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The Originals
#106 : Le Fruit empoisonné

Diffusion US : 5 novembre 2013 sur The CW
Diffusion FR : 9 janvier 2015 sur NT1

PROBLEMES DE CONFIANCE - Lorsque Klaus découvre que la vie d'Hayley est en danger, il prend des mesures extrêmes pour les protéger elle et leur enfant. Ayant du mal à gérer les évènements tragiques de son passé, Cami se tourne vers le Père Kieran afin qu'il lui donne des conseils. Ayant l'impression de ne pouvoir faire confiance à personne, Marcel rend visite à un vieil ami afin d'obtenir quelques conseils, tandis que Davina prend des mesures afin d'apprendre à contrôler sa magie. Enfin, Klaus apporte des nouvelles suprenantes au Père Kieran


4.11 - 9 votes

Titre VO
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree

Titre VF
Le Fruit empoisonné

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


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Sneak Peek 1

Sneak Peek 1


Photos promo

Sophia Deveraux, joué par Daniella Pineda, au cimetière avec des hommes cagoulés

Sophia Deveraux, joué par Daniella Pineda, au cimetière avec des hommes cagoulés

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec Marcel Gerard dans la rue

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, parlant avec Marcel Gerard dans la rue

Marcel demandant des explications à Klaus

Marcel demandant des explications à Klaus

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, discutant avec Josh

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, discutant avec Josh

Josh (Steven Krueger) parlant avec Marcel (Charles Michael Davis)

Josh (Steven Krueger) parlant avec Marcel (Charles Michael Davis)

Sophie Deveraux s’inquiétant en voyant la seringue d'Agnes au cimetière

Sophie Deveraux s’inquiétant en voyant la seringue d'Agnes au cimetière

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, se baladant dans la Nouvelle-Orléans.

Marcel Gerard, joué par Charles Michael Davis, se baladant dans la Nouvelle-Orléans.

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, cherchant une page dans le grimoire de sa mère

Elijah Mikaelson, joué par Daniel Gillies, cherchant une page dans le grimoire de sa mère

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, dans la boutique de Sophie Deveraux

Rebekah Mikaelson, joué par Claire Holt, dans la boutique de Sophie Deveraux

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Klaus Mikaelson, joué par Joseph Morgan, dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Marcel et Klaus dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Marcel et Klaus dans les rues de la Nouvelle-Orléans

Marcel s'expliquant avec Klaus

Marcel s'expliquant avec Klaus

Klaus et Marcel parlent

Klaus et Marcel parlent


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France (inédit)
Vendredi 09.01.2015 à 22:30
0.32m / 1.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne The CW

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mardi 05.11.2013 à 20:00
2.03m / 0.9% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Ecrit par : Charlie Charbonneau & Diane Ademu-John
Réalisé par : Michael Allowitz

Invités : 

  • Shannon Kane ... Sabine
  • Callard Harris ... Thierry
  • Steven Krueger ... Josh
  • Todd Stashwick ... Kieran
  • Karen Kaia Livers ... Agnes
  • Luray Cooper ... Le maire

1.05 <<Épisode précédent                                                                                                 Épisode suivant >> 1.07


Résumé long 1x06


Klaus et Elijah son tranquillement installés dans le salon, chacun est en train de lire, alors que le corps d’une femme vidée de son sang trône sur la table basse, Rebekah est contrariée par ce spectacle. Klaus explique qu’il fait ça pour faire plaisir à Elijah et élever son esprit. Elijah a refusé son cadeau, la fameuse femme, lui n’a pas pu s’en privé. Elijah veut faire comprendre à Klaus qu’il doit changer de comportement s’il veut se faire pardonner. Rebekah blasée décide d’enlever le corps de la jeune femme.

Klaus lit un poème « l’arbre poison », qui parle d’un adversaire contre lequel le narrateur est colère mais ne dit rien, tout en levant les yeux régulièrement sur Elijah. De brèves images se succèdent, alors que Klaus continue sa lecture. On y voit Marcel entrer dans un hôtel, le Palace Royal, puis Cami déposer des fleurs sur la tombe de son frère, mais celle-ci a été taguée avec le mot « meurtrier ». On voit ensuite le père Kieran enlever les planches de bois sur les fenêtres de l’église fermée, puis accueillir trois hommes dont l’un en uniforme, puis l’image revient à Klaus qui observe le regard insistant d’Elijah sur Hayley, tandis que le poème se conclut sur le fait que l’adversaire veut voler le fruit qui appartient au narrateur, et qu’il finit étendu mort sous l’arbre.

Elijah rejoint Hayley dans la cuisine, elle le rassure sur le fait que Klaus et Rebekah ont veillé sur elle, et lui fait le bilan des attaques qu’elle a subies. Elle s’inquiète que les sorcières voient en son bébé Lucifer. Il est heureux de la voir en un seul morceau, et a pour priorité de dénouer le sort qui la lie à Sophie Deveraux. Rebekah offre son aide, car maintenant qu’elle a retrouvé Elijah, elle souhaite quitter la ville au plus tôt.

Sophie et Sabine sont dans la cuisine du restaurant de la première, Sophie lui indique qu’elle est la seule sorcière qui l’apprécie encore, ce que Sophie trouve injuste car elle essaie de sauver l’héritage des sorcières. Elle ne comprend pas l’attitude des sorcières, notamment par rapport à la vision de Sabine, dont elle doute de la véracité. A ce moment-là elles sont attaquées par des hommes cagoulés et Sophie est enlevée tandis que Sabine reste inconsciente.

Rebekah nettoie le salon du sang de la victime et ironise sur les lectures de Klaus. Lui se moque du retour d’Elijah, ce dernier n’en a cure et a encore en mémoire son séjour dans son cercueil. Elijah expose son plan, il prend une page du grimoire de sorcellerie de leur mère sur le sort de désunion qu’il compte offrir à Davina. Il lui avait promis de l’aider à contrôler sa magie en lui apportant des pages de ce livre, et ça permettrait de libérer Hayley de son lien avec Sophie. Elijah est remonté contre Sophie car elle lui a caché ses véritables intentions, récupérer Davina pour terminer la moisson, il estime que leur accord avec elle est rompu. Il donne ensuite ses instructions, Klaus doit surveiller ses arrières tandis qu’il parle à Davina, pendant que Rebekah garde un œil sur Hayley. Klaus est consterné de son attitude de chef.

Marcel est songeur à son bar, Josh vient le voir et lui demande si tout va bien. Marcel lui répond de cesser de faire le lèche-botte pour avoir sa bague de jour car il n’est pas le premier sur la liste. Josh comprend et s’en va, mais Marcel le rappelle et lui demande des conseils. Il s’est rendu compte que Klaus lui a menti sur l’endroit où il vivait. Marcel se rappelle d’une phrase de Shakespeare « une tête couronnée ne connait pas de repos », il repense à toutes ses conversations avec Klaus, et se rend compte que contempler ce qu’il a bâti n’est rien, ce qui compte ce sont ses hommes de confiance. Josh lui répond qu’il y a forcément quelqu’un sur lequel il peut compter, Marcel se rend compte que c’est le cas, il s’agit de son meilleur ami. Il s’en va, Josh souffle.

Davina est en train de dessiner lorsqu’Elijah frappe à la porte, elle sourit. Il vient honorer sa promesse, elle l’invite à entrer.

Cami entre dans le confessionnal de l’église Sainte-Anne pour parler au prêtre, son oncle Kieran. Ça fait un an que son frère est mort. Elle soupçonne son oncle d’avoir voulu l’éviter. Elle veut se confesser à propos de Sean.

Davina découvre le sort que veut lui apprendre, le sort de déliement, il lui assure que c’est un sort compliqué qui mettra au défi sa capacité à se concentrer et contrôler sa magie, et lui promet que pour le second elle aura le choix et s’en va.

On retrouve Cami au confessionnal, elle confit être allée sur la tombe de Sean ce matin-là, Kieran est désolé car il comprend qu’elle a vu l’inscription avant qu’il est pu la faire nettoyer. Elle lui répond que ça ne l’a pas dérangé, et c’est là le problème. Depuis une semaine elle dort bien, alors que son frère a poignardé neuf prêtres. Elle parle de Marcel, un gars avec qui elle a eu deux rencards et qui lui a permis de décompresser. Elle ne comprend pas pourquoi elle est plus troublée par ça que par le fait de voir le mot « meurtrier » tagué sur la tombe de son frère. Kieran tente de la rassurer, pour lui elle est sur la voie de la guérison, mais Cami n’est pas d’accord. Elle a été obsédée pendant des mois, et ne comprend pas soudainement elle se sente bien par rapport à ça. Elle est en détresse car elle a besoin de ressentir cette peine, là elle se sent vide. Mais Kieran lui conseille de ne pas chercher à comprendre et de se faire au fait qu’elle a réussi à surmonter tout ça. Selon lui le seul responsable des actes de Sean est Sean lui-même, Cami lui demande s’il le croit vraiment, Kieran lui répond que oui. Elle s’en va, Klaus a entendu toute la conversation.

Sophie est dans le cimetière des sorcières, elle est attachée par ses bourreaux, Agnes arrive. Sophie plaide sa cause, elle pense qu’Agnes veut la tuer pour se débarrasser de Hayley et du bébé, Agnes la rassure, elle a un autre plan en tête. Elle sort une aiguille, Sophie panique et se fait piquer au cou.

Hayley ressent une piqûre au même moment sous le regard de Rebekah. Klaus et Elijah débarquent au restaurant de Sophie pour comprendre ce qu’il s’est passé, ils aident Sabine à se relever. Celle-ci refuse de dire où peut se trouver Sophie, car elle veut protéger Agnes. Elle est étonnée d’apprendre qu’ils sont au courant pour la récolte. Klaus et Elijah lui ordonnent de parler.

Marcel descend au caveau et libère Thierry, il veut lui parler de Klaus. Thierry lui demande s’il est pardonné, Marcel n’en est pas à ce point. Thierry lui donne des détails de la soirée de la descente dans le quartier des sorcières, les ordres étaient clairs, des dégâts mais pas d’attaques physiques, pourtant l’un d’entre eux ne l’a pas écouté et ne voulait pas s’arrêter. Il soupçonne ce vampire d’avoir été contraint par Klaus, car il avait disparu pendant cinq jours avant ça, et ajoute qu’il se pourrait bien qu’autre vampire de Marcel soit de mèche avec Klaus. Il lui demande de surveiller ses arrières.

Alors que Rebekah avoue qu’elle souhaite partir de la Nola maintenant qu’Elijah est sauf, elle se rend compte qu’Hayley est brûlante de fièvre. Les frères Mikaelson retrouvent Sophie et la libèrent. Elle explique qu’elle a été piquée par l’aiguille des douleurs, qui a un seul but, provoquer une fausse couche en augmentant la température du sang de la mère. Sophie assure que ça marchera, Agnes avait utilisé un objet du même type sur le neveu du père Kieran. Klaus veut retrouver Agnes, Elijah comprend qu’il y a urgence avec le sort de désunion. Sophie est choquée d’apprendre son initiative étant donné qu’ils avaient un marché, il lui répond qu’ils ne sont plus du même côté.

A l’église, Kieran est en conversation avec d’autres humains sur les ennuis causés par les vampires, et comment maquiller les événements magiques. Ils sont appelés la Faction, c’est un groupe qu’avais mis en place Klaus. Celui-ci débarque en plein milieu de la réunion, il leur demande de l’aide pour trouver Agnes, et annonce à Kieran qu’elle est responsable de la folie de Sean. Kieran ne se laisse pas intimider et obtient un délai, qu’il compte utiliser pour trouver Agnes avant Klaus.

L’état d’Hayley empire, Davina n’a toujours pas réussi le sort de désunion. Elijah revient avec Sophie qui propose son aide, elle a besoin d’herbes spéciales pour faire baisser la température d’Hayley, et charge Bekah d’aller les chercher. Cette dernière fouille dans le magasin de Katie, mais Marcel la surprend et cherche à savoir ce qu’elle cherche. Elle lui rétorque qu’il est le dernier des soucis, trouve la fameuse herbe et s’en va en l’ignorant.

Klaus revient plus tôt à l’église se doutant des intentions de Kieran, il lui demande d’y faire venir Agnes, sous peine de s’en prendre à sa nièce Cami. kieran obtempère, Agnes arrive à l’église menottée, scandalisée. Klaus fait son apparition, Kieran lui tend la fameuse aiguille. Une altercation débute entre Kieran et Agnes, Klaus les interrompt car il veut qu’elle annule le sort de l’aiguille, elle répond que c’est impossible.

Sophie met tout en œuvre pour ralentir la montée de température, elle vont toutes deux dans l’eau avec Hayley, elle lui fait boire une concoction d’herbes, et demande à Elijah de porter Hayley pour ralentir son cœur. Elijah a confiance en Davina, en effet celle-ci de son côté parvient à briser le lien. Sophie le ressent, et se pique le doigt, Hayley ne ressent rien. Hayley est soulagée et reconnaissante envers Elijah. Sophie demande à Elijah de convaincre son frère de ne pas s’en prendre à Agnes, les sorcières ont besoin d’elle pour faire le lien avec la source de pouvoirs, c’est leur dernière aînée. Il promet de ne pas laisser Klaus la tuer. Hayley conseille fortement à Sophie de ne plus se servir d’elle.

Rebekah souhaite parler à Elijah, mais il est pressé, cependant elle lui dit qu’elle s’en va pour de bon. Elle espérait partir avec lui mais comprend que lui souhaite être auprès de Klaus. Il lui demande de rester aussi, mais Rebekah veut prendre ses distances et être libre. Elijah lui répond que c’est le cas, et qu’elle peut partir. Rebekah est émue, Elijah s’en va. Elle retrouve Marcel au manoir pour lui faire ses adieux. Il pense qu’elle et Elijah s’enfuient, elle rétorque qu’Elijah reste. Marcel lui offre un verre, elle croit qu’il tente de la saouler pour la persuader de changer d’avis, il pense qu’elle est venue pour ça. Elle nie, elle est juste venir dire au revoir, il se rapproche et lui demande de le dire. Elle hésite, répond « bon débarras » et tourne le dos, mais il lui saisit la main et l’embrasse. Elle le repousse, puis l’embrasse en retour, ils finissent par faire l’amour.

A l’église, Klaus veut en finir avec Agnes, mais Elijah l’en empêche par rapport à sa promesse. Cependant, il n’a jamais promis à Sophie de ne pas lui-même s’en prendre à Agnes, et tue cette dernière, sous le regard comblé de Klaus.

Rebekah demande à Marcel de partir avec elle, loin de cette ville et de Klaus. Marcel refuse, il estime qu’il a tout à la Nouvelle-Orléans, une famille et un royaume, et lui n’est pas un fuyard. Rebekah est déçue et en colère, elle pense qu’il finira par tout perdre, et estime que tout ça n’est rien sans une personne avec qui le partager, puis s’en va. Durant leur discussion, Marcel détecte un indice, par rapport à des pommes. Il comprend que Klaus vit dans l’ancienne plantation de pommiers où il était esclave. Il voit Josh en sortir, et se présente à Hayley.

Cami prépare la fermeture du bar alors que Klaus arrive. Il s’approche d’elle et elle se souvient de sa promesse. Il lui annonce avec fierté qu’il l’a tenue, il a trouvé la responsable de la folie de Sean, Agnes. Cami est soulagée de savoir que ses soupçons étaient véridiques sur le comportement de Sean. Elle apprend que la sorcière est morte, elle est outrée et met une gifle à Klaus qui ne comprend pas son attitude. Elle répond qu’elle doit se sentir responsable d’une vengeance meurtrière qu’elle n’a jamais demandé par sa faute. Lui s’énerve de sa non reconnaissance et son jugement, puis tente de la calmer. Selon lui, elle peut désormais trouver du réconfort dans la vérité, mais Cami n’est pas d’accord, car elle est contrainte à ressentir cet apaisement par lui. Elle lui dit qu’elle finira par trouver un moyen de supprimer ce qu’il lui a fait, et il souhaitera n’avoir jamais posé les yeux sur elle quand ce sera fait. Klaus finit par partir en super vitesse.

Marcel le retrouve dans la rue, il autorise Klaus à voir Cami. Il enchaîne sur sa découverte en souriant, Il est surpris de savoir que Klaus réside dans la plantation où il était esclave, il estime que c’est sans doute pour cette raison qu’il n’a jamais été invité, Klaus tente de garder bonne figure, et met ça sur le compte d’une erreur avec ironie. Elijah rejoint la plantation, mais aucun signe d’Hayley, il appelle Bekah pour savoir si elle est avec elle, Klaus arrive et assure à Elijah que Marcel est le responsable de sa disparition.


1.05 <<Épisode précédent                                                                                               Épisode suivant >> 1.07


Rebekah (voiceover): My brothers and I are the first vampires in history, the Originals. Three hundred years ago, we called New Orleans home. Now, we've returned, drawn by a witch who seeks to use my brother Klaus' unborn child as leverage in a brewing war. But his quest for power has turned brother against brother, leaving our family more divided than ever. Now that Elijah has returned, can our family unite to face this new threat?





[Klaus and Elijah sit opposite each other in the living room, both reading. Klaus is reading "A Poison Tree" by William Blake, and Elijah is reading one of his mother's grimoires. A dead girl lays on the coffee table as they listen to classical music. After a moment, Rebekah enters]


Rebekah: So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family? Vampire book club? Klaus: [continues reading] Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?

Elijah: Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus.

Rebekah: And what's this business? [gestures to the dead girl on the table]

Elijah: This is a...[gestures as though he's searching for a word]...peace offering.

Klaus: I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit peckish.

Elijah: And I explained to my little brother, that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition, and personal growth.

[Klaus rolls his eyes guiltily, and Elijah gestures to the girl]

Elijah: Not this nonsense.

Klaus: Well, I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I? [grins]

Rebekah: Well, I suppose I'll go fetch the rubbish bin, because she's staining a two hundred-year-old carpet.

[Elijah looks up from his book to see the girl bleeding out onto the table, where the blood drips onto the floor]

Elijah: Ah, yes.


Klaus (voiceover): [recites "A Poison Tree" by William Blake] I was angry with my friend: [Klaus looks at Elijah] I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe:


[Marcel walks into the Palace Royale Hotel, looking for Klaus]


Klaus (voiceover): I told it not, my wrath did grow And I watered it in fears,


[Cami brings flowers to her brother's grave, to find that someone spray painted "MURDERER" over the headstone]


Klaus (voiceover) : Night and morning with my tears; And I sunned it with smiles,


[Father Kieran pulls wooden boards off the windows of the church, and waves to a group of men standing outside the door]

Klaus (voiceover) :And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night, [Klaus looks at Elijah, and then to Hayley, who walks through the room, her hand on her pregnant belly] 'Til it bore an apple bright. And my foe beheld it shine. And he knew that it was mine, And into my garden stole [Klaus watches Elijah set down the grimoire and follow Hayley into the kitchen] When the night had veiled the pole; In the morning glad I see My foe outstretched beneath the tree.



[In the kitchen, Elijah finds Hayley making herself breakfast, and rooting through the fridge. Elijah leans in the doorway]


Elijah: [smiles] Good morning.

Hayley: [smiles] Hey.


[Rebekah enters through the back door, dragging a trashcan behind her]

Hayley: Listen, I know I'm the only one in this house that actually drinks milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?

Rebekah: Speaking of, add bleach.

[stomps through the kitchen and into the living room to clean up the mess]

Elijah: [digs around in a cupboard as Hayley pulls ice cream out of the freezer] You know, I do hope my siblings were hospitable to you, in my absence.

Hayley: In your absence, as you like to call it, which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart...[looks up to see Elijah bringing a bowl, a spoon, and a bag of cereal to the counter] I have been attacked by French Quarter vampires, I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced my baby is Lucifer.

[Elijah smiles sympathetically as he pulls orange juice and milk out of the fridge, pours Hayley a bowl of cereal, and then fills it with milk]

Hayley: [notices the milk] Oh...milk. [beat] They've been fine. Your siblings are weirdly protective, I know I have you to thank for that.

Elijah: I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece. [smiles] So, back to the murderous witches. [hands her the bowl of cereal] I have some concerns.

Hayley: They're evil. And, my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting. Elijah: Yes, I think it's time we took care of that little problem.

Rebekah: I am all for it. As soon as they're unlinked, we get to leave this crap town. [drags the dead girl's body across the kitchen floor] Who do we have to kill?

Elijah: [thinking] Probably no one.

[Hayley looks at him questioningly]

Elijah: Alright, potentially everyone. [turns to leave]







[Sophie chops up vegetables and talks to Sabine, who is sitting on one of the tables]


Sophie: [gestures to table and makes a face] I cook on that, you know!

Sabine: Don't get cranky with me! I'm the only witch who still likes you.

Sophie: [stirs gumbo] Yeah, it's not like I'm trying to save the witch heritage or anything. [turns to Sabine]

Sabine: They'll come around. They're just old-school, and scared.

Sophie: Scared of what? Your prophecy about the hybrid baby? Agnes and her freak-show minions had a real field day with that one.

Sabine: I can't help what I see, Soph. [shakes head]

Sophie: [smiles] Well, if you're psychic, I'm Martha Stewart! [walks toward table to grab some celery] Scootch!


[Sophie returns to her table, and Sabine hops down to join her. She sees a shadow in her peripheral vision and gets suspicious. Suddenly, two people in black masks come out]

Sabine: What the...?

[One of the masked people backhands Sabine across the face, and she as she falls, she hits her head on the table and falls unconsious. Sophie tries to fight the other two masked people off, but they blow some powder in her face that makes her pass out as well]





[Rebekah scrubs at the bloodstains in the carpet as Klaus continues to read "A Poison Tree."]


Rebekah: Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees. Looks like someone's worried about impending daddyhood.

Klaus: [shakes head] Nonsense. Elijah's back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie-dust and float away!


[Rebekah side-eyes him and grins, and Klaus grins back. Elijah joins them in the living room]

Elijah: Strange, I don't recall any pixie-dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure.

[Elijah opens Esther's grimoire and flips through it]

Rebekah: What are you doing with Mother's spellbook?

Elijah: Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire. To help her learn to control her magic. I thought we'd begin with a little unlinking spell.

[Rebekah and Klaus look at each other in confusion]

Rebekah: [stunned] Wait, you want to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?

Elijah: Sophie brought us here under false pretenses! She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions, she wants to take Davina back. So, she yolked her own cause to ours, with magic threats and half-truths! Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void. [Klaus and Rebekah grin]

Elijah: Niklaus, I need you to come with me. I need five minutes alone with Davina, you need to make certain that I am not interrupted. [points to Rebekah and thinks for a moment] You stay here and watch Hayley.

Rebekah: How did I get elected super-nanny?

Klaus: More importantly, who put him in charge? [follows Elijah out of the room]





[Marcel sits alone, drinking a bottle of scotch, as various vampires around him feed on humans at the tables around him. Josh sees Marcel, and approaches him]


Josh: Hey. Is everything okay?

[Marcel gives him a look]

Josh: Uh, can I get you something?

Marcel: Look, I know you want a daylight ring, kid. Little heads up? I got guys eighty years ahead of you.

Josh: [nods nervously] Noted. Sorry.

Marcel: [watches him walk away] Wait! You know Klaus Mikaelson. I asked you to give him a lift home a couple of times? To the Palace Royale Hotel, right?

Josh: [stammers] Uhhh, yeah...the Palace Royale.

Marcel: See, I stopped by his hotel, to say sorry about an argument we had. Turns out he lied about living there. Lied! Do you ever hear the phrase, "Uneasy is the head that wears the crown?"

Josh: Uhhh...Lord of the Rings?

Marcel: No, Shakespeare. When I was a kid, Klaus taught me how to read with those plays. All about a king who gained the world, but lost his soul. But now, I get it! You see, when it's all said and done, and you look around at the empire you built, the only thing that matters is who you can trust!

Josh: There's gotta be somebody, somewhere that you can trust? "To stick to you, through thick and thin, to the bitter end." Sam and Frodo, The Fellowship of the Ring. [shrugs]

Marcel: [nods slowly] Yeah, there is someone. We used to be best friends. [pats Josh on the arm as he leaves]





Davina is sketching with charcoal on her easel when Elijah arrives and leans against the doorway and knocks on the door. Davina smiles]


Elijah: [holds up pages of grimoire in a cloth] I made you a promise.

Davina: [smiles] Come in!





[Cami sits in the confession room with Father Kieran]


Cami: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been...oh, a year, since I've had a good conversation with you.

Kieran: Camille.

Cami: You've been avoiding me, Uncle K.

Kieran: My favorite niece? Never!

Cami: Don't lie. This is a church! Besides, I came about professional advice. [beat] About Sean.





[Davina spreads a page of Esther's grimoire on her table]


Davina: It's a spell of unknotting?

Elijah: This is a sanguinum knot. The witches use it as representational magic. If you can unknot this using that spell, you will have taken a step towards learning control. This is one of my mother's later spells. It requires much more power than you realize. Now, if you can perform this, then I shall return with another page. [walks toward the door, then turns back to her] A spell of your choosing, next time. [smiles, then leaves]




[Cami and Father Kieran are still in the confessional]


Cami: I guess since I'm a masochist, I went by Sean's grave today and—

Kieran: Damn it, I was hoping to get that cleaned up before you saw it. I hope it didn't upset you too much.

Cami: It didn't bother me at all. That's the problem. That's why I'm here. I slept like a baby every night this week. Even though my brother hacked nine priests to death, not two feet from this confessional. [beat] A guy I've been seeing, Marcel, has been blowing me off. Whatever, I've been on two dates with the guy, and I'm more upset about that than seeing "MURDERER" scrawled across my brother's grave.

Kieran: [hesitates] It's called healing, Cami.

Cami: For months, after the massacre, I couldn't think of anything else. And then suddenly...nothing. I need to feel that pain! Without it, I feel...broken! Empty! Like, there's someone to blame...and...I'm letting them get away with it.

Kieran: Listen, if you have found a way to turn it off, don't question it! The only person that is responsible for Sean's behavior is...Sean.

Cami: Do you really believe that?

Kieran: Yes. I do.

[Cami stares at her uncle through the screen for a moment, before she gets up and walks out of the church. Kieran sighs. Up in the balcony, Klaus watches Cami leave, and frowns]





[Sophie is awake now, and struggling against the grips of the masked people who knocked her out. The masked people shackle Sophie to chains hanging from the ceiling]

Sophie: Let go of me!

[Agnes enters with a bag and sets it on a table]

Agnes: Leave her be.

Sophie: Killing me to get to Klaus, or his baby is not the answer!

Agnes: [roots through her bag] I'm not gonna kill you Sophie, I was there the day you were born. I am the last remaining Elder of our coven. It is my duty to protect our power, and our power means nothing if that baby grows another day. [turns to face Sophie] Sabine's omen was clear. That baby will bring death to us all.

Sophie: [scared] What are you gonna do?

[Agnes holds up a large, old-looking metal syringe with a long needle]

Sophie: [terrified] No, no, Agnes, no. No, no, don't!

[Agnes holds Sophie's head down and stabs the needle into her neck]






[In her bedroom, Hayley yells in pain as she grasps her neck. When she pulls her hand away, she notices blood on her fingers. Rebekah hears her shout, and walks in]


Hayley: Ahh!

Rebekah: What the hell was that?

Hayley: Hell if I know, it felt like I was being stabbed.

[Hayley and Rebekah get a dawning realization that something bad is happening]





[Elijah and Klaus find Sabine on the floor of the kitchen and Elijah helps her up]


Elijah: [gruffly] What happened?

Sabine: It was Agnes. [rubs head as she looks around] Her men took Sophie.

Klaus: Day one with you in charge, brother, and already the witch linked to Hayley has been abducted by zealots.

Elijah: [to Sabine] Where is she?

Sabine: If I tell you where Agnes is, you'll just kill her.

Klaus: Isn't that obvious?

Sabine: Look, I know she's a little...coo-coo, but she's our last living Elder. That might not mean a lot to you, but it means plenty to us. The Elders are the one ones who can do important spells.

Elijah: Like completing the Harvest ritual?

Sabine: [confused] You know about that?

Elijah: Oh, you'd be astounded by the things I know.

Klaus: [to Sabine] Allow me to entertain you with today's list of priorities. One, unlink your friend Sophie so she no longer controls the fate of the woman carrying my child. Two, convince my brother to accept my heartfelt apologies for some recently dodgy behavior. Three...there is no three.

Elijah: I believe what my brother is attempting to communicate, here, is that neither the life of this Elder, nor the Harvest ritual, nor your coven's connection to magic are of any relevance to him, whatsoever. Now talk.





[Marcel walks through the gate to the Garden, and approaches Thierry's "cell" amid the groans of pain of the other "inmates."]


Marcel: Thierry.

Thierry: [weak and groggy] Marcel. Come to punish me again?

Marcel: Someone asked if there was anyone I ever trusted. I only came up with one name. You. So, Thierry, you and I are gonna have a little talk about Klaus Mikaelson. [grabs a sledgehammer and starts to break down the wall of bricks surrounding Thierry]






[Rebekah enters a room where Hayley is sitting in an armchair]


Rebekah: Time for the demon spawn to snack!

Hayley: I really wish you wouldn't call her that.

Rebekah: Oh, sorry, have you picked another name yet? [holds out basket of fruit] Take one, the plantation's lousy with them.

[Hayley chooses an apple and grasps it in her hand]

Hayley: I feel fine...which is weird. I'm sure it's Sophie-related.

Rebekah: Then, do me a favor, and don't die on my watch! I'll never hear the end of it.

Hayley: You know, when I first met you, I thought you were a real bitch.

Rebekah: [smiles] What changed your mind?

Hayley: Oh, I still think you're a bitch! [smiles] I've just grown to like that about you.

Rebekah: [chuckles] Aw, well, that's sweet of you to say. [face turns serious] Remember it when I'm gone.

Hayley: Gone? Where are you going?

Rebekah: I only came to town to make sure everything was okay with Elijah. He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him, so...as usual, they'll be thick as thieves, and I'll be left to clean up the mess. [beat] It's time for me to fly the coop.

Hayley: Oh...[goes to bite the apple, but then starts to feel woozy]

Rebekah: [frowns] What's wrong?

Hayley: [shakes head] I dunno, probably morning sickness...

Rebekah: [places hand on Hayley's forehead] Oh, you're burning up, actually.






[Klaus and Elijah have found Sophie, and they break Sophie free from her chains]


Sophie: [groans in pain as shackles break] Agnes stuck me with a needle. Cursed objects were created a long time ago. We use them so we don't get busted by Marcel for doing magic. The one she used is called the Needle of Sorrows. It was cursed in 1860 when...

Klaus: Jump ahead a few decades and tell us what it does, love?

Sophie: It has only one purpose: to kill a child in utero by raising her blood temperature.

[Klaus and Elijah are both stunned and furious]

Elijah: It's for a miscarriage.

[Sophie nods]

Elijah: So, how much time do we have to fix this?

Sophie: It will do what it's meant to by tonight's high tide. And believe me, it will work. I saw her use a similar object on a kid who went mad and killed a bunch of priests.

Klaus: I'd like to have a chat with this Agnes. Where can I find her?

Sophie: You won't! There are a thousand places she could hole up to wait it out.

Elijah: That's precisely why we need to unlink you from Hayley. No more danger toward her or the child.

Sophie: [shakes head in confusion] No, what? If I am not linked to Hayley, I lose my leverage on you. We had a deal!

Elijah: We are not on the same side, Sophie Deveraux. Our deal no longer stands!

[Sophie is outraged]





[Marcel hands Thierry, who is sitting on a step, a canteen of blood, and sits down beside him]


Thierry: Does this mean you're pardoning me?

Marcel: Aw, you know I can't do that. You broke my number one rule, you killed a vampire, T. I let that go, it'll make me look weak.

Thierry: [chugs blood] I warned you about Klaus.

Marcel: Yeah, I should've listened. This guy's been in my town for months, but hiding where he lays his head at night. What else is he hiding, is what I want to know! I didn't listen to you before, but I sure as hell am now. Tell me what happened the night that got you put in here, and you might find yourself out by Mardi Gras.

Thierry: The night of the Masquerade Party, you sent us rousting in the Cauldron to mess with the witches. So, when Max came in rousting, he went straight for Katie's throat. Now, you said to roust, you didn't say to kill. Now, he's a nightwalker. I'm a daywalker. I told him to stop, and he wouldn't. So I stopped him. That night's on endless loop in my head. I think Max was compelled.

Marcel: No. All my guys are on vervain.

Thierry: Not if Klaus drained him! Max went missing for a couple days before the rousting, right?

Marcel: T, they found stuff you and your girl stole from me in her shop.

Thierry: Have you ever been in the Jardin Gris? You can't find your own hand in front of your face in there! And yet somehow, someone went in there, and after a couple minutes, found some stolen goods?

[Marcel wipes at his face anxiously, but he is obviously considering Thierry's words]

Thierry: Go there! See for yourself! But I'm telling you, besides Max, somebody else in the crew had to be compelled. Watch your back. [takes another swig from the canteen]





[Father Kieran has put up a "Substance Abuse Anonymous" sign in order to meet with some city officials]


Mayor: So, a few tourists go missing. Okay, we can spin it, no problem. But do you know how hard it is to sell a gas leak story to the city council when a bunch of church windows magically explode?

Father Kieran: Mr. Mayor, what is this, an electoral debate? Marcel overstepped, I will handle it.


[Klaus enters through front doors]

Klaus: Easier said than done. Marcel is quite the little warrior.


[Police officer tries to stop him, but Klaus breaks his fingers]

Mayor: Who the hell are you?

Klaus: My name is Klaus. And you lot are the Faction. Pillars of the community who maintain the city's supernatural balance. Well, I should know. I created this group. Only, in my day, it was a bunch of pirates and corrupt politicians. [looks around at all the men] Looks like nothing's changed.

Kieran: One thing has: it's exclusively human now. No vampires allowed, especially no Originals.

Klaus: [laughs] I haven't come to join! I've come to ask this group to utilize it's considerable resources to find a witch Elder called Agnes. All I need is an address.

Kieran: And, uh, why would we want to help you?

Klaus: What if I told you that Agnes was the answer to a question you've been asking since you ran screaming from this town? That she is the witch who hexed your nephew, Sean?

Kieran: We'd need some time to discuss—

Klaus: I don’t. Have. Time.

[Kieran chuckles]

Klaus: Nor do I like being asked to wait.

Kieran: You may have all the vampires in this town cowering in fear, but right now, you are dealing with the humans. And unless you plan on killing all of us, I politely suggest you do as I say, and give us time to discuss it. [gestures widely to the other men in the room]

Klaus: [leans in and lowers voice] You know what I like about you, Father? Is you're aware of our reputation, and yet still, you stand tall against me. [beat] Admirable! You have one hour.

[turns to leave]


Kieran: [speaks once Klaus is gone] I want that witch. Cell phone records, our guys in the 9th.

Mayor: For the vampire?

Kieran: [sighs] No. For me.





[Davina continues to work on the unlinking spell Elijah gave her. She holds her hands over the knot and reads from the page]

Davina: Phesmatos omnio legares coldate sangorium.

[Davina stares at the knot, which doesn't change. She exhales in frustration and runs her hand through her hair before angrily hitting her easel]





[Hayley lays in bed as Rebekah blots sweat from her forehead and chest]


Rebekah: Stop fussing, will you? Elijah will be here any minute.

Hayley: I feel like I've been microwaved.

Rebekah: Hey! Just because you're carrying a baby, doesn't mean you get to act like one! I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak.

[Elijah runs in with Sophie. Rebekah stands to greet them]

Rebekah: What the hell is she doing here?

Sophie: [sighs] I'm trying to help.

Rebekah: Help? You're the reason we're in this bloody mess! Why aren't we unlinked with this witch already, Elijah?

Elijah: Rebekah, let her do what she can.

Sophie: I may know a way to slow the fever down. But, I'm gonna need some special herbs. [to Rebekah] I'll text you a list.

[Elijah nods at her in encouragement, and she finally relents]

Rebekah: [smiles patronizingly] Fine. Happy to play the fetch girl.

[Rebekah stomps out of the room, and shoves the towel she was using into Elijah's chest as she leaves]





[Rebekah frantically rifles through bottles and jars, looking for the herbs she needs to help Hayley, when Marcel walks in]


Marcel: Isn't this Katie's shop?

[Rebekah stops, rolls her eyes, and sighs as she goes back to looking for the herbs]

Marcel: She leave you the keys in her will, or maybe it's just Help-Yourself Tuesday? What are you doing here?

Rebekah: You know, I read if you mix mugwort with sage, you've got quite a vampire-repellant? Wards off even the most resilient pest. Why are you here?

Marcel: Just keeping my city safe from thieves and vandals. But, everytime I turn around, I catch an Original with their hand in the cookie jar!

Rebekah: Well, luckily for you, your "cookies" are the last thing on my mind.

Marcel: Oh, I can see that! [walks toward her] Though, I can think of a time when things were different.

Rebekah: Maybe once. Not anymore. [finds the herbs she needs] Camphor, found it! [quickly exits the shop]





[Father Kieran receives a text message from Chief Sullivan that reads, "3631 CHARBONNET ST. LOWER 9TH WARD." He puts his phone in his pocket and goes to leave, but he's stopped by Klaus]


Klaus: Going somewhere?

Father Kieran: [nervously] You're early.

Klaus: Well, it's a good thing I am. You seem hell-bent on enacting vengeance all on your lonesome. The trouble is, I need something from Agnes before you send her off to meet her maker. So, I propose we strike a deal! [sits down in a pew] Bring her here! In exchange, I'll even ensure your niece, Cami, remains safe. Oh, I'd so hate for her to get caught up in all of this.


[Later, Agnes is handcuffed and brought to the church by police officers]

Agnes: This is outrageous! What is the charge?

[The officers sit her in a pew and leave]

Kieran: Please, Agnes. You know that Marcel runs the vampires in this town.

[He is handed a folded cloth by the officer, which is revealed to hold the Needle of Sorrows]

Kieran: Who do you think runs everything else? [holds the needle up and calls out to Klaus] I believe this is what you were looking for? Klaus: [zooms to Kieran's side] Hello, Agnes.

Agnes: You made a deal with him?

Kieran: After what you did to Sean, I'd deal with the devil himself just to make you suffer!

Agnes: [stands up and gets in Kieran's face] You can't hurt me, the entire witch community will turn against you!

Klaus: Enough! Please, enough! I don't care about witch politics. I don't care about your ridiculous little Harvest ritual. What I care about is this trinket. [holds up Needle of Sorrows] Undo its curse, or I'll show you things worse than death!

Agnes: [smirks] Dark objects don't come with an off-switch! The curse took root in Sophie, she's linked to your devil child. It's just a matter of time!





[Hayley is wrapped in a towel, sitting outside beside the swimming pool. Rebekah stands behind her, checking her temperature, while Elijah assists Sophie in helping with the herbs]


Elijah: [removes his coat] She's burning up! We need to do this now.

Sophie: Get her in the water!

[Elijah jumps into the pool and helps Hayley in. Sophie mixes herbs in a cup and follows them in]

Rebekah: I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help.

Sophie: Her temperature is sky-high. The water, with the help of the herbs, should cool us down. [gets into the pool and hands Hayley a drink] Drink this! [to Elijah] You're going to have to get her heart rate down.

Elijah: How do you suggest I do that?

Sophie: Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate and reduce blood pressure.

Rebekah: This is never gonna work.

Elijah: [holding Hayley bridal-style in the pool] Davina will break the link, we just need time.

[Hayley clings to Elijah and groans as she gasps for breath]






[Davina is sitting on her bed, studying the spell intently. She stares at the sanguinum knot on her vanity, and after a moment, she stands up and walks over to it. She picks up the knot with both hands and takes a breath]

Davina: [whispers] Phesmatos omnio legares cardate...


[In the swimming pool, Hayley hyperventilates]

Hayley: I can't breathe!

Elijah: Okay, long deep breaths, Hayley! Look at me. Long deep breaths, just focus on the sound of my voice. [whispers] You'll be okay. You'll be okay.


Davina: Phesmatos omnio legares cardate sangorium.

[The clock on her table chimes as it hits 09:00PM]




[The knot in Davina's hands floats in the air and begins to unknot itself]


[Sophie starts to gasp as the linking spell begins to lift. Hayley continues to groan in pain]


[The knot completely unravels itself in midair, and Davina smiles and giggles in happiness]






Sophie: [looks up at the sky] I just felt it lift.


[Rebekah sighs in relief. Hayley starts to calm down, and Elijah looks stunned. Hayley stands up on her own, but still leans against Elijah. Sophie removes one of her earrings and pokes her palm with it. Hayley doesn't get injured. Elijah holds her hand and he and Hayley stare at each other. Rebekah notices their shared moment, so Elijah quickly lets go and leads Hayley out of the pool]


Elijah: Come on, let's go.

Sophie: Elijah...as soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please, don't let him kill her.

[Elijah zooms out of the pool and pulls his phone out of his jacket on the table]

Sophie: Elijah! She's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him!

Elijah: [dials a number into his phone and raises it to his ear] It's me, where are you? Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly. [hangs up and turns to Sophie] I'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes.


[Sophie nods at him, and Elijah picks up his jacket and shoes and walks away. Sophie and Hayley turn to get out of the pool, but Hayley stops Sophie at the steps]

Hayley: I know you were just using me to save your people, but try it again, and I'll kill you.

[Hayley leaves, and Sophie sighs in defeat]






[Rebekah walks into Elijah's bedroom as he's finishing getting dressed in dry clothes, and stands in the doorway]


Rebekah: [smiles] The unlinking worked! Maybe now we can make plans—

Elijah: Not now, Rebekah. Can we discuss this when I return? [walks toward the door in a hurry]

Rebekah: [face turns serious] I won't be here when you return.

Elijah: [stops walking and turns to Rebekah] That sounds like a goodbye.

Rebekah: ...I guess it is. I only came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe. You are. I thought that I might be able to convince you to come with me, but here you are, rushing into whatever Klaus and Marcel and the witches have cooked up. And I finally get it. [tears up] You'll never leave this city. You'll never leave Klaus.

Elijah: [looks at her, and then walks toward her] Then you should stay.

Rebekah: [shakes head] This thing that you and Klaus and Marcel have, I want no part of it. [tears fall down her cheeks] I just want to be free.

Elijah: [sadly] Well, then, go. [kisses her on the cheek] You are free! [Elijah leaves, and Rebekah tries to compose herself]



[Marcel’s Home]



[Marcel finishes his drink as Rebekah walks into the room]


Marcel: Rebekah. Twice in one night. To what do I owe the pleasure?

Rebekah: Call me old-fashioned, but I believe farewells are best in person.

Marcel: [inhales sharply] You got Elijah back, and now you two are gonna tuck-tail and run? Smart girl. Have a nice life.

Rebekah: He's staying. And I'm not running, I'm disembarking a sinking ship.

Marcel: People have been saying this city's been sinking since I was a boy. It ain't going anywhere. But hey! [grabs bottle of scotch] How 'bout one for the road? [pours a glass]

Rebekah: Why? So you can liquor me up and convince me to stay?

Marcel: [stands up and gets in her face] Why else did you come here?

Rebekah: I came to say goodbye.

Marcel: [whispers in her ear] Then say it.

[The stare into each other's eyes for a moment]

Rebekah: Forget it.


[She turns to leave, but Marcel grabs her wrist and pulls him toward her, kissing her. She pushes him away and glares at him for a moment, but then runs up to him and starts kissing him. He pushes her away and they start to undress as they make out. Rebekah shoves him onto a chair and sits on his lap as they start to have s*x]






[Klaus, Agnes, and Father Kieran are still arguing]

Klaus: You're a piece of work, Agnes. But, guess what? I'm quite a piece of work myself. You know, I contemplated leaving bits of you artfully arranged outside your family's tomb? I thought it would leave a fitting message. [zooms over to Agnes and pulls her up into a chokehold] Don't. Touch. My. Family.


[Elijah enters and approaches them]

Elijah: Leave her.

[Klaus pulls Agnes into a headlock and stands back as he watches Elijah walk down the aisle]

Elijah: I gave my word.

[Father Kieran stands up to greet Elijah]

Klaus: You tend to give your word at the most inopportune times, brother. We've been doing things your way all day. Come on! Just one little snap and it's "Toodle-loo, Agnes." She deserves it!

Elijah: Niklaus, don't make another move. You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word.

[Klaus glares at his brother as he considers it. After a moment, he lets Agnes go]

Klaus: [opens arms wide] My noble brother, how was that for personal growth, eh? Still, it is just like you to spoil all of my fun.

Elijah: [stares Agnes in the eyes] Oh, not exactly.


[Elijah zooms over to one of the men who helped Agnes and rips his heart out, throws a second man up into the air, and does the same to a third as he rips out the man's heart. He turns to Klaus with a bloody heart in each hand, and drops them to the floor. He pulls out his pocket square to wipe his hands as Agnes stares in horror, and Klaus grins proudly behind her]


Elijah: Now, I swore you would not die by my brother's hand. I said nothing of my own. [grabs Agnes in a chokehold and pushes her backwards] Nobody hurts my family and lives. [snaps her neck, and turns to leave] No one.



[Marcel’s house]


[Rebekah leans on the balcony railing and looks at the people on the street, wearing Marcel's button-up shirt. He comes up behind her and nuzzles at her neck]


Rebekah: Mmm. I've been away from this home almost a hundred years, and you haven't changed a thing in my bedroom.

Marcel: [smiles] I guess I was holding out hope that you'd come back to it. Though, I imagine it's not quite as comfortable as those beds at the Palace Royale Hotel.

Rebekah: [smiles awkwardly] It's plenty comfortable! [turns to her bag] I'm famished! [She pulls an apple out of her bag and offers it to him]

Marcel: Nah, apples aren't my thing.

Rebekah: They were your favorite, one upon a time. Marcel, Ah, they were! I'd get my ass beat if I ever ate them working on that plantation. Even the spoiled ones. Now, they just remind me of a time when I couldn't have things. [leans against Marcel and grabs his arms] Well, now you can have whatever you want. [beat] Come with me.

Marcel: And go where, Rebekah?

Rebekah: Wherever we want to! We can build a home together, we can leave behind Klaus, this city, and those Orphan-Annie vampires...

Marcel: Whoa, whoa, those "Orphan-Annie vampires" are my family, and this city is my home.

Rebekah: It was my home, too, once. I left.

Marcel: You ran. I stayed! This empire thrives because of me, and you want me to run? A man does not run from his home!

Rebekah: I've lived a lot longer than you have, Marcellus. I have seen kings rise, and fall, but there is one thing I know to be true. It is that no matter how matter how big your empire becomes, it is nothing if you have no one to share it with. [she glares at him] You want New Orleans? Have it. I won't be here to stop you. [shoves the apple into his chest and leaves]


[Marcel stares out at the street as he thinks about what just happened. It looks at the apple, and brings it to his nose to smell it]






[Josh has stopped by to find Klaus. Hayley answers the door]


Josh: Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day. Marcel knows that Klaus lied to him about where he lives.

Hayley: I'm not his damn keeper, Josh.

Josh: Fine! Just...tell him to call me, please.

Hayley: Okay. [shuts door]



[Josh walks away from the house, not knowing that Marcel is standing behind the tree, and has heard the entire conversation. Marcel sees a bunch of apples that have fallen from the apple tree and onto the ground. He picks one up, and we flashback to when Marcel was just a young boy, and was being whipped by a slavemaster. Young Marcel picks up an apple and lobs it at the man in anger. Marcel looks at the apple in his hand, and then looks over at the door]



[Someone knocks on the door again. Hayley goes to answer, thinking it's Josh again, but it's Marcel]

Hayley: Ugh, what the hell, Josh?

[Hayley opens door to find Marcel and is startled]

Marcel: [smiles] Hi there, I'm Marcel. I don't think we've met!

[Hayley looks scared and angry]






[Cami is cleaning up at the bar when Klaus comes in to see her]


Cami: What are you doing here?

Klaus: Do you remember the promise I made you?

Cami: Promise? No. [looks at Klaus, and his compulsion kicks in] Yes. You promised you'd find out what happened to Sean.

Klaus: And I kept my word. Your twin brother's behavior was not born of natural causes. A witch hexed him to commit those murders, and kill himself.

Cami: I knew it. I knew he wasn't crazy. Who is this witch?

Klaus: Well, you needn't trouble yourself over her. She's already paid for her actions in blood.

Cami: Wait, what? You killed somebody?

Klaus: Ah, well, I had a hand in the matter, yeah...

[Cami slaps him in the face]

Klaus: [frustrated] Forgive me if I'm a little surprised by your reaction—

Cami: How the hell am I supposed to react? You just made me culpable in a revenge murder I never asked for!

Klaus: I've been alive for a thousand years, and I can assure you, many people have died for far less! Besides, now you can find comfort in the truth! [awkwardly pats her arm]

Cami: [shrugs away from him angrily] The truth? You compel me, you make me at peace with something that should be tearing me up inside! I don't know how, but I will undo whatever the hell it is you've done to me! And when I do, you're gonna wish you'd never laid eyes on me!

[Klaus stares at her sadly for a moment, and the zooms away. A few seconds pass, and Cami suddenly forgets everything that just happened, due to Klaus' compulsion.]






[Outside, Klaus angrily stomps away from the bar, but Marcel catches up with him]


Marcel: Hey, where you been?

[Klaus stops walking, and rolls his eyes in annoyance before turning to Marcel]

Marcel: Not still mad about our tiff the other night, are you?

Klaus: [smiles fakely] Water under the bridge.

Marcel: Cami's all yours if you're interested. I'm feeling like right now's not the right time to pursue a relationship. Life's all about timing, you know? Speaking of, I swung by your house earlier to commiserate over a drink, but I must have just missed you.

Klaus: Oh, the Palace Royale didn't suit me, I moved on weeks ago.

Marcel: [smiles and shakes his head] Nooo, I mean your other place.






[Elijah comes home to find the house empty.]


Elijah: [looks around] Hayley?





Marcel: Interesting location to put down your roots, the same plantation where I was a slave. I guess that's why you never invited me over.

Klaus: Well, how rude of me. I'll speak to Elijah. I'm sure he'll be pleased to host you and Davina for the evening! Especially after you were so hospitable to him. [smiles]

Marcel: [smiles and chuckles] Good! I look forward to it.

[He and Klaus continue to shake hands, but as soon as Marcel leaves, Klaus' smile disappears and begins to look worried]





[Elijah calls Rebekah from the house, as she is on her way out of town in her car]


Rebekah: [on speakerphone] Goodbye means goodbye, Elijah.

Elijah: [worried] Is she with you?

Rebekah: What the hell are you talking about?

Elijah: Hayley's gone, where is she?

Rebekah: What?

[Klaus walks into Hayley's room anxiously and joins Elijah]

Klaus: Marcel was here.

[Elijah looks stunned, and absently drops the phone from his ear]




Kikavu ?

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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, Avant-hier à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Aujourd'hui à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

Viens chatter !