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The Originals
#108 : La Fièvre du pouvoir


Diffusion US : 26 novembre 2013 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 16 janvier 2015 sur NT1

LA PREMIERE BATAILLE DE LA GUERRE - Rebekah, qui fait face à une décision difficile, se tourne vers le Père Kieran afin d'obtenir des conseils. Elijah lutte avec les conséquences d'une récente querelle avec Klaus. Hayley reste à ses côtés mais elle est rapidement éloignée par une figure mystérieuse qui fait un peu la lumière sur son passé. Pendant ce temps, Cami, frustrée, a du mal à donner du sens à un message énigmatique sur lequel elle est tombée. Enfin, lorsque Marcel, qui ne se doute de rien, découvre une information perturbante impliquant Klaus, une confrontation se termine sur un rebondissement surprenant. 


4.63 - 8 votes

Titre VO
The River in Reverse

Titre VF
La Fièvre du pouvoir

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Première diffusion en France


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Promo #1


Sneak Peek 1

Sneak Peek 1


Photos promo

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, avec un pistolet

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, avec un pistolet

Hayley Marshall, joué par Phoebe Tonkin, prend soin d'Elijah Mikaelson suite à une morsure de loup garou

Hayley Marshall, joué par Phoebe Tonkin, prend soin d'Elijah Mikaelson suite à une morsure de loup garou

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies) visant avec son arme

Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies) visant avec son arme

Les frères Klaus et Elijah lors d'un flashback avec d'autres personnes

Les frères Klaus et Elijah lors d'un flashback avec d'autres personnes

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus (Joseph Morgan) et Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Klaus Mikaelson (Joseph Morgan)

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, enlevant la balle qu'il vient de recevoir

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, enlevant la balle qu'il vient de recevoir

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, tirant sur son frère Klaus

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, tirant sur son frère Klaus

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, regardant l'eau

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, regardant l'eau

Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) posant une main sur la joue de Rebekah (Claire Holt)

Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) posant une main sur la joue de Rebekah (Claire Holt)

Rebekah et Marcel ensemble

Rebekah et Marcel ensemble

Marcel et Rebakah regardant l'eau, au port

Marcel et Rebakah regardant l'eau, au port

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, se baladant dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, se baladant dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Marcel Gerard (Charles Michael Davis)

Marcel Gerard (Charles Michael Davis)


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 16.01.2015 à 21:40
0.31m / 1.3% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 26.11.2013 à 20:00
2.38m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Declan de Barra & Julie Plec
Réalisé par : Jesse Warn

Invités : 

  • Michael Trevino ... Tyler Lockwood
  • Steven Krueger ... Josh
  • Tasha Ames ... Eve
  • Eka Darville ... Diego
  • Todd Stashwick ... Kieran
  • Raney Branch ... Celeste

1.07 << Épisode précédent                                                                                                Épisode suivant >> 1.09


Résumé long 1x08

Rebekah est songeuse sur le port, elle observe la mer. Elle se rend ensuite au confessionnal et convainc Kieran de l’écouter, elle souhaite être pardonner pour ses péchés, car elle a trahi les liens du sang, elle se sent coupable.

Vingt-quatre heures plus tôt.

Rebekah est au salon de la plantation avec Klaus, elle semble irritée par son comportement. Celui-ci trouve Marcel étonnamment muet es derniers temps, et demande à sa sœur si elle connaît les raisons. Elle prétend n’être au courant de rien. Elle a du mal a caché sa contrariété du fait qu’il a mordu Elijah et l’a laissé dans le bayou, mais préfère ne rien dire de peur de subir le même sort. Klaus en sourit, et lui répond que sa méthode favorite pour punir sa sœur reste la dague. Il est toujours fâcher par rapport aux accusations d’Elijah le concernant, il estime qu’il mérite son inconfort. Rebekah le laisse, exaspérée.

Elijah est dans la cabane du bayou, il subit les effets de la morsure de Klaus, Hayley essaie de le soulager. Elijah souhaite qu’elle continue d’étudier l’arbre généalogique qu’elle a trouvé, il sait qu’il va bientôt halluciner et préfèrerait qu’Hayley s’en aille, mais elle refuse. Une femme avec une cicatrice dans le dos observe de loin la cabane.

Marcel réuni ses vampires autour de Tyler venu parler de Klaus. Il leurs explique ce qu’implique être un hybride de Klaus, et leur parle de l’enfant que porte Hayley, dont le sang peut être utilisé pour transformer des loups en hybride. Il insiste sur le fait que Klaus peut potentiellement se retrouver à la tête d’une nouvelle armée d’hybrides, et le danger que ça représente. Rebekah se joint à la réunion à la surprise de Tyler, Marcel rassure en disant qu’elle est de leur côté. Cependant Rebekah brise la nuque de Tyler, elle veut arrêter Klaus sans s’en prendre au bébé.

A la plantation, Cami rédige les mémoires de Klaus, il se plaint de sa fratrie et de se sentir abandonné comme par ses parents autrefois, il ne supporte par leurs soupçons concernant les intentions de Klaus envers cet enfant. Cami est lassée de l’entendre répéter toujours la même chose, selon elle il est le seul responsable de son propre malheur. Il répond qu’il ne lui a pas demandé ses conseils, Cami en doute, car il fait appel à elle, une étudiante en psychologie. En réalité pour elle il souhaite parler à quelqu’un, et obtenir de la compassion, mais la contraint à l’oubli car il est incapable de faire confiance à qui ce soit. Il lui répond que rien ne lui fait peur, puis observe un dessin d’un cercle barré, elle explique que c’est un motif de tatouage. Il lui demande de dessiner plus tard, elle l’accuse de lui bouffer tout son temps libre et s’en va.

Rebekah et Marcel parquent Tyler dans le jardin, et réfléchissent à un emplacement pour Klaus, loin des autres condamnés. Marcel en profite pour s’excuser de l’avoir laissée cinquante-deux ans dans un cercueil. Marcel ne souhaite pas mêler Davina à la bataille contre Klaus, d’après lui elle contrôle de moins en moins sa magie. Rebekah lui demande de mobiliser ses vampires. Marcel veut s’assurer qu’elle ne fera pas marche arrière, elle regrette simplement de ne pas l’avoir fait plutôt.

Elijah se sent mal et commence à avoir des visions d’une certaine Céleste. Hayley les perçoit, Il est gêné mais elle le rassure. Il se sent observé, Hayley aperçoit la femme dehors mais celle-ci s’enfuit.

Josh répare une voiture sur les docks, Klaus le rejoint et lui demande de récupérer les dagues auprès de Marcel. Josh demande à Marcel ce qu’il doit répondre à Klaus, celui-ci lui dit d’affirmer qu’il garde les dagues sur lui, mais que ce soir il a un rencard et sera sûrement seul au manoir, Josh s’exécute. Klaus prévient Josh contre une tentative de trahison et part.

Klaus rejoint le père Kieran à l’église, il lui explique qu’il est le responsable des oublis de Cami, et qu’il tient à elle. Il l’admire beaucoup notamment pour sa franchise et sa curiosité. Il explique qu’il veut la protéger, a peur qu’elle soit une innocente victime de la guerre entre les forces supranaturelles, et désire qu’elle s’en aille par elle-même, sans la contraindre. Il demande à Kieran de lui parler dans ce but.

A la cabane l’état d’Elijah de dégrade, Elijah se revoit il y a cent ans auprès de la femme qu’il aimait, Céleste, une sorcière. A l’époque Céleste s’inquiétait des excès de Klaus et de toutes les morts des nobles dont il était responsable. Elijah lui avait promis qu’il tenterait de tempérer les ardeurs de son frère. Il a peur que ses hallucinations l’amènent à faire du mal à Hayley et lui demande encore une fois de le laisser, elle refuse.

Klaus arrive au manoir pour réclamer les dagues, il est accueilli par Marcel qui confit l’une des dagues à Rebekah. Klaus comprend le piège. Marcel réunit peu à peu tous ses vampires autour d’un Klaus au départ amusé.

Elijah ne va pas mieux, il hallucine au sujet de Céleste, lui demande de le pardonner, tandis qu’Hayley essuie son front. Il se remémore une conversation avec Klaus, alors que celui-ci tuait des nobles dans des duels. Elijah s’inquiétait du nombre de morts, car ça constituait un potentiel indice sur leur présence à la Nola pour Mikael, leur père à leur recherche pour les tuer. Klaus a indiqué qu’il protégeait ses meurtres en les mettant sur le dos des sorcières, et avait expliqué qu’au même moment se déroulait une rafle contre elles. Elijah était resté interdit car ça mettait directement en danger Céleste, mais Klaus lui avait bien signifié qu’il s’en fichait. Elijah se lève dans la cabane, il veut tuer Klaus, il hallucine toujours et commence à étrangler Hayley. Elle est sauvée par la rôdeuse.

Klaus tente de renverser la vapeur. Il est imbattable, il ne peut mourir, il veut rallier les vampires de Marcel à sa cause, et leurs demande de lui prêter allégeance en ramassant une pièce d’argent. Sinon il va prendre plaisir à les tuer. Aucun ne bronche. Marcel ordonne l’attaque. Les vampires parviennent à coincer Klaus et le menotter en continuant à le frapper, Rebekah et Marcel observent le combat. La rage d’hybride originel monte en Klaus, et il commence à tuer les vampires de Marcel les uns après les autres. Il appelle Marcel qui veut rejoindre le combat, mais Rebekah le retient et lui demande d’arrêter le massacre, de ramasser la pièce et de prêter allégeance à Klaus. Marcel comprend qu’elle a raison, Klaus va tuer tout le monde s’il ne fait rien. Il prend la pièce, Klaus s’arrête et s’approche de Marcel l’air triomphant. Marcel est à genoux et par dépit lui offre les clefs de son royaume. Klaus, la bouche en sang, sourit.

Cami tente de nettoyer la tombe de son frère à nouveau taguée. Kieran la rejoint, il tente de la réconforter, les gens finiront par arrêter et passer à autre chose. Cami lui confie qu’elle a peur de devenir folle comme Sean, elle a trouvé un dessin qu’elle ne se souvient pas avoir fait, un code secret entre elle et son frère enfants. Elle pense qu’un truc cloche chez elle, Kieran lui conseille de prendre du recul par rapport à la Nouvelle Orléans, mais elle est sûre que tout ça a un sens, il insiste pour qu’elle parte un temps.

Hayley discute avec la rôdeuse autour d’un feu. Hayley veut savoir qui elle est, pourquoi elle la suit, où sont les loups, et si le livre parle bien de ses parents. Son interlocutrice répond qu’elle s’appelle Eve, que si les loups ne se montrent pas, c’est parce que un original est sur leur territoire. Concernant les loups du bouquin, elle explique que la faute revient à Marcel, il les a tués, et avec l’aide d’une sorcière, il a condamné leurs descendants à une malédiction. Il a inversé le cycle des loups, ceux-ci sont loups à l’état naturel et redeviennent humains une fois par mois, la nuit de la pleine lune. Les loups sont traqués à cause de leur marque, la même que porte Hayley, un croissant de lune, Eve a fait effacée la sienne. Elijah fait son apparition, il se sent beaucoup mieux. Hayley préfère le ramener, mais elle promet à Eve de revenir. Eve s’en va, Elijah demande qui c’était, Hayley lui répond qu’elle croit avoir rencontré sa famille, Elijah est surpris.

Les vampires de Marcel ramassent les corps dans la cour, sous les yeux de Marcel, et s’apprêtent à les brûler. Klaus rejoint Marcel, il lui dit qu’il n’ pas l’intention de le tuer, il a récupéré ce qu’il voulait, le contrôle de la ville. Marcel lui laisse la résidence, mais il le met en garde, il n’obtiendra jamais la loyauté de ses gars, car il lui manque quelque chose, que Marcel a appris tout seul, la loyauté. D’après lui elle s’obtient avec l’amour et le respect, et Klaus lui paraît en être incapable. Il ajoute de bien profiter de son royaume, puis le laisse.

C’est le lendemain, Elijah ramène Hayley à la plantation. Mais dans la voiture, Hayley veut savoir ce qui est arrivé à Céleste, Elijah lui confie qu’il l’a retrouvée morte. Il s’en veut car il a délaissé son frère à l’époque, et Céleste en a payé le prix fort. Hayley ne comprend pas pourquoi il s’accroche à vouloir réunir sa famille. Il s’est confié une tâche, le salut de son frère, et veut s’y tenir. Hayley tente de le réconforter en prenant sa main, mais Elijah a peur de trop s’attacher à elle à cause des réactions de son frère. Il lui prend toutefois brièvement la main, et sort de la voiture.

Klaus tient la dague récupérée pendant le combat entre ses mains, Rebekah arrive, et lui dit qu’il n’a qu’une dague pour deux puisqu’Elijah est également de retour. Il commence à étrangler sa sœur, mais Elijah intervient. Klaus leurs reproche à tous deux de l’avoir trahi, il soupçonne Elijah de vouloir voler le rôle de père de l’enfant à naître. Bekah est lassée de la peur d’abandon de son frère, d’après elle c’est lui qui les chasse. Mais lui retient qu’il n’a eu aucun soutien de leur part quand les accusations sur sa volonté d’utiliser sa fille comme machine à fabriquer des hybrides a été émise par ses ennemis. Pourtant d’après il avait coopéré, en laissant Elijah prendre les décisions, et Rebekah être avec un homme qui ne la mérite pas. Mais surtout il est blessé qu’ils ne lui aient pas fait confiance sur ses intentions pures envers son enfant. Il a eu ce qu’il voulait, récupérer leur foyer, mais ne veut plus d’eux à ses côtés, il leur laisse la dague. Il sort et trouve Hayley sur le perron, il lui ordonne de venir avec lui, la sécurité du bébé reste sa priorité, il lui déconseille de résister. Elle n’a pas vraiment le choix, et le suit.

Le père Kieran retrouve sa nièce sur les bancs de l’église, elle lui fait part d’une découverte. Elle comprend que son subconscient lui envoie un message, il y avait un code caché derrière le dessin. On y voit le nom de Klaus, et l’année 1919. Elle ajoute qu’aux archives, elle a trouvé une photo d’un journal datant de 1919, on y voit Klaus et Marcel. Elle dit à son oncle qu’elle connaît ces deux hommes, Kieran la regarde sans répondre.


1.07 << Épisode précédent                                                                                                Épisode suivant >> 1.09

Rebekah (voiceover): My brothers and I are the first vampires in history, the Originals. 300 years ago, we called New Orleans home. I was happy here. For a time. Now we've returned, only to find a miracle.


Elijah: Niklaus, the girl is carrying your child.


Rebekah (voiceover): And with it, a new responsibility.


Elijah: I will always protect you. You have my word on that.


Rebekah (voiceover): But our family has many enemies.


Tyler: Klaus destroyed everything good in my life. So I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most.


Rebekah (voiceover): These threats should have united us, instead Klaus has driven us apart.


Rebekah: Why should I help you after what you did to Elijah?

Klaus: You're my family.


Marcel: Klaus will never stop trying to control you. What do you want?


Rebekah (voiceover): My brother expects my loyalty as he has for a thousand years. But now perhaps it's time to make a different choice.



[The church -The confessional]



Rebekah: I should never have come back here. This is the town where I fell in love - and where love failed us. I assume you know who I'm talking about?

Father Kieran: You should know Marcel and I are not on the best of terms right now.

Rebekah: But you are an active priest, are you not? Ready and able to hear my confession?

Father Kieran: Usually the word "willing" falls somewhere in that sentence. Are you even Catholic?

Rebekah: I've been on this Earth for a thousand years. I can't say for certain that I believe in anything like a God, but I need absolution. From someone. Anyone. So will you hear my confession or not? (Father Kieran nods.)  Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I am a liar, a betrayer. I have conspired against my own blood and I doubt even your God could save me.





[24 hours earlier.]


(Klaus bites a woman's wrist. Rebekah sits opposite to him, drinking something out of a cup. Between them there is a table full of food.)


Klaus: Have you spoken to our good friend Marcel today?

Rebekah: No, should I have?

Klaus: He's been misteriously silent - avoiding me, some might say. I thought perhaps he may have whispered reasons into your ear. Along with all of those sweet nothings.

Rebekah: If I see him I'll be sure to ask if he's still sore at you.

Klaus: Let me give a voice to that look in your eyes. My saintly noble brother lies writhing in agony in the bayou, victim of my bastard-brother's-bite, when just one or two drops of his blood would ease his pain.

Rebekah: On the contrary, Nik, I am simply enjoying my breaky waiting for Elijah's healthy return.

Klaus: Oh, come on Rebekah, you've been giving me the devil's eye all morning. Out with it!

Rebekah: Perhaps I'm concerned that if I voice my opinion about what you did to Elijah, I will end up on the wrong side of your toxic hybrid teeth.

Klaus: Poppycock! I would never bite you. Elijah made some very offensive accusations about my intentions towards my child. He deserves a day or two of discomfort. Besides, you know my preferred method of punishment for your indiscretions is the dagger.

(Rebekah smirks as she gets up from the chair.)

Rebekah: There is something fundamentally wrong with you.

(She leaves the room and Klaus is now sitting by the table alone, staring somewhere in front of him.)



[The Bayou's hut]


(Elijah is laying on a bed in the hut, Hayley stand beside the bed.)


Hayley: Here, drink this. (Elijah drinks it, but immediatly starts to cough.)

Elijah: Forgive me. Please.

Hayley: It's okay. Remind me to annihilate your brother once you're healthy.

Elijah: Yes, remind me to remind you to get in line.

Hayley: It doesn't help that we decided to shack up in a swamp either.


(Hayley goes outside. Elijah starts to cough. Hayley goes back inside.)

Hayley: Are you okay?

Elijah: I'm fine. Please just... return to your reading.

Hayley: I went through the whole thing. It's just a regular Bible. With an entry in a family tree, that may or may not be me, but you know I've been a little busy worrying about you.

Elijah: Hayley, please. This fever will make me unstable. And once the hallucinations begin I'll start to see things. You must leave me here.

Hayley: I'm not leaving you like this.

(Outside, the werewolf Eve is lurking around.)



[The French Quarter]


Marcel: All right, I'm here. Let's do this. I'll keep this simple. This kid is an old enemy of your favorite person Klaus. And he's got plenty to say about what that traitor, son of a bitch, has been up to behind my back. Now, for those of you faint of heart, there's the door. Because those who stick around, you're signing up for battle.

(No one leaves the room. Marcel nods proudly.)


Tyler: You all know Klaus wasn't always the hybrid. When he broke the curse that kept his werewolf side dormant, somewhere in all that, certain parts were now able to trump his vampire side. Like the ability to pass on the werewolf gene. That's where the werewolf girl he's been hiding from you all comes in. She rode through my town, pretended to be my friend and then end up hooking up with him. Now she's pregnant with his kid.

Diego: What the hell is this?

Marcel: Just listen.

Tyler: When Klaus became the hybrid, he figured out a way to turn full-bread werewolves into creatures like him. (He rises his hand) You're looking at one of them. On the plus side, we had all the perks of being vampires. We're stronger, faster. And the toxins in our bites could still kill a vampire. But on the downside we were loyal to him. Like, supernaturally loyal.

Diego: Right, and that's why you're here, spilling all his secrets?

Marcel: That's the point, Diego. He figured out a way to break free of it. Tyler: And I helped the rest of them too. Then Klaus killed them for their betrayal.

(Rebekah bolts into the room.)

Rebekah: Because that is what Klaus does. Don't mind me, I'm fascinated by this story. Hello, Tyler.

Tyler: Rebekah. Long time no see.

Rebekah: What Tyler was about to tell you is that my brother can use his baby's blood to sire more hybrids. What you will all figure out is that vampires don't stand a chance. So, Tyler, I assume you were trying to rally this lot into making sure the baby isn't born.

Tyler: Yeah. You don't like it? Go on and take your brother's side. But you know I'm right.

Marcel: I believe you've mistaken the ladies intentions.

Diego: Alright. What's going on?

Rebekah: You were absolutely right, Tyler. My brother is a crap enough individual as it is. The last thing he needs is to sire a superior species. Go on, you can tell them.

Marcel: She's not here to fight us, she's here to help us.

Rebekah: That's right. But first...

(Rebekah vampire speeds up to Tyler, snaps his neck and then sits down on the chair he was sitting before.)

Rebekah: That is enough talk about harming that baby. Klaus is the one we're putting a stop to.



[The Mansion]


(Klaus is talking, drinking from a glass of whiskey. Cami is writing his words down with a typewriter.)


Klaus: They have all forsaken me. My siblings are as deceitful in disease just as my parents ever were. Accusing me of using my baby for my own gain, trusting others before their own blood.

Cami: Would a laptop kill you?

Klaus: That typewriter was good enough for Hemingway.

Cami: I see the resemblance. Booze and random acts of violence.

Klaus: Elijah and Rebekah have cut to the quick with their vicious lies about me. And all I've done is tried to win this battle of wills over Marcel's control of the quarter in order to reclaim our home. Type, please!

Cami: What's the point? You just repeat the same thing over and over again. Rebekah's out to get you. Elijah's out to get you. Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? I doubt you trust your own reflection.

Klaus: You know if the daggers weren't missing I would put one in each of their hearts. Rid myself of the burden of my siblings for a couple of centuries.

Cami: Look at you! Repeating the same destructive cycles over and over again. You are the architect of your own unhappiness.

Klaus: I don't remember asking for your advice.

Cami: Oh, really? So of all the people in New Orleans you choose someone with a masters in psychology to record your lifestory. You're over a thousand years old. Pretty damn sure you know how to type. The truth is: You compelled me to come here because you have no one else to talk to, and you want to be understood. Then you compel me to forget everything as soon as I leave your presence because you are too scared to trust.

Klaus: I'm scared of nothing.

(Klaus picks up a piece of paper with some signs on it.)

Klaus: What is this?

Cami: It's an ancient mystical plot I'm using to destroy you. (Klaus looks at her in distrust.) Relax, it's a tattoo design.

Klaus: Draw on your own time.

Cami: This is my time. You steal it from me!

(Cami picks up her things and leaves Klaus.)



[The Garden]


(Marcel and Rebekah take the dead Tyler into the garden.)


Marcel: Where do you want him?

Rebekah: Just put him anywhere handy until Klaus is taken care of. Where are we gonna put Klaus? He needs to be away from all the others. We don't want him formenting descent. You know he has a knack with words, he could talk his way out of hell.

Marcel: Yeah, he got a spot picked out for him in the back. Only person he's gonna be talking to in the next 52 years is himself.

Rebekah: 52?

Marcel: One for each year that he kept you daggered in the 1800s.

Rebekah: You mean you let him keep me daggered?

Marcel: And I'll spend every year Klaus is in here apologizing to you for it.

Rebekah: Well, I'll settle for long enough to experience just a little bit of happiness. And ensure that my niece isn't turned to a hybrid breeding machine. It's gonna be tough to keep him in here. That little witch of yours would put the odds in our favour.

Marcel: I can't risk it. She's got less and less control over her magic lately. I can't even get her out of the church attic, much less rely on her to go to battle against Klaus.

Rebekah: Then we'll need your very best warriors. Klaus is strong and crafty, and betrayal makes him particulary nasty.

Marcel: What we're doing is nothing Klaus hasn't done to both you and your brother for dozen times over. You're not getting second thoughts now, are you?

Rebekah: These aren't second thoughts. They're feelings of regret. I should have buried him a hundred years ago. A hundred years we could've been together.

(They kiss.)



[Bayou’s hut]


(Hayley is outside the hut by a lake, Elijah is groaning with pain. Hayley goes in and sits down on the bed and lays a hand on his forehead.)




(A woman, Celeste, is sitting in a bathtub, Elijah enters the room.)




Elijah: Celeste?

(Hayley looks irritated. Elijah suddenly realises it was just a memory.)

Elijah: Hayley, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else.

Hayley: Celeste. Whoever she was, she was smokin' hot.

Elijah (concerned): Did I let you enter my thoughts? I'm not well. I should go. This is...

Hayley: This is fine, Elijah. You're sick, I'm taking care of you.

Elijah: We're being watched.


(Hayley goes outside. Eve is standing near the hut. When she sees Hayley, she runs away.)

Hayley: Hey. Hey!



[The docks – A garage]


(Klaus enters the garage. Josh is looking at a car, suddenly realizing that Klaus is standing behind him.)


Josh: God, man! I'll never get used to that. Why do I get the feeling you studied theater?

Klaus: All the world's a stage, young Joshua. And it just so happens I have the role of a lifetime for you.



[A car before Marcel’s home]


(Josh is sitting in a car, driving, talking to Marcel and Rebekah.)


Marcel: What do you got, Josh?

Josh: What do I got? Klaus wants me to steal some dagger from you. It's a test, okay? He knows I'm working for you, I'm sure of it.

Rebekah: That bastard wants to dagger us again. He deserves everything he's gonna get.

Marcel: Relax. If he knew, he would've ripped your spine out through your nose by know.

Josh: Oh, great. Now I feel totally at ease! What am I supposed to do?

Marcel: You tell him you searched high and low but you couldn't find the dagger.

Josh: God, I'm so dead.

Marcel: Then you tell him you saw I had it on me and if he wants it he'll have to come and get it. Which won't be easy as I'm paranoid and I've beefed up my possie.



[The garage]


(Back in the garage, Josh is talking to Klaus.)


Josh: Right, so, not doubting your mad vampire skills of destruction or anything, but Marcel's on red alert. Surrounded by, like, an army. You're totally boned. Unless...

Klaus: Unless what?

Josh: I overheard him arguing with Diego. Apparently he's clearing out the compound tonight for a date or something. That's where Marcel will be.

Klaus: When I run New Orleans, there will be a permanent daylight ring in it for you, Joshua. For services rendered on to your true king.

Josh: Cool.

Klaus: But if you ever betray me, I will make sure you spend the rest of your eternal life in exquisite agony, wishing for a merciful death.

(Klaus pats Josh on his shoulder and walks away.)

Josh: Adiós, Klaus.



[The Church]



(Father Kieran is sitting in the church, Klaus is sitting near behind him.)


Kieran: What do you want?

Klaus: It's Poitin. (He hands a hip flask to Father Kieran who takes it.) It'd raise the dead, kill them and raise 'em again.

(Kieran drinks.)

Klaus: I'd like to talk to you about your niece, Camille. I'm sure you suspect this already, by the gaps in her memory - I compel her. At first it was because she was a useful spy, but now for her own protection.

Kieran: I assumed a vampire was messing with her mind. Though I never anticipated a confession.

Klaus: She won't leave things be. Her mind churns with the permutations of what happened in this church when her twin went on his slaughter spree. Now, if she finds out what really happened, that the vampires and witch hexes were involved, she will dig and dig and dig until she digs too deep and gets herself killed. New Orleans will be the death of her. She needs to leave. And as ironic as it may seem, I believe it should be her choice.

Kieran: Yes. It is ironic discussing free will with a mind-controlling vampire.

Klaus: She's a clever girl. She gave me a piece of her mind earlier today. I would have kill others for less. I care about her survival. I smell war in the air. And with every war, there is the innocent victim who could have been spared if they had just walked away. Please, convince her to walk away from New Orleans. (Kieran nods slightly.) Or I'll be forced to compel her to go.






(The same scene as before: Celeste is sitting in a bathtub, Elijah enters the room. Celeste throws the sponge to Elijah who catches it. Celeste giggles.)


Celeste: Assistance, please, good sir.

Elijah: No, I'm much happier taking in such a wonderous view. It's perfection.

Celeste: Your brother is again up to no good. He's challenging the gentry to duels as though they have any chance of a fair fight.

Elijah: I do grow weary of sacrificing my joy to temper my brother's mischief. Surely, you can cast a spell to put him in his place.

Celeste: It would take a hundred witches to put him in his place. Besides, he only ever listens to you.

Elijah: Yes. He certainly needs a little discipline. Spanking of some kind is in order. I think I shall need some rehearsal. Come.

(They kiss.)





Elijah: (He shivers and groans in pain.) Hayley, please. This fever. My mind is flooded with these torturous memories. You have to leave.

Hayley: What is your deal? You don't like people taking care of you?

Elijah: There are consequences for those that care. I will not have you pay that price.

Hayley: So you're having weird retro sex dreams? Get over it, I'm staying.

Elijah: What about our visitor? What does she want?

Hayley: I'm guessing she's the one that left the mystery Bible on the doorstep last night. Would be nice if she'd stick around long enough to tell me why.

Elijah: Hayley, you came here to gather an information about your family, not to play nursemaid to a vampire with a temperature. Please, find her. Learn what you can.

Hayley: No, I'm staying.



[Marcel’s home]



(Klaus enters Marcel's Yard.)


Marcel: Klaus.

Klaus: You've been avoiding my calls.

Marcel: Little pissed off lately. (Marcel shows the dagger.) Sorry, but I can't do that.

Klaus: Apologies for my behavior can come later. You have something of mine. I want it back.

(He streches out a hand with the dagger in it towards Klaus. Rebekah appears and takes the dagger.)

Klaus: What is this?

Rebekah: Apologies for your behavior? You don't apologize, Nik. You just act. I've had enough. We have had enough.

Klaus: Look at you. Finally in possesion of the one thing that can take you down. How does it feel?

Rebekah: Great.


(Marcel whistles. Some vampires appear.)

Klaus: So this is it? The evil bastard Klaus has gone too far. Must be punished. And by his own sibling, nonetheless. How positively biblical. And you, Marcel, is this (he points at the vampires) your idea of a hit? I taught you better than this poultry excuse for a takedown. Do you think you can subdue me - with this!?

Marcel: No. But I think I can with this.

(Marcel whistles again. More vampires appear.)



[Bayou’s hut]



(Elijah is breathing loudly. Hayley sits on the bed with her hand on his forehead.)


Elijah: Celeste. Forgive me. I'm sorry.





(Klaus and another man are standing back to back, revolvers in their hands. They start to walk away from each other. Klaus counts down in French.)

Klaus: Huit, sept, six, cinq, quatre, trois, deux.

(They turn around and shoot. Klaus remains unharmed, while the man falls down with a headshot.)

Klaus: Is that it? Is this the best New Orleans has to offer?

(Another man drags the corpse to a pile of other dead persons. Elijah appears.)

Elijah: Brother! Please, this is high folly. Is it not enough, you have slaughtered dozens in just these past several weeks? Word of a city littered with bodies will surely travel the oceans. Do you want to bring our father upon us?

Klaus: Relax, brother. I've sent rumor that the bodies are result of the witches seeking blood sacrifice for their rituals.

Elijah: You did what? Have you forgotten? Celeste is one of those that you recklessly point your finger at?

Klaus: Who's Celeste? (Elijah gives Klaus a meaningful look.) Oh, yes! The witch you've been knocking around with. Well, fear not. Harlots are like rats in the quarter. You trip over one every step you take. (Elijah takes a revolver and shoots at Klaus, who groans with pain.)

Klaus: You care about her. Well, that is unfortunate. I hear they're rounding up the towns witches as we speak.





(Elijah startles up scared. He screams loudly, Hayley seems worried.)

Hayley: Elijah?

(Elijah hallucinates. He doesn't realize he's harming Hayley.)

Elijah: Niklaus! I'll kill you, you bastard.

Hayley (scared): Elijah?

(Elijah jumps up and put his hand around Hayleys neck. Hayley starts fighting for air. Suddenly someone stabs Elijah in the back. It's the werewolf Eve.)

Hayley (gaspingly): Hello to you too.



[Marcel’s Home]


(Klaus stands in the middle of Marcel's vampires.)


Klaus: Let's end this charade, shall we? Vampires of New Orleans! Do recall that I am an Original. A hybrid. I cannot be killed. Eternity is an awfully long time. How long, do you think, Marcel will stay in power? What if one of you lot were to release me, knowing I will be eternally in your debt? Oh, I would pity those of you who dared to cross me. I can assure you, your ends would be spectacular. To borrow a trick from an old friend. (He streches out a hand with a coin in it.) Whoever picks up... this coin... gets to live. (He drops the coin.) Now which of you magnificent bastards wants to join me?


Marcel: Anyone wants that coin, pledge allegiance to Klaus. Take it now. Go ahead. The choice is yours.


(No one moves, except Klaus who is slightly astonished that no one picks up the coin. Marcel looks at him, proud of the loyalty his minions show.)


Marcel: Take him.


(Some vampires try to take down Klaus, but he kills them easily. Klaus streches out both hands. Some vampires try to chain him, but he is still stronger than all his attackers. They finally manage to take him down - but not for long. When he rises his head again, his golden hybrid eyes can be seen. He is growling deeply. Rebekah is paralysed by disbelief. Klaus rises again and continues killing vampires.)


Klaus: Marcel! Come and finish this!

(Marcel is up to run to Klaus, but Rebekah holds him back.)

Rebekah: No! Take the coin!

Marcel: What?

Rebekah: He won't stop until everyone is dead. And he will kill you too. End this. Pick up the coin!


Marcel: Enough!

(Suddenly the room falls absolutely silent. Marcel takes the coin.)

Klaus: Well, well, well. The great Marcel, self-proclaimed king of New Orleans, bowing before me.

(Marcel throws away the coin in Klaus' direction.)

Marcel: There. I hereby pledge my allegiance to you. You have the keys to my kingdom. It's yours. (Klaus smiles.)



[The cemetery]


(Camille is cleaning the gravestone of her twin Sean.)


Kieran: I was on my way home. Saw you dock in here. I knew exactly where you'd be.

Cami: It's getting old. It's the second time this week.

Kieran: Third. I cleaned it off the day before yesterday.

Cami: It's pointless. I just do it again.

Kieran: Folks need time to heal. Sean killed innocent people. No one's getting over that any time soon.

Cami: I think... I think I'm loosing it like he did. I found this in my pocket. (She shows Kieran the paper with the signs on it.) The lines - it's a secret code Sean and I used to use when we were kids. I have no memory of drawing it. Something's not right, I just can't figure it out.

Kieran: Come here. (Kieran hugs his niece.) Maybe... you should leave town for a while. Give your head some space. I know your dean. You could put your thesis on hold.

Cami: I can't. This means something. I just don't know what.

(Cami is looking at Father Kieran with tears in her eyes.)

Kieran: Not everything has meaning. Sometimes you just have to let go. You should leave New Orleans. This town isn't for everybody. Please.



[The Bayou]



(Hayley and Eve are talking outside, near a bonfire.)


Eve: I'm sure you got questions.

Hayley: Only a thousands of them. Like who are you, why are you following me, where the hell is everyone and if the people in this book really are my family, what happend to them?

Eve: I'm Eve. I'm following you because you brought an Original to a werewolf country which is pretty much the same reason why everybody else skedaddled. If you wanna know what happened to the people in that family tree, I summon it up nice and quick: Marcel happened.

Hayley: What did he do?

Eve: He killed most of them. Later, the descendants of the ones who dodged death, he strong-armed a witch into putting a curse on them.

Hayley: What kind of curse?

Eve: Swap nature around, inside out. Made it so their natural stay as wolves. They only turn back human on the full moon. We're hunted by the marks we carry. That crescent moon birthmark - that's why I got rid of mine. I didn't wanna get found up.


(Elijah appears.)

Elijah: Good evening. Think I might have something which belongs to you.

(He shows the stake Eve used to dagger him.)

Hayley: Elijah, I've got this. Are you okay?

Elijah: The wound is healed, the fever is broken but for some strange reason I have this sharp and lingering sensation in my back.

Hayley (to Eve): I have to get him home. But I'll be back, okay? I need to know more.

Eve: Keep that mark covered up.

(Eve leaves.)

Elijah: What happened?

Hayley: I just met part of my family.



[Marcel’s Home]


(The dead vampires are coverd with shrouds. Diego and some other vampires pour some alcohol on the corpses. Marcel is standing on the balcony. Klaus comes to join him.)


Klaus: Looking at what you've wrought?

Marcel: Look, if you're gonna kill me let's get this over with.

Klaus: Why would I kill you? You picked up the coin. There are rules of engagement in battle, Marcel. Without them, you'd have anarchy. I would, however, like to talk about accommodations. Your living quarters, for example. I believe they used to be mine.

Marcel: You own this, fine. It's yours. You can put me back on the street for all I care. But let's make one thing clear. - You will never have this: loyalty. You can't buy it, you can't own it, you can't force it. It comes only out of love and respect for the people who believe in you. You taught me many things, Niklaus Mikaelson, but this I learned myself. And it is something that you will never know. Enjoy your kingdom.

(Klaus watches Diego dropping a lighter and the corpses are cathing fire.)



[The Day – A car]


(Elijah and Hayley are sitting in a car.)


Hayley: So thanks for the ride.

Elijah (smiling): Quite the awkward little adventure, wouldn't you say? I'm sorry I tried to hurt you, I would never want that.

Hayley: Elijah, tell me what happened to Celeste.

Elijah: That's not important.

Hayley: It is important. Thousand years of memories and that's what breaks through your fever brain? I wanna know. Show me!

(Elijah lays his hand on the back of Hayley's head.)






(Celeste is lying in the bathtub underwater, dead. Elijah lifts her up, lays his forehead on hers. He screams.)






Elijah: It was a cruel and bloody time to be a witch. Courtesy of my wonderful brother.

Hayley: She died because of Klaus?

Elijah: She died because of me. Because I cared too deeply for her. I had allowed my brother to slip through my grasp. I loosened the reigns while Celeste consumed my every moment. I had abandoned him in the name of my own happiness. Celeste payed the price.

Hayley: I don't get it. (She shakes her head.) Why are we here? Why are you trying to put together your family when it's so clear that one part of it is broken?

Elijah: To me, the very definition of the word "broken" suggests that something can be fixed. I have a whole eternity to accomplish one single task: My brother's salvation. If I surrender this, then tell me what value would I be to my family, to myself, to ... to your child?

(Hayley lays her hand upon Elijah's.)

Elijah (shaking his head): Please, Hayley. You've seen what happens.

(Elijah holds her hand. After a moment he leaves the car.)



[The Mikaelson’s Mansion]


(Klaus join his sister in the living room)


Rebekah: Elijah's home, there's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today?

Klaus: I contemplated a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe. You betrayed me. My own sister!

Elijah: Niklaus, don't you dare!

Klaus: Perhaps it should be you, brother! Stealing my child away with every fawning moment of tenderness you show to Hayley!

Elijah: This has nothing to do with Hayley.

Klaus (pointing with the dagger at Elijah): It has everything to do with her! She's adored you since she arrived. And now my child, my blood will grow up to call you father!

Rebekah: Is that what it is? You are once again worried that you will be left behind. Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away!

Klaus: Is that so? What have I done lately, other than cooperate? I bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you. For the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. Looked the other way, sister. While you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! That he took! Now, I make no excuses for past sins. But in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me - to believe in me - to believe my intentions for my own child were pure. You chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies. I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So I'm going to live there. And the two of you... you can stay here together... and rot.

(He hands the dagger to Elijah, who takes it. Klaus leaves the house.)



[Outside the Mansion]


(Hayley is sitting in the porch, Klaus pass before her.)


Klaus: You're coming with me, little wolf.

Hayley: Why would I go anywhere with you?

Klaus: Because, Hayley, that child you carry is the only thing on this earth that matters to me. Now you can fight me on this, but you will lose. (He opens the car door.) As will anyone else who tries to stop you getting in this car.

(Hayley stands up and gets in the car.)



[The church]


Cami: I figured it out. The note. I was thinking about it. My lost time, my foggy brain. I thought I must be going crazy, like Sean. But then I thought: "What if somewhere in my subconscious, I was trying to send myself a message?" (She shows the paper to Father Kieran) I was.

(The letters on the note say: KLAUS M PICAYUNE 1919)

Cami: I found this in the Picayune newspaper archives from 1919. (She hands another sheet of paper to Kieran.) Look at this photo. (On the picture, Marcel, Klaus and a few other persons can be seen.)

(Cami and Father Kieran exchange confused glances.)

Cami: Those men, I know them. I know both of them.



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langedu74, 06.05.2024 à 21:15

Hello ! Une nouvelle session du ciné-émojis vient d'être lancée, rendez-vous sur HypnoClap pour deviner le film

Sonmi451, 07.05.2024 à 13:33

Nouveau design' dans Gilmore Girls, hésitez pas à donner votre avis!

CastleBeck, 08.05.2024 à 23:08

Quatre quartiers sont en attente de clics dans les préférences. Merci pour eux.

sanct08, Hier à 19:42

Bonsoir ! Sondages, Calendriers et forums n'attendent que vous !

sanct08, Hier à 19:43

Venez nombreuses et nombreux chez Star Trek - The X-Files et Le Camélon :=)

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