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The Originals
#119 : Point de rupture


Diffusion US : 22 avril 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 13 février 2015 sur NT1

Voulant à tout prix aidé Kieran, Cami insiste sur un traitement non conventionnel mais ses bonnes intentions poussent Kieran vers un violent épisode. Après que Klaus et Elijah soient en désaccord sur la meilleure façon de gérer les loups du croissant de lune, Elijah se rend au bayou, où il est témoin d'une explosion horrible qui ne fait qu'ajouter à la haine et à la méfiance dans les communautés. Tandis que Jackson et Elijah s'attèlent à sauver les blessés, Hayley découvre une surprenante pièce manquante sur son histoire familiale par le biais de Marcel


3.88 - 8 votes

Titre VO
An Unblinking Death

Titre VF
Point de rupture

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Première diffusion en France


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Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, essayant d'empêcher l'explosion de la moto

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, essayant d'empêcher l'explosion de la moto

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Elijah, joué par Daniel Gillies, cherchant des survivants suite à l'explosion

Elijah, joué par Daniel Gillies, cherchant des survivants suite à l'explosion

Jackson et Elijah dans le bayou

Jackson et Elijah dans le bayou

Jackson parlant avec Elijah après les explosions

Jackson parlant avec Elijah après les explosions

Jackson Kenner, joué par Nathan Parsons, durant les explosions dans le bayou

Jackson Kenner, joué par Nathan Parsons, durant les explosions dans le bayou

Elijah et Hayley allant voir les blessés

Elijah et Hayley allant voir les blessés

Elijah Mikaelson, après l'explosion dans le bayou

Elijah Mikaelson, après l'explosion dans le bayou

Les loups lors d'une explosion dans le bayou

Les loups lors d'une explosion dans le bayou

Josh, joué par Steven Krueger, en compagnie de Camille

Josh, joué par Steven Krueger, en compagnie de Camille

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, trinquant avec son frère Elijah

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, trinquant avec son frère Elijah

Elijah dans son bureau

Elijah dans son bureau


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 13.02.2015 à 20:50
0.23m / 0.9% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 22.04.2014 à 20:00
1.50m / 0.6% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Ashley Lyle & Bart Nickerson
Réalisé par : Kellie Cyrus

Invités : 

  • Eka Darville ... Diego
  • Steven Krueger ... Josh
  • Todd Stashwick ... Père Kieran 
  • Elyse Levesque ... Genevieve
  • Nathan Parsons ... Jackson
  • Chase Coleman ... Oliver
  • Matt Kabus ... Sean O'Connell
  • Shannon Eubanks ... Bastianna
  • Lyle Brocato ... Dr. Sheski
  • Tasha Ames ... Eve

1.18 << Résumé long                                                                                                        Résumé long >> 1.20


Résumé long 1x19

Dans le grenier de l’église, Kieran hallucine à cause de la malédiction. Il prend Cami pour Bastianna et l’insulte, tandis qu’il pense que Josh, qui le maintient, est Sean, il s’excuse de n’avoir pu le sauver. Il est pris de convulsions, Cami demande de l’aide à Josh pour l’attacher. Kieran reconnaît Cami un bref instant, celle-ci pense qu’elle peut le sauver.

Klaus cherche dans une étagère de l’Abattoir le livre de magie de leur mère, il soupçonne Elijah, celui-ci finit par avouer l’avoir mis en sécurité, car il n’approuve pas que son frère l’utilise pour créer les fameuses bagues pour les loups. Klaus lui assure qu’il veut s’assurer de la loyauté des loups pour Hayley, mais son frère estime que son entreprise va transformer la Nola en zone de guerre, il explique qu’il ne laissera pas ça arriver.

Marcel appelle Cami, il souhaite l’aider, mais elle lui rappelle qu’il a une cible dans le dos, elle lui assure qu’elle gère la situation. Josh fait entrer un psychiatre, qui est surpris de voir Kieran attaché, il s’approche de lui pour le consulter, mais Kieran se montre menaçant.

Marcel appelle ensuite Klaus, celui-ci est énervé de l’entendre, mais Marcel explique que Cami a besoin de lui pour Kieran.

Au grenier de l’église, le médecin est consterné de l’état de Kieran et veut prévenir les autorités. Cami l’interroge sur le traitement par électrochocs, il estime que ça a effectivement guérit de graves cas de psychose, mais que c’est extrêmement dangereux. Cami estime que cela peut marcher pour son oncle.

Au bayou, dans la cabane, Eve donne des cours d’accouchement à Hayley. Hayley s’interroge sur le fait d’être une bonne maman, mais Eve pense qu’elle saura quoi faire. Elijah arrive, il demande à parler aux loups qui s’unissent à Klaus.

Il fait face à Jackson, Oliver et Hayley dans une grange du bayou, il estime qu’ils font une erreur en s’alliant à Klaus. Jackson voit ces bagues comme une chance pour son peuple de contrôler leur malédiction, et se fiche de ce que veut Klaus en échange. Elijah les prévient que certains dans le quartier vont prendre ça comme une grande provocation, il reproche à Hayley de ne pas respecter leur alliance. Elle assure que les loups veulent une vie meilleure, pas un combat, mais Elijah pense leur pacte avec Klaus leur garantira tout sauf ça.

A ce moment-là, une moto se fait entendre, les loups et Elijah sortent pour voir ce qui se passe. Un homme sur la moto arrive au centre du camp et demande qui est le responsable. Jackson demande l’identité de l’homme, celui-ci esquisse un sourire, Elijah se précipite sur lui en super vitesse, mais la moto explose, blessant certains loups du camp.

Elijah se relève, tout comme Jackson. Hayley et Oliver sont également sains et saufs, Hayley commence à aider les loups blessés. Avec Elijah elle comprend que l’explosion a dégagé de l’anti-loup, provocant des blessures graves. Elle lui demande d’aider les loups blessés à regagner la grange. Elle rejoint ensuite Oliver. Après avoir aidé une louve à se relever, celui-ci s’énerve et accuse les vampires d’être responsables de l’attaque, il veut répliquer. Hayley lui ordonne de rester veiller sur le camp, elle veut confronter seule Marcel, qu’elle soupçonne immédiatement, elle improvise un pieu en cassant une branche.

Au grenier, le psychiatre prépare la séance d’électrochocs, Kieran est fermement attaché à une chaise. Klaus arrive et ironise sur la scène qui se présente à lui, il veut la raisonner. Le médecin se montre aussi sceptique, elle décide de commencer elle-même la séance d’électrochocs sur son oncle. Klaus estime qu’il ne devrait pas souffrir ainsi, mais Cami estime que c’est la seule chance de le sauver. Kieran commence à hurler de douleur.

Hayley est sur la route, elle appelle Elijah et lui demande de prendre soin de la meute durant son absence. Elle raccroche, Jackson estime qu’ils s’en sortent bien, mais Elijah est sur ses gardes, il observe les caravanes, et demande en urgence à Jackson de faire sortir tous les loups. A ce moment plusieurs explosions retentissent à différents endroits du campement. Les loups sont paniqués, certains sont en feu, Elijah fait ce qu’il peut pour les aider.

Au grenier de l’église, Cami à genou auprès de son oncle attend qu’il récupère, celui-ci la reconnaît. Elle veut recommencer une séance car elle estime que ça marche, Klaus demande au médecin son avis, ce dernier pense que Kieran peut ne pas survivre à une nouvelle charge. Klaus prend Cami à part dans une allée de l’église, il pense qu’elle doit se préparer au pire et cesser son entreprise car ça va tuer Kieran. Elle lui répond que ce n’est pas à lui de prendre cette décision.

Au bayou, les choses se sont calmées mais le bilan est lourd, de nombreux morts et blessés parmi les loups. Oliver vient au secours d’Eve coincée sous une caravane, Elijah vient l’aider pour la dégager de là.

Hayley se rend au bar des vampires et force Diego à lui indiquer où trouver Marcel.

Au grenier, l’état de Kieran se dégrade, il mord son pouce et l’arrache, avant de chercher à s’en prendre au médecin. Josh intervient pour le maintenir, il appelle à l’aide Klaus et Cami.

Hayley appelle Klaus alors qu’il maintient Kieran allongé pendant que le médecin soigne sa main. Elle le prévient de l’attaque chez les loups, et annonce qu’elle traque Marcel pour le confronter. Il ordonne à Josh de faire partir le médecin et de le contraindre à tout oublier, avant de répondre à Hayley de l’attendre car il est dans une situation compliquée. Elle lui ment en disant qu’Elijah est à ses côtés et raccroche, alors qu’elle arrive à l’adresse donnée.

Elijah, Oliver et Jackson amènent Eve dans la cabane, l’originel apprend qu’Eve n’a pas activé sa malédiction, raison pour laquelle elle ne guérit pas plus rapidement. Il propose son sang mais Oliver s’y oppose. Le ton monte entre Jackson et Oliver, ce dernier voulant se venger des vampires rapidement.

Hayley entre dans un bâtiment délabré dans lequel Marcel s’est fait un loft, il attend la louve, prévenu par Diego de son arrivée. Il s’innocente de l’attaque au bayou. Il lui apprend qu’il connaissait son père, et que sa famille avait beaucoup d’ennemis. Il ajoute que dans les années 90, les loups du Croissant avaient pris le pouvoir dans la ville et étaient devenus incontrôlables, raison pour laquelle il a lancé cette malédiction sur eux. Il explique qu’il a ce truc pour les enfants, et ajoute qu’elle en est la preuve vivante, en la nommant par son nom de naissance, Andrea Labonair.

Au grenier, Kieran fait une attaque cardiaque, Klaus commence à masser son cœur directement dans sa poitrine, et prévient Cami que Kieran est en n’en a plus pour longtemps. Cami est paniquée, elle lui parle de son sang, mais Klaus lui assure que Kieran se réveillera en transition et n’est pas sûr que l’homme en sera ravi. Cami lui demande de le faire, elle ne se résout pas à laisser son oncle mourir. Klaus finit par mordre son poignet et le tend sur la bouche de Kieran. Il cesse le massage cardiaque, le cœur de Kieran cesse de battre, il meurt avec le sang de Klaus dans l’organisme. Cami ne retient pas ses larmes.

Au loft de Marcel, il avoue à Hayley qu’il a compris qui elle était depuis un petit moment. Il assure qu’il n’a pas tué ses parents et ignore qui est le responsable, il l’a trouvée dans son berceau et l’a confiée à Kieran pour qu’il la fasse adopter. Il lui tend un sac d’argent, il souhaite qu’elle parte recommencer sa vie ailleurs, elle refuse. Alors qu’elle s’en va, il l’informe que l’homme à la moto avait des dettes dans un casino tenu par des humains. Il lui demande de se souvenir, lorsque les choses tourneront mal, qu’il aura essayé de la sortir de là, une nouvelle fois. Elle ne répond rien et s’en va.

Cami allume un cierge à l’église, Klaus fait comprendre à Cami qui commence à culpabiliser, que le but n’était pas de transformer son oncle en vampire, car Kieran n’acceptera pas, mais de lui donner une chance de lui dire au revoir. Il accepte de rester un peu plus longtemps.

Elijah est au bord du lac au bayou, son costume complètement déchiré et taché de sang, il rejoint la grange où les loups ont organisé un hôpital de fortune. Jackson est amer, il prend la proposition de Klaus comme une façon de regagner leur liberté et ne plus faire face au mépris des autres. Il assure à Elijah qu’il se préoccupe de la sécurité d’Hayley et du bébé.

Kieran se réveille, il paraît sain d’esprit, il observe que sa main n’est plus marquée. Cami le prend dans ses bras émue. Klaus et elle lui apprennent rapidement qu’il est mort, et en transition, ce qui explique que le sort a été levé Kieran réagit calmement. Quand Klaus l’informe que s’il ne se nourrit pas de sang, il mourra, mais le prêtre estime être déjà mort. Il lui demande de le laisser seul avec sa nièce. Cami remercie l’hybride pour tout ce qu’il a fait pour elle, Klaus quitte la pièce, alors que Kieran et Cami se prennent dans les bras à nouveau.

Eve reprend conscience dans la cabane, Ollie veille sur elle. Il voudrait qu’elle déclenche sa malédiction pour guérir plus vite, et assumer ce qu’elle est. Il commence à s’énerver sur le sort des loups, il estime que ni Jackson ni Hayley ne sont en mesure d’être leur leader. Eve commence à comprendre qu’Oliver est en parti responsables de l’attaque du bayou, il lui assure qu’il n’avait pas prévu que ça prendrait cette proportion, il refuse de lui dire qui a monté l’attaque. Elle pense que la meute ne lui pardonnerait jamais en découvrant la vérité, mais il lui assure que personne n’en saura rien, car il est prêt à tout pour rendre son peuple plus fort, tandis qu’il saisit un oreiller. Eve le supplie, mais il finit par l’étouffer, en s’excusant de son geste.

Cami revient au grenier avec des affaires que son oncle a demandé, elle le prévient qu’elle n’a pas trouvé la clef, celle que d’habitude il porte au cou, il estime que c’est un objet important de leur héritage familial, elle promet de la retrouver. Il s’excuse de l’avoir impliquer dans tout ça. Cami est triste, il la prend dans ses bras, il ne veut pas qu’elle le voit dépérir et lui demande de partir, il l’embrasse sur la joue, elle part en larmes, Kieran la regarde s’éloigner également très ému.

Au bayou, c’est la nuit, autour d’un feu de camp Oliver tient un discours agressif envers les vampires aux autres loups, Hayley arrive auprès d’Elijah qui observe la scène. Il lui apprend pour la seconde attaque, et prévient que Jackson aura besoin d’elle. Elle rejoint la cabane où Jackson se tient auprès du corps sans vie d’Eve, elle est émue.

A la serre, Klaus confronte Geneviève sur l’attaque au bayou, elle comprend qu’il la soupçonne et s’en montre atterrée, elle ironise sur le fait qu’il idéalise Cami à côté d’elle. Klaus lui apprend que Kieran est en transition, Geneviève lui assure qu’il n’est pas pour autant libérer de la malédiction. Au même moment, au grenier, Kieran fait une prière, mais sa main commence à le démanger, sa croix réapparaît. Il a une vision de Bastianna qui lui demande un dernier sacrifice, la personne à qui il tient le plus.

Cami est en train de prier sur un banc, Kieran apparaît, il l’attaque rapidement avec une lame. Il la blesse, avant de lécher le sang sur la lame, son visage se transforme. Cami effrayée, saute par-dessus la rambarde pour lui échapper, et retombe lourdement sur le sol. Elle n’arrive pas à se relever et se traîne, Kieran la rejoint rapidement et s’en prend violemment à elle, mais Klaus intervient et lui brise la nuque. Cami, toujours par terre, le remercie d’un regard, encore choquée. Klaus plante un pieu dans le cœur de Kieran en estimant qu’il mérite mieux, Cami s’effondre de tristesse sur le sol.

A son loft, Marcel reçoit un appel de Klaus qui l’informe du sort de Kieran. Klaus le suspend de son exil durant vingt-quatre heures. Marcel est surpris, Klaus avoue que Cami, à son réveil chez elle, appelait le nom de Marcel, il souhaite qu’il la réconforte. Plus tard Klaus ouvre la porte à Marcel, celui-ci s’approche de Cami sur son lit, et la prend dans ses bras, Klaus s’en va.

Hayley embrasse la main d’Eve, avant de retourner à l’extérieur, elle regarde les loups applaudir Oliver.

Au loft de Marcel, le vampire apprend à Diego et Josh que Kieran est mort. Josh lui tend la clef que Marcel lui a demandé de récupérer, il se sent mal par rapport à ça, mais Marcel estime que beaucoup de personne la chercheront et que Cami n’est pas encore prête pour ça. Il pense qu’après l’attaque des loups, une guerre entre communautés se prépare.

Klaus et Elijah discute au manoir, Klaus ironise sur le traité de paix de son frère. Elijah a décidé de soutenir l’alliance de son frère avec les loups, et lui remet le livre de sorts de leur mère. Klaus est satisfait de ce revirement.

[Kieran have hallucinations of Bastianna and his dead nephew Sean, Cami tries to help him]

KIERAN: This is the body. This is the blood. May they cleanse me of sin and preserve my soul in life everlasting.

BASTIANNA: I'd say it's a little late for that, Father. I see you still have your faith.

KIERAN: You, stay away.

BASTIANNA: If only it could save you, Sean.
[Sean appears behind Kieran]

KIERAN: God, no!

BASTIANNA: To life everlasting. Drink.

KIERAN: Be gone, demon.

BASTIANNA/CAMI: Come now, just one sip. [In reality, Cami is holding a glass of water]

KIERAN: No. I know who you are, you hateful bitch. [see Josh, and believes he's his nephew] Oh, Sean, I tried to help you. I tried to save you, but this city...this city is full of monsters.

JOSH: Trust me, I know. [to Cami] Remind me to never piss off a witch.

KIERAN: Aagh! [Kieran falls to the floor]

CAMI: Help me lay him on his side!


CAMI: Uncle Kieran?

KIERAN: What do you want from me?
[Kieran backs away into a corner, and Cami and Josh stand up to talk alone]

CAMI: You saw that, right? It was just for a second, but it was him.

[They both stare at Kieran, who anxiously grabs the cross around the neck and squeezes it]

JOSH: I don't know, Cami. I mean, maybe he's still in there underneath all the crazy, but the crazy is pretty thick.
CAMI: Maybe he just needs a shock to his system, something to wipe the slate clean. Josh, I think I have an idea on how to fix him.



[Elijah enters the study to find Klaus searching furiously for something on the bookshelf]

ELIJAH: Can I help you find something?

KLAUS: Yes, in fact, I believe you can. I'm looking for a book, about yay big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced.

ELIJAH: How very mysterious.

KLAUS: Indeed. At first, I feared the witches had succeeded in their efforts to obtain it, but, considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to home. Don't make this harder than it needs to be, brother.

ELIJAH: Well, admittedly, I did have a theory that your sudden interest in mother's grimoire was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the Crescent wolves. Therefore, I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty, little fingers could not pry.

KLAUS: And here I thought you, of all people, would understand. I am simply trying to help those wolves! Play Samaritan to the abused, champion to the underdog, so to speak.

ELIJAH: How splendidly noble of you.

KLAUS: Have you ever considered that, like you, I am trying to keep Hayley safe? Using our mother's magic to empower her people so they are capable of protecting her?

ELIJAH: Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile, and Hayley will find herself in the middle of an uprising. One that will only provoke further violence. You see, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I won't let that happen.

KLAUS: The drums of war were beating long before we returned. I suggest you use a little less of this and a little more of these.


[Cami is on the phone with Marcel]

CAMI: Mmm. No way.

MARCEL: Cami, Josh told me how bad things have gotten. I should be there for you. Just let me help!

CAMI: How? By getting yourself killed? You have a target on your back, Marcel. The last thing I need is for you to get hurt because of me.

MARCEL: I'm more worried about you. Kieran is dangerous.

CAMI: I got this. You come here, I'll throw you out myself, all right? I mean it. [Cami hangs up on him just as Josh arrives with a doctor, who is shocked to see Father Kieran shackled to the heater]

DOCTOR: What the hell?

JOSH: Oh, ok. Yeah. Totally see how we got kind of a crime scene vibe happening here. Just don't freak out, ok?

DR. SHESKI: Hi. I'm Dr. Sheski. Just gonna get your pulse.

KIERAN: Aah! Hah! [Kieran is startled by the man getting close to his face, and angrily starts biting at him]

MARCEL'S HIDEOUT & THE ABBATOIR [Marcel walks around his loft as he considers what he's about to do. After, he calls Klaus, who is at the Abbatoir]

KLAUS: Think very carefully before you speak. The sound of your voice is likely to make me regret what mercy I've shown thus far.

MARCEL: Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm on your "who's been naughty" list. Thing is, Cami needs you. Whatever anger you have towards me, don't make her suffer for it. She's with Kieran.


DR. SHESKI: I'm gonna have to let the authorities know what the hell is going on here.

CAMI: Josh?

JOSH: Oh, right. [starts to compel Dr. Sheski] Dude, be cool. It's just a priest hexed by a witch because of some vampires. Accept that these things are real, then forget them. I mean later. You forget them later. Crap. Ah! Ok. Let me start over.

CAMI: Dr. Sheski, my uncle needs to be sedated, something strong.

DR. SHESKI: Sedation? He looks like he should be in an ICU.

JOSH: Yeah, see, this other witch put this boundary spell on him. So he's kind of stuck in here.

DR. SHESKI: This man is malnourished, severely dehydrated...

CAMI: Which is why you're here, but first, Doctor, what do you know about shock therapy?

DR. SHESKI: ECT? First, it's incredibly dangerous.

CAMI: But, it has been known to help treat cases of extreme psychosis.

JOSH: Answer the nice lady.

DR. SHESKI: We don't fully understand it yet, but, yes, in some patients, using electrical current to induce seizures can subvert a psychotic episode, in effect, rebooting the brain. But, only in the most extreme cases, do we even consider...

CAMI: Like my friend said, we're talking about a priest hexed by a witch. I don't think it gets any more extreme than that.


EVE: That's it. Inhale and release.

HAYLEY: I guess this means no epidural, huh? You sure I can't do this thing in, say, a hospital, the place with the doctors and the drugs?

EVE: Honey, the werewolves have been having babies out here since before you were born. Stop worrying.

HAYLEY: Okay. Then what, Eve? I don't even know what it's like to have a mother, let alone be one.

EVE: Trust me, when the time comes, you'll know exactly what to do.

HAYLEY: I hope so. As fun as it is to image Klaus changing dirty diapers, I'm pretty sure that I'll be doing this alone.

EVE: I somehow doubt that.

ELIJAH: Pardon the interruption. I wonder if I might have a quick word with the conspirators of a supposed uprising.
[Later, Elijah meets with Jackson and Oliver, along with Eve and Hayley]

ELIJAH You're making a grave mistake.

OLIVER: So, you're just worried about us. Is that it?

JACKSON: Look, Elijah. We know all about your brother's reputation, but if there is even a chance that these rings can help us take control of our curse...

OLIVER: Our gift...

JACKSON: Then, honestly, we don't care what he's really after. Won't have to.

ELIJAH: I see. There are those in the Quarter who will consider this a great provocation.

OLIVER: Apparently, most of them see us breathing the same way.

ELIJAH: [to Hayley] You signed a pledge, and you looked me in the eye as you did so.

HAYLEY: We don't want a fight, Elijah. We just want a better life.

ELIJAH: Allegiance with my brother will guarantee you anything but that.

[They hear the sound of a motorbike approaching]

JACKSON: What the hell? [A man on a motorbike rides into the campment ]

MAN: Which one of you is in charge?

JACKSON: Who's asking?
[the motorbike explodes]

OLIVER: Hayley, are you ok

HAYLEY: It's ok. Here. Come here. Oh, God. Jackson? Here. Get him away from here.

JACKSON: Come on.

ELIJAH: Hayley!!!

HAYLEY: Elijah.

ELIJAH: Wolfsbane.

HAYLEY: It must have been in the gas tank. You're the fastest. Take him, anyone else who can't walk on their own. It's ok, Elijah. I'm fine. They need your help.

OLIVER: Just hang in there, ok?

HAYLEY: Oliver, no.


HAYLEY: Oh, God. [grabs Eve's hands] Press here. [to Oliver] Give me your shirt. Now! It's okay.

EVE: How'd you learn how to do that?

HAYLEY: You get a hell of an education when you leave home at 13. That should slow the bleeding, at least until the healing kicks in.

OLIVER: [angry] Oh! Rraagh! Vampires. They don't even have the guts to do their own dirty work themselves. I mean, why bother when you can just compel some poor son-of-a-bitch to do it for you? I say we hit them back! Hard.

HAYLEY: Stay here, Oliver. I need you to look after everyone until I get back.

OLIVER: Where the hell are you going?

HAYLEY: If this was vampires, I'm pretty sure that I can guess who gave the order. I'm gonna go find Marcel.


KIERAN: [to Josh] There's a special place in hell for your kind.

JOSH: Not the first time I've heard that one.

KLAUS: Well, isn't this a gruesome little scene?

CAMI: Klaus, what are you doing here?

KLAUS: I received an urgent call on your behalf. It seems I've been tasked with doing what your coward of a boyfriend could not. Which, by the looks of things, is dissuading you from whatever madness it is you're about to attempt.

CAMI: Are you ready?

DR. SHESKI: Please, I'm begging you, don't force me to do this.

CAMI: Fine. I'll do it myself. [grabs the ECT handles and stands behind Kieran]

KLAUS: Camille, your uncle is a good man. He shouldn't suffer.

CAMI: He's been suffering for weeks. He's dying, Klaus. This might be the only chance he's got. [Camille places the electrodes against Kieran's temples and shocks him]

KIERAN: Aah! Aagh! Aagh! Ah!

THE BAYOU (on the phone)

ELIJAH: Hayley.

HAYLEY: I have to take care of something. I'll be back as soon as I can.

ELIJAH: Where are you?

HAYLEY: Elijah, I'm fine. Just take care of the pack while I'm gone, please? [Hayley hangs up on Elijah.]

JACKSON: Is she okay?

ELIJAH: Apparently, yes.

JACKSON: It's a good thing that bomb went off where it did. Could've been a lot worse. We all could've got killed.
[The two walk where the entirety of the Bayou wolves have congregated after the explosion, tending to the wounded and dead. Elijah considers Jackson's words for a minute, and his eyes grow wide in panic]

ELIJAH: Unless... [he notices a bomb planted under an RV nearby] Get everyone out of here! Now


KIERAN: [relieved] Cami. What the hell did you do to me?

CAMI: We have to do it again.

JOSH: Whoa, are you serious?

CAMI: That was something coherent. It's working.

KLAUS: Doctor, see to your patient.

KIERAN: You get away from me.

DR. SHESKI: Heartbeat is irregular. You can't keep this up. It'll kill him.


KLAUS: Cami, we need to have a word in private.
[Klaus and Cami leave the room]

KLAUS: I think you need to prepare yourself. This story does not have a happy ending.

CAMI: But the treatments...

KLAUS: ...w'ill kill him. Were you to push him over the brink, I would hate for you to have to live with that, no matter how noble your aim.

CAMI: So that's it, then? You just expect me to surrender?

KLAUS: Maybe it's time--not to give up--to let go.

CAMI: It's not your decision to make.

[The walking wounded are treating the more seriously wounded werewolves, as well as helping dig them out of collapsed shelters and shacks. Elijah sees Jackson examining the body of a werewolf who doesn't seem to be breathing]

ELIJAH: Jackson, she's gone.

OLIVER: Help! Somebody help! [He's kneeling next to Eve, who is pinned under an overturned RV] Okay. Hold on. Hold on, Eve. [Elijah sees Oliver struggling to lift the RV, and runs over to help him] Gaah! Uh! Uh! Come on, Eve. Come on. It's okay. You're gonna be okay.


DIEGO: You done got some nerve coming up in here, mama

HAYLEY: Someone attacked my pack in the bayou this morning, and since I don't see any genius mastermind-types around here...Why don't you just tell me where Marcel is, and we can both get on with our day, huh?

[Diego groans and fights against her]

HAYLEY: You think I'm playing? There were families out there.

DIEGO: He used to keep a place. 1917 Patterson. If he's still around, he'll be there. [She rips the stake out of her chest and takes her leave]


JOSH: [to the doctor] Um, I wouldn't stay that close to him if I were you. He's kind of unpredictable...and murdery.

DR. SHESKI: This is fascinating. Would it be possible to speak to the witches responsible?

JOSH: Yeah. You don't want to do that.

KIERAN: Raah! Holy Raah! Aagh! [Kieran leans forward viciously and bites his own thumb off so he can slip out of his restraints. He lunges for Dr. Shesky, but Josh manages to grab hold of him so he can't hurt anyone]

JOSH: Hey! Little help in here!

THE DOCKS & ST. ANNE'S CHURCH [Hayley calls Klaus as she walks over to where Marcel is staying. Klaus is still helping Cami and Father Kieran]

HAYLEY: Klaus, where are you?

KIERAN: [to Klaus] His wrath burns against you, demon.

KLAUS: I'm in a bit of a situation here, love.

HAYLEY: Somebody sent a suicide bomber out to the bayou this morning.

KLAUS: What? Where are you?

HAYLEY: I'm in the city now. I'm fine. I figured an attack like that must have been Marcel. He's hated the wolves for years, and after that stunt he pulled with the witches...So, I tracked him down. Thought you might like to help kick his ass for trying to blow us to kingdom come.

KLAUS: [to Josh] Would you get him out of here now, please? Make sure he remembers nothing. [to Hayley] Hey, listen. I assure you, once I am finished here, you will have my undivided attention. In the meantime, please stay out of trouble.

HAYLEY: You don't have to worry. Elijah is with me.

THE BAYOU [Jackson, Oliver, and Elijah bring Eve into her shack and lay her in her bed]

EVE: Ahhhh. Oh, no.

ELIJAH: That wound should be healing by now.

OLIVER: She never killed anyone, never activated the werewolf gene. So she can't heal, not like us.

ELIJAH: My blood, it could heal her.

OLIVER: Vampire blood? Trust me, she'd rather die. Look, we can't just let them get away with this.

JACKSON: We don't even know who's to blame.

OLIVER: The hell we don't! And if we don't fight back, they'll just do it again.

[Hayley barges into Marcel's loft. Marcel seems to be expecting her]

MARCEL: Come on in. Have a seat. I'd offer you a drink, but..[gestures to her baby bump]

HAYLEY: Sweet pad.

MARCEL: Oh, it's just temporary. Friend hooked me up. Believe it or not, I still got a few of those kicking around. I need friends to keep me informed, to warn me when someone is coming looking to blame me for things that I didn't do. For the record, you didn't have to work Diego like that. You and I are long overdue for a chat.

HAYLEY: You want to talk, talk.

MARCEL: Tough girl. You're a lot like your dad in that way. Oh, yeah. I knew him. I knew your whole family. In fact, if you knew them like I did, you'd know just how many enemies they have. Back in the nineties, it was the Crescent wolves who took over the city. Or, tried to. They lived to throw down, and they were good at it, too. They didn't care who they killed as long as they got more power.

HAYLEY: So the Crescent curse was your way of stopping them? How heroic.

MARCEL: It was either that, or kill them all, and I'm not big on indiscriminant slaughter. See, I have this thing about kids.

HAYLEY: So I've heard.

MARCEL: Oh, you did more than hear about it, Andrea Labonair. You're living proof.

[Klaus and Cami are at Kieran's bedside when his heart monitor starts to beep]

KLAUS: He's in cardiac arrest. You might want to look away.

CAMI: What the hell are you doing? [Klaus plunges his hand into Kieran's chest]

KLAUS: Massaging his heart. His body is shutting down. Even with my help, he doesn't have much time.

CAMI: Your blood. If you fed him your blood, he'd wake back up, right?

KLAUS: As a vampire in transition, yes. As for the hex, perhaps his death will be a mercy.

CAMI: Do it. Just do it. Please, Klaus, I can't let him die, not like this.
[Cami starts to cry, so Klaus reluctantly bites into his wrist and feeds Kieran his blood. Then, Klaus removes his hand, and shortly afterward, Kieran's heart stops]

[Marcel and Hayley are still talking about Hayley and her family]

HAYLEY: How long have you known who I am?

MARCEL: I saw how interested you were in those Crescents. After your little family reunion out at the old plantation house, I started to put two and two together.

HAYLEY: Tell me something, Marcel. Did you kill my parents?

MARCEL: There was infighting among the wolves. Your folks were laying low. Somebody turned on them. I honestly don't know who. I got there afterwards, found you in your crib.

HAYLEY: Give me one good reason why I should believe anything that you have to say.

MARCEL: Believe whatever you want, but you were the last Labonair. I mean, could've been a lot of leverage for our side, but instead, I took you to Father Kieran. [Marcel pulls out a duffel bag and hands it to her]

HAYLEY: What's that?

MARCEL: Money mostly, stuff you need to start over someplace safe. Whatever happened in the bayou, I'm not your guy. But, the way things are going? Eventually, I might have to be.

HAYLEY: So this is your grand plan? Get me out of town, and Klaus and Elijah follow closely behind?

MARCEL: I can't say that wouldn't be a positive side effect

HAYLEY: So why don't you leave? Follow your own advice?

MARCEL: I was born here, Hayley.

HAYLEY: So was I. [Hayley gets up and goes to leave. Before she walks out the door, Marcel stops her]

MARCEL: Guy on the bike? The bomber? Word is, he had a gambling problem. Owed money to the casinos--more importantly, to the humans who run them. And Hayley? When things get bad, remember, I tried to get you clear of it again.


[Klaus and Cami are waiting for Kieran to wake up]

KLAUS: I'm afraid I have to go.

CAMI: What happens next, after he wakes?

KLAUS: He'll be in transition, craving blood, but I'll be back before then.

CAMI: He's gonna be furious with me. He's a priest. I turned him into a vampire. What kind of desperate move is that?

KLAUS: Well, you know as well as I do, love. He'll never go through with it. Turning him wasn't the goal. It was to give you a chance to say good-bye.

CAMI: Klaus, will you stay just a little longer?

KLAUS: Of course.


[Elijah stands outside and stares at a lake near the encampments. He walks past several dead bodies before entering the shack they're using as a makeshift hospital]

JACKSON: Is this the peace you promised?

ELIJAH: I gather my brother believes he can remove your curse.

JACKSON: Klaus was offering us freedom, not just from the pain that comes with turning, but from the contempt we've faced our whole lives.

ELIJAH: And what about Hayley?

JACKSON: I want to make this place right for her. Safe, for her and the baby.

[Kieran awakens in bed in the attic, as Cami and Klaus stand at his bedside]

KIERAN: Cami, what happened? The hex I could feel it like a living thing inside of me. [he looks at his hand; his hex mark is gone] It's gone.
[Cami is so happy, she hugs him and starts to cry]

KIERAN: [notices his other hand, whose thumb has been bitten off] Oh! Oh my god!

KLAUS: Yes, you've had a trying day, Father. How best to break it to you? It appears the hex was broken by your death.

KIERAN: Back up. I died? For how long?

KLAUS: A few hours, give or take.

CAMI: I'm sorry. I just couldn't lose you, not like that. I made Klaus give you his blood.

KIERAN: I see. So the devil has a deal for me, after all.

CAMI: Uncle Kieran...that hunger you feel, it'll only grow stronger.

KIERAN: I know how it works.

KLAUS: Then you will soon know if you do not feed, you will die.

KIERAN: I know if that's the choice that I have to make, I'm dead already. Please leave me with my niece. I'd like a private moment to talk with her.

CAMI: It's okay. Klaus, thank you for today, for being kind.

[Oliver sits at Eve's bedside]

EVE: Hey, Ollie, how do I look?

OLIVER: You look fine, Evie. You look just fine.

EVE: You always were a terrible liar.

OLIVER: Damn it. Look. All you got to do is just trigger the curse. You'll heal. It's who we are. It's who you are. Why can't you just accept that? Why can't anyone see what needs to be done? Living here like animals, fighting between tribes, scared to stand up for ourselves. Who's gonna lead us, Jackson? He wants to bow down to that hybrid. Hayley? She's not one of us. At least now, we have an enemy to hate.

EVE: [suddenly understands who was behind the attack] Oliver, no. Tell me you didn't...

OLIVER: You don't understand.

EVE: Then explain it to me, Ollie. I know you. I know you wouldn't hurt your own people.

OLIVER: Look. It wasn't supposed to happen like this, Evie. I just wanted to make a little noise, just get our people mad, but I didn't agree to all this. They stabbed me in the back, and now...

EVE: Who? Who put you up to this? [becomes angry] You stupid kid. Do you have any idea what the pack is gonna do to you when they find out?

OLIVER: They're not gonna find out, Evie. If they did, all those people would have died in vain. I had to do whatever it took to make us strong.

EVE: [scared] Ollie, no.

OLIVER: I've got to do that even now. [He picks up a pillow]

EVE: Ollie, it's all over now. No! No! Oh! Ollie!

OLIVER: I'm sorry, Eve. [Oliver pushes the pillow over Eve's face and smothers her to death]

[Cami is helping Father Kieran make his final preparations]

CAMI: Everything is where you said it would be except that key you mentioned. That's the one thing I couldn't find. It's the one you usually wear around your neck?

KIERAN: That key is a very important part of our family legacy. You have to find it.

CAMI: I will, I promise.

KIERAN: I am so sorry. I never wanted to involve you in this, in any of it.

CAMI: This can't be how it ends.

KIERAN: It was the only way it was ever going to end. I made peace with that a long time ago. Listen. I don't know how bad this is gonna get, and I don't want you to see it. So, in a moment, I'm gonna let go, and you are gonna turn around, and you are gonna walk out of here without looking back. Okay, kiddo? Promise me. Without looking back. [Cami walks out of the attic, sobbing, as Kieran tearfully watches her go]


[Outside, a bonfire burns as Oliver is passionately trying to convince everyone to fight back against the vampires, using his manufactured stunt. Elijah watches him speak as Hayley joins him]

OLIVER: [shouting nearby] They are counting on our doubts. That's right! Yeah! They are counting on our fears! That's right! Right!

HAYLEY: [to Elijah] You stayed.

OLIVER: Come morning, they will know that we are not cowards.

HAYLEY: [confused] What's going on? What is he doing?

OLIVER: We are not afraid!

ELIJAH: He's making a move for power in the wake of tragedy. He's not alone. There was another attack after you left.

HAYLEY: What? [Hayley rushes into the shack, where Jackson is sitting with Eve's dead body, devastated]

ELIJAH: [voiceover] Your friend Jackson will need your help. They will want vengeance. Blood for blood, And, unfortunately, in troubled times, people do not look for the best. But rather the loudest.

OLIVER: Hey! Hey!

[Klaus visits Genevieve at the Cauldron after leaving Cami and Kieran]

GENEVIEVE: I'm surprised to see you here.

KLAUS: The bayou explosion, the attack on my child. Tell me what you know.

GENEVIEVE: I know the wolves have no shortage of enemies. Marcel, for one.

KLAUS: Marcel wouldn't stoop so low. The witches, however... I have witnessed firsthand the depths of your cruelty.

GENEVIEVE: You don't think I did this? What kind of monster do you take me for? How ugly I must seem next to the pure, innocent glow of your precious Camille. So sad about her uncle, by the way.

KLAUS: Kieran is in transition. He has been released from the hex.

GENEVIEVE: A hex of that magnitude? Kieran's hex will return... If it hasn't already.


[As Kieran is dying, he begins having hallucinations about Sean again. He pulls a blade out of a cross, and is about to slit his throat when he hallucinates Bastianna again]

BASTIANNA: No! Not yet, priest. There's more work to be done, a final offering to complete your penance--that which you hold most dear.


GENEVIEVE: That boundary spell, on the other hand, now that he's died, I imagine it won't be quite so confining anymore.[Klaus glares at Genevieve, who smirks]


[Cami is waiting downstairs in the main room of the church when Kieran comes down to find her]

CAMI: Have you changed your mind?

KIERAN: [evilly] Yes. It appears I have.
[Kieran pulls out his knife and slices at Cami's arms as she tries to run away]
CAMI: Oh! Aah! Aah! [He chases Cami up into the balcony. Kieran licks the blood off of his blade, and fully vamps-out. Left with nowhere else to go, Cami throws herself off the balcony and falls onto the ground below. She crawls in between the pews as he stalks after heri]

KIERAN: Don't fight it, Cami. In death, we are whole again.

CAMI: Ah! Aah!

BASTIANNA: Bless her, father. Kill her.

SEAN: Rejoice in life eternal.

[After much fighting, Klaus appears out of nowhere and kills Kieran in order to save Cami]

KLAUS: You deserved far better than this.


[Marcel receives a phonecall from Klaus]

MARCEL: Klaus, you need to know I had nothing to do with that business out in the bayou today.

KLAUS: I never thought you did. I'm calling to let you know the priest is dead. Your exile is suspended for the next 24 hours. You may return to the Quarter to bury your friend.

MARCEL: Why are you doing this?

KLAUS: [referencing Cami] She woke in the dark not knowing where she was, or who was watching over her. It was your name she called, and if you can grant her comfort, so be it.

[As he speaks, we flashback to Klaus carrying a battered Cami home to her apartment. Klaus opens her front door to allow Marcel entry, and he to Cami's bedroom to comfort her. Klaus watches them both sadly from the living room]


[Hayley cries and kisses Eve's hand before leaving the shack. Outside, she finds Oliver continuing to rile up the rest of the wolves]

OLIVER: Look, I know where I'm going. If any of you want to follow, hey, that's up to you. That's up to you!


[Marcel comes downstairs to find Diego and Josh in his living room]

MARCEL: Kieran is dead. [to Josh] Did you get it?

JOSH: [sighs and reluctantly hands a key on a necklace to Marcel] It was around his neck, just like you said. [frowns] P. S. I do not feel awesome about this.

MARCEL: I know But people are gonna be coming after this. Cami is not ready for that, not yet.

DIEGO: So, what now?

MARCEL: Storm clouds are gathering. [pours each of them a drink] Someone bombed those wolves, and we know it wasn't us. Witches, humans, vampires, wolves. City is at a breaking point. We need to be ready. [They all drink]


[Klaus joins Elijah in the study]

KLAUS: First Marcel's massacre, now bombs in the bayou. I'll assume you're ready to give up this doomed treaty.

ELIJAH: This alliance with the wolves, well, if it is to succeed, I believe you'll want this. [He hands Klaus Esther's grimoire]

KLAUS: Seems I have Hayley to thank for your change of heart.

ELIJAH: The rifts in this city run far deeper than I even imagined, Niklaus. These tribes, these factions--they're families, families who choose to fight. Mayhem has descended upon our home, and if I'm to choose a side... To our victory, brother.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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