: [incredulously] Without masks? We're dead in hours!

MAJOR: Have you forgotten what they call us? We're the Brotherhood of the Damned, because we've been set up to fail. We can't hold fire. We're meant to stall-- not stop-- the enemy.

MARCEL: [appalled] Now, hold on, Major! Our line has held longer than any line in the Western front! They call us the Brotherhood of the Damned because everyone here would rather be damned than let the enemy break this line! If you don't know that, then we need a leader who does!

MAJOR: Now, you listen here, Private--

[Suddenly, the Major is hit in the head by a shell, and Marcel leaps forward to cover him from the impending gunfire]

MARCEL: Major!

[He turns to the rest of the unit, who look shocked and panicked by the death of their leader]

MARCEL: [yells] Get down!

[As the rest of the men dive for cover, Marcel stands above them, shielding them from the blasts. The rest of the men look at him, both impressed and confused. Joe grabs Marcel by the front of the shirt and slams his back into the wall of the trench]

JOE: Listen here! I don't care what you are, or how you do what you do. But, I believe you're here for a reason.

[Marcel tries to walk away, but Joe pulls him back]

JOE: To be the leader you just talked about.

[He lets Marcel go and stands back, adjusting his battle helmet]

JOE: So, what's it going to be, Marcel?

[Marcel looks around to see the rest of the unit staring at him expectantly, waiting to see how he reacts. He considers his options for a moment]





[In the present, Gia calls out Marcel's name to snap him out of his hallucination/flashback]

GIA: Marcel? Marcel!

[Suddenly, Marcel snaps out of it, and realizes that all of the vampires, including Gia and Josh, are staring at him with concern]

GIA: ...You alright?

MARCEL: Yeah. [He nods unconvincingly] Just hungry, that's all.

[He leaves the courtyard. Gia shakes her head in disbelief and looks over at Josh, who appears to be worried about Marcel as well]



[Klaus is pacing around in front of the sacristy while Davina sets up a magical circle with runes made out of salt on the floor in front of the first row of pews]

Klaus: Haven't you found Finn yet?

[Davina just ignores him and continues to work on setting up for her spell]

Klaus: [impatiently] I must say, for a witch of your caliber, your spells are not particularly efficient.

DAVINA: [sighs in frustration] Finn is blocking my locator spell. So, I'm trying something new. But, I need to concentrate, and it would help a lot if you would stop standing over me like a stalker.

Klaus: No need to get testy, love. We both have the same goal.

[Davina lights a match and begins to use it to light the candles in her circle]

DAVINA: Really? Because my goal is to get Kol out of your house alive. Which seems to be about number ten on your list.

Klaus: [smirks] Number nine, at least!

DAVINA: [exasperatedly] What is wrong with you? He's your brother!

Klaus: Yes! And, I also have a sister, one who I happen to care about more.

[Davina rolls her eyes, but knows he has a point]

Klaus: So, until he tells me where she is, Kol can rot, as far as I'm concerned. And you might wanna get your villains straight, love, because Finn is the architect of this fiasco. So, pick up the pace! Find out where he's getting his power from, so we can stop it.

[Davina raises her eyebrows at him, clearly amused, before she makes a face and starts her spell. She holds out her hands and begins to chant the incantation]

DAVINA: We du le mon ennemi en temps. We du le mon ennemi en temps.

[As she chants, she begins to get visions of Finn, who is casting his own spell somewhere in Lafayette Cemetery. He's leaning over a bowl of what looks like blood, and he has several objects, including a fox tail, a feather, and a deer antler, sitting on the table around him. When Davina comes out of her vision, she looks extremely concerned]

DAVINA: I saw glimpses of him.

[Klaus looks at her anxiously, and she seems pretty concerned herself]

DAVINA: He's combining sacred objects. Totems. Representational magic.

Klaus: Where?

[Davina dives back into her visions, and gets more flashes of Finn working on his spell in one of the tombs]

DAVINA: Lafayette No. 1. The Lyonne tomb.

Klaus: And what's he using?

[Davina dives in again and sees both Esther and Mikael laying desiccated in the middle of another salt circle]

DAVINA: [shocked] He's channeling your parents!

Klaus: [smiles widely] And here I thought I was the poster-child for least grateful offspring!

[At the Lyonne tomb, Finn is continuing his spell, and is about to place one of the sacred objects into the bowl of blood. Back at St. Anne's Church, Klaus looks eager to face his brother once and for all, and turns to Davina]

Klaus: Well, then. Shall you and I go crash their little party?

[Davina follows Klaus as he leads them out of the church. Suddenly, Finn starts to dip a wolf paw into the blood, and Klaus stops in his tracks, gasping for breath]

DAVINA: [annoyed] Now who needs to pick up the pace?

[Finn lights a smudge-stick and starts waving it over the bowl, wafting the smoke over it just as Klaus suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the floor of the church. Davina, concerned, rushes over to him to check on him]

DAVINA: Klaus?


[Elijah and Cami are sitting in the living room, where Cami is trying to help him deal with the after-effects of Esther's torture]

CAMI: Our goal here is to confront your subconscious. An element of my thesis is on suppression of past trauma and how it can manifest in a barren and often violent behavior.

Elijah: [smiles sarcastically] You know, I believe it was 1897 when a dear friend of mine-- let's just call him the godfather of modern psychoanalysis-- mentioned something similar to me over tea in a Viennese café.

CAMI: [giggles] Are you name-dropping Freud right now? [Elijah shrugs with a smile] Okay, here's something I know that even Freud didn't.

Elijah: [amused] Oh, do tell!

CAMI: What it feels like when someone takes away your deepest, ugliest pain without your consent.

[Elijah's smile falls when he realizes what she's talking about]

CAMI: It is both a blessed relief and a complete violation. Sound familiar?

[Elijah looks at her, clearly not liking where this is going, but remains silent]

CAMI: Good. Let's start with what you've referred to as the "red door."

Elijah: [quietly] That's an image from my past. My youth. It was a door to a slaughterhouse. Sometimes it appears to me in, uh-- [He gestures as he searches for the word]-- in flashes. A memory, but it's also a metaphor. It's a place where unspeakable deeds dwell in darkness.

CAMI: And have there been many?

[Elijah, who is getting anxious, stands to his feet and starts to pace in front of the room]

Elijah: Oh, Camille, you know I'm no stranger to violence. Typically, however, I am possessed of a, uh, certain... control.

[He runs his fingers across the mantel over the fireplace before sighing and continuing on]

Elijah: However, now and then, I can be consumed with chaos. And, untethered from that control... this is where the deeds are concealed. Behind that door.

CAMI: Why that particular door?

Elijah: This is where the first woman I ever loved told me she loved me in return. [Cami smiles] It's also where I laid her body after I took her life.

[Cami's smile falls, and she looks at him sympathetically]

Elijah: No one knows this. Not even Niklaus. My brother loved Tatia as deeply as I did. He still believes that Mother killed her. Not only is this a lie, it's a lie of my creation. And my brother doesn't forgive.

[He sighs, visibly troubled by this memory]

Elijah: He doesn't forget. Therefore, I think it's best that I forget for both of our sakes.

[While they talk, Finn, who is still in the Lyonne tomb, takes a deer antler and places it in the bowl of blood, swishing it back and forth through the bowl's contents. Suddenly, Elijah becomes weak, and stumbles into the nearby chair]

CAMI: [worriedly] Elijah?

[As Finn stirs the blood and the totem mixture, Elijah passes out onto the floor in front of Cami, who has become even more concerned at the sight of him]

CAMI: [scared] Elijah?



[Gia and Josh are standing in a hallway next to the courtyard, discussing their current predicament]

GIA: What the hell is wrong with Marcel?

JOSH: [shakes his head] I don't know. I can't even think straight, I'm so freaking hungry.

GIA: We're all hungry.

[Suddenly, Kol walks down the stairs, and Josh and Gia both turn and look at him, practically salivating at the sight of him. Gia starts walking toward him as he approaches them]

KOL: You come anywhere near me, and I will give you a headache that will last a century.

GIA: It'll be worth it!

[Kol thrusts his hand out and squeezes it into a fist, causing Gia to clutch her head and fall to her knees in agony. Josh lunges toward Kol just as Marcel hears her pained groans and rushes over to investigate. When he sees Kol standing over the moaning Gia, he glares at him angrily]

MARCEL: Anyone care to explain what's going on?

[He shoves Kol backward, breaking the spell. Gia gulps as she recovers from the pain he inflicted upon her]

KOL: Your so-called protection detail was trying to eat me!

[As he speaks, Finn picks up the fox tail and prepares to place it in the bowl of blood in the Lyonne tomb]

KOL: [aggressively] I think I should teach them a lesson.

[Kol reaches out his hand to cast another pain infliction spell on Gia and Josh, but he falls to his knees and passes out before anything can happen, falling prey to Finn's own spell. Marcel, Gia, and Josh are both extremely confused]

JOSH: Uhhh, what just happened?




[Klaus, Elijah, and Kol have just awoken on the astral plane, in the middle of an old-fashioned wooden shed. Around them are the heads of various animals mounted on the walls near the low ceiling. They are all confused and worried as they take in their new surroundings]

Elijah: Niklaus.

[Kol, who is in a nearby corner, notices his brothers' presence and frowns in confusion]

KOL: You two.

Elijah: [annoyed] What is this?

[Kol takes notice of the heads of a deer and a fox mounted on the wall and looks unnerved by what he's found]

KOL: It's a chambre de chasse. A hunt room. It's where witches bring their prey for mental target practice. Our bodies are in the real world, laying dead on the floor, whilst our minds are in here, represented by these creepy animal heads.

Klaus: [unimpressed] Let me take a wild guess as to who is the author of this nightmare.

[He raises his voice to a yell]

Klaus: FINN! Show yourself!

[Finn enters the room through the front door. Klaus reaches out to grab him in a choke-hold, but his hand can't even come close to his throat]

FINN: [calmly] Save your strength. In here-- [He gestures around the room]-- I am untouchable. My magic, my rules. So, make yourselves at home. We're gonna be here for a while.



[Aiden is meeting with Hayley and Jackson near Jackson's trailer, where he drops nearly a dozen moonlight rings into a bowl on the picnic table]

AIDEN: Well, that's the last of them! Everyone out here is officially ring-free.

HAYLEY: And better off.

AIDEN: Easy for you to say! You're a hybrid. I'm back to turning every single full moon. And, if the wolves who are loyal to Finn come back here, they're gonna rip right through us.

[Hayley and Jackson look at each other, feeling guilty, and Aiden looks anxious as well]

AIDEN: So, I gotta ask-- when is this wedding?

JACKSON: Ten days. After that, Hayley's power is your power. The full moon won't control you anymore. [Hayley nods in agreement] Spread the word-- any wolf who wants in needs to be here to bear witness to the wedding.

AIDEN: Yeah, I can do that. What are you guys gonna do?

JACKSON: [smiles] We're going to meet an Elder!

[Hayley looks at him in confusion, and Jackson turns to her to briefly explain what they're doing]

JACKSON: We need an old-school Crescent wolf to conduct the wedding. Then, there are the trials.

[Hayley looks even more alarmed, but Jackson just laughs]

JACKSON: Don't worry! We say a few oaths, do some trust falls, smoke a little blue calamus root out of a peace pipe. Piece of cake!

[Jackson smiles at her, but Hayley still looks nervous. Aiden notices her hesitation]

AIDEN: Well, good luck with that!

[Aiden takes his leave, and Hayley turns to Jackson]

HAYLEY: Any idea where we can find an Elder?

JACKSON: [smiles] Well, that depends! You got any interest in meeting my grandma?

[Hayley good-naturedly rolls her eyes and smiles at him as they head off to find their Elder]




[Klaus is still passed out on the floor, where Davina is kneeling over him, frantically slapping him hard across the face in an effort to rouse him]

DAVINA: Wake up! [She slaps him again] Wake up

[She sighs in frustration and sits down next to him on the floor before muttering to herself]

DAVINA: [annoyed] The one time I need you.

[Klaus' phone starts to ring, so she pulls it out of his pocket to answer it. It's Cami, who is still at the safe house with Hope in her arms, and who is standing over the still-unconscious Elijah laying on the floor]

DAVINA: [confused] Cami?

CAMI: [confused] Davina? Why are you answering Klaus' phone?

DAVINA: [sighs] Because I can't wake him up.

CAMI: [alarmed] What? Elijah collapsed, too. What's going on?

[Davina suddenly has a dawning realization about what is happening and groans]

DAVINA: Ugh, I'm an idiot! The spell Finn used was to trap his brothers...

[Davina sighs when she realizes the implications of this situation]

DAVINA: ...Meaning Kol's in trouble.

CAMI: [gasps] What do we do?

DAVINA: [overwhelmed] I have no idea.



[Finn is continuing to talk to his brothers while he still has them trapped on the astral plane]

FINN: At the very least, this prison is a bit more comfortable than the box you held me in for... [He thinks for a brief moment] Almost nine hundred years?

Klaus: [gestures to the walls] The heads are a nice touch. Let me guess--

[He points to the wolf head hanging behind him and smirks]

Klaus: I'm the big, bad wolf?

[Klaus points to the fox head, the stag head, and the boar head in turn]

Klaus: Kol, the wily fox. Elijah is the noble stag, and you, fittingly enough, are the boar! Bit obvious, as far as symbolism goes...

[Klaus turns his attention to Finn and sighs in annoyance]

Klaus: Why are we here? Don't tell me-- it's about Mother? I didn't force her to drink blood and betray everything she holds dear. That was her choice.

FINN: This isn't about Mother, this is about you. I want you to know how it feels to be powerless! So, I'm going to take the thing that matters most to you-- the city you've come to love so much.

Elijah: [rolls his eyes] Are we quite done here? You will release us now.

FINN: I will! After sundown. Because at sundown, when the marchers of Carillon Eve take to the streets, my barrier spell drops. Marcel and his hungry vampires will be unleashed to kill their way through the Quarter! I imagine that, after their atrocities, the supernatural community of New Orleans will be forced to find another place to call home.

KOL: Look, I don't care about the city. What I care about is that my very human body is laying at the feet of some very hungry vampires.

[He points at Elijah and Klaus, who do not look impressed with his behavior]

KOL: Your fight is with them, it's not with me!

FINN: [stares Kol in the eyes] All you care about is your own fragile mortality. But, what if you were made vulnerable? What then?

[Finn flicks his wrist, and Kol's body tenses up as blood starts to run from his nose. As he wipes at his nose on the astral plane, Kol's nose starts to bleed in his physical body as well]

[In the real world, Gia and Josh, who are standing watch next to his body in the study of the compound, begin salivating at the smell of his blood. Gia's vampire face comes out as she lunges for him, but Marcel holds both of them back]

MARCEL: Easy, easy! If you start feeding, you won't be able to stop, and then he'll be dead, and the rest of us still starve.

[Josh and Gia continue to growl and hiss in their attempt to feed on Kol, and Marcel snaps his fingers in their face]

MARCEL: Alright? Look at me! I have been at war, in the trenches, starved, with my men. If we fought through it then, you can now.

[Josh and Gia are still struggling to stay in control, but Marcel is starting to get through to them]

MARCEL: [determined] We are gonna fight this hunger together.

[They both back away from Kol as Marcel becomes woozy from his werewolf bite. He closes his eyes briefly to regain his strength, but when he opens them, he sees Joe in his Army uniform standing behind Gia and Josh in the doorway. Marcel is transported back into his World War I flashbacks]




[Joe is sitting in the trench away from the rest of the unit, and watches as Marcel pours powder into the steel mugs of the rest of the men. Once he's done, he heads toward Joe and fills his]

MARCEL: No gas masks or rations, but we got plenty of cocoa.

JOE: More dirt than cocoa, but it'll do.

[He looks over at Marcel and sets his mug down on the ground]

JOE: Corporal, sir? I know you're starving.

[Marcel looks over at him as he rolls up his sleeve and offers his arm to him. Marcel shakes his head and gently pushes his arm back toward him]

MARCEL: Never one of us. Catch me a German, and then we'll talk.

[Suddenly, a soldier rushes toward him and calls out for him]

SOLDIER: Corporal! [He salutes to Marcel] You're needed back at headquarters, sir.

[Marcel nods at him and claps Joe affectionately on the shoulder before he leaves to go to headquarters. Once he's there, he enters a tent to find a gramophone player playing jazz music and a table full of fancy food, including a roast pig with an apple in its mouth. When Marcel turns to the desk, he finds Klaus sitting at the table with two young ladies standing on either side of him. Marcel looks almost appalled at the exquisite meal on display by Klaus while his troops are starving and fighting for their lives. Klaus turns in his desk chair to face Marcel as he holds a battle helmet in his hands]

Klaus: Hate the war. Love the hats.

MARCEL: [sighs in annoyance] Klaus. What are you doing here?

Klaus: Well, you left before such a delicious meal, I thought I'd bring you dessert!

[He gestures to the ladies on either side of him, who walk over to Marcel and stand in front of him, baring their necks to him. Marcel struggles to resist feeding on them and glares at Klaus]

Klaus: Oh, go on! You know you want to! Have your fill!

[Marcel's vampire-face and fangs come out, and he's just about to bite into one of the girls' neck]

Klaus: And then, come home to New Orleans.

[Marcel immediately stops what he's doing before he can feed and looks up at Klaus furiously. He backs away from the girls and heads toward the door]

MARCEL: I have to get back to my men.

[Klaus stands and vamp-speeds toward Marcel]

Klaus: Your men? Don't be bloody ridiculous, Marcel! Let the food fight amongst themselves if you must, but make no mistake, your place is at home with your family.

MARCEL: You once told me that family are the people that you fight for, and those willing to fight for you! So, you go home, Klaus! I am with family!

[Marcel puts on his helmet and storms out of the tent, leaving Klaus alone]






[In the present day, Marcel, who is looking even worse for wear and has a thin sheen of sweat over his face and neck, has zoned out while he was revisiting his memories of the war. He hallucinates that Joe, still standing in his Army uniform, is severely bleeding from his mouth across the room. Marcel starts to walk toward him, but Gia grabs him by the arm to stop him as she and Josh look at him with concern]

GIA: [whispers] Hey. Hey, are you okay?

[She notices blood on his sleeve and pulls it up to reveal his bite wound. Marcel tries to yank his arm out of her grip, but she and Josh have already seen it. They both look at him in horror]

JOSH: Oh my God!

GIA: Is that a werewolf bite?

MARCEL: It's a scratch!

JOSH: [freaks out] It's a bite. You're six ways to dead if you don't get Klaus' blood in you.

[Josh points toward the courtyard, where the rest of the vampires are congregating, all of whom look just as miserable as the three of them are]

JOSH: And when those guys find out?

MARCEL: [cuts him off] Well, they're not gonna to find out! Which means--

[Marcel stumbles a moment before regaining his composure and pointing at Gia]

MARCEL: [gruffly] --You're gonna keep your mouth shut about this, and-- [He points at Josh]-- You're gonna shut yours, period.

[Gia and Josh both shoot Marcel a look before they're distracted by the sound of church bells ringing loudly out on the street outside the compound. Children and adults wearing red and white, some in robes, are ringing hand bells as well as they march down the street. Marcel is clutching his stomach, overwhelmed by hunger and werewolf venom, as Gia turns back to him]

GIA: You hear that? That's the sound of food that we can't even get near while you're sitting here protecting that idiot.

[She points at Kol, who is still lying unconscious on the couch]

MARCEL: It is just hunger, Gia. Lots of people on earth have been a lot hungrier than us.

GIA: You made us a promise when you turned us. You had goals we bought into. But look at us! We've been wolf-bait, beaten up, stuck exiled across the river, then stuck here! And now, when we're all looking to you for help, you don't even tell us that you're dying.

[Marcel looks as though he's about to interrupt, but she ignores him]

GIA: [frustrated] You're supposed to be our leader, but right now, you suck at it.

[Church bells and hand bells continue to ring as Marcel rushes out to the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Down below, the vampires (who have just been joined by Gia and Josh) have all moved to the entrance, where they're all standing in a crowd, overwhelmed by hunger and the sight of all the humans right outside. The vampires are all vamping-out and growling, dying of anticipation. Marcel's hallucination of Joe stands next to him and looks at him]

JOE: We don't all get to get out of this alive, son.


[The camera pans from Klaus' unconscious body laying on the floor of the church, to Elijah's on the floor of the safe house, to Kol's on the couch in the compound's study, before it returns to the astral plane. Finn has just cast another spell to give Kol a nosebleed, and he wipes the blood off his lip in annoyance]

KOL: Okay. Point made. Now, nobody loves a joke like old fox-boy here, but if you could just get me back to my body--

Elijah: I must confess, I rather enjoy watching you twist in the wind.

[He pulls a handkerchief out of his pocket and hands it to Kol to wipe his bloody nose]

Elijah: Not unlike the way you left Rebekah, I imagine.

[Finn looks gleeful as he points at Elijah in emphasis]

FINN: Yes! What did you do to Rebekah?

KOL: For goodness sake, she crossed me, so I crossed her back! Look, if you could just get me back to my body, I will tell anybody anything that they need to know!

Finn rolls his eyes and hits Kol with another pain infliction spell, which hurts him enough to stop talking

FINN: [laughs] How narrow-minded of me! Rebekah. You don't know where she is, and the only thing standing between you and our sister is this selfish fool. Maybe it's time for you to go enjoy the rest of your mortal life while you still can.

[Finn makes a fist with his hand, which sends Kol back into his body. Elijah and Klaus are both startled and confused. Kol wakes up on the couch in the study of the Mikaelson compound, and his gasp of surprise alerts Gia, Josh, and the rest of the vampires to his return to consciousness. They all swarm around him, and Kol looks anxious]

KOL: [sheepishly] ...Is it too late for an apology?

[Gia lunges at Kol, with the rest of the vampires right behind her, but before they can get him, Marcel vamp-speeds Kol into another room]

KOL: [impressed] Thanks, mate.

MARCEL: Oh, don't thank me yet.

[Marcel is about to lunge at Kol to feed on him when Kol stops him by holding his arms out protectively]

KOL: Whoa whoa whoa, hold it! Hold it together. Just for a little while longer.

[Kol nervously points out the window, where the sun is rapidly setting in the horizon]

KOL: A few minutes, to be exact.

MARCEL: [frowns suspiciously] What are you talking about?

KOL: Finn. He plans to release the lot of you at sundown.

[Marcel angrily scrubs his face with his hand and starts to pace around the room]

MARCEL: The streets will be jam-packed with people right outside the gate.

KOL: And you'll be half-crazed with hunger. You'll feed your way through the crowd, and that will be the end of vampires secretly living off the fat of New Orleans!

[When Marcel glares at Kol, he sees another hallucination of Joe standing behind him. Kol looks at him in confusion and concern for a moment before he snaps his fingers in front of Marcel's face to get him to focus]

KOL: Marcel!

[Kol suddenly realizes just how weak, woozy, and easily distracted Marcel has become due to his bite, and looks worried]

KOL: Listen to me-- you are outmaneuvered, out-manned, and, quite frankly, you're... you're out of your mind. We're not going to get out of this alive.

MARCEL: [determined] No. We are all getting out of this alive.




[Hayley and Jackson are walking through the woods of the Bayou on their way to meet Jackson's grandmother. While they walk, Hayley sighs dramatically]

HAYLEY: Are we hiking to Baton Rouge?

JACKSON: [chuckles] Just a little bit farther. You nervous?

HAYLEY: [shakes her head] I'm not nervous. Although I should be. She is your grandmother.

JACKSON: [smiles] Huh. She usually likes the girls I bring home.

HAYLEY: [feigns offense] Ohhh! Really? Hmm. Exactly how many girls have you brought to meet her?

JACKSON: [laughs] No, I've never brought anyone to meet her.

[Hayley looks surprised]

JACKSON: So, you've gotta make a good impression, since she's got no one crazy to compare you with.

HAYLEY: I am great with old people. And babies. It's just the in-between that I suck at.

[Suddenly, Jackson's grandmother, Mary, appears out of nowhere and joins them, holding a basket full of herbs and plants in her hand]

MARY: Cute as all this is, y'all are late!

JACKSON: Grandma Mary!

[He gives his grandmother a big hug and kiss on the cheek before turning to Hayley]

JACKSON: This is Hayley.

HAYLEY: [smiles widely] Mary, it's so nice to meet you--

MARY: [holds up a hand] You can turn off your old-people charm now.

[Hayley's smile falls, and she looks uncomfortable]

MARY: The two of you are late, and we need to get started.

HAYLEY: [awkwardly] Right. [She clears her throat] So, yes, we have pre-marital rituals to attend to. Which are what, exactly?

MARY: Fasting, purification, the Rite of Divulgement, to name a few.

HAYLEY: [worried] The Rite of what?

MARY: Oh, it's simple. You speak the truth, he speaks the truth, secrets are cleansed, everyone's happy.

[Hayley looks at Jackson in alarm and gulps nervously]

HAYLEY: What do you mean, secrets are cleansed?

MARY: The two Alphas smoke the root of the blue calamus flower. It links your hearts and minds together. The ceremony won't take if there are lies separating you. This way, there are none. It's the most important ritual apart from the wedding ceremony itself.

[Mary smiles and pats Hayley on the arm affectionately]

MARY: Hope you don't have too many skeletons in your closet!

[Mary starts to lead them to her home, and Jackson starts to follow her, though Hayley stays where she is]

HAYLEY: [panics] I'm... not doing that.

[Mary and Jackson both look at her in confusion, and Hayley turns to him]

HAYLEY: I'm sorry... I can't.

[She looks horrified as she turns and rushes away, leaving Jackson and his grandmother alone in the woods]




[With Kol gone from the the hunt room on the astral plane, Klaus and Elijah are alone with Finn, who seems pleased by this outcome]

FINN: So, what shall we talk about while we wait for nightfall? [He gasps mockingly] Oh! I know! Let's talk about our parents.

Klaus: You know, I figured you wouldn't be kind to Mother, but imagine my surprise to learn that Mikael met the same fate! Bravo, brother.

FINN: You see, the parent I was interested in talking about was your father. Your real one? I mean, you longed to know him your whole life, yet at the first opportunity, you murdered him! Why, I wonder?

Klaus: [approaches Finn] Possibly the same reason you took out Esther. Severing parental ties has a way of freeing one up to recognize one's true potential.

FINN: Quite. But, Esther was no fool. She pinpointed your wants, and knowing your true father was at the top of the list!

[He makes a noise to mimic the sound of killing someone for emphasis]

FINN: No, something else occupies the top of your list of affections. And it's not your favorite city.

[He smacks Klaus on the back, which startles him enough to turn and get in Finn's face as Finn continues to taunt him]

FINN: Because I'm about to take that from you, using your own vampires, and I barely get a rise out of you! I thought maybe it was Rebekah, but you remain calm, even when the one who knows her fate probably just met his.

Elijah: [sighs in boredom] I am fighting the monumental urge to mount your severed head upon one of these walls...

FINN: [ignores him] And then, I thought it was your favorite brother, but Mother broke him into a thousand pieces, and rather than fix him, you left him to fend for himself God knows where. You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were hiding something from me. Something big. Something dark. Maybe your real father found out what it was, and you had to kill him?

Klaus: [angrily] You want to know why I killed my father?

FINN: Yeah!

Klaus: Because when blood relations let me down, I don't stop to reason with them-- I remove them.

FINN: [skeptically] So, the secret is there is no secret? You long for nothing, care for no one?

[Klaus smiles fakely at him, but Finn just shakes his head]

FINN: The problem is, brother, I don't believe you. It's clear to me that you're hiding something. And, as I control your presence here, we've got all the time in the world to figure out just what that might be.

[Finn walks away from him. Elijah's face is blank of emotion, but Klaus looks both furious and terrified of Finn learning the truth]




[Hayley is alone in the woods when Jackson finally catches up with her]

JACKSON: Hayley! Hayley? Hayley, wait!

HAYLEY: [sighs] I can't do it, Jack.

JACKSON: You're not the only one who has stuff they'd rather not talk about!

HAYLEY: [hesitates] Some of my secrets aren't mine to tell.

JACKSON: Maybe a little honesty is a good thing!

HAYLEY: Jack, I live with the Original family. In that family, sometimes honesty... can get you killed.

[Jackson seems completely stunned by this response, but he quickly shakes it off and continues to argue with her]

JACKSON: We all have things we hope will never see the light of day. You probably won't like what I have to say any more than what you're holding back.

HAYLEY: I wish that were true.

JACKSON: Come back with me! We'll take it one step at a time. And if anything makes you uncomfortable, you tell me, and we stop.

[Hayley looks hesitant, but Jackson is determined]

JACKSON: And when it comes time to open up, I'll go first. Because I don't run. And I don't scare easy. Your secrets are my secrets. Your demons my demons. And you'll never have to fight them alone. I promise you that.

[Hayley still looks torn, and closes her eyes as she takes a deep breath]

JACKSON: [pleadingly] Please.

[He holds out his hand to her, and after a long moment, Hayley gently places her hand in his]




[Josh is walking around the crowd of vampires and insisting that they relax, but everyone looks anxious and weak from starvation. Marcel comes out on the balcony over the courtyard, and when Gia sees him, she walks toward him]

GIA: I'm gonna give you two minutes to explain why we don't come up there and take the witch. You lied to us! You betrayed everything that you taught us. How can you lead us?

[Marcel is speechless, but Gia's words trigger more flashbacks in his mind]




[Poisonous gas bombs were dropped by the Germans while Marcel was with Klaus. When Marcel finally returns to the trenches, he finds that everyone in the unit is either dead or dying from exposure to the gas. He starts checking on each of the men in turn, becoming increasingly frantic and desperate as he realize the extent to the devastation around him]


[The first man he checks is coughing up blood. The others are in similar states. He finally makes his way down to where Joe is laying to find blood is pouring from his mouth]

MARCEL: [horrified] Joe! Joe, no!

[He holds Joe's face in his hands, but fortunately, he's still alive]

JOE: [weakly] We never did get those gas masks.

MARCEL: [panics] I'm sorry. I failed you, brother.

JOE: Not if you make us into vampires like you. Let's make this fight more even. Turn us.

[Marcel frantically looks around at all of the men coughing and dying in the trench, and looks conflicted about this proposal. However, after a moment, he realizes what he needs to do, and bites into his wrist before thrusting it up to Joe's mouth so he can drink his blood]






[When Marcel returns to the present, he sees the crowd of vampires gathered around and becomes even more determined]

MARCEL: Hey! I'm sorry I let you down, okay? All of you. But, the way that you are feeling right now, this despair? This hunger? I have been through it, and if you let me help you survive it, I guarantee you, it will only make you stronger! At sundown, Vincent's gonna drop that barrier spell right there, and those doors are gonna open, and we are gonna be smack in the middle of a parade of innocent people. We can't fall apart now!

GIA: Innocent, guilty-- we're hungry. We have to feed!

MARCEL: We don't feed on locals! That's our rule! That's how we've survived three hundred years in this city, and that is why we get to call it home! Because we live by a code.

GIA: The same one that won't let you tell your own people that you're dying of a werewolf bite?

[The crowd of vampires begin chattering amongst themselves about this revelation, but Marcel vamp-speeds down to the courtyard to continue his speech]

MARCEL: I'm not dying of anything! I've got a vial of Klaus' blood at my place right across the river, along with enough blood to satisfy all of you! All we have to do is get there.

[Marcel looks at Josh with a pleading expression]

MARCEL: You once asked me what I was fighting for. I told you that I was fighting for this city, for our home. But if we feed out there, we lose it. The barrier will be down any moment now. Let me help you get home.

[Suddenly, the church bells begin to ring again, just as the sun goes down and darkens the streets. Marcel and the rest of the vampires turn their attention to the front entrance, and a curious Kol comes out onto the balcony, hiding in the shadows so he can see what happens. Marcel walks to the doorway and gingerly holds out his hand, expecting to get burned, but it passes through it painlessly. Realizing the barrier is finally down, Marcel turns back to the vampires, who are trying their best to keep themselves in control]

MARCEL: It's down. Let's go.

[Kol, who is impressed by Marcel's determination and leadership, watches the vampires as they all file out of the compound and into the street]




[Finn, Elijah, and Klaus are each seated in their own chairs in the hunt room while they continue to talk. Finn is still trying to bait Klaus into exposing his secret]

FINN: It's a shame, really, for you to lose New Orleans. You've worked so hard to make this city a home. On the other hand, this city hasn't given you much in the way of good fortune. You have Marcel's betrayal, Father's attack, the loss of your child...

[Elijah looks worriedly at Klaus, who maintains his cover. When Klaus doesn't react, Elijah tries to distract Finn from the topic of conversation they're desperately trying to avoid]

Elijah: It is a delicate craft.

[Finn looks over at him, clearly puzzled by this statement, and waits for him to clarify]

Elijah: Representational magic? One must be ever so precise. If you misrepresent us, the very enchantment that this room was built upon would collapse, would it not?

[Klaus looks at Elijah curiously before turning his attention to Finn]

FINN: I assure you, you have not been misrepresented.

Elijah: Well, that depends upon how well the hunter knows his prey.

[Elijah points to himself before standing and looking at the stag head mounted above him]

Elijah: This façade, this illusion that I have created over the course of my life-- the noble stag. It is nothing more than a deception. To myself. To everyone.

[He turns to Klaus, looking distraught about what he is about to confess]

Elijah: If I were a truly noble brother, I would not withheld from you a vile deed. One that I, like a coward, allowed Mother to erase from my memory. It was I who killed Tatia.

[Klaus is stunned by this confession, and the room starts to shake and warp as Elijah flickers in and out of focus]

Elijah: I hunted her down, and mercilessly, I feasted upon her flesh. I tore her from us. Mother took the blame.

[He kneels in front of Klaus. looking disgusted and ashamed of himself]

Elijah: Brother, I felt certain if you knew, you would in no way forgive me.

[Elijah looks up at Klaus pleadingly, but he simply looks back at him with a sad expression on his face. Finn seems momentarily alarmed by this confession, but after considering it for a moment, his expression changes to satisfaction]

FINN: The act may be reprehensible, but your admitting to it proves you to be the man I thought you to be! [Finn lifts his arms up and gestures around the room] My magic stands!

Klaus: Does it?

[He smiles weakly as he suddenly gets an idea, and Finn's triumphant smile starts to fall]

Klaus: It turns out my brother is even more depraved than I am.

[Elijah looks up at him with tears in his eyes, and Finn once again becomes alarmed as Klaus stands and looks at the severed animal heads on the walls]

Klaus: He is the noble stag no longer. Indeed, another altogether different beast is creeping through the cracks. And you have also failed in your representation of me, because there is one thing you have never thought me capable of.

[He turns back to Elijah, who looks surprised when Klaus squeezes his shoulder comfortingly instead of becoming more angry]

Klaus: Forgiveness.

[The room suddenly begins to shake, and Finn looks scared for the first time since they entered the room]

Klaus: You, Finn, have remained a boar for centuries, but here is where your true fault lies-- you never learnt that the bonds of family far outweigh anything else! Such bonds trump petty jealousies. They overcome ancient feuds. And, yes, they are capable of allowing one monster to pardon the great sins of another.

[Finn looks up to see the wolf head go up in flames and is startled so much that he jumps to his feet. When Elijah looks over, the stag head is also set ablaze, and the room begins to shake even more]

FINN: [stunned] How is this possible?

Klaus: Your magic is as flawed as your perception of your own siblings. I wonder... just how untouchable are you?

[The brothers lunge for Finn, but before they can reach him, Finn releases the spell, which returns them to their their bodies at their respective locations in the living world]




[Elijah wakes first to find Cami sitting next to him, waiting for him to return. She quickly rises to her feet to check him over]

CAMI: Thank God! Are you okay?

Elijah: For now.

[Meanwhile, Klaus has just awakened in the church next to Davina, who has been awaiting his return as well]

DAVINA: What happened? Is Kol okay?

Klaus: [scoffs] I'm fine, thank you for your concern. The same, however, can not be said for your friends and the people of the French Quarter. Now, I can stand here and explain to you the specifics, or you can show a little trust and come with me.

[Davina simply shrugs and grabs her coat from the nearby pew]

DAVINA: I'm the one who's been waiting for you to move your ass. Let's go!

[She pushes past Klaus and heads for the compound, and Klaus smiles and chuckles before following her out]




[In the present, Marcel is leading the vampires, most of whom are leaning on each other for support, through the streets of the Quarter, which are full to the brim with people celebrating Carillon Eve. Many of the locals are giving the vampires weird looks, since they are sweaty and pale and generally look strung-out as they use all of their self-control and focus in order to keep from feeding on the humans around them]

[In flashback to 1918, Marcel is in the middle of his unit, who are crowded around him after having completed their transition]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] What you're feeling is a hunger. It will be unlike anything you've ever known.

[He continues in voiceover as Gia and Josh struggle to keep it together in the present as they make their way to Marcel's apartment]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] It will eat you from the inside.

[In flashback, Joe comes up behind Marcel, looking proud]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] But you are in control. It is your greatest weapon, and the Germans are coming over that hill, thinking to waltz over our corpses to take the town! But that's not gonna happen, because one thing stands in the enemy's way! Us!

[Joe and many of the others let their vampire-faces out and growl in anticipation. In the present, Marcel is stumbling his way down the street, leaning on Josh and Gia and the others]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] And make no mistake, we are one unit, one army! We are family.

[In the present, Marcel stumbles again, and Josh keeps him from falling completely]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] Family is not determined by blood, but by who you fight for, and who will fight for you!

[In flashback, bombs rain down upon the battlefield just outside the trench]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] Tonight, we will feed on the blood of our enemies, and if we die, we will be reborn, and we will feed again! We are the Brotherhood of the Damned, and we cannot be defeated!

[The unit all starts to cheer before they head onto the field as Marcel shouts one last order at the regiment]

MARCEL: [flashback/voiceover] Over the top!

[The German Army shoots at the Brotherhood as they storm the field, but despite their gunfire, the vampires are able to quickly and easily overpower them, and they feed on every soldier they come upon]

[In the present, Marcel continues to lead his present-day vampire army down the streets of the French Quarter, though he's clearly getting weaker and weaker the farther they go]

[During the battle in the flashback, one of the Germans stabs Joe with his bayonet, but he just takes it from him and drops it before tearing into his neck and drinking deep]

[In the present, Gia stumbles, but Marcel manages to hold her up while keeping himself on his feet. Flashback: Brotherhood members feed on the Germans. Present: Marcel is struggling to resist feeding on the humans that they pass, and keeps taking deep breaths as Gia and Josh cling to him weakly. Gia suddenly gets a hopeful and determined look on her face when she realizes they're nearly to Algiers]

GIA: [hopefully] I think we're gonna make it!

[Suddenly, Marcel loses his strength, and his body crumples to the ground as he loses consciousness]




[Davina and Klaus have just arrived to the parade of marchers, and they stop to see if anything bad has happened]

DAVINA: Everything's fine out here. Where the hell are they?

Klaus: You look around, I'll see if I can track them down.

[When Klaus leaves, Davina glances around the crowd until she sees Kol across the street. Relieved to see him alive, she smiles rushes toward him, immediately kissing him as soon as she's within arm's reach]




[Marcel suddenly awakens on the floor of his apartment, only to find his head is resting in Gia's lap, where she's affectionately rubbing his hair]

GIA: Welcome back, soldier. Fed you some of Klaus' blood. You weren't exactly lucid.

[She pulls up his sleeve to reveal that his bite has completely healed. Marcel looks around to find that his apartment is covered in empty blood bags]

GIA: [smiles] They're all getting into the rest of your blood bags downstairs.

MARCEL: But not you.

GIA: I'm sorry for being a pain in the ass.

[Marcel sits up so he can look Gia in the eye and give her a proud smile]

MARCEL: Only the weak don't challenge authority, Gia. You did good.

[Suddenly, a clapping noise is heard, and Gia and Marcel look over at the doorway to find Finn giving them a mocking round of applause]

FINN: I applaud you all for your... strength of character. Just finished congratulating your little vampire-horde downstairs.

MARCEL: [furiously] What did you do to them?

FINN: Nothing that isn't reversible. I came to ask you a question, Marcel. See, earlier today, I spent some time with my brothers. They went to great lengths to hide something from me. A secret they'd do anything to keep.

[Marcel glares at him angrily, and Gia looks terrified]

FINN: Now, I may not be able to get it out of them, but I'm willing to bet I can rip it out of you.

[Marcel lunges at Finn, but Finn casts a pain infliction spell on him just as the camera cuts away]




[Cami sits on the couch with Hope in her arms as Elijah paces around and speaks to Klaus on the phone]

Klaus: How is my daughter?

Elijah: [smiles] She's in good hands. As am I. However, if you say the word, I shall return.

Klaus: No, you're needed where you are.

Elijah: So, the city is safe?

[As Klaus speaks, he steps over the many empty blood bags on Marcel's floor while he looks around the apartment]

Klaus: Well, I wouldn't exactly go flinging around terms like "safe." Marcel and all his vampires have inexplicably disappeared. Kol is in the wind, Rebekah is still lost, and Finn is dangerously suspicious of the secrets we keep. Speaking of which... I meant what I said. I am capable of forgiveness.

[Elijah looks as though he's near tears at this uncharacteristic reaction from Klaus]

Klaus: We need to remain focused on our common enemies. I'll be in touch.

[Klaus and Elijah hang up. Elijah looks worried as he puts his phone away. Meanwhile, at Marcel's apartment, Aiden has just arrived]

Klaus: Ah! The cavalry has arrived! And right on time. No doubt eager to save your precious Josh.

AIDEN: Yes. Just tell me what you need.

Klaus: You can start by questioning your wolves. Find out what Finn has done with Marcel and his vampires.

AIDEN: Well, I would, but most of the wolves took off for the Bayou, waiting for Hayley and Jackson to finish their wedding trials.

Klaus: [suspiciously] And what trials might those be?

AIDEN: Your basic old-school werewolf stuff. They go out into the woods and smoke this blue calamus root out of a peace pipe.

Klaus: [concerned] Blue calamus? A rather specific plant. Known by many for its unique properties as a truth serum. In generations past, it was used as among the wolves for divulgement rituals.

[As he speaks, Hayley and Jackson are walking hand-in-hand toward Mary's house in the Bayou]

Klaus: [voiceover] Ancient rites where secrets are confessed.

[Jackson and Hayley look at each other, and Jackson sighs nervously. At Marcel's apartment, Klaus is giving Aiden a curious look]

Klaus: I don't suppose they mentioned such a thing?

AIDEN: They just said they had to do a bunch of rituals and ceremonial stuff.

Klaus: And where exactly did Jackson take Hayley?

[In the Bayou, Hayley and Jackson walk into the front door of Mary's home as she welcomes them inside]

AIDEN: Back country. Deep Bayou. Why?

Klaus: That'll be all. [He heads for the door] Stay on point!

AIDEN: Wait, that's it? Where are you going?

Klaus: I'm going to have a little chat with the bride-to-be. Remind her that some secrets need to stay buried.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 99 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

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Linstead77  (11.08.2017 à 13:34)

Encore un bon épisode ! 

La relation entre Klaus et Elijah est magique. Hailey qui compte faire le rituel et révéler le secret sur le bébé j'espère que Klaus arrivera à temps 

Rebekah toujours coincée la pauvre et le retour de Freya il fallait s'y attendre ! 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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