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The Originals
#111 : Après Moi, Le Déluge


Diffusion US : 21 janvier 2014 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 23 janvier 2015 sur NT1

Lorsque Davina tombe violemment malade et que les répercussions commencent rapidement à affecter tout le quartier français, Marcel, Klaus, Elijah et Rebekah se précipitent afin de découvrir ce qu'il se passe. Sophie entre en contact avec les autres avec des informations étonnantes concernant le festival de la Moisson et elle présente un plan drastique pour sauver Davina. Ailleurs, Hayley est tourmentée par la culpabilité tandis qu'elle dit tout à Elijah concernant son rôle dans le plan de Sophie. Enfin, une séquence d'évènements imprévus envoie des ondes de choc à travers le vieux carré. 


4.71 - 7 votes

Titre VO
Après moi, le déluge

Titre VF
Après Moi, Le Déluge

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Promo #1

Promo #1


Promo #2

Promo #2


Sneak Peek 1

Sneak Peek 1


Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci

Producer's Preview avec Julie Plec et Michael Narducci


Photos promo

Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus et le Père Kieran devant une tombe

Hayley, Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus et le Père Kieran devant une tombe

Klaus, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec Kieran dans la rue

Klaus, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec Kieran dans la rue

Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) et Klaus (Joseph Morgan) en compagnie du Père Kieran (Todd Stashwick) dans l'église

Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) et Klaus (Joseph Morgan) en compagnie du Père Kieran (Todd Stashwick) dans l'église

Hayley et Klaus dans l'église

Hayley et Klaus dans l'église

Hayley Marshall, joué par Phoebe Tonkin, parlant avec Klaus Mikaelson

Hayley Marshall, joué par Phoebe Tonkin, parlant avec Klaus Mikaelson

Le père Kieran (Todd Stashwick) dans les rues de la Nouvelle Orléans, au téléphone

Le père Kieran (Todd Stashwick) dans les rues de la Nouvelle Orléans, au téléphone

Le père Kieran, joué par Todd Stashwick, tenant une croix dans sa main

Le père Kieran, joué par Todd Stashwick, tenant une croix dans sa main

Rebekah et Klaus Mikaelson, au cimetière sous la pluie

Rebekah et Klaus Mikaelson, au cimetière sous la pluie

Sabine (Shannon Kane)

Sabine (Shannon Kane)

Sabine, Klaus, Elijah et Hayley au cimetière

Sabine, Klaus, Elijah et Hayley au cimetière

Sabine, joué par Shannon Kane, en compagnie des 2 frères Mikaelson, Klaus et Elijah

Sabine, joué par Shannon Kane, en compagnie des 2 frères Mikaelson, Klaus et Elijah

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec la père Kieran

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec la père Kieran

Klaus et le père Kieran dans la rue

Klaus et le père Kieran dans la rue


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 23.01.2015 à 21:40
0.28m / 1.2% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 21.01.2014 à 20:00
2.51m / 1.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Marguerite MacIntyre & Diane Ademu-John
Réalisé par : Leslie Libman

Invités : 

  • Shannon Kane ... Sabine
  • Callard Harris ... Thierry
  • Todd Stashwick ... Kieran
  • Owiso Odera ... Papa Tunde
  • Elyse Levesque ... Genevieve
  • Shannon Eubanks ... Bastianna
  • Yasmine Al-Bustami ... Monique
  • Jesse C. Boyd ... Cary

Résumé long Episode 11

Klaus, Elijah et Hayley sont dans le salon, ils s’interrogent sur les dessins de Davina qui forment le visage de Céleste. Elijah se demande en quoi la sorcière est une menace alors qu’elle est morte il y a deux cent ans. Au même moment, Marcel arrive dans la chambre de Davina, il vient lui servir son petit déjeuner, mais elle le fait voler de colère par magie, et refuse de l’écouter. Elle lui reproche de rester proche de Klaus alors qu’il a tué son petit ami Tim. Dans le salon, Klaus, Elijah et Davina entendent la dispute, Klaus est excédé par tout ce qui ce rapporte aux sorcières, et quitte le salon. Il rejoint la chambre de Davina pour comprendre ce qu’il se passe, et observe impuissant, avec Marcel, Davina prise de nausées. La jeune fille se met à vomir de la terre sur son lit. Un tremblement de terre se fait alors sentir dans tout le quartier français.

Davina se réveille dans sa chambre en désordre. Elle est pâle, Rebekah est à ses côtés et lui demande ce qu’il se passe. La sorcière est dépassée par ce qu’il lui arrive. Au salon, Marcel estime que si Davina ne contrôle plus ses pouvoirs, c’est car Davina reste bouleversée par la mort de Tim. Il est inquiet pour elle, tandis que Klaus est contrarié de perdre son arme contre les sorcières. Elijah décide d’aller interroger Sophie sur les évènements.

Alors qu’il s’apprête à quitter le manoir, il est rejoint par Hayley. Elle vient lui avouer qu’elle a fouillé dans ses journaux et indiqué à Sophie où trouver le corps de Céleste, pour qu’elle puisse consacrer ses ossements. Elijah est en colère, selon lui elle a brisé sa promesse faite envers la sorcière qui ne souhaitait pas que son clan puisent dans sa magie, elle voulait reposer en paix. Il lui reproche de ne pas lui avoir demandé son autorisation et s’en va.

Sabine et Sophie se retrouvent dans le mausolée du cimetière, Sophie explique son plan. Elle va devenir une ancienne en puisant dans la magie de Céleste, et finir la moisson en sacrifiant Davina. Sabine reste sceptique, mais Sophie est déterminée à aller au bout pour garantir l’accès à la magie aux sorcières, et surtout ressusciter les jeunes filles. Elijah apparaît et lui demande de la suivre.

Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah sont réunis avec Sophie au salon du manoir. Elle leur assure ne rien savoir du présage sur Céleste, alors qu’un nouveau tremblement de terre survient. Elle comprend que Davina est responsable et qu’elle n’a plus de temps à perdre pour finir la moisson. Elle explique aux Mikaelson que Davina a trop de pouvoirs et ne peut les contenir, elle va en mourir en emportant la ville avec elle.

Sophie continue son explication à Elijah et Marcel au manoir, tandis que Klaus fait son rapport à Kieran dans les rues de la Nola. Rebekah, elle rejoint Davina dans sa chambre et tente de lui faire comprendre la situation. Davina va mourir à petit feu, sa magie va exprimer au fur et à mesure les quatre éléments de la nature, la terre, le vent, l’eau et enfin le feu, ce qui va détruire la villa complètement. Davina apprend que la seule solution pour éviter ça, c’est qu’elle soit sacrifiée. Elle panique complètement, elle ne croit pas en sa résurrection. Le vent commence à souffler violemment, les volets claquent, Klaus et Kieran ressentent les rafales. Rebekah tente de calmer la sorcière en lui administrant un sédatif.

Plus tard, Marcel entre dans la chambre de Davina, et observe la jeune fille sédatée, il entend Klaus et Elijah parler du sacrifice dans la cour, il les rejoint d’un bond et commence à s’en prendre à Klaus. Il refuse qu’elle meure. Elijah essaie de faire entendre raison à Marcel, mais il ne fait pas confiance à Sophie ni à la moisson. Klaus n’est pas heureux que les sorcières retrouvent leurs pouvoirs, mais il refuse de voir à nouveau brûler la ville, et se montre intransigeant envers Marcel. Elijah trouve qu’il a été trop dur, mais alors qu’il part rejoindre Sophie au cimetière, Hayley tente de lui parler, il refuse. Klaus ironise.

Sophie met le bar en ordre quand Rebekah arrive. Elle vient lui proposer une alliance entre femmes, quand la sorcière aura retrouvé ses pouvoirs, pour contrer Marcel et Klaus. Sophie est perplexe, mais elle se laisse séduire par la proposition, sans toutefois donner de réponse.

Marcel, dans la chambre de Davina, se remémore le soir de la moisson, les jeunes filles égorgées sous ses yeux, Davina en pleurs se débattant. Il décide d’enlever la perfusion de Davina, les vampires qui gardent la chambre tentent d’intervenir mais il se débarrasse d’eux. Il prend Davina endormie dans ses bras et part avec elle.

Au cimetière, alors que Sophie prépare le rituel de consécration, Elijah est ému, des souvenirs de Céleste surgissent. Il évoque auprès de Sabine la douleur qu’il a ressenti quand il a perdu la jeune femme, Sabine assure qu’elle le comprend d’expérience. Ils se regardent longuement, Elijah reçoit alors un appel de sa sœur qui lui apprend que Marcel est parti avec Davina, elle est dans sa chambre avec un Klaus excédé. Les Mikaelson décident de se séparer pour retrouver le vampire et la sorcière.

Hayley est dans la cour du manoir, elle prépare des provisions pour les sans-abris de la ville. Elle est en larmes. Klaus la rejoint, il saisit son émotion. Il prend les provisions et lui demande de la suivre.

C’est la nuit, Sophie procède à la consécration des ossements dans le cimetière, tandis que Sabine tente de faire un sort de localisation sur Davina dans le mausolée, sous l’œil d’Elijah, mais elle échoue car la magie de Davina est désormais partout. Elijah la rassure et lui demande de réessayer, tandis qu’un orage se fait entendre.

Marcel a installé Davina dans un garage des docks. Elle se réveille et commence à attaquer Marcel, mais il lui assure qu’il veut la protéger, et lui apprend que c’est grâce à lui qu’elle a survécu à son empoisonnement. Il s’excuse de l’avoir utiliser comme une arme contre les sorcières, ce qui compte pour lui c’est sa vie. Davina lui confie qu’elle a peur, Marcel la prend dans ses bras.

A l’église, Kieran distribue des vivres, Klaus et Hayley arrivent. Kieran leurs assurent que Marcel et Davina ne sont pas au grenier. La jeune femme s’interroge sur la présence de loups qu’elle ne connaît pas, Klaus lui révèle qu’ils sont de sa lignée et qu’il a demandé à Kieran de les aider. Hayley semble perdue, Klaus lui conseille de demander pardon à Elijah.

Sabine localise Davina près de la rivière. Sophie entre dans le mausolée et leurs apprend que son sort a échoué, les ossements de Céleste ont déjà été consacrés et sa magie a été puisée. Sabine et Sophie sont abattues, mais Elijah a une autre option à leurs proposer, sa mère.

Elijah a rassemblé Klaus et Rebekah au manoir pour leurs faire part de sa solution. Ils n’ont toujours pas enterré leur mère et gardent le caveau avec eux. Elijah propose de l’enterrer sur la plantation, dont il s’est arrangé pour qu’elle appartienne à Hayley et l’enfant qu’elle porte. De cette façon Esther deviendra une sorcière de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Ils doivent participer au rituel pour transmettre sa magie à Sophie. Rebekah émet des doutes sur le fait que les sorcières vont récupérer toute la puissance d’Esther. Elijah veut que la décision soit prise à l’unanimité des trois, Rebekah s’y résout alors que la tempête redouble d’intensité.

Rebekah rejoint Thierry au jardin, elle veut savoir où peut se trouver Marcel. Elle lui promet qu’elle ne l’abandonne pas et qu’elle le libèrera. Il finit par parler et lui indique les docks.

Marcel veille sur Davina, de plus en plus affaiblie. Rebekah arrive, Marcel est en colère. Davina commence à recracher de l’eau, Bekah dit à Marcel que la sorcière est en train de mourir, et que c‘est normal qu’il veuille la sauver, mais que son obstination à la protéger ainsi ne va faire que la tuer.

Les Mikaelson et Hayley se sont réunis à la plantation pour l’enterrement, sous une pluie abondante. Kieran officie. Chacun des quatre se coupe la paume de main et verse son sang sur le cercueil. Kieran leurs assure que c’est fait.

Sabine et Sophie préparent le poignard pour le sacrifice au mausolée, elles ont regroupé les trois corps des jeunes filles sacrifiées.

Dans le local des docks, Davina rassure Marcel qui a le sentiment d’avoir échouer. Elle réalise qu’elle va de toute façon mourir, et ne veut pas entraîner la ville avec elle. Elle le remercie de s’être si ardemment battu pour sa vie dès leur première rencontre. Marcel est ému.

Elijah, Hayley, Klaus et Bekah sont réunis autour de Sophie sous une pluie battante. Sophie observe des flammes au fond du cimetière, Marcel fait son apparition avec Davina dans les bras. Il la dépose face à Sophie. Cette dernière lui demande si elle croit en la moisson, la jeune fille acquiesce. Sophie l’égorge, Marcel retient Davina. La pluie cesse, la magie de Davina retourne dans la terre. Marcel a déposé le corps de Davina auprès des trois autres jeunes filles sacrifiées. Sophie commence l’incantation pour ramener les jeunes filles à la vie. Rien ne se passe. Elle réessaie plusieurs fois, et finit par s’effondrer en pleurs sur le corps de Monique. Marcel fixe intensément Klaus, et disparaît en super vitesse.

Klaus retrouve Marcel dans la cour du manoir, alors que le vampire, fou de colère, s’en prend au mobilier. Il estime que le retour en ville de Klaus est la cause de tout ça, car avant ça Davina parvenait à se contrôler. Klaus tente de relativiser, mais Marcel est dévasté par la mort de la sorcière. Klaus finit par le prendre dans ses bras, et lui avoue qu’il comprend ce que ressent le vampire, lui-même a eu beaucoup de mal à se remettre quand il a pensé Marcel mort. Marcel est en larmes.

Hayley et Elijah se retrouvent dans la rue. Hayley estime qu’avec les évènements de la journée, Elijah pourrait relativiser et lui pardonner, mais Elijah a du mal, pour lui Céleste est toujours vivace dans son esprit. Hayley répond que contrairement à lui, elle préfère vivre dans le présent. Elle s’excuse et s’apprête à partir, mais il la retient pour l’embrasser. Il finit par détourner son visage au dernier moment, Hayley s’en va vexée, sans rien dire.

Rebekah et Klaus discutent dans la cour. Klaus félicite sa sœur d’avoir retrouvé Marcel, elle ne lui dit pas comment elle s’y est prise. Rebekah pense que si aucune des quatre filles n’est revenue à la vie, le pouvoir ne s‘est toutefois pas perdu.

Au cimetière, Sabine fait un sort avec une poupée vaudou, elle récupère le pouvoir de la moisson. Bastianna, qui était morte, parcourt les allées. Un homme et une autre femme reviennent également à la vie. Les trois personnes se retrouvent dans la rue et sont rejoints par Sabine, qui leurs explique qu’elle les a ramenés, et qu’elle s’appelle en réalité Céleste.

ELIJAH (voiceover): The Italians call them strega. The Yoruba of West Africa call them aje, meaning mother. Where my mother was from, they called them hexa, and here we call them witch. Over the centuries, vampires have fought them and fought beside them, bedded them and burned them. Whether adversary or ally, they have been a force to be reckoned with. Their ancestral magic anchors this city. There's never been one all-powerful witch until Davina.


[The Abbatoir – Living room]

(Klaus, Elijah and Hayley watch the Davina’s drawings of Celeste)

KLAUS: Who is now tucked in safe and sound down the hall under my protection. Your Celeste was quite beautiful and a portent of evil according to our volatile artist in residence.

ELIJAH: Yes. Perhaps Davina's mistaken what she calls evil for power. Celeste was certainly very powerful in her day, but she's been dead for over 200 years. I don't understand. Why all these sketches now?

KLAUS: Why does any witch do anything?



[Marcel enters with a tray]

DAVINA: Go away! (Makes Marcel fly against the wall.)

MARCEL: Come on. You got to be starving. You haven't eaten since—

DAVINA: Since your best friend killed my best friend?

MARCEL: Davina, I'm sorry about what happened to this kid Tim. DAVINA: I'm sorry you don't hate Klaus for what he did or want to make him pay.

MARCEL: He'll pay for what he did one way or the other, but right now, I just want to make peace with you.

DAVINA: Why? So we can be one big happy frankenstein family?




KLAUS: Well, that's going well.

ELIJAH: If you were trying to win the girl's trust, perhaps poisoning her one true love was not the most splendid idea.

KLAUS: Oh. Are there any more inopportune deaths you'd like to wave in my face? ELIJAH: Give me a month. I'll get you list.

KLAUS: Young, old, dead, or alive, witches are a pain in the ass.

(Klaus leaves the room)




(Davina starts vomiting dirt)

MARCEL: Davina, Davina!

(Klaus enters)

KLAUS: What's with all the racket? Bloody hell.




(Hayley and Elijah are alone)

HAYLEY: Elijah? There's something you need to know.

(The house begins to shake, like there's an earthquake. Hayley and Elijah go to the balcony and see Rebekah in the courtyard)


[Davina’s room]


(Rebekah enters)

REBEKAH: What the hell is going on?

KLAUS: Davina.






(Davina is in her bed, Rebekah comes)

REBEKAH: Hey. What kind of game do you think you're playing? I said disrupt the household, not destroy the whole city.

DAVINA: I didn't do it. Not on purpose. I--I don't know what's wrong with me.




(Marcel, Klaus and Elijah are reunites)

KLAUS: This is madness. How can a 16-year-old girl shake the entire French quarter?

MARCEL: I've seen her rock the church, but I've never seen anything like this.

KLAUS: How did you control her when she was in the attic?

MARCEL: I didn't have to, but then I never killed her boyfriend.

KLAUS: Yes, yes. We've been over this part already. The point is in her present state she's useless as a tool against the witches.

MARCEL: She's not a tool.

KLAUS: Something's wrong with her.

ELIJAH: She has too much power that she cannot control. That much we already knew. But why is it manifesting itself in such an aggressive manner?

KLAUS: Where are you going?

ELIJAH: This is witch business. Let's ask a witch.

(Elijah leaves)


[The courtyard]


(Elijah meets Hayley in the alley)

HAYLEY: You're going to see Sophie.

ELIJAH: You don't have to eavesdrop. I keep nothing from you.

HAYLEY: Yeah. Well, I don't want to keep anything from you either, and if you're going out to see Sophie, then there's something that you should know. She called me and asked me for a favor. She promised me that she would help break the curse that Marcel put on my people in exchange for some information. And I didn't think anything of it, but then Davina started doing those pictures of Celeste…

ELIJAH: Whatever this is, you have to tell me.

HAYLEY: Sophie wanted to find Celeste's remains, so I went through your journals, and I found out where you buried her, and then I told her. I know it was stupid and it was snoopy, And I--I should have just asked you. Please say something. Please.

ELIJAH: She wanted to be left in peace. When a witch's remains are consecrated, that power fuels the rest of their community. Celeste did not want her remains to be found. She made me promise to bury her where she would not be found. You not only violated my privacy, You have broken my promise to her.

HAYLEY: I thought they were just bones, Elijah.

ELIJAH: If you truly believed that, why didn't you ask me where to find her?

(He leaves)




(Sabine is doing a spell, Sophie enters with a bag)

SOPHIE: If that's dinner, I pass.

SABINE: Sophie, where have you been?

SOPHIE: Short answer-- grave robbing. Stop whatever you're doing. We need to find Davina. I figured out a way to complete the harvest.

SABINE: What? How?

SOPHIE: We need an elder to do it, right? I figured out a way how to become one.

SABINE: Soph, you can't just become an elder. That power has to be bestowed upon you by the other elders, all of whom are dead. Following my logic?

SOPHIE: How about follow your history? I did research. In 1742, there was a witch massacre that wiped out all the elders, so they decided whoever consecrated the most powerful dead witch in the community became an elder. It worked for them.

SABINE: Teeny flaw. What powerful witch is even left for you to bury?

(She opens the bag)

SOPHIE: Meet Celeste Marie-Hélène Dubois, Elijah Mikaelson's old lover. She was drowned in 1821 for being a witch. He buried her, never told anyone where.

SABINE: So how the hell did you find her?

SOPHIE: I bribed Hayley to read his journals, and then I dug her ass up so I could consecrate her bones and absorb her power.

SABINE: That's not disrespectful.

SOPHIE: Yeah? Well, we only have a couple more weeks to complete the harvest.

SABINE: Soph, I'm aware of our deadline, but—

SOPHIE: And if we fail, the witches are done for in this town. Our power will fade for good. Those girls sacrificed will never resurrect. My niece will never come back. If digging up some creepy old bones means I get Monique back, I don't care about anything else.

(Elijah shows up)

ELIJAH: I happen to care. You're coming with me.


[THE ABATTOIR – Living room]


(Sophie, Elijah, Klaus and Hayley are talking)

ELIJAH: So you have stolen the remains of the very person that Davina's been drawing for months. Would you care to explain this startling coincidence?

SOPHIE: I can't. I didn't even know who Celeste Dubois was until I—


(The house shakes, like the apparent earthquake before)

SOPHIE: Was that Davina?

KLAUS: Charming little habit she's developed.

SOPHIE: And the earthquake I felt today?

REBEKAH: Also Davina, and she's taken to vomiting dirt.

SOPHIE: Oh. We have a huge problem. I thought that we had more time, but we need to complete the harvest now.

KLAUS: Said the desperate witch conveniently.

SOPHIE: I'm serious. That earthquake you just felt a preview of the disaster movie that is about to hit us.

ELIJAH: Why should we believe you?

SOPHIE: You've met Davina, you know her story. For months now, she's been holding all the power of the three girls sacrificed in the harvest ritual. A force that was meant to flow through her and back into the earth. One person was never meant to hold that much power. It's tearing her apart, and it will take us down with it.




(Father Kieran and Klaus talk in street)

KLAUS: We need to prepare. According to Sophie Deveraux, as Davina self-destructs, she'll cycle through four stages that represent the four elements that bound together the harvest.

KIERAN: The earthquake?

KLAUS: Yes. Earth stage comes first.




(Rebekah to Davina, Klaus to Kieran, and Sophie to Elijah and Hayley explain the consequences of Davina’s magic)


REBEKAH (to Davina): Then comes wind, and since each stage is more intense than the last, let's just say you'll blow the roof off this place.


(In the street)

KLAUS: Then after the wind is water.

KIERAN: Rain, flood. How bad? KLAUS: Quite bad actually, but that's not the worst of it.


(Living room)

SOPHIE: The last stage is fire, and since it's the last


(The street)

KLAUS: It will be by far the worst. But I didn't take over this town to watch it burn to the ground. KIERAN: You can stop this, right?

KLAUS: Yes, but you're not gonna like how.


(Davina’s room)

REBEKAH: They want to complete the harvest.

DAVINA: - No! - The witches say you'll be resurrected. They're liars! They'll say anything to get what they want Just like Marcel, just like you.

REBEKAH: Davina, you may think that I don't care about you, but you're wrong. I know what it's like to have your life stripped away from you because of other people's bad decisions. How do you think I became a vampire?


(Living room)

ELIJAH: You've convinced my siblings. You have yet to convince us.

SOPHIE: We don't have time to waste. The first sign's already come and gone.

MARCEL: So fix her.

SOPHIE: She can't be fixed.


(Davina’s room - Rebekah has a syringe)

DAVINA: What, what is that?

REBEKAH: The more upset you become, the faster you deteriorate. I compelled up some sedative. DAVINA: No, no, no!

REBEKAH: We keep you calm, we keep you alive Davina.

DAVINA: - Stop! –


(Living room)

SOPHIE: She can't be saved. This will not stop at the earth sign, and if you wait it out, you immortals will be the only ones left to argue about it.


(Davina’s room)

DAVINA: No! Please! No! Please! Nooo!


(High winds blow through the Quarter. Rebekah finally injects the sedative and Davina goes unconscious. The wind stops)


(Living room)

SOPHIE: Convinced now?




(Marcel watch Davina sleeping in her room, he hears a conversation between Klaus and Elijah in the courtyard)

ELIJAH: We sedated her too heavily.

KLAUS: Well, if this is her sedated, I'd hate to see her otherwise. We all agreed that Davina must be sacrificed. There's no need to let her blow the roof off our heads in the meantime.


(Marcel joins them jumping for the balcony)

MARCEL: No way! You're not touching her! KLAUS: Ok. I'll let you have that one.

ELIJAH: Marcel, no one wishes to see Davina come to harm less than I, but there is no scenario here in which we simply wait this out. She's going to die.

MARCEL: According to Sophie, the witch who screwed over everybody here.

ELIJAH: The harvest was working before it was stopped. If a nonbeliever like Sophie Deveraux can come to have faith that these girls will be resurrected, then I, also, am a believer.

MARCEL: I saved Davina from the harvest, and now you want me to just hand her over?

KLAUS: Do you think that I'm happy about this? If the witches complete the harvest, not only do they regain their power, we lose our weapon against them. The earthquake I was willing to chalk up to hideous coincidence, but these winds? If Davina is not sacrificed, then every inch of earth that shook, everything blowing about now will soon be drenched in water and consumed by fire.

MARCEL: Oh! Now you care about the city.

ELIJAH: We ought to. We built it.

KLAUS: And we all saw it burnt to the ground twice. I will not let that happen again. Do I make myself clear?

MARCEL: Yeah. Yeah.

(Marcel leaves)


ELIJAH: Not a people person, are you, Niklaus?

KLAUS: Nonsense. I love people. Just on my way to warn a couple of prominent ones in case the weather gets out of hand. If you fancy yourself as plus diplomatique, perhaps you'd like to come along.

ELIJAH: No. Soon Sophie Deveraux shall be consecrating Celeste's remains, and though her actions are reprehensible, still I should pay my respects.


(Elijah is living with Klaus behind but Hayley shows up)

HAYLEY (to Elijah): Hey. Do you have a minute?

ELIJAH: Just on my way out.

KLAUS: Which one of us is the people person again?




(Sophie puts in order the bar, Rebekah enters)

REBEKAH: Fat lot of good that will do.

SOPHIE: I don't really have time to socialize.

REBEKAH: Good. Neither do I. When you're done burying your witchy bits on sacred ground, are you prepared to perform the harvest? You do realize you have to slit a girl's throat, a very sweet girl as it turns out.

SOPHIE: If it means I get my niece Monique back, I can handle anything. [--] Why are you really here? REBEKAH: When all this is done, after Davina is resurrected and the witches get their power back, You'll have a decision to make.

SOPHIE: Enlighten me.

REBEKAH: A witch at her full power can trade body blows with a vampire punch for punch. Believe me, I know.

SOPHIE: So do I. Be nice to have a fair fight for a change.

REBEKAH: Well, fair only gets you so far, luv. Clever gets you further. After this, Marcel will still be here, and so will Klaus, and you know better than anyone that those two don't fight fair. You are going to need an original on your side, and I'm gonna need a witch on mine if we're gonna stop those two from running things.

SOPHIE: Am I missing something? Why would you side with me?

REBEKAH: Sometimes, what's more important is not who you're siding with but who you're siding against.




(Marcel remembers the night of the harvest)

DAVINA: No, no! Let go of me! Stop it!

MARCEL: I got you. I got you right here.


(Present day, Marcel starts to remove the perfusion of Davina.)

VAMPIRE: Hey. Klaus said not to.

MARCEL: I'm done caring what Klaus says.

(Marcel snaps the guards' necks and takes Davina)




(Sophie begins the preparation of the spell for the consecration, Elijah has Celeste’s memories. He gets away, Sabine follows him.)

SABINE: You don't have to be here for this. It's gonna take some time for Sophie to prepare for her consecration.

ELIJAH: I have time. I owe her this.

SABINE: Care to elaborate why?

ELIJAH: Have you ever experienced something so profound and wonderful that when it was taken from you your life felt unbearable?

SABINE: Yes, I have felt that, and I've got the scars to prove it.

ELIJAH: I believe that when you love someone and that person loves you in return you're uniquely vulnerable. They have a power to hurt you that's like nothing else.

(They look at each other saying nothing, Elijah's phone rings and he answers it)

ELIJAH: Rebekah.

REBEKAH: He's taken the girl.

ELIJAH: Who has?


[The cemetery/Davina’s room]


(Rebekah and Klaus are in Davina’s room, Bekah talks to Elijah on the phone)

REBEKAH: Bloody, bloody Marcel!

KLAUS: And you wanted to run off and start a life with this back stabber.

REBEKAH: Says the man who was shacking up with him not two seconds before all this went down. Ok. We need to divide and conquer if we're gonna stand a chance. He could have gone anywhere.

ELIJAH: Well, I'm here with Sabine. Perhaps we could try a locator spell?

KLAUS: I'll talk to the priest. They might even be at the church. It's the last place we'd think to look for them, right?

REBEKAH: Ok. You check the church, I'll check everywhere else.


[THE ABATTOIR-the courtyard]


(Hayley cries while she gathers foodstuffs, Klaus sees her and comes)

 KLAUS: What are you doing?

HAYLEY: I was gonna take these to the

KLAUS: If you say, "bayou," I will find a nice comfy dungeon and throw you in it. This is not the night to be out there.

HAYLEY: For anyone. But some people don't have a choice. KLAUS: Right. Grab that lot and come with me.




(Sophie does the consecration’s spell)

SOPHIE: I consecrate these bones to the earth. Ancestors, hear me. I consecrate these bones to the earth. Ancestors, hear me.




(Sabine is trying to do a location spell, Elijah watches her)

SABINE: This isn't working.

ELIJAH: She's nowhere to be found.

SABINE: No. It's more like she's everywhere. She's hemorrhaging magic. That means we have less time than we thought. We have got to find her. I have no clue where she is. ELIJAH: Please concentrate. Try again.





(Davina wakes up and throws Marcel away with her magic)

MARCEL: I'm not gonna hurt you.

DAVINA: I don't believe you! You want to kill me just like everyone else.

MARCEL: I'm the one who put a protection spell on you, Davina. That's why Tim's dead and you're not. And before you throw me again, if I had known anything was gonna happen to your friend, I would have protected him, too.

DAVINA: You're the one who saved me?

MARCEL: Yeah, but now the witch who did the spell is in league with the rest of them, so I had to take you away.

DAVINA: So you could use me as a weapon?

MARCEL: I'm trying to keep you safe. Davina, look at me. I messed up. All this power that you have, it gave me an advantage. It helped me punish the witches, and it let me run the city, and I let that mean too much… All right, but that's over with now. One survivor to another, all I want to do is keep you alive, I swear.

DAVINA: I'm scared. I don't know what's wrong with me.

(Marcel sits near Davina and hugs her)

MARCEL: You're not alone. We'll fix this.

DAVINA: You won't let them hurt me?

MARCEL: No. Nobody's gonna touch you.




(Kieran distributes foodstuffs, Klaus and Hayley enters)

KIERAN: We still haven't gone through all that you've already provided, Klaus.

KLAUS: Well, this newest bit isn't from me.

KIERAN: Oh? That's very kind of you...?

HAYLEY: Hayley. And these people are?

KLAUS: I asked Father Kieran to give them shelter. He suffers from an incessant desire to do good. But now I need you to be useful. Marcel and Davina have disappeared. I assume from the stupefied look on your face they haven't sought refuge in your attic.

KIERAN: No. Those days are gone.

KLAUS: Then energize your resources. I don't need to remind you how important it is they be found.


(Kieran leaves)


HAYLEY: These people, they're werewolves, and the priest, he said that you donated the food. You're helping them?

KLAUS: They're not your werewolves. They're my clan. From very far back. They've fallen upon hard times, and their plight has brought out the philanthropist in me. What can I say? Must be Elijah's influence.

HAYLEY: What do you mean your clan?

KLAUS: The blood that runs in their veins runs in mine. And in our child's.

HAYLEY: This family gets more complicated by the second. KLAUS: Listen, Hayley, word of advice when dealing with Elijah. Don't do as I do. Just apologize. He's accomplished in many things, but he is a master of forgiveness.




(Sabine and Elijah are in the mausoleum)

SABINE: Ok. Oh, ok. She's somewhere near the river. I can't be more specific.

ELIJAH: It's something. It's a start.

(Sophie enters)

SOPHIE: It didn't work. I tried to consecrate her and absorb her magic, but there's nothing there. ELIJAH: I don't understand. A witch's magic is infused in her bones until consecrated.

SOPHIE: Well, then someone's already taken it because there's nothing there.

ELIJAH: Has to be another way.

SABINE: There is no other way.

SOPHIE: Unless you know of some superpowerful dead which whose bones were never consecrated, it's over.

ELIJAH: There is someone else actually. Our mother.




(Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah talk in the living room)

REBEKAH: It's taken 1,000 years, but you've finally gone mad. Our own mother?

ELIJAH: Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately placed in a coffin in his basement, not daggered but quite dead.

KLAUS: Well, she did try to kill us all.

ELIJAH: Well, I say we put her to use and put her to rest once and for all. Now if we bury our mother on land owned by one of her descendents, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we as her family share in that ancestral magic.

REBEKAH: We're vampires, Elijah. We can't practice magic or own property for that matter.

ELIJAH: Yes. With regard to practicing magic




(Sophie explains Elijah’s plan to Sabine in the mausoleum)

SOPHIE: That's where I come in. After they bury their mother, They can channel all her power to me. Only hitch is as conduits of Esther's magic, they need to participate in the harvest.




ELIJAH: And as for owning property Not all of our mother's descendents are dead.

KLAUS: The baby.

ELIJAH: The baby. The parish tax assessor's office is just steps outside of the quarter. Hayley now holds the title to the plantation. So if we bury our mother there and we consecrate those grounds, we can finish the harvest ritual.

KLAUS: You're a bit of a mad genius, Elijah. Count me in.

REBEKAH: Am I the only one thinking? Our mother was the most powerful witch in history. If we bury her, we hand that power to our enemies to use against us.

ELIJAH: Given our circumstances, I hardly see that we have a choice, Rebekah.

REBEKAH: I don't know why I bother. You two will just do what you want anyway.

ELIJAH: No. Our decision must be unanimous.

KLAUS: This is not a democracy.

ELIJAH: You're quite right. This is family. Water. The next sign's begun. Rebekah?

REBEKAH: Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow. Count me in.

KLAUS: Well, this is no family reunion without our mother. I'll fetch her.




(Thierry is still prisoner in the Garden, Rebekah joins him)

 THIERRY: So much for your grand schemes of using Davina for revenge.

REBEKAH: Survival first, plots to overthrow my brother second. Where would Marcel hide something precious to him?

THIERRY: You think I'm just gonna offer that up so you can leave me here to rot? Water runs downhill. You think I have to have drowned before to know how much that will suck.

REBEKAH: Fire kills vampires, Thierry. You think burning to ash will be pleasant? Look. I am not forsaking you. I promise to live up to my end of the deal. I'll get you out of here when all of this is done. Just tell me where Marcel would go.

THIERRY: There's a place by the docks.




DAVINA: If I can just wait it out a few more weeks... Help me, please.

MARCEL: I will, and when it's over, I'll do what I should have done-- get you out of town.

DAVINA: I had a dream that Tim wasn't dead. He played a song that he wrote for me, and he kissed me, and we were just normal.

(Rebekah show up, Marcel is angry)

REBEKAH: That sounds like a beautiful dream.

MARCEL: What are you doing here?

REBEKAH: But it was just a dream.

MARCEL: Get out!

REBEKAH: This is killing her. Your stubbornness will mean her death.

MARCEL: I promised her I'd fight for her. I'm not breaking that promise.

REBEKAH: No one is asking you not to fight. You're the only family that this girl has. You owe it to her to fight for her to live.




(In pouring rain, The Mikaelson bury their mother, Kieran officiates)

KLAUS: Did you find them? Will he bring her?

REBEKAH: He'll bring her.

KIERAN: Are you ready to do this?

KLAUS: Always and forever.

(Klaus takes a dagger out and slices open his hand, and hands it to Rebekah. She does the same, then Elijah, then Hayley. Kieran takes the dagger and throws it into Esther's grave)

KIERAN: It's done.




DAVINA: Marcel, it's ok.

MARCEL: No. I failed you.

DAVINA: I'll die whether I do this or not. I mean, now the only option is-- is whether I take everyone with me. If you look at it that way, it's kind of selfish not to do it.

MARCEL: There has to be another way. This is not how it ends.

DAVINA: And if it is... If this is all I have, I've had a lot. I had Monique, and I had Tim And I had someone who fought for me from the moment you met me.

MARCEL: Ah, Davina.

DAVINA: Most people don't get that even if they live to be a hundred. Marcel, I'm ready.




(Sophie, Rebekah, Hayley, Elijah and Klaus are reunites. Flames erupt on the ground)

 SOPHIE: Fire.

(Marcel is carrying Davina over and sets her down. Sophie puts a blade into the flames and walks toward Davina)

 SOPHIE: Do you believe in the harvest?

DAVINA: I believe.

(Sophie slits Davina's throat. Davina falls back and Marcel catches her in his arms and lays her down. It stops raining. The magic leaves Davina's body.)


(Marcel drops Davina's Body near the others sacrificed, Sophie begins the ressurection's spell)

SOPHIE: After the harvest comes the reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted. We call upon our elders to resurrect the chosen ones. (nothing happens.) We call upon our elders to resurrect the chosen ones... Resurrect your chosen ones... Please? I beg... No!

(Sophie starts sobbing, Marcel looks toward Klaus with look of hatred, then speed vamps away.)


[THE ABATTOIR- the yard]


(Klaus comes upon Marcel throwing things)

KLAUS: That won't bring her back, you know.

MARCEL: This is your fault! I should have never let you anywhere near her!

KLAUS: Marcel.

MARCEL: This city was fine before you came. We were fine! Davina was safe, she was in control! If you hadn't gotten her worked up, if you hadn't killed that boy!

KLAUS: My condolences the girl is gone. But don't lose perspective. We still have our community. The vampires of this town...

MARCEL: I don't care about the vampires! She is dead! Do you hear me?!

(Klaus hugs Marcel.)

KLAUS: I'm sorry. You may think I know nothing of your grief, but you are wrong. In the days after I fled this city, I thought you were dead. It was years before I could speak your name, so keenly did I feel that loss. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.




(Elijah joins Hayley in a street)

HAYLEY: Are you ready to forgive me yet?

ELIJAH: It's not that easy, Hayley.

HAYLEY: Elijah, I was wrong to go through your journals, I was wrong to tell Sophie about Celeste, but after everything that happened today, I don't know why we can't see past this.

ELIJAH: And you of all people should know why. During my fever in the bayou, you were inside my mind. You know what Celeste means to me.

HAYLEY: Don't you mean meant to you?

ELIJAH: No. Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it.

HAYLEY: I know what a promise means to you, Elijah, but you made it 200 years ago. I live in the now. If I feel something, I act. If I want something, I take it. I won't choose the dead over the living, so why are you? I'm sorry, Elijah.

(She is leaving, but Elijah catches her, he wants to kiss her, but finally he diverts his face. Hayley says nothing, and goes away.)




(Klaus and Rebekah talk in the courtyard)

KLAUS: This whole thing was doomed from the start, you know? Yes, we saved the city, and I'm not complaining about the witches losing their power, but this did not go down the way I thought it would. You surprised me, though. You were quite resourceful today. How did you find them down at the docks?

REBEKAH: You're not the only one with clever little spies in the quarter, Nik.

KLAUS: Sometimes I think I don't give you your due, little sister.

REBEKAH: I knew Elijah's plan was mad, but I really thought it would work.

KLAUS: So did I. I was sure Davina would survive. There was so much life in her.

REBEKAH: What about the power? Four were supposed to rise, and none did. Where did all that power go?




(Sabine conducts a spell with a small doll. Three people in various locations rise from the dead, and walk until they meet one another in the street.)

GENEVIEVE: Why are we here?

PAPA TUNDE: Someone brought us forth. Who?

SABINE: I did.

BASTIANNA: Sabine! What's the meaning of this?

SABINE: Bastianna, I've had to endure people calling me "Sabine" for almost a year now. I'd appreciate it if you'd call me by my real name. Celeste.

Kikavu ?

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Linstead77  (25.07.2017 à 22:35)
Message édité : 08.07.2018 à 14:29

Alors Céleste est encore en vie surprised  

Alala pour quand le couple Elijah/Hayley 


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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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