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The Originals
#118 : La Fête des sorcières


Diffusion US : 15 avril 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 6 février 2015 sur NT1

Genevieve demande à Elijah la permission de pouvoir organiser une journée de banquet traditionnelle avec la coven, durant laquelle les membres de la communauté offrent des cadeaux aux sorcières en échange de bénédictions. Monique et Genevieve sont en désacord quant à ce que les ancêtres désirent d'elles, et Genevieve révèle son plan pour construire le pouvoir des sorcières. Lorsque qu'Elijah concentre son attention sur la restauration de leur demeure en son ancienne gloire, Klaus l'accuse de ne le faire que pour impressionner Hayley. Ensuite, Klaus met un nouveau plan en marche en trouvant Cary, un loup garou venant de sa propre lignée, et en l'envoyant trouver une pièce manquante d'histoire familiale. Marcel parle avec Thierry de son nouveau plan pour reconstruire son pouvoir, mais Diego a ses propres idées concernant le futur. Au Festin des Bénédictions, Monique et Genevieve tentent d'utiliser la cérémonie pour donner une leçon à Davina, Mais Klaus intervient et offre à Davina un cadeau étonnamment important. Tandis qu'Hayley a du mal à décider où devrait se trouver ses loyautés, la cérémonie explose en violence. 


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The Big Uneasy

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La Fête des sorcières

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Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci

Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci


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Davina (Danielle Campbell), Abigail (Alexa Yeames) et Monique (Yasmine Al-Bustami) à fête des sorcières

Davina (Danielle Campbell), Abigail (Alexa Yeames) et Monique (Yasmine Al-Bustami) à fête des sorcières

Davina, Josh et Klaus à la fête

Davina, Josh et Klaus à la fête

Davina et Josh face à Klaus à durant la fête des bénédictions

Davina et Josh face à Klaus à durant la fête des bénédictions

Camille O'Connell, joué par Leah Pipes, parlant avec Geneviève

Camille O'Connell, joué par Leah Pipes, parlant avec Geneviève

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, buvant un verre à la fête des sorcières

Geneviève, joué par Elyse Levesque, buvant un verre à la fête des sorcières

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin)

Davina Claire (Danielle Campbell)

Davina Claire (Danielle Campbell)

Hayley, Davina et Abigail à la fête des sorcières

Hayley, Davina et Abigail à la fête des sorcières

Klaus, joué par Joseph Morgan, offrant un cadeau à Davina en compagnie de Josh

Klaus, joué par Joseph Morgan, offrant un cadeau à Davina en compagnie de Josh

Josh (Steven Krueger), Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Davina (Danielle Campbell) à la fête des sorcières

Josh (Steven Krueger), Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Davina (Danielle Campbell) à la fête des sorcières

Josh (Steven Krueger), Davina (Danielle Campbell), Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Geneviève (Elyse Levesque)

Josh (Steven Krueger), Davina (Danielle Campbell), Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Geneviève (Elyse Levesque)


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Vendredi 06.02.2015 à 22:30
0.20m / 1.0% (Part)

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 15.04.2014 à 20:00
1.52m / 0.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Marguerite MacIntyre & Michael Russo
Réalisé par : Leslie Libman

Invités : 

  • Eka Darville ... Diego
  • Callard Harris ... Thierry
  • Steven Krueger ... Josh
  • Elyse Levesque ... Genevieve
  • Peta Sergeant ... Francesca Correa
  • Nathan Parsons ... Jackson Kenner
  • Chase Coleman ... Oliver
  • Yasmine Al-Bustami ... Monique
  • Tasha Ames ... Eve
  • Alexa Yeames ... Abigail
  • Jesse C. Boyd ... Cary 

Episode 18

C’est le matin, Klaus et Geneviève discutent de leur alliance, il veut sa fidélité en échange de sa protection. Il pense que le contrat passé avec Elijah pour lier le quartier français aux sorcières est fragile.

Monique est prise de spasmes. Quand elle revient à elle, elle explique à ses amies que les ancêtres lui ont envoyé un message, Geneviève doit mourir pour ressusciter la quatrième moissonnée et compléter le rituel.

Au manoir, Geneviève demande à Elijah l’autorisation d’organiser la fête des bénédictions en l’honneur des jeunes moissonnées. Elijah est sceptique mais Klaus estime que c’est une occasion pour cimenter la paix entre les clans.

Au bayou, Hayley est interloquée par le nombre de loups venus la rencontrer, elle apprend qu’ils pensent qu’elle est la louve royale disparue à la naissance. Elle se sent mal à l’aise. Oliver reçoit un appel de Klaus, il a pour ordre de lui ramener un loup appelé Cary, le parent éloigné de Klaus, et d’accepter l’invitation d’Elijah à la fête des sorcières.

Klaus vient trouver Cami au Rousseau. Il estime être capable d’influencer Geneviève pour qu’elle lève la malédiction sur Kieran. Cami est troublée, mais finit par accepter son aide.

Marcel a pris ses quartiers dans un bâtiment délabré avec Thierry. Ils font le point sur les manigances de Klaus avec les sorcières et les loups dans le dos d’Elijah. Marcel pense qu’il peut s’en servir pour monter les frères l’un contre l’autre. Thierry doute, car ils sont complètement isolés. Marcel lui rappelle qu’il y a un siècle, c’était le même contexte, et que justement c’est là sa force, il n’a plus rien à perdre.

A la serre, les sorciers sont réunis autour de Geneviève. Monique lui rapporte sa vision, Geneviève assure qu’elle est prête au sacrifice. Mais avant de partir, elle veut s’assurer de l’autonomie des sorcières, grâce au grimoire d’Esther Mikaelson, source de sorts puissants.

Elijah commence les invitations des différents clans à la fête. Chez les loups, Jackson accepte sous les conseils d’Oliver. Hayley, qui a en mémoire les attaques des sorcières qu’elle a subies, prend du recul. Elijah la rejoint et lui demande de se méfier, il trouve que ça a été trop facile.

Oliver entraîne brutalement Cary à l’église, Klaus est excédé par ses manières. Il estime que les loups devraient être unis pour espérer être en mesure d’être une force conséquente face aux vampires et sorcières. Il se présente à Cary, et lui parle de la bague qu’il porte. Il lui demande de chercher quelle pierre elle contient.

Marcel a convoqué Diego, il lui demande de les rejoindre, lui et Thierry. Diego lui reproche d’avoir prêté allégeance aux Mikaelson. Il pense qu’il est en sécurité sous les ordres d’Elijah et que Marcel a déjà perdu. Marcel dit à Thierry qu’ils vont devoir être plus persuasifs.

Hayley se rend compte que Jackson et Oliver lui cachent quelque chose. Oliver lui demande de s’occuper de ses affaires. Jackson intervient, il pense qu’elle a le droit à la vérité. Elle apprend la promesse de Klaus concernant son clan.

Klaus rejoint Geneviève à la serre, il lui demande d’aider Kieran. Elle essaie d’en profiter pour obtenir le grimoire d’Esther. Klaus le comprend et refuse. Il est excédé qu’elle lui fasse du chantage et l’attaque, mais Geneviève se défend par magie, elle refuse d’être menacée. Elle pense que chacun sait où s’en tenir, et lui demande de ne plus l’appeler.

C’est la nuit, la procession des sorcières bat son plein. Tout le monde se retrouve dans une villa pour une partie privée. A l’entrée, Elijah accueille les invités, Haley arrive, Elijah est surpris qu’elle soit la représentante des loups.

A l’intérieur, Monique observe Davina recevoir l’attention de personnes présentes. Geneviève la rejoint, Monique est excédée de voir Davina si heureuse alors que selon elle, elle n’a rien fait pour prouver sa loyauté. Geneviève la rassure, elle s’est arrangée pour faire passer un message à Davina, Monique sourit.

Geneviève annonce l’ouverture des offrandes. Davina est dépitée lorsqu’elle s’aperçoit qu’elle ne reçoit aucun cadeau. Geneviève observe la scène, Cami l’aborde. Elle insiste pour qu’elle l’aide à soigner Kieran, elle lui rappelle que sa vie fut aussi volée autrefois. Geneviève ouvre un coffret tendu par Cami, il s’agit d’une broche à cheveux. La sorcière est touchée, le cadeau lui rappelle son passé. Elle dit à Cami qu’elle peut peut-être l’aider, Cami est soulagée.

Monique jette un regard moqueur sur Davina tandis que celle-ci ne reçoit toujours aucune offrande. Davina préfère partir. Elle tombe sur Josh, il lui propose de sortir, mais ils sont stoppés par Klaus. Il entraîne Josh sur les marches de l’escalier et demande l’attention de tous. Il estime que Davina a été ignorée injustement. Davina refuse le cadeau qu’il lui tend. Il met en avant la paix, et annonce qu’il pardonne Josh. Davina finit par accepter le cadeau. Klaus observe Geneviève en souriant, celle-ci lui jette un regard noir.

La fête a repris son cour, Josh incite Davina à ouvrir le cadeau. Elle découvre une bague, avec le sort pour les bagues de jour, tous deux sont surpris et heureux.

Hayley est accostée par Klaus. Ils discutent de son accord avec les loups. Il espère qu’elle gardera le silence, mais elle se sent gênée vis à vis d’Elijah et doute des intentions de l’hybride. Lui explique qu’il ignorait qu’elle était une reine, et s’en va en souriant.

Une fanfare descend des escaliers, tout le monde s’interrompt. Le leader prend la parole, il a un message de la part de Marcel Gerard. Tous les musiciens se coupent le poignet, les vampires ont du mal à se contrôler. Elijah leurs demande de rester calmes, mais la pièce est plongée dans le noir, et les vampires en profitent pour attaquer, Elijah est dépassé. La lumière se rallume, plusieurs personnes sont mortes, la plupart ont fui. Elijah et Hayley, légèrement blessée, observent les corps sans vie, et une inscription en sang sur le mur : « Il n’y aura pas de paix ». Elijah a le visage crispé.

Thierry fait son rapport à Marcel, tout s’est bien déroulé, et Josh a protégé Davina. Marcel est ravi, mais Elijah entre dans la pièce, et attaque les deux vampires. Marcel évoque les magouilles de Klaus en espérant qu’Elijah voudra en savoir plus. Elijah lui enfonce sa main dans sa poitrine. Thierry veut prendre la défense de son ami, mais Elijah lui arrache le cœur, pour faire payer la désobéissance de Marcel. Thierry s’effondre, Marcel est bouleversé. Elijah estime qu’il a le droit de vie sur Marcel, et s’en va.

Dans la demeure qui a accueilli la fête. Klaus intercepte Geneviève. Elle est en colère que les vampires aient ruiné la soirée, il a un cadeau pour elle. Dans la boîte qu’il lui tend, elle découvre les mains de l’homme qu’elle avait chargé de récupérer le grimoire pendant la procession. Geneviève le menace et commence à partir. Klaus ironise sur leur rupture, elle rétorque en lui parlant de Cami, qu’elle était décidée à aider, mais ce n’est plus le cas. Elle lui balance que Cami à coucher avec Marcel, et le laisse en souriant.

Au bayou, Hayley et Jackson font le point autour du feu. Après les évènements du soir, elle comprend que la paix est fragile, et qu’ils doivent se protéger, Jackson est d’accord, c’est la loi du plus fort. Elle accepte de faire alliance avec Klaus, mais lui demande de tout lui dire désormais, et de ne pas faire pleinement confiance à Klaus.

Au manoir, Klaus comprend qu’Elijah a déjà obtenu vengeance par rapport à Marcel. Elijah lui fait part de ce qu’il a appris, les alliances de Klaus derrière son dos. Klaus se défend, les loups sont aussi sa famille, il est un bâtard. Elijah est en colère que son frère puisse renier le nom Mikaelson alors qu’il a prêté allégeance à Klaus durant mille ans. Klaus reproche à Elijah d’avoir des sentiments pour Hayley. Elijah est indigné, car justement il refoule l’attirance qu’il a pour cette femme pour son frère, et sa « stupide rédemption ». Il soutient que désormais s’il veut quelque chose, il le prendra. Il s’en va, Klaus est contrarié.

Au bar Rousseau, Cami surprend Klaus et lui demande ce qu’il veut. Il tient à lui présenter des excuses, car par sa faute Geneviève n’est plus décidée à aider Cami, et Kieran va mourir. Il lui avoue qu’il veut être honnête avec elle. Il sait ce qu’il s’est passé entre elle et Marcel. Elle estime qu’il est lui-même à l’origine de leur rapprochement. Klaus s’énerve, il la prévient que s’il croise le vampire, il le tuera. Il part, Cami est bouleversée.

Les loups sont réunis autour du feu, Elijah observe Hayley à distance, Eve le rejoint. Elle lui dit qu’il doit arrêter de venir, elle le préviendra s’il y a un problème. Eve trouve qu’Hayley s’en sort bien et a un don naturel pour diriger. Elijah sourit, il n’est pas surpris. Hayley fait sentir le bébé bouger à Jackson au même moment. Eve propose à Elijah de se joindre à eux, il préfère partir, et lui demande de ne rien dire à la louve quant à sa visite.

Josh et Marcel sont au repère de ce dernier. Marcel fait un éloge funèbre à Thierry. Il promet que sa mort ne sera pas vaine, il va reprendre la ville. Au même moment, Diego et d’autres vampires arrivent, ils sont prêts à se mesurer aux originaux. Marcel brûle le corps de Thierry.

Au cimetière, Monique reproche à Geneviève d’avoir échouer à récupérer le grimoire, et veut la sacrifier sur le champ. Alors qu’elle commence le rituel, elle est prise de nouvelles visions. Elle annonce à Geneviève que les ancêtre sont d’accord pour la laisser vivre, mais réclament un autre sacrifice, celui de l’enfant de Klaus. Geneviève est sous le choc.



[Genevieve wakes up in Klaus' bed,he  painting a portrait of her]

GENEVIEVE: You're up early. After the night we had, I expected you to sleep in.

KLAUS: Yes, well, morning sun offers the best light. Hold still. I'm almost finished.

GENEVIEVE: In my last life, I was far too modest if I was in the nude.

KLAUS: Well, then consider yourself much improved. Modesty is for the weak.

GENEVIEVE: Well, are you gonna show me?

KLAUS: The painting is a gift. A token to honor our pact.

GENEVIEVE: Our pact? We had such a lovely night and now I see it was all a means to an end.

KLAUS: A rather delicious means to a mutually beneficial end.

GENEVIEVE: Tell me. Beyond the pleasures of last night and the promise of what I'm sure is an exquisite painting, what exactly would a French Quarter witch gain from aligning with you?

KLAUS: Well, the treaty my dear brother negotiated between the warring factions of this city, the one that you yourself signed. No doubt everyone means well, but this is after all...

GENEVIEVE: ...Still the French Quarter?

KLAUS: A borough rife with natural enemies. What you and your witches need is the protection only I can provide. No one-- not vampires, not werewolves, not even my brother-- will dare trifle with you if I am on your side.

GENEVIEVE: And in exchange, I am to offer you what, exactly?

KLAUS: All I ask is for the promise of your allegiance. One never knows when a powerful witch might come in handy.

GENEVIEVE: Well, then.

[They kiss]



[Monique, Abigail, and Davina trying to do a spell]

MONIQUE, ABIGAIL & DAVINA: Vie dans des ancêtres, renforcer noblesse. Comme des ancêtres, de coeur noblesse. Décider on de ancêtres, garder noblesse

MONIQUE: Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme Genevieve ceciderit. Sine la quatrieme puella leve, comme Genevieve ceciderit.

DAVINA: Monique, are you ok? Monique, you sounded like you were possessed.

MONIQUE: I wasn't possessed. I was channeling the ancestors. They say it's time to complete the reaping. To do that, the fourth Harvest girl must be resurrected, which means... it's time for Genevieve to die.





KLAUS: Enough with all the racket!

ELIJAH: Is there a problem, brother? [to the workers] Gentlemen, please.

KLAUS: I agreed to a general sprucing up, not a bloody three-ring circus.

ELIJAH: Marcel and his minions abused our home for the better part of a century. Now, you might be content to live in squalor. I'm not.

GENEVIEVE: I agree with your brother. It's a new era in the French Quarter. This place could use a makeover.

KLAUS: Careful, Elijah. When this one agrees with you, it's a sure sign she wants something.

GENEVIEVE: Actually I do have a request. I'm told our coven hasn't been able to celebrate feast days in the open since Marcel restricted the use of magic. Now with the new peace, I'd like that to change.

ELIJAH: Am I to assume that you have a certain feast day in mind?

GENEVIEVE: The Fête des Bénêdictions. Feast of the Blessings. In the past, members of the community offered witches gifts in exchange for blessings. We'd like to use it as a forum for introducing our young Harvest girls to society.

ELIJAH: So your coven attempted to destroy my family and you yourself held my siblings in unspeakable torment. And you would like a party for the witches.

GENEVIEVE: I made my amends with your brother. Why don't you think it over? [Genevieve leaves]

KLAUS: Oh, don't be such a stiff, Elijah. The tourists love a good festival. Besides, what better way to cement the solidarity than a show of faith toward a one-time enemy?

ELIJAH: A onetime enemy with whom you've grown rather nauseatingly intimate.

KLAUS: Well, who said maintaining alliances can't be fun?

ELIJAH: One would think you'd be a little more interested in attending to the needs of the mother of your child.

KLAUS: So, she's the reason behind this oh-so-thoughtful renovation? Elijah, the truth is, the mother of my child is werewolf royalty. She's far safer in the bayou with her pack than she would ever be here with us. Don't worry. I'll bring her home before the birth. No child of mine will be born in a swamp.



HAYLEY: You've gotta be kidding me. Seriously, what is going on? Who are all these people? Why are they standing out here all weird and lurky?

EVE: They've come from all over. All the packs.

HAYLEY: Why? To see a baby that isn't even born yet?

OLIVER: Forget the baby. These freaks, they come here to see you. You know, given the place your parents held in pack hierarchy, maybe they think you're gonna be the long-lost werewolf messiah or something.

HAYLEY: Great. No pressure or anything.

[Oliver's phone rings, so he walks away to take it]

OLIVER: Hello?

KLAUS: Oliver. I trust you have an update on the matter we discussed.

OLIVER: Yeah, um, about that. We got wolves coming in by the truckload right now, so it's gonna be a little tricky to find just one guy. I mean, all you gave me was a first name.

KLAUS: Yes. His name is Cary. He's got blond hair and brown eyes. He's one of my clan, a distant relative from the northeast Atlantic pack. His presence is required if we are to continue with our plan. You find him and you bring him to me.

OLIVER: All right, fine. I'm on it.

KLAUS: Another thing, my brother will soon invite you to a feast honoring the witches. You and your friends will graciously accept the invitation.

OLIVER: Why the hell would I do that?

KLAUS: Because if Elijah believes his treaty is working, he'll be less inclined to get in my way.




CAMI: What do you want?

KLAUS: I formed an alliance with someone who may be able to help your uncle.

CAMI: Let me guess. Tall, redhead, axe to grind? Those resurrected witches are the ones who hexed Kieran in the first place. Why would she want to help?

KLAUS: Because it's my decree that she does. I believe the words you're looking for are "thank you." By all means, say no if you have an alternative.

CAMI: No... Wait. Do whatever you have to do. Just help him.



[Marcel and Thierry are working on their scheme against Klaus]

THIERRY: You wanted me to keep an eye on Klaus? I did. If you ask me, this is a good thing. Him fawning all over a girl you've got wrapped around your finger helps us.

MARCEL: I don't want Cami getting hurt. She's already got witches spying on her. Do you have any idea what Klaus is gonna do when he finds out that we hooked up?

THIERRY: Not my problem. The thing we need to worry about is what his hybrid ass is up to.

MARCEL: He's got something going on with the witches, and he's doing it behind Elijah's back. Whatever he's up to, if I can find proof...

THIERRY: Oh, you'll what? You're gonna rat him out to his older brother? You're gonna turn them against each other? You're exiled from the Quarter. Elijah even smells you coming and you're dead.

MARCEL: You don't know them like I do. They're half-turned against each other already. Drama, pride, guilt, envy, all built up like a powder keg. All you have to do is light a match.

THIERRY: Then where do we buy matches? Look around, Marcel. We have nothing.

MARCEL: I started with nothing. Hell, things didn't get rolling until I turned you. You and your music and the whole city for the taking. Those were the days, T. Let's go get them back.



[The French Quarter coven meeting Genevieve]

GENEVIEVE: And who put you in charge?

MONIQUE: I communed with the ancestors. They said it's time for you to sacrifice yourself.

GENEVIEVE: Of course. It will be an honor to fulfill my duty to our coven. But it's not quite my time yet.

MONIQUE: The ancestors were very clear. We need for you to die, so our community can have the full power of the Harvest.

GENEVIEVE: Careful, Monique. Not so long ago, I was one of those ancestors. A spirit forced to watch as little by little, witches surrendered everything to vampires. We may no longer live under Marcel's thumb, but I for one don't particularly enjoy answering to Elijah, either. Before I take my leave, I'd like to ensure that you have the power to control your own fate. The Mikaelsons' mother Esther was a powerful witch. Her spellbook contains enchantments that we can use to our own ends. I can steal it for our coven and we'll never be held in subjugation again. You'll have your sacrifice. But, I have things to do before I die.

[Elijah is meet Diego and the rest of the the Vampire Faction]

DIEGO: You want us to go to a witch event on bended knee and give them a gift? I'm sorry, but I just remembered. We're busy doing just about anything else that night.

ELIJAH: Diego, this isn't a request. Your name is on that treaty. Now, if you have any difficulty whatsoever with your newfound position, I'd be more than willing to remove you.

DIEGO: I never thought I'd see the day. Vampires bowing down to witches.

[Elijah meet Francesca and the the Human Faction]

ELIJAH: I see it as a demonstration of strength, acknowledging a lesser faction.

FRANCESCA: But you're not asking, are you? Oh, I see it's true what they say about you, Elijah. You make even strong-arming seem noble. Well, the tourists do eat this stuff up. Can you imagine what they'd think if they suddenly found out it was all real? I take it you want me at the public show and the private party afterward?

ELIJAH: That is correct.

FRANCESCA: I'd be happy to attend. And in return, you will owe the humans a favor.

[Elijah meet Jackson, Oliver, and Hayley ]

ELIJAH: Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend.

HAYLEY: Thanks, but no thanks?

OLIVER: Let's hear the man out.

HAYLEY: The witches are the ones that cursed your pack. And they've been nothing but crap to me since I first came to town. [to Elijah] No. We're not going.

JACKSON: It's a new day in the Quarter, Hayley. I agree with Oliver. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball. We'll send a representative with a gift.

[Elijah to Hayley, privately]

ELIJAH: That was too easy. Don't trust him. Don't trust any of them.



[Oliver meet Klaus]

OLIVER: You don't stop squirming, I don't care who you know, I'm gonna kneecap you right here.

KLAUS: When I asked you to bring Cary to me, it was as my guest. Might I recommend you release him before I opt to release you from your mortal coil.

OLIVER: I found him like you asked, and he jumped me. Now, his pack's been going at mine since the beginning of time. I don't owe him a thing.

KLAUS: You see, it's that short-sighted attitude that led to the demise of the werewolves.

OLIVER: I'm pretty sure Marcel and the witches did that.

KLAUS: The packs should have been united. Marcel saw that weakness and he exploited it. If you seek to rebuild with only the Crescents, you may as well stay in your hovels in the bog! I don't believe we've had the pleasure of an introduction.

CARY: Legend says you're descended from our line.

KLAUS: The legends are true. Come here. I understand that this ring was passed down through generations of our family. I need to know what stone it housed.

CARY: I never saw it with a stone.

KLAUS: Could you ask around for me, mate? See what you can find out.



[Diego meet Thierry about the plan]

DIEGO: You can't just start a revolution, all on your own ,from exile across the river. I mean, like it or not, Elijah's plan is the new reality.

THIERRY: Elijah's got you bowing down to witches. How long until you're kow-towing to werewolves?

DIEGO: Right, and who's gonna lead this rebellion? You?

MARCEL: I got a few ideas.

DIEGO: I remember the last time I stood with you against an Original. Didn't go so well.

MARCEL: All we gotta do is show that we won't bow down. Make enough noise, they'll leave. I figure we can be a lot louder if we're in it together.

DIEGO: Look, Elijah Mikaelson's a dick, no doubt. Thing is, with him at least I know where I stand.

MARCEL: Do you? We've been watching Klaus. Making deals with witches, holding secret meetings with werewolves. You can't trust these people.

DIEGO: You're the one who picked up Klaus' coin! You, Marcel. Maybe T's got a short memory, but I don't. You're a coward.

[Marcel lunges at Diego and slams him down on top of his glass coffeetable, which shatters. Thierry immediately jumps in to play peacekeeper]

THIERRY: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!

MARCEL: When I picked up that coin, I was saving your ass. Klaus was gonna kill all of you. A good leader knows when he's gotta fight another day. Now that day's here. I'm ready. You gonna fight with me?

DIEGO: With what? Look around. All you've got is Thierry and a whole bunch of talk. You guys don't seem to get it. You lost, all right? I picked the winning side, so if you want to start a war, you're fighting against me.

[Diego storms out of Marcel's loft. Marcel is still angry and disappointed]

MARCEL: Time we got more persuasive.



[Hayley join Jackson and Oliver. They stop talking when she comes.]

HAYLEY: What is this? High School?

OLIVER: Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business?

HAYLEY: This is my pack. That makes it my business.

JACKSON: No need to get all riled up. It's not good for you, Hayley.

HAYLEY: I have tried to play nice. The last month of pregnancy is all hormones and mood swings, so unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell me what is going on.

OLIVER: You can go to hell.

JACKSON: Knock it off. There's no reason to keep it from her.

OLIVER: I can think of a reason. Tall and immortal and wears a pocket scarf.

[Oliver fights against her, but she forcefully pins him back down again]

JACKSON: Hayley, you're one of us. You deserve to know. Now, go on.

[Hayley reluctantly releases him and turns to Jackson for an explanation]

JACKSON: We made an alliance that's gonna change everything for the wolves.

HAYLEY: An alliance with who?


HAYLEY: Tell me everything.



GENEVIEVE: You came all this way to beg for some human's life?

KLAUS: Father Kieran's time is running out, and he has been an ally to me.

GENEVIEVE: Your ally, and Cami's uncle. Sorry. As I've already said, there's no way to undo that hex.

KLAUS: Oh, come on. You and I both know there's always a loophole.

GENEVIEVE: Not for this. At least not among my people. Although, I do wonder. Your mother was powerful. She would have had access to all manner of spells. Perhaps I could take a look through her grimoire.

KLAUS: You want to use father Kieran's ailment as an excuse to look through my mother's spellbook. Very devious.

GENEVIEVE: Come on. The grimoire is worthless to you. But with it's power, I could solidify my place in the coven.

KLAUS: No, I'm sorry, love. It's bad enough my mother's power was consecrated with your ancestors. The last thing I need is for you to get a look at an entire book of her dirty, little tricks.

GENEVIEVE: That's unfortunate. Particularly for poor father Kieran. I guess you'll be the one to tell Cami.

KLAUS: You think you have leverage over me? I will not be manipulated.

GENEVIEVE: [whispers] Vamisa la visia. [Klaus groans in pain and releases Genevieve] And I won't be threatened. So, between the two of us, we each know where we stand. As long as we can retain that mutual respect, I don't see a need for any further demonstrations of power. Don't call me again.



GENEVIEVE: It's time. Klaus will be at the event, which means the compound will be empty. You know what to do. [Genevieve joins the Harvest girls]

GENEVIEVE: Now, in accordance with the Fête des Bénédictions, the witches of New Orleans bless you all!



[Klaus find Esther's grimoire]

KLAUS: A little too easy, isn't it? I've been expecting you. You're late.



[Music plays as Elijah waits near the entrance and waits for Davina to pass through]

ELIJAH: Davina.

DAVINA: Elijah.

ELIJAH: It's lovely to see you. And under far better circumstances.

DAVINA: Is it? My friend Tim is still dead, and your brother's still breathing.

GENEVIEVE: Davina, that's enough. Elijah has been a patron to us this evening. We will show him respect. [to Elijah] Thank you for all of this.

ELIJAH: This isn't for you. You know as well as I that your people would never accept a truce unless we showed them some respect. So be it. Enjoy your party. [Hayley enters,Genevieve leaves] Strange. I thought you'd be in the company of your colorful friends.

HAYLEY: Oh. You asked for a representative for the werewolves, so take me or leave me.



GENEVIEVE: Is something wrong?

MONIQUE: These people came to praise witches. What has she done to prove herself worthy?

GENEVIEVE: She's a Harvest girl. Like you.

MONIQUE: Our power is a gift from the ancestors. I've had to make sacrifices to honor that gift. I lost my mother, my aunt. Davina has done nothing but stand against us.

GENEVIEVE: She just needs a little lesson. If there's one thing I'm good at, it's putting people in their place.

GENEVIEVE: (CLINKING) Welcome. As is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings. It is our custom that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied.

[Guests line up to bring their offerings to the Harvest girls. First is Hayley, who smiles at Davina and is about to give her gift to her, but is stopped by an attendant. She tells Hayley to give the gift to Monique, which she does. The next person, Francesca gives their gift to Abigail. Genevieve watches as no one gives their gift to Davina]

CAMI: Do you get any gifts?

GENEVIEVE: What are you doing here?

CAMI: Technically, I'm crashing, but it's you I came to see. Don't worry, I just want to say my piece and then I'll leave. Here.

GENEVIEVE: And what is this?

CAMI: An offering, from me. I know we have no reason to like each other, but I want to honor what Elijah has built. What my uncle worked for.

GENEVIEVE: Oh. So this is about your uncle.

CAMI: Like I said, I know you have no reason to help me, but Klaus said a long time ago, you were cheated out of life, and if I can't help him, if you can't help him, so will he. And, so I'm asking you, please.

[Genevieve opens the gift to find an antique hair comb] Klaus said you were from this era. And I thought with your red hair...

GENEVIEVE: I had one just like this. Perhaps I can help you.



[The line to give offerings to the Harvest girls continue. Davina has still not received any gifts, and Monique sends Davina smug smiles every time she gets a new gift. Davina, near tears, runs away and bumps into Josh on her way out]

DAVINA: Josh! What are you doing here?

JOSH: What, are you kidding? No way I'd miss out on your big day. Besides, music, wind, fire? The club kid in me is, like, in heaven. You don't look like you're having much fun, though. Hey. Come on. Let's get out of here.

KLAUS: Joshua. What a fortunate coincidence, finding you here. We have unfinished business.

DAVINA: [to Klaus] You need to leave here. Right now.

KLAUS: Now, to be fair, love, you're not quite as powerful as you once were, are you? You're in no position to give orders. Come along, lad.

JOSH: Hey, can we talk about this?

[Davina follows them into the main room of the party]


KLAUS: Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me. [he hands her a small box as his offering]

DAVINA: No. I don't want your gift.

KLAUS: I understand why you would reject me, given our past. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brother's treaty ended. Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now. But, in the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, I hereby pardon him. Josh from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me. Please. [hands Davina the box]

JOSH: So, are you gonna open it? [she opens it, and looks stunned when she finds a lapis lazuli ring and a small, folded up piece of parchment] What? What is it?

DAVINA: It's the spell that makes daylight rings.

KLAUS: I hear you made quite an impression with the wolves. My arrangement with them was supposed to be a secret, and yet you forced it out of them. It's very bold. As was your decision to represent them here today, on your own. I trust you'll do nothing to harm our cause.

HAYLEY: Are you really gonna go behind Elijah's back?

KLAUS: Come on! What difference does it make to you as long as your people benefit?

HAYLEY: If I find out that you are playing some game, trying to manipulate us for one of your schemes...

KLAUS: You know, you've come a long way, little wolf. I knew you were tough, I knew you were cunning, but I never knew you were a queen.

LEAD DRUMMER: Happy Fête des Bénédictions. We have a message for all of you from Marcel Gerard. [The crowd frowns, and everyone starts whispering to each other. All of the drummers take out straight razors and slice their wrists open, bleeding all over the floor. The vampires in the room start to get antsy and vamp-out at the smell of blood]

ELIJAH: Control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick. We do not violate our agreement.

[The lights suddenly go out, and the vampires start feeding on the drummers, as well as other humans at the party. The crowd dissolves into chaos]

GENEVIEVE: [runs toward the Harvest girls and grabs another witch to help] Get them out of here!

[The chaos continues, and when the lights switch back on, there are dozens of dead/injured humans lying on the ground. On the walls, someone has written "THERE WILL BE NO PEACE" on the wall]

HAYLEY: Hey! Elijah?

ELIJAH: Hayley. It's okay. It's all right.



THIERRY: Blood on the walls. Pile of bodies. All in all, I'd say message received.

MARCEL: Did you get Davina out first? THIERRY: As planned, Josh took care of Davina. I made sure the other Harvest girls got out in the clear.

MARCEL: That was just the warning shot. Now we double down.

ELIJAH: Marcel! [Elijah tackles Thierry and throws him against the building]


ELIJAH: [vamp-speeds so he is face-to-face with Marcel] I warned you. And yet still, you return to the French Quarter.

MARCEL: You gonna kill me, Elijah? Go ahead. But then you won't know what Klaus has got going with that witch in his pocket.

ELIJAH: Oh, whatever shall I do? I suppose I could just ask him.

MARCEL: Yeah. Make sure he tells you all about the secret meetings with the werewolves. That is, if he's still speaking to you once he knows that you killed me. [Thierry picks himself up off the ground]

ELIJAH: Do you not know me? [Elijah shoves his fist into Marcel's chest and grabs his heart. When Thierry jumps in to protect him, Elijah does the same to Thierry, who groans in pain]

ELIJAH: For your violation. [Elijah rips out Thierry's heart]

MARCEL: No. No, no!!!!!!!!

ELIJAH: You live or you die according to my will. Try to remember that.



KLAUS: You left without my offering.

GENEVIEVE: Your vampires ruined my party.

KLAUS: Oh, they're not my vampires anymore, love. Although, Marcel certainly took a page out of my book for dramatic effect. Look, I owed Davina some consolation because I killed her first love. I do try to make up for my wrong-doings. As with our little quarrel earlier. So, here. I picked it out earlier tonight. A friend of yours gave me a hand.

GENEVIEVE: And what friend was that?

KLAUS: Well, open it. See for yourself.

[she opens the box to find the witch's severed hands resting inside] Did you really think I would leave my mother's grimoire unprotected?

GENEVIEVE: A century ago, I dreamed of what it would be like to know you. Now I'm glad I didn't. I might have been naive enough to fall for you, or fear you, but I learned a lot in death. And trust me, Klaus Mikaelson, It's you who should be afraid of me.

KLAUS: Pity. I will miss the sex.

GENEVIEVE: Your friend Cami showed up tonight. Her offering was quite sweet. So, I gave her hope that I would lift Kieran's hex, but there is no hope. Or if there was, there isn't now.

KLAUS: If the priest dies, then believe me, you will follow swiftly after him.

GENEVIEVE: It would be foolish of you to kill me, a potential ally, in defense of some powerless human who is, by the way, sleeping with your enemy Marcel.


THE BAYOU [Hayley is pacing around outside by a fire as she talks to Jackson]

HAYLEY: I've learned my lesson. At first I was against your plan. I thought that we should just live with Elijah's treaty, but after that party, those innocent people. There will never be a peace. The weak will always be at the mercy of whoever is calling the shots.

JACKSON: It's survival of the fittest. We need to protect ourselves. And we we need to protect each other. HAYLEY: We need to use Klaus' help while he's still willing to give it. But, Jackson, from now on, you have to tell me everything. And no matter what, we do not trust Klaus.

THE ABBATOIR [Klaus returns home to find Elijah waiting for him, with his hands still bloody from killing Thierry]

KLAUS: Well, I see that you've already avenged the little wolf. But judging by your look, you're still out for blood.

ELIJAH: If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, then surely my quest for your salvation ranks me as one of the maddest of men.

KLAUS: Come on, then. What horrible deed has the bastard done this time?

ELIJAH: Do you know, in the past, I actually appreciated the methods to your manipulations? However, now, here we are, poised on the brink of a new era which will benefit not only your home but your child, and you go behind my back to conspire with wolves.

KLAUS: Conspire is hardly the word I would use for a family council. Lest you forget, Elijah, they are my family as much as any Mikaelson. A name, in truth, I cannot even call my own.

ELIJAH: How casually you disavow 1,000 years of allegiance towards you.

KLAUS: And now that I've found the remnants of my other family, am I to ignore their plight? I would've thought you'd support my desire to help them, when in doing so, I help Hayley, and the child.

ELIJAH: Do not question my allegiance towards that child.

KLAUS: Oh, and I suppose your affection for Hayley has nothing to do with your tireless dedication. Yes, you see, I saw how you cared for her tonight. Called her name in the dark. The zeal with which you destroy those who would harm her.

ELIJAH: I have denied every single impulse I have ever had for that woman. Out of some misbegotten respect for intentions that you don't even have.

KLAUS: I'm warning you...

ELIJAH: I'm warning you. I've forgiven you. I have stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If I want something I'll take it. And nothing nothing will stand in my way.


ROSSEAU'S [Klaus has arrived at Rousseau's to talk to Cami]

CAMI: Klaus, what are you doing here?

KLAUS: I came here to apologize. I've made a terrible mistake.

CAMI: Whatever it is, you should sleep it off. I'm sure it can wait 'til morning.

KLAUS: You went to Genevieve. She was moved by your plea. She may even have cured Kieran. But I insulted her. And as a means of revenge, she is refusing him aid. Kieran will die because of me, and it will be a horrible death.

CAMI: Why are you telling me this?

KLAUS: Because I believe that secrets are a poison. They need to be spat out. Like your secret...about your time with

Marcel. CAMI: Isn't that what you wanted? You compelled me to go out with Marcel. You made me your spy. And maybe it's your fault we got together, and you're just mad because you didn't get to control it.

KLAUS: You tell Marcel if I see him again, I'll kill him.


THE BAYOU [Music plays as the werewolves all hang out together outside around a bonfire. Eve and Elijah are together nearby, talking]

EVE: You don't need to keep coming out. I'd tell you if something was wrong. But she's doing okay. The girl has a natural gift for leading. She surprised everyone.

ELIJAH: Not everyone.

EVE: Do you want to join us?

LIJAH: What I want Is for that girl to be happy. Don't tell her I was here.



[Marcel has covered Thierry's body and douses it in alcohol]

MARCEL: This is Thierry Vanchure. Mean-ass horn player, lover of feisty women-witch, vampire, and human alike. I rebuilt this city with him and he always had my back. Even when I screwed up and forgot to have his. And now All I can do is promise you this, T. I won't let you die in vain. I will take back our city.

[Vampires start to jump down from rooftops around Marcel, including Diego]

DIEGO: Going up against the Originals? For real, no backing down?

MARCEL: No backing down.


LAFAYETTE CEMETERY [The coven has gathered to discuss Genevieve's fate]

MONIQUE: You failed us.

GENEVIEVE: I told you. It will take time.

MONIQUE: Do you think the ancestors care about your excuses? The vampires attacked us. We can't retaliate until we possess our full strength. Your sacrifice is the final step. [holds out Harvest knife]

GENEVIEVE: [begins coughing and gasping due to Monique's spell]

MONIQUE: [channels the ancestors] Nous concedumus sa vie a Genevieve. Si elle hecatage a filia de Mikaelson.

GENEVIEVE: What are they saying? MONIQUE: They told me to let you live. But in exchange, they want another offering. One of their choosing.

GENEVIEVE: Tell me. Whatever it is they want, I will make sure they get it. I swear it.

MONIQUE: It's the child. They want us to kill Klaus' child.

[Genevieve looks shocked]

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Avant-hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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